Official implementation of "Generating 3D Molecules for Target Protein Binding"


Generating 3D Molecules for Target Protein Binding

This is the official implementation of the GraphBP method proposed in the following paper.

Meng Liu, Youzhi Luo, Kanji Uchino, Koji Maruhashi, and Shuiwang Ji. "Generating 3D Molecules for Target Protein Binding".


We include key dependencies below. The versions we used are in the parentheses. Our detailed environmental setup is available in environment.yml.

  • PyTorch (1.9.0)
  • PyTorch Geometric (1.7.2)
  • rdkit-pypi (2021.9.3)
  • biopython (1.79)
  • openbabel (3.3.1)

Preparing Data

  • Download and extract the CrossDocked2020 dataset:
wget -P data/crossdock2020/
tar -C data/crossdock2020/ -xzf data/crossdock2020/CrossDocked2020_v1.1.tgz
wget -P data/crossdock2020/
wget -P data/crossdock2020/

Note: (1) The unzipping process could take a lot of time. Unzipping on SSD is much faster!!! (2) Several samples in the training set cannot be processed by our code. Hence, we recommend replacing the it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_train0_fixed.types file with a new one, where these samples are deleted. The new one is available here.

  • Split data files:
python scripts/ data/crossdock2020/it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_train0_fixed.types data/crossdock2020
python scripts/ data/crossdock2020/it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_test0_fixed.types data/crossdock2020


  • Train GraphBP from scratch:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${you_gpu_id} python

Note: GraphBP can be trained on a 48GB GPU with batchsize=16. Our trained model is avaliable here.

  • Generate atoms in the 3D space with the trained model:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${you_gpu_id} python
  • Postprocess and then save the generated molecules:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${you_gpu_id} python


      title={Generating 3D Molecules for Target Protein Binding},
      author={Meng Liu and Youzhi Luo and Kanji Uchino and Koji Maruhashi and Shuiwang Ji},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.09410},
  • Data preparation BUG

    Data preparation BUG


    Dear Authors, when we run your code "python scripts/ data/crossdock2020/it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_train0_fixed.types data/crossdock2020", we have downloaded and replaced the old train0_fixed.types file, but we also got one BUG as shown in the screen shoot. How can I solve this? Ask for help, thank you a lot!

    opened by JackAILab 4
  • FileNotFoundError:No such file or directory: './data/crossdock2020/selected_test_targets.types'

    FileNotFoundError:No such file or directory: './data/crossdock2020/selected_test_targets.types'

    Hi,thanks for your work! When I run the , the following ERROR message is displayed:

    nohup: ignoring input Epoch: 33 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 30, in all_mol_dicts = runner.generate(num_gen, temperature=[node_temp, dist_temp, angle_temp, torsion_temp], max_atoms=max_atoms, min_atoms=min_atoms, focus_th=focus_th, contact_th=contact_th, add_final=True, known_binding_site=known_binding_site) File "/public/thw/GraphBP/GraphBP/", line 120, in generate data_lines = pd.read_csv( File "/home/anaconda/software/envs/GraphBP/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 311, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/anaconda/software/envs/GraphBP/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/", line 680, in read_csv return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/home/anaconda/software/envs/GraphBP/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/", line 575, in _read parser = TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, **kwds) File "/home/anaconda/software/envs/GraphBP/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/", line 933, in init self._engine = self._make_engine(f, self.engine) File "/home/anaconda/software/envs/GraphBP/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/", line 1217, in _make_engine self.handles = get_handle( # type: ignore[call-overload] File "/home/anaconda/software/envs/GraphBP/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 789, in get_handle handle = open( FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/crossdock2020/selected_test_targets.types'

    Would you kindly help me to solve the problem ? Thanks !

    opened by Hovi123123 4
  • RuntimeError: CUDA error: the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.

    RuntimeError: CUDA error: the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.

    Hi, I met with the error while running: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 6, in <module>
        runner = Runner(conf)
      File "/home/yipyewmun/GitHub/GraphBP/GraphBP/", line 25, in __init__
        self.model = GraphBP(**conf['model'])
      File "/home/yipyewmun/GitHub/GraphBP/GraphBP/model/", line 40, in __init__
        self.feat_net ='cuda')
      File "/home/yipyewmun/anaconda3/envs/gen/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 852, in to
        return self._apply(convert)
      File "/home/yipyewmun/anaconda3/envs/gen/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 530, in _apply
      File "/home/yipyewmun/anaconda3/envs/gen/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 552, in _apply
        param_applied = fn(param)
      File "/home/yipyewmun/anaconda3/envs/gen/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 850, in convert
        return, dtype if t.is_floating_point() or t.is_complex() else None, non_blocking)
    RuntimeError: CUDA error: the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.
    CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
    For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.

    Any possible ideas on how I can resolve this? :)

    opened by yipy0005 2
  • How many the training samples and the test samples and why not comapred with other sota models?

    How many the training samples and the test samples and why not comapred with other sota models?


    I have noticed that the dataset consists of 500K samples after filtering which is described in your paper. However, the it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_test0_fixed.types file includes more than 480K samples while it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_test0_fixed.types file includes more than 230K samples.

    You have selected 10 target proteins as LiGAN for test evaluation, but 90 protein-ligand pairs in the test set as reference. Does it mean that generated 100 samples for each target protein would be compared with these pairs?

    Could you please tell me how many training samples can obtain the results in your paper?

    Besides, why did you not compare the model with Luo's model (Luo, S., Guan, J., Ma, J., and Peng, J. A 3d generative model for structure-based drug design. In Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021a), which you mentioned in the related works?

    Thank you very much!

    opened by Layne-Huang 1
  • Code for evaluation

    Code for evaluation

    Hi, thanks for the awesome work. I did not find the code to evaluate the generated molecules, e.g., the code to compute the affinity. Would you kindly provide this part of code?

    opened by zaixizhang 1
  • The initial ligand

    The initial ligand

    Nice Paper,could you tell me how to add the atom and atomic coordinate of the initial ligand in the sample of protein pocket? Just like smiles seq2seq, we give the prompt of sequence like CCCC. In this work, we give the initial ligand like atom and xyz.

    opened by 1121091694 1
  • Very strange result

    Very strange result

    Thanks for the great work and sharing the code.

    I run it according to the instruction using the provided train_epoch33 model. I test it on one pocket, I picked a line from the train file and put into the test_selected_targets.type as below: 1 0 1.90832 1A1C_MALDO_2_433_0/1m7y_A_rec.pdb 1A1C_MALDO_2_433_0/1m7y_ppg_uff2.sdf.gz #-4.20313

    I run main_gen then But main_eval will raise exception for every generated molecule by the line in bond_adder: Chem.SanitizeMol(rd_mol,Chem.SANITIZE_ALL^Chem.SANITIZE_KEKULIZE) So I modify it to Chem.SanitizeMol(rd_mol) Then everything is smooth.

    However, the results look really strange. I can post some here for your reference. 2 5 13 21

    Is there something I do it wrong in the step described above? Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by simmed00 7
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