A Python library to simulate a Zoom H6 recorder remote control

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A Python library to emulate a Zoom H6 recorder remote control


This library allows you to control your Zoom H6 recorder from your computer using an USB to TTL adapter. For this, you will need a few components to make a specific cable, but it's quite simple.


You will have to make a specific cable that connects a USB port from your computer to the Zoom H6 remote control port, but fear not. It's actually really simple.

You will need:

  • An FTDI USB to TTL converter:


  • A 2.5mm jack screw terminal:

2.5mm jack screw terminal

  • A simple 3 wire cable

All of these components are widely available to buy online and the overall cost is less than 5€.

Once you have all of the components, the wiring is also quite simple:

FTDI adapter 2.5mm jack
Rx L
Tx R


IMPORTANT: Make sure that the FTDI USB to TTL adapter jumper is set to 3.3v before using the cable. Leaving it at 5v could damage your recorder.


Simply install the library using pip:

pip install h6


You can include this library in your Python project or run it directly as a CLI tool.


To execute commands using your command line run:

h6 -p /dev/cu.usbserial-alcdut1 -c stop

You must specify the serial port using -p or --port and the command to send using -c or --command.

Importing the library

Usage example:

from h6 import ZoomH6
from time import sleep

# Define the serial port
serial_port = '/dev/cu.usbserial-alcdut1'

# Instantiate recorder
recorder = ZoomH6(serial_port)

# Initialize recorder

# Send 'rec' command

# wait for a while

# Send 'stop' command

As you can see, when instantiating the ZoomH6 class you will need to specify the serial port where your FTDI USB to TTL adapter is connected.

The initialize() function executes a specific handshake expected by the Zoom H6 recorder in order to accept incoming commands.

You can send any valid command to the recorder. Keep reading for a list with all the available commands.


The complete list of available commands is:

Command Button
play_pause Play / Pause
stop Stop
record Record
forward Forward
reverse Reverse
vol_up Increase volume
vol_down Decrease volume
ch1 Toggle Channel 1
ch2 Toggle Channel 2
ch3 Toggle Channel 3
ch4 Toggle Channel 4
chr Toggle R Channel
chl Toggle L Channel


This library has only been tested with the H6 model, but according to the Zoom support (see #1) it should work with other models such as the H4n and the H5.

If you get to try with any other model than the H6, please write your experience in that issue's comments.


  • 0.1.1:

    • Added 3 seconds timeout to avoid infinite handshake
    • Improved the way commands are sent
    • Renamed L and R channels commands for consistency
    • Improved error handling
    • Updated README file
    • Bumped version to 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0

    • Initial release
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    Great project.

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