the official implementation of the paper "Isometric Multi-Shape Matching" (CVPR 2021)


Isometric Multi-Shape Matching (IsoMuSh)

Paper-CVF | Paper-arXiv | Video | Code

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If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

 title = {Isometric Multi-Shape Matching},
 author = {M. Gao and Z. Lähner and J. Thunberg and D. Cremers and F. Bernard},
 year = {2021},
 booktitle = {{IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}},
 keywords = {Shape Analysis, Geometry Processing, Shape Correspondence, Multi Shape Matching},

Note: The initial public release in this repository corresponds to the code version evluated in the CVPR'21 paper, after refactoring and cleanup. As the code evolves, runtime differences might become larger.

Running IsoMuSh

Since we use git-lfs to manage large binary *.mat files, you can run following commands to fetch the code and data:

git clone <isomush-repo>
git lfs install
git lfs pull

Then please refer to demo1.m for an example of TOSCA centaur and demo2.m for an example of FAUST person.

Note: The code was developed under MacOS and Ubuntu.


We thank the authors of ZoomOut (Simone Melzi, Jing Ren, Emanuele Rodolà, Abhishek Sharma, Peter Wonka, and Maks Ovsjanikov.), which we used as initialisation for IsoMuSh. Their code is provided as a copy in this repository for covenience. Some of their functions are adapted for our purposes, such as visualisation functions (code/external/zoomout).

We thank the authours of Numerical geometry of nonrigid shapes (Alexander & Michael Bronstein) for providing the fast_marching library (code/external/fmm_triangulated).

We thank Emanuele Rodola for providing the library to compute the shot feature (/code/external/shot).

We also thank L. Cosmo, E. Rodola, A. Albarelli, F. Memoli, D. Cremers for open source their published function fps_euclidean.m, and anonymous authors of functions (code/external/io and code/external/hks).


The code of the IsoMush project is licensed under a GNU Affero General Public License.

Please also consider licenses of used third-party codes and libraries. See folder code/external.

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