Versionshaker is a tool to find a remote website version based on a git repository This tool will help you to find the website version of the github project in use based on static files like js,css,xml...
To use this tool you will need :
- Identify the git repository to use based on usual fingerprint (wordpress/joomla/magento/prestashop/drupal/...)
- Identify the interesting statics files (js, css, xml, ...)
- run with :
python3 -c <git_repo_url> -u <website_to_test> -f <files_to_check>
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run the project with the following options :
- -u : the remote website url
- -c or -l : use a remote git project to clone locally (inside the .tmp/ folder) or use an existing folder (be careful, this options will force checkout the different tags and so this can break unsaved work)
- -f : the list of files to check (comma separated)
- -v : add verbosity (optional)
- -p : path corresponding to the web folder inside the git repository (useful in case of public/ folder by example)
- -P : add proxy options (optional)
- -t : the list of tags to check coma separated instead of the (optional)
Example :
python3 -c -u -f wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css,wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js