Unsupervised clustering of high content screen samples



Unsupervised clustering and dataset exploration for high content screens.

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See microscopium in action


Public dataset BBBC021 from the Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection with t-SNE image embedding.

For developers

We encourage pull requests - please get in touch if you think you might like to contribute.


This project uses the 3-clause BSD license. See LICENSE.txt.

Development installation

First, clone this repository, and change into its directory:

git clone https://github.com/microscopium/microscopium.git
cd microscopium

Then, install the dependencies via one of the below methods

conda, new environment (recommended)

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate mic

conda, existing environment

# conda activate <env-name>
conda install -f environment.yml


pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, install microscopium, optionally as an editable package:

pip install [-e] .

Serving the web app

Supported browsers are Chrome and Firefox. However we have observed that performance is much better on Chrome. (Unfortunately, we do not currently support Safari or Internet Explorer.)

Your data needs to have the following format:

  • a collection of image files (can be in a directory, or in a nested directory structure)
  • a .csv file containing, at a minimum, the x/y coordinates of each image, and the path to the image in the directory. The path should be relative to the location of the .csv file.
  • a .yaml file containing settings. At a minimum, it should contain an embeddings field with maps from <embedding name> to column names for x and y, as well as image-column containing the name of the column containing the path to each image. If you don't want to specify the settings file path, place settings.yaml next to the .csv file. Microscopium will look here by default.

For example data, see:

  • tests/testdata/images/*.png
  • tests/testdata/images/data.csv
  • tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml

To run the web app locally, try:

python -m microscopium.serve tests/testdata/images/data.csv -c tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml

You should then be able to see the app in your web browser at: http://localhost:5000

You can specify a port number with -P.

python -m microscopium.serve tests/testdata/images/data.csv -P 5001

This specifies the port number as 5001, and the app will run locally at: http://localhost:5001/

For more information, run python -m microscopium.serve --help

  • Intra/inter-gene distance function -- WIP

    Intra/inter-gene distance function -- WIP

    Here's an implementation of the function discussed this morning .. Nearly finished but not quite there yet. A couple of items..

    • I've done the hacky sq_to_dist voodoo so the distance matrix is kept condensed to preserve memory, and the condensed form makes for nicer output.
    • In hindsight intra/inter are terrible choices of words, I'll rename these in the next commit so the code is a little easier to read :)
    • It currently takes the gene labels as a 1D 'membership' vector.. is this suitable? If we're inputting a MongoDB collection item, this can be cast into the right form easily enough..
    opened by starcalibre 18
  • Add compression and streaming montage support

    Add compression and streaming montage support

    • Files written using all functions now have compression=1 enabled by default, which should save quite a bit of HDD space.
    • A new montage function takes a stream of images and feeds back a (reduced) stream of montaged and channel stacked images. This should eventually supplant batch_stitch_stack.
    opened by jni 17
  • Doctests and clustering methods

    Doctests and clustering methods

    Added a couple of doctests to the simpler functions in preprocessing.py Added DBSCAN and KMeans clustering to cluster.py

    Unsure how to add a test to something non-deterministic like DBSCAN -- maybe apply clustering to the iris dataset with a fixed random-state?

    opened by starcalibre 17
  • Javascript error when updating table display (PR #87 export-data)

    Javascript error when updating table display (PR #87 export-data)

    Re: PR https://github.com/microscopium/microscopium/pull/87

    I'm getting a javascript error related to updating the datatable with selected data from the scatterplot. It doesn't seem like a fatal error, but should still be fixed:

    error handling message Message 'PATCH-DOC' (revision 1): DeserializationError("Seq(Any) expected a list or None, got {'0': -0.43731416321298383, '1': -0.4933948783766794}",)

    Plan of attack - set the table.source to a CDSView of the scatterplot source selected indices.

    Some other possibly related info:

    • https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues/7417#event-1898832123
    • https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/pull/8310
    opened by GenevieveBuckley 12
  • [MRG] Global threshold for feature computation

    [MRG] Global threshold for feature computation

    This PR allows the selection of a globally optimum threshold for object detection in input images, instead of computing a different threshold for each image. This is enabled by the global illumination correction from a previous PR.

    opened by jni 11
  • Update Mongo query in metrics.py to be PyMongo3 compatible

    Update Mongo query in metrics.py to be PyMongo3 compatible

    So this was pretty easy, see the PyMongo docs. PyMongo 3.x returns a cursor from an aggregation query now. The cursor isn't accessed with the result key anymore.

    opened by starcalibre 10
  • config.yml - recursive formatting all numeric values to float

    config.yml - recursive formatting all numeric values to float

    So if we ever want to recursively loop through nested dictionaries created with yaml.safe_load() and turn any numeric values into floats, I recently wrote code to do this in another project.


    import yaml
    def load_config(yaml_filename):
        """Load user input from yaml settings file.
        yaml_filename : str
            Filename path of user configuration file.
            Dictionary containing user input settings.
        with open(yaml_filename, "r") as f:
            settings = yaml.safe_load(f)
        settings = _format_dictionary(settings)
        return settings
    def _format_dictionary(dictionary):
        """Recursively traverse dictionary and covert all numeric values to flaot.
        dictionary : dict
            Any arbitrarily structured python dictionary.
            The input dictionary, with all numeric values converted to float type.
        for key, item in dictionary.items():
            if isinstance(item, dict):
            elif isinstance(item, list):
                dictionary[key] = [_format_dictionary(i) for i in item]
                if item is not None:
                        dictionary[key] = float(dictionary[key])
                    except ValueError:
        return dictionary
    opened by GenevieveBuckley 8
  • [FEAT] microscopium user interface, export selected data

    [FEAT] microscopium user interface, export selected data

    This pull request supersedes PR https://github.com/microscopium/microscopium/pull/86. When this is merged, that can be closed.

    I believe this also closes https://github.com/microscopium/microscopium/issues/80, unless you also want to include the 'nearest neighbors' view like Sarah had in the bokeh prototype here (see issue https://github.com/microscopium/microscopium/issues/73, branch https://github.com/birdsarah/microscopium/tree/bokeh_proto).

    New features include:

    • [x] Enforced a consistent aspect ratio when using the zoom tools on image plots.
    • [x] Add instructions to README on running the web app locally (ie: not using bokeh serve ...)
    • [x] Bokeh tooltips added when you hover over
    • [x] Export selected data to csv with javascript callback to download_data.js
    • [x] Prints web app display to paper or pdf with javascript callback
    • [x] If the csv input contains a 'group' column, scatterplot data will have colors assigned to each group, plus a clickable legend to hide or display each group of data.

    And a discussion of possible future problems, in order of severity:

    1. Some really weird stuff is happening with the bokeh 'save' toolbar button. I've removed it for now and instead included a button that will print the whole webpage to paper or pdf. Details: It works fine to the PCA plot, but is inconsistent for the selected images plot. If you open the Chrome developer Javascript console, then you can (sometimes) magically make it work. It seems that this magical workaround doesn't work so well if you're not using bokeh serve though. I'm also pretty sure it's not entirely related to the next javascript error I'll talk about, because this odd save behaviour still happens when those lines of code are commented out.

    2. I get a javascript error related to updating the datatable with the selected data. It doesn't seem like a fatal error, but should still be fixed: error handling message Message 'PATCH-DOC' (revision 1): DeserializationError("Seq(Any) expected a list or None, got {'0': -0.43731416321298383, '1': -0.4933948783766794}",)

    3. Javascript doesn't support objects like python tuples, so I couldn't work out how to export dataframe columns containing these to csv (like the 'neighbors' column). So I'm excluding those for now, but I bet someone will want this!

    4. It seems that bokeh's datatable doesn't support index values other than the usual 0, 1, 2, ... etc. So even though the pandas dataframe has the index values set to something fancy, we don't see those index values on the webpage or in the csv download of selected data.

    5. I haven't chosen to make the table resize itself when the browser is resized, I think that would probably end up looking silly. Let me know if you think I should reconsider. I do still think it's worthwhile having a table of selected datapoints on display, since it's a good visual clue if you haven't selected anything.

    opened by GenevieveBuckley 8
  • Update cellomics functions

    Update cellomics functions

    After your comments on my big PR on the UI I'm like "NOW LOOK AT MORE CODE BWAHAHAH".

    Summary of PR:

    • The cellomics_semantic_filename has been updated to support the filename format used by the BBBC17/HT29 dataset. The HT29 dataset has files in the format:


    ie, there is an underscore (or is that a lodash? ;)) in the screen name! Bah!! I've updated the cellomics_semantic_filename function so it can correctly parse screen names with and without underscores. It also ignores the '_stitched' tag that gets added to stitched files.

    • The snail stitch function has been re-written to accept the spiral configuration as an argument. Through it'd be nice to write this function such that I could just input snail_stitch((3, 2), 'left') and it'd do the rest, so I'd like to add this as an issue (however low priority).
    • Tests! A more comprehensive test has been written for the cellomics_semantic_filename function, along with a test for make_key2file and two tests for the stitching function. I adapted your method of generating test images from test_pre.py. Only thing I'm not sure about are the image_files_25 and image_files_6 functions. Is there any way to generate the number of images where I'd just need to call image_files(25) and image_files(6) ?
    opened by starcalibre 8
  • Investigate SQLite3 as Mongo alternative

    Investigate SQLite3 as Mongo alternative

    A small app I'm working on is using SQLite3 for the database, and I think it offers a few advantages over MongoDB, especially for a single-user app like ours that will be run locally.


    • Database lives in self contained file, no daemon is required to access the data. This is the big advantage.
    • Smaller footprint than Mongo.
    • Well supported in Python/Node.js


    • Key-value pairs of documents in Mongo feel more 'Pythonic'
    • Data is not kept natively as JSON document (parsers exist however)
    • SQL syntax
    • Does not support arrays as a value type.

    Seeing as I am writing code to process the Cellomics files, I thought it might be worth trialling SQLite for storing data. Any thoughts?

    opened by starcalibre 8
  • Haralick texture features

    Haralick texture features

    Calculate Haralick texture features of whole images (using skimage.feature.greycomatrix and skimage.feature.greycoprops).

    Closes https://github.com/microscopium/microscopium/issues/129


    • [ ] Check/update default values for input arguments distances, angles, and levels. Is distances=[5], angles=[0], levels=256 sensible?
    • [ ] Add Haralick texture features to the default_feature_map() function. Yay or nay?
    • [x] Write unit tests. (Currently there are no unit tests for features.py except the two docstring examples, fyi)


    • Example from the scikit-image docs: GLCM Texture Features
    • The GLCM Tutorial Home Page, http://www.fp.ucalgary.ca/mhallbey/tutorial.htm
    opened by GenevieveBuckley 6
  • Failing test due to h5py

    Failing test due to h5py

    Running the tests locally using the environment provided by environment.yml, I get the following test failure:

    _______________ [doctest] microscopium.io.temporary_hdf5_dataset _______________
    EXAMPLE LOCATION UNKNOWN, not showing all tests of that example
    ??? >>> with temporary_hdf5_dataset(shape, 'float32') as dset:
    ??? ...     dset[:] = ar
    ??? ...     np.testing.assert_allclose(dset, ar)
    UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION: OSError('Unable to open file (file signature not found)')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/jni/conda/envs/mic/lib/python3.9/doctest.py", line 1336, in __run
        exec(compile(example.source, filename, "single",
      File "<doctest microscopium.io.temporary_hdf5_dataset[2]>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/Users/jni/conda/envs/mic/lib/python3.9/contextlib.py", line 117, in __enter__
        return next(self.gen)
      File "/Users/jni/projects/microscopium/microscopium/io.py", line 132, in temporary_hdf5_dataset
        f = h5py.File(hdf5_filename)
      File "/Users/jni/conda/envs/mic/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h5py/_hl/files.py", line 424, in __init__
        fid = make_fid(name, mode, userblock_size,
      File "/Users/jni/conda/envs/mic/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h5py/_hl/files.py", line 190, in make_fid
        fid = h5f.open(name, flags, fapl=fapl)
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/h5f.pyx", line 96, in h5py.h5f.open
    OSError: Unable to open file (file signature not found)
    /Users/jni/projects/microscopium/microscopium/io.py:None: UnexpectedException
    opened by jni 0
  • TEST: Move from Travis to Github Actions for testing

    TEST: Move from Travis to Github Actions for testing

    Travis has just announced a change in their pricing structure, and no longer offer free builds for open source projects. https://blog.travis-ci.com/2020-11-02-travis-ci-new-billing

    We should switch to another CI platform (maybe Github Actions).

    opened by GenevieveBuckley 1
  • Consider star clustering for validation

    Consider star clustering for validation

    We often use clustering for validation of the results (eg: 5-fold cross validation & k-means clustering to assess the quality of results). But k-means requires you to know how many clusters are expected which might bias the outcome, and isn't easily transferable to datasets where this is unknown.

    It might be worth investigating the newly available star-clustering method: https://github.com/josephius/star-clustering

    From the README:

    The Star Clustering algorithm is a clustering technique that is loosely inspired and analogous to the process of star system formation. Its purpose is as an alternative clustering algorithm that does not require knowing the number of clusters in advance or any hyperparameter tuning.

    opened by GenevieveBuckley 1
  • Refreshing the web page causes the app to crash

    Refreshing the web page causes the app to crash

    Refreshing the web page causes the microscopium app to crash.

    How to reproduce this

    I ran the example command from our README page:

    python -m microscopium.serve tests/testdata/images/data.csv -c tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml

    Then opened http://localhost:5000/ which displays the app, then refreshed the web page.

    Error message

    Here's the relevant part of the traceback:

      File "C:\Users\genevieb\Documents\GitHub\microscopium\microscopium\serve.py", line 357, in makedoc
        prepare_xy(source, settings)  # get the default embedding columns
      File "C:\Users\genevieb\Documents\GitHub\microscopium\microscopium\serve.py", line 49, in prepare_xy
        default_embedding = settings['embeddings']['default']
    KeyError: 'default'

    Probable cause

    It seems the switch_embeddings_button_group function is deleting this dictionary key in line 305 of serve.py. I don't know if there was a reason for us to have that line in there.

    opened by GenevieveBuckley 1
  • New features enabled by Bokeh 1.3

    New features enabled by Bokeh 1.3

    Hot on the heels of #145, Bokeh has hit 1.3 with several new features that could be useful for us:

    • a file open dialog could be used for launching an empty microscopium server and then selecting the input file from there, which is a great usability improvement.
    • a text input widget could be used to filter points based on search.


    opened by jni 0
  • CSV columns parsed as numeric dtypes cause errors if used as categorical groups

    CSV columns parsed as numeric dtypes cause errors if used as categorical groups

    If the color-columns in tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml refer to a csv column that can be parsed as numbers instead of strings then the microscopium server will fail to launch.

    It is important to have this be allowed, because often you want to group things by say, animal number.

    How to reproduce

    If you edit tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml and change the line that says:

        - gene

    and change it to say this instead:

        - x.umap

    And then you can launch the web app with:

    python -m microscopium.serve tests/testdata/images/data.csv -c tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml

    Error message

    You don't see an error until you try to load/refresh localhost in your browser. Then you see a: 500: Internal Server Error

    and the traceback in the terminal is:

    $ python -m microscopium.serve tests/testdata/images/data.csv -c tests/testdata/images/settings.yaml
    WARNING:bokeh.server.util:Host wildcard '*' will allow connections originating from multiple (or possibly all) hostnames or IPs. Use non-wildcard values to restrict access explicitly
    ERROR:tornado.application:Uncaught exception GET / (::1)
    HTTPServerRequest(protocol='http', host='localhost:5000', method='GET', uri='/', version='HTTP/1.1', remote_ip='::1')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/web.py", line 1699, in _execute
        result = await result
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 742, in run
        yielded = self.gen.throw(*exc_info)  # type: ignore
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/server/views/doc_handler.py", line 55, in get
        session = yield self.get_session()
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 735, in run
        value = future.result()
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 742, in run
        yielded = self.gen.throw(*exc_info)  # type: ignore
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/server/views/session_handler.py", line 77, in get_session
        session = yield self.application_context.create_session_if_needed(session_id, self.request)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 735, in run
        value = future.result()
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 748, in run
        yielded = self.gen.send(value)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/server/contexts.py", line 215, in create_session_if_needed
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/application/application.py", line 178, in initialize_document
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/application/handlers/function.py", line 133, in modify_document
      File "/Users/genevieve/Documents/GitHub/microscopium-universe/microscopium-feature/microscopium/serve.py", line 349, in makedoc
        embed = embedding(source, settings)
      File "/Users/genevieve/Documents/GitHub/microscopium-universe/microscopium-feature/microscopium/serve.py", line 204, in embedding
        group_filter = GroupFilter(column_name=color_column, group=group)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/models/filters.py", line 111, in __init__
        super(GroupFilter, self).__init__(**kw)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/models/filters.py", line 62, in __init__
        super(Filter, self).__init__(**kw)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/model.py", line 307, in __init__
        super(Model, self).__init__(**kwargs)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/has_props.py", line 253, in __init__
        setattr(self, name, value)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/has_props.py", line 280, in __setattr__
        super(HasProps, self).__setattr__(name, value)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/property/descriptors.py", line 545, in __set__
        self._internal_set(obj, value, setter=setter)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/property/descriptors.py", line 766, in _internal_set
        value = self.property.prepare_value(obj, self.name, value)
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/property/bases.py", line 327, in prepare_value
        raise e
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/property/bases.py", line 320, in prepare_value
      File "/Users/genevieve/anaconda3/envs/microscopium/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bokeh/core/property/bases.py", line 452, in validate
        raise ValueError(msg)
    ValueError: expected a value of type str, got -0.4722998308884122 of type float64
    ERROR:tornado.access:500 GET / (::1) 41.45ms
    opened by GenevieveBuckley 1
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