An implementation of Equivariant e2 convolutional kernals into a convolutional self attention network, applied to radio astronomy data.
This work extends and builds on previous work:
- FR Classification using e2cnn, whose code is here.
- Attention for FR Classificaion, whose code is here. This work makes extensive use of the
package: e2cnn.
Imports for General Use
import os
import torch
import e2cnn
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import configparser as ConfigParser
import utils
Loading a network:
To load a network import the network files, read in a config file, and load the network with the config file parameters:
from networks import AGRadGalNet, VanillaLeNet, testNet, DNSteerableLeNet, DNSteerableAGRadGalNet
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config_path = "configs/CONFIG_NAME"
net = locals()[config['model']['base']](**config['model']).to(device)
Alternatively, if you know which architecture you want to use, only import that and load in the config parameters (i.e. without using locals()
from networks import DNSteerableAGRadGalNet
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config_path = "configs/CONFIG_NAME"
net = DNSteerableAGRadGalNet(**config['model']).to(device)
Loading a model:
To load the best performing model (according to early stopping) from a given model training session:
path_supliment = config['data']['augment']+'/'
model = utils.utils.load_model(config, load_model='best', device=device, path_supliment=path_supliment)
Testing a model:
Follow the example of evaluation.ipynb for model evaluation.
Defining a model:
To define your own model simply create a new config which follows the examples provided in configs.
Training a model:
To train a model use the train.py using your config file:
python3.8 train.py --config YOUR_CONFIG_NAME.cfg >& logs/YOUR_CONFIG_NAME.log