FS-Mol: A Few-Shot Learning Dataset of Molecules

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Deep Learning FS-Mol

FS-Mol: A Few-Shot Learning Dataset of Molecules

This repository contains data and code for FS-Mol: A Few-Shot Learning Dataset of Molecules.


  1. Clone or download this repository

  2. Install dependencies

    cd FS-Mol
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate fsmol

The code for the Molecule Attention Transformer baseline is added as a submodule of this repository. Hence, in order to be able to run MAT, one has to clone our repository via git clone --recurse-submodules. Alternatively, one can first clone our repository normally, and then set up submodules via git submodule update --init. If the MAT submodule is not set up, all the other parts of our repository should continue to work.


The dataset is available as a download, FS-Mol Data, split into train, valid and test folders. Additionally, we specify which tasks are to be used with the file datasets/fsmol-0.1.json, a default list of tasks for each data fold. We note that the complete dataset contains many more tasks. Should use of all possible training tasks available be desired, the training script argument --task_list_file datasets/entire_train_set.json should be used. The task lists will be used to version FS-Mol in future iterations as more data becomes available via ChEMBL.

Tasks are stored as individual compressed JSONLines files, with each line corresponding to the information to a single datapoint for the task. Each datapoint is stored as a JSON dictionary, following a fixed structure:

    "Property": "ACTIVITY BOOL LABEL",
    "Assay_ID": "CHEMBL ID",
    "RegressionProperty": "ACTIVITY VALUE",
    "LogRegressionProperty": "LOG ACTIVITY VALUE",
    "AssayType": "TYPE OF ASSAY",
    "fingerprints": [...],
    "descriptors": [...],
    "graph": {
        "adjacency_lists": [
           [... SINGLE BONDS AS PAIRS ...],
           [... DOUBLE BONDS AS PAIRS ...],
           [... TRIPLE BONDS AS PAIRS ...]
        "node_types": [...ATOM TYPES...],
        "node_features": [...NODE FEATURES...],


The fs_mol.data.FSMolDataset class provides programmatic access in Python to the train/valid/test tasks of the few-shot dataset. An instance is created from the data directory by FSMolDataset.from_directory(/path/to/dataset). More details and examples of how to use FSMolDataset are available in fs_mol/notebooks/dataset.ipynb.

Evaluating a new Model

We have provided an implementation of the FS-Mol evaluation methodology in fs_mol.utils.eval_utils.eval_model(). This is a framework-agnostic python method, and we demonstrate how to use it for evaluating a new model in detail in notebooks/evaluation.ipynb.

Note that our baseline test scripts (fs_mol/baseline_test.py, fs_mol/maml_test.py, fs_mol/mat_test, fs_mol/multitask_test.py and fs_mol/protonet_test.py) use this method as well and can serve as examples on how to integrate per-task fine-tuning in TensorFlow (maml_test.py), fine-tuning in PyTorch (mat_test.py) and single-task training for scikit-learn models (baseline_test.py). These scripts also support the --task_list_file parameter to choose different sets of test tasks, as required.

Baseline Model Implementations

We provide implementations for three key few-shot learning methods: Multitask learning, Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning, and Prototypical Networks, as well as evaluation on the Single-Task baselines and the Molecule Attention Transformer (MAT) paper, code.

All results and associated plots are found in the baselines/ directory.

These baseline methods can be run on the FS-Mol dataset as follows:

kNNs and Random Forests -- Single Task Baselines

Our kNN and RF baselines are obtained by permitting grid-search over a industry-standard parameter set, detailed in the script baseline_test.py.

The baseline single-task evaluation can be run as follows, with a choice of kNN or randomForest model:

python fs_mol/baseline_test.py /path/to/data --model {kNN, randomForest}

Molecule Attention Transformer

The Molecule Attention Transformer (MAT) paper, code.

The Molecule Attention Transformer can be evaluated as:

python fs_mol/mat_test.py /path/to/pretrained-mat /path/to/data

GNN-MAML pre-training and evaluation

The GNN-MAML model consists of a GNN operating on the molecular graph representations of the dataset. The model consists of a $8$-layer GNN with node-embedding dimension $128$. The GNN uses "Edge-MLP" message passing. The model was trained with a support set size of $16$ according to the MAML procedure Finn 2017. The hyperparameters used in the model checkpoint are default settings of maml_train.py.

The current defaults were used to train the final versions of GNN-MAML available here.

python fs_mol/maml_train.py /path/to/data 

Evaluation is run as:

python fs_mol/maml_test.py /path/to/data --trained_model /path/to/gnn-maml-checkpoint

GNN-MT pre-training and evaluation

The GNN-MT model consists of a GNN operating on the molecular graph representations of the dataset. The model consists of a $10$-layer GNN with node-embedding dimension $128$. The model uses principal neighbourhood aggregation (PNA) message passing. The hyperparameters used in the model checkpoint are default settings of multitask_train.py. This method has similarities to the approach taken for the task-only training contained within Hu 2019

python fs_mol/multitask_train.py /path/to/data 

Evaluation is run as:

python fs_mol/multitask_test.py /path/to/gnn-mt-checkpoint /path/to/data

Prototypical Networks (PN) pre-training and evaluation

The prototypical networks method Snell 2017 extracts representations of support set datapoints and uses these to classify positive and negative examples. We here used the Mahalonobis distance as a metric for query point distance to class prototypes.

python fs_mol/protonet_train.py /path/to/data 

Evaluation is run as:

python fs_mol/protonet_test.py /path/to/pn-checkpoint /path/to/data

Available Model Checkpoints

We provide pre-trained models for GNN-MAML, GNN-MT and PN, these are downloadable from the links to figshare.

Model Name Description Checkpoint File
GNN-MAML Support set size 16. 8-layer GNN. Edge MLP message passing. MAML-Support16_best_validation.pkl
GNN-MT 10-layer GNN. PNA message passing multitask_best_model.pt
PN 10-layer GGN, PNA message passing. ECFP+GNN, Mahalonobis distance metric PN-Support64_best_validation.pt

Specifying, Training and Evaluating New Model Implementations

Flexible definition of few-shot models and single task models is defined as demonstrated in the range of train and test scripts in fs_mol.

We give a detailed example of how to use the abstract class AbstractTorchFSMolModel in notebooks/integrating_torch_models.ipynb to integrate a new general PyTorch model, and note that the evaluation procedure described below is demonstrated on sklearn models in fs_mol/baseline_test.py and on a Tensorflow-based GNN model in fs_mol/maml_test.py.


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  • chore(*): update env to stop breaking MAML train, fix notebook datase…

    chore(*): update env to stop breaking MAML train, fix notebook datase…

    Tiny changes -- easier to add azure to env than remove all references. Also there was an issue raised by a user re: path to the dataset in one of the notebooks.

    opened by megstanley 3
  • Dataset filtering details

    Dataset filtering details

    In your FS-Mol paper, it is said that only assays with 32 to 5000 compounds are kept, and the remaining training dataset then contains 4938 assays. However, if I try to filter out those from your provided dataset loading code, I'm left with ~24k assays.

    from fs_mol.data import FSMolDataset, DataFold
    dataset = FSMolDataset.from_directory(FS_MOL_DATASET_PATH)
    train_task_iterable = dataset.get_task_reading_iterable(DataFold.TRAIN)
    assay_sizes = []
    for t in train_task_iterable:
    print(len(assay_sizes[np.where(np.logical_and(assay_sizes >= 32, assay_sizes <= 5000))[0]]))
    # prints 23832

    Is there something obvious that I'm missing?

    opened by gregorkrz 2
  • Possible Error in Dataset Notebook

    Possible Error in Dataset Notebook


    In your example notebook for datasets (https://github.com/microsoft/FS-Mol/blob/main/notebooks/dataset.ipynb) the dataset path seems to be wrong. You have put FS_MOL_DATASET_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "Datasets", "FS-Mol"), but for it to work I had to change this to FS_MOL_DATASET_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "Datasets", "FS-Mol", "datasets") (i.e. use the "/datasets" dir instead of the base dir in the repo). Perhaps you could update this if it is a mistake, or clarify it if it is not a mistake?

    opened by AustinT 1
  • Adding the baselines results csvs and data

    Adding the baselines results csvs and data

    Adding baselines summary csvs that are used by notebooks/visualize to plot everything. Update this PR 'ed branch with final PN results when available.

    Also small changes to plotting utils to allow consistent task highlighting/less naff colours etc.

    also moved the target_info csvs

    opened by megstanley 1
  • Adding plotting notebook

    Adding plotting notebook

    Adding plotting notebook, updating the utils.

    The file paths in here need to be changed when the dataset/results csvs are moved in to the repo

    NOTE: obvious TODO I will do before merging -- move this to the notebooks/ directory

    opened by megstanley 1
  • Dataset documentation

    Dataset documentation

    Changes to README.md to point to a notebook explaining how the dataset works, extensions to docstrings for fs_mol/data.

    Part 1 of docs, to be followed with Part 2: training a fresh model and evaluating.

    opened by megstanley 1
  • fix(data/maml.py): type mismatch between tf2gnn input signature and data

    fix(data/maml.py): type mismatch between tf2gnn input signature and data

    Type casts to match the input to the tf2gnn specified input types here: https://github.com/microsoft/tf2-gnn/blob/182eb6b337cecf1f0d6dce237a4a8ff4e5599e67/tf2_gnn/layers/gnn.py#L220

    opened by megstanley 0
  • Unify GNN/graph readout between GNNMultitask and Protonet models

    Unify GNN/graph readout between GNNMultitask and Protonet models

    This is a bit unwiedly because it touches a lot of components, but in particular it does three related things:

    • Unify all code related to "take graph, provide graph representation" into shared classes, which are used in both GNNMultitask as well as in the ProtoNet case. This includes not only model code, but also configuration objects and command line argument-handling.
    • Fix the oddity in which our models had to transform data to torch tensors (because inputs sometimes where np arrays); they now all take torch.Tensor objects, and the data loading infrastructure is fixed to provide these.
    • Add two (small) new features: loading of a pre-trained GNN in ProtoNets (which is enabled by the shared code, as it takes the GNNMultitask-pretrained model), and normalization on GNN outputs (off by default).
    opened by mmjb 0
  • feat: pipeline pushing GitHub updates to MSR private fork

    feat: pipeline pushing GitHub updates to MSR private fork

    This automatically syncs updates on the public repo with the internal repo (by merging) on all branches; if merge fails, the pipeline will fail and require manual intervention.

    opened by mmjb 0
  • Mean metric function

    Mean metric function

    Fixing the aggregation/taking mean over metrics so that within task means are taken before means over multiple tasks are taken.

    I think I got all the instances where this occurs. Let me know if I missed one.

    This is on top of the multiway validation PR for now.

    opened by megstanley 0
  • fix(multitask_train): excess arg to train loop

    fix(multitask_train): excess arg to train loop

    Fix to prevent multitask_train from breaking due to an unused argument in the train_loop() call.

    Do we want to occasionally save intermediate best validation models?

    opened by megstanley 0
  • Evaluation methodology for regression task

    Evaluation methodology for regression task


    Thanks for making this dataset available! I'm wondering if there are any scripts for evaluating models on the task of predicting continuous values, i.e. RegressionProperty, or maybe a reference that uses FS-Mol for this task? In the utils/metrics directory I only see binary evaluation tools.


    opened by PeterEckmann1 0
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