AML Command Transfer. A lightweight tool to transfer any command line to Azure Machine Learning Services

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CLI Tools act

AML Command Transfer (ACT)

ACT is a lightweight tool to transfer any command from the local machine to AML or ITP, both of which are Azure Machine Learning services.


  1. Download and install the source code

    • install with pip
      pip install "git+"
    • or, install by downloading the source code explicitly
      git clone
      cd act
      python build develop
  2. Setup azcopy

    Following this link to download the azcopy and make sure the azcopy is downloaded to ~/code/azcopy/azcopy. That is, you can run the following to check if it is good.

    ~/code/azcopy/azcopy --version

    Make sure it is NOT version 8 or older.

  3. Create the config file of aux_data/configs/vigblob_account.yaml for azure storage. The file format is

    account_name: xxxx
    account_key: xxxx
    sas_token: ?xxxx
    container_name: xxxx

    The SAS token should start with the question mark.

  4. Create the config file of aux_data/aml/config.json to specify the AML cluster information.

        "subscription_id": "xxxx",
        "resource_group": "xxxxx",
        "workspace_name": "xxxxx"

    Make sure to have the double quotes to make it a valid json file.

  5. Create the config file of aux_data/aml/aml.yaml to specify the submission related parameters. Here is one example.

    azure_blob_config_file: null # no need to specify, legacy option
    datastore_name: null # no need to specify. legacy option
    # used to initialize the workspace
    aml_config: aux_data/aml/config.json 
    # the following is related with the job submission. If you don't use the
    # submission utility here, you can set any value
           azure_blob_config_file: ./aux_data/configs/vigeastblob_account.yaml # the blob account information
           path: path/to/ # where the zipped source code is
       # you can add multiple key-value pairs to configure the folder mapping.
       # Locally, if the folder name is A, and you want A to be a blobfuse
       # folder in the AML side, you need to set the key as A_folder. For
       # example, if the local folder is datasets, and you want datasets to be a
       # blobfuse folder in AML running, then add a pair with the key being
       # datasets_folder.
           azure_blob_config_file: ./aux_data/configs/vigeastblob_account.yaml # the blob account information
           # after the source code is unzipped, this folder will be as $ROOT/data
           path: path/to/data
           azure_blob_config_file: ./aux_data/configs/vigeastblob_account.yaml # the blob account information
           path: path/to/output # this folder will be as $ROOT/output
    # if False, it will use AML's PyTorch estimator, which is not heavily tested here
    use_custom_docker: true
    compute_target: NC24RSV3 
    # if it is the ITP cluster, please set it as true
    aks_compute: false
        # the custom docker. If use_custom_docker is False, this will be ignored
        image: amsword/setup:py36pt16
    # any name to specify the experiment name.
    # better to have alias name as part of the experiment name since experiment
    # cannot be deleted and it is better to use fewer experiments
    experiment_name: experiment_name
    # if it is true, you need to run az login --use-device to authorize
    # before job submission. If you don't set it (default), it will prompt website to ask
    # you to do the authentication. It is recommmended to set it as True
    use_cli_auth: True
    # if it is true, it will spawn n processes on each node. n equals #gpu on
    # the node. otherwise, there will be only 1 process on each node. In
    # distributed training, if it is false, you might need to spawn n extra
    # processes by yourself. It is recommended to set it as true (default)
    multi_process: True
    gpu_per_node: 4
       # the dictionary of env will be as extra environment variables for the
       # job running. you can add multiple env here. Sometimes, the default
       # of NCCL_IB_DISABLE is '1', which will disable IB. Highly recommneded to
       # alwasy set it as '0', even when IB is not available.
       NCCL_IB_DISABLE: '0'
    # optionally, you can specify the option for zip command, which is used by
    # a init to compress the source folder and to upload it.
        - '-x'
        - '\*src/py-faster-rcnn/\*'
        - '-x'
        - '\*src/CMC/\*'
  6. Set an alias

    alis a='python -m act.aml_client '

Job/Data Management

  1. How to query the job status

    # the last parameter is the run id
    a query jianfw_1563257309_60ce2fc7
    a q jianfw_1563257309_60ce2fc7

    What it does

    1. Download the logs to the folder of ./assets/{RunID}
    2. Print the last 100 lines of the log for ranker 0 if there is.
    3. Print the log paths so that you can copy/paste to open the log
    4. Print the meta data about the job, including status. One example of the output is
    0.2594)  loss_objectness: 0.0500 (0.0625)  loss_rpn_box_reg: 0.0438 (0.0539)  time: 0.9798 (0.9946)  data: 0.0058 (0.0134)  lr: 0.020000  max mem: 3831
    2019-07-16 20:41:29,098.098   do_train(): eta: 13:02:24  iter: 42800  speed: 16.1 images/sec  loss: 0.4821 (0.4971)  loss_box_reg: 0.1157 (0.1214)  loss_classifier: 0.2480 (0.2593)  loss_objectness: 0.0545 (0.0625)  loss_rpn_box_reg: 0.0383 (0.0539)  time: 0.9876 (0.9946)  data: 0.0056 (0.0133)  lr: 0.020000  max mem: 3831
    2019-07-16 20:43:07,526.526   do_train(): eta: 13:00:43  iter: 42900  speed: 16.3 images/sec  loss: 0.4585 (0.4971)  loss_box_reg: 0.1045 (0.1214)  loss_classifier: 0.2289 (0.2593)  loss_objectness: 0.0551 (0.0625)  loss_rpn_box_reg: 0.0506 (0.0539)  time: 0.9807 (0.9946)  data: 0.0058 (0.0133)  lr: 0.020000  max mem: 3831
    2019-07-16 20:44:46,805.805   do_train(): eta: 12:59:03  iter: 43000  speed: 16.1 images/sec  loss: 0.4569 (0.4970)  loss_box_reg: 0.1180 (0.1214)  loss_classifier: 0.2291 (0.2592)  loss_objectness: 0.0479 (0.0625)  loss_rpn_box_reg: 0.0436 (0.0539)  time: 0.9802 (0.9946)  data: 0.0058 (0.0133)  lr: 0.020000  max mem: 3831
    2019-07-16 14:30:26,592.592      query(): log files:
    2019-07-16 14:30:27,096.096 print_run_info(): {'appID': 'jianfw_1563257309_60ce2fc7',
     'appID-s': 'e2fc7',
     'cluster': 'aml',
     'cmd': 'python src/qd/ -bp '
     'elapsedTime': 15.27,
     'num_gpu': 8,
     'start_time': '2019-07-16T06:14:10.688519Z',
     'status': 'Canceled'}
  2. How to abort/cancel a submitted job

    a abort jianfw_1563257309_60ce2fc7
  3. How to resubmit a job

    a resubmit jianfw_1563257309_60ce2fc7
    a resubmit 60ce2fc7

    The resubmit here will first abort the existing job and then submit it.

  4. How to submit the job

    The first step is to upload the code to azure blob by running the following command

    a init

    Whenever you want your new code change to take effect, you should run the above command. Otherwise, the job will use the previously uploaded code. To execute a command in AML, run the following:

    a submit cmd
    • if you want to run nvidia-smi in AML. The command is
    a submit nvidia-smi
    • If you want to run python --data voc20 in AML, the command will be
    a submit python --data voc20
    • If you want to use 8 GPU, run the command like
    a -n 8 submit python --data voc20

    -n 8 should be placed before submit. Otherwise, it will think -n 8 as part of the cmd

    • If multi_process=true, effectively it runs mpirun --hostfile hostfile_contain_N_node_ips --npernode gpu_per_node cmd
      • the number of nodes x gpu_per_node == the number of gpu requested
      • highly recommended for distributed training/inference
    • If multi_process=false, effectively it runs mpirun --hostfile hostfile_contain_N_node_ips --npernode 1 cmd
      • still, the number of nodes x gpu_per_node == the number of gpu requested
    • The rank needs to be figured out in the code generally. Internally, the service leverages the mpirun to launch the code. The rank or local rank can be figured out through mpirun-specific environment parameters. Sometimes, we also need to know the master node's IP, which can be figured out through
      if 'AZ_BATCH_HOST_LIST' in os.environ:
          return get_aml_mpi_host_names()[0]
      elif 'AZ_BATCHAI_JOB_MASTER_NODE_IP' in os.environ:
          return os.environ['AZ_BATCHAI_JOB_MASTER_NODE_IP']
      There might be other variables as well to find the IP, but we will not list all of them here.
  5. How to switch among multiple clusters For each cluster, it is recommended to have different configuration file. For example, we have two clusters: c1 and c2. Then, the two configuration files should be aux_data/aml/c1.yaml and aux_data/aml/c2.yaml. In this case, we can switch different clusters by the option of -c, e.g.

a -c c1 submit ls
a -c c2 submit nvidia-smi
  1. Data management (optional)

    In the config file, we have a mapping of the local folder and the folder in the azure blob. Thus, we can upload and download the data based on this mapping. If the local folder is also a blobfuse folder, then there is no need to upload/download. Here, we mainly focus on the scenario where the local folder is not a blob fuse folder. Let's say the local folder name is data and we have an entry of data_folder in the config, which tells the data folder will be a blobfuse folder in AML env.

    • list the files starting with some prefix
      a ls data/voc20
      Note, the prefix here is data/voc20, which means we should have a definition of data_folder in the configuration
    • upload local file/folder of data/voc20 to azure blob
      a u data/voc20
    • download the file/folder of data/coco from blob to local folder
      a d data/coco
      • u means upload; d means download
      • it will automatically identify if it is a file or folder. Thus, there is no need to specify special parameters here.
    • delete a file or folder in the blob defined by the clsuter config
      a rm data/coco
      Be careful as you can not revert this operation or cannot recover the data if the deletion is a mistake.
    • transfer the file or folder between two blobs
      a -c eu -f we3v32 u data/voc20
      Here, -c means current cluster name. In this case, it will by default find the config through aux_data/aml/eu.yaml. -f means from cluster, which means the data source. Each cluster has a definition of the blob information. Thus, this tool can figure out all details to transfer the data from another cluster's setting to this cluster's blob setting. It will also automatically detect whether to take it like a folder or a file.


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