- Auto discover tuya lights
- Set and create moods (aka: light profiles)
- Change moods via IFTTT
- List moods via IFTTT
- FuzzyWuzzy, speech correction
- Change multiple lights at once
- Light groups
- Rotate colors within light groups
- Philips Hue/Zigbee support
The tuya (and consortia) app sucks! Also, it's fun to code!
How to run the application
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed. Make up a password for your database e.g. g52nkIOn12@ Now head to the root of this project (where the docker-compose.yml file is) with your terminal and run:
MONGO_PASSWORD=g52nkIOn12@ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build --remove-orphans
The application will be build and executed. Building takes around 2 minutes. Then open http://your-docker-host:7890 in your browser. The default password for admin is admin.
Configure your environment
- TuYa
Create a tuya developer account and create a cloud app ( Open the tab 'Tuya Settings' and fill in the required fields and hit save changes. LightBox will automatically scan your available light-bulbs and populate your database. Once this is done you can have fun in the Mood builder tab.
For IFTTT to work, Lightbox needs to be reachable from the internet. Make sure you forward port 7890 on your router to the docker host. Next, create an IFTTT ( account and create two applets. One is for setting a mood and the other for getting all available moods, via the google assistent (eg. google mini)
Query the available moods:
IF (Google Assistant):
Say a simple phrase (eg. 'list lightbox scenes')
THEN (Webhook)
GET: http://external_ip:7890/api/tuya_get_mood_names
Set an available mood:
IF (Google Assistant):
Say a phrase with a text ingredient (eg. 'activate scene $')
THEN (Webhook)
POST: http://external_ip:7890/api/tuya_set_mood
BODY: {"name": "textfield"}
Default user
At first startup a default login user will be created
username: admin
password: admin