Model Zoo for MindSpore

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Deep Learning models

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Welcome to the Model Zoo for MindSpore

In order to facilitate developers to enjoy the benefits of MindSpore framework, we will continue to add typical networks and some of the related pre-trained models. If you have needs for the model zoo, you can file an issue on gitee or MindSpore, We will consider it in time.

  • SOTA models using the latest MindSpore APIs

  • The best benefits from MindSpore

  • Officially maintained and supported

Table of Contents


Domain Sub Domain Network Ascend GPU CPU
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification AlexNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification CNN
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification DenseNet100
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification DenseNet121
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification DPN
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification EfficientNet-B0
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification GoogLeNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification InceptionV3
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification InceptionV4
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification LeNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification LeNet (Quantization)
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification MobileNetV1
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification MobileNetV2
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification MobileNetV2 (Quantization)
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification MobileNetV3
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification NASNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ResNet-18
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ResNet-50
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ResNet-50 (Quantization)
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ResNet-101
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ResNeXt50
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification SE-ResNet50
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ShuffleNetV1
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification ShuffleNetV2
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification SqueezeNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification Tiny-DarkNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification VGG16
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification Xception
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection CenterFace
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection CTPN
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection Faster R-CNN
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection Mask R-CNN
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection Mask R-CNN (MobileNetV1)
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection RetinaFace-ResNet50
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection SSD
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection SSD-MobileNetV1-FPN
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection SSD-Resnet50-FPN
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection SSD-VGG16
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection WarpCTC
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection YOLOv3-ResNet18
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection YOLOv3-DarkNet53
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection YOLOv3-DarkNet53 (Quantization)
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection YOLOv4
Computer Vision (CV) Text Detection DeepText
Computer Vision (CV) Text Detection PSENet
Computer Vision (CV) Text Recognition CNN+CTC
Computer Vision (CV) Semantic Segmentation DeepLabV3
Computer Vision (CV) Semantic Segmentation U-Net2D (Medical)
Computer Vision (CV) Semantic Segmentation U-Net3D (Medical)
Computer Vision (CV) Semantic Segmentation U-Net++
Computer Vision (CV) Keypoint Detection OpenPose
Computer Vision (CV) Keypoint Detection SimplePoseNet
Computer Vision (CV) Optical Character Recognition CRNN
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding BERT
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding FastText
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding GNMT v2
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding GRU
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding MASS
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding SentimentNet
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding Transformer
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding TinyBERT
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding TextCNN
Recommender Recommender System, CTR prediction DeepFM
Recommender Recommender System, Search, Ranking Wide&Deep
Recommender Recommender System NAML
Recommender Recommender System NCF
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) Text Classification GCN
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) Text Classification GAT
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) Recommender System BGCF


Domain Sub Domain Network Ascend GPU CPU
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification FaceAttributes
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection FaceDetection
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification FaceQualityAssessment
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification FaceRecognition
Computer Vision (CV) Image Classification FaceRecognitionForTracking
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection Spnas
Computer Vision (CV) Object Detection SSD-GhostNet
Computer Vision (CV) Key Point Detection CenterNet
Computer Vision (CV) Image Style Transfer CycleGAN
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding DS-CNN
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding TextRCNN
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding TPRR
Recommender Recommender System, CTR prediction AutoDis
Audio Audio Tagging FCN-4
High Performance Computing Molecular Dynamics DeepPotentialH2O
High Performance Computing Ocean Model GOMO


2021.9.15 Set up repository models

models comes from the directory model_zoo of repository mindspore. This new repository doesn't contain any history of commits about the directory model_zoo in mindspore, you could refer to the repository mindspore for the past commits.

Related Website

Here is the ModelZoo for MindSpore which support different devices including Ascend, GPU, CPU and mobile.

If you are looking for exclusive models only for Ascend using different ML platform, you could refer to Ascend ModelZoo and corresponding gitee repository

If you are looking for some pretrained checkpoint of mindspore, you could refer to MindSpore Hub or Download Website.


Mindspore only provides scripts that downloads and preprocesses public datasets. We do not own these datasets and are not responsible for their quality or maintenance. Please make sure you have permission to use the dataset under the dataset’s license. The models trained on these dataset are for non-commercial research and educational purpose only.

To dataset owners: we will remove or update all public content upon request if you don’t want your dataset included on Mindspore, or wish to update it in any way. Please contact us through a Github/Gitee issue. Your understanding and contribution to this community is greatly appreciated.

MindSpore is Apache 2.0 licensed. Please see the LICENSE file.


Apache License 2.0


For more information about MindSpore framework, please refer to FAQ

  • Q: How to resolve the lack of memory while using the model directly under "models" with errors such as Failed to alloc memory pool memory?

    A: The typical reason for insufficient memory when directly using models under "models" is due to differences in operating mode (PYNATIVE_MODE), operating environment configuration, and license control (AI-TOKEN).

    • PYNATIVE_MODE usually uses more memory than GRAPH_MODE , especially in the training graph that needs back propagation calculation, there are two ways to try to solve this problem. Method 1: You can try to use some smaller batch size; Method 2: Add context.set_context(mempool_block_size="XXGB"), where the current maximum effective value of "XX" can be set to "31". If method 1 and method 2 are used in combination, the effect will be better.
    • The operating environment will also cause similar problems due to the different configurations of NPU cores, memory, etc.;
    • Different gears of License control (AI-TOKEN ) will cause different memory overhead during execution. You can also try to use some smaller batch sizes.
  • Q: How to resolve the error about the interface are not supported in some network operations, such as cann not import?

    A: Please check the version of MindSpore and the branch you fetch the modelzoo scripts. Some model scripits in latest branch will use new interface in the latest version of MindSpore.

  • Q: How to run the scripts on Windows system?

    A: Most the start-up scripts are written in bash, but we usually can't run bash directly on Windows. You can try start python directly without bash scripts. If you really need the start-up bash scripts, we suggest you the following method to get a bash environment on Windows:

    1. Use a virtual system or docker container with linux system. Then run the scripts in the virtual system or container.
    2. Use WSL, you could turn on the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows to obtain an linux system which could run the bash scripts.
    3. Use some bash tools on Windows, such as cygwin and git bash.
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  •  RCAN


    What type of PR is this?

    Uncomment only one /kind <> line, hit enter to put that in a new line, and remove leading whitespaces from that line:

    /kind bug
    /kind task
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    What does this PR do / why do we need it:

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    Fixes #

    Special notes for your reviewers:

    opened by yangyucheng000 2
  • RuntimeError: For 'Reshape', the size of 'input_x': {3456} is not equal to the size of the first output: {5760}

    RuntimeError: For 'Reshape', the size of 'input_x': {3456} is not equal to the size of the first output: {5760}

    I use the dataset you provided,but I can't train.How to solve this problem?

    root@0563a279aa9b:/data# DEVICE_ID=0 python Start time : 2022-09-22 08:07:09

    infos : {'dataset_path': './dataset/', 'backbone_pretrained': './src/model/res2net_pretrained.ckpt', 'dataset_train': 'PASCAL_SBD', 'datasets_val': ['GrabCut', 'Berkeley'], 'epochs': 33, 'train_only_epochs': 32, 'val_robot_interval': 1, 'lr': 0.007, 'batch_size': 8, 'max_num': 0, 'size': (384, 384), 'device': 'CPU', 'num_workers': 4, 'itis_pro': 0.7, 'max_point_num': 20, 'record_point_num': 5, 'pred_tsh': 0.5, 'miou_target': [0.9, 0.9], 'resume': None, 'snapshot_path': './snapshot'}

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 35, in mine = Trainer(p) File "/data/src/", line 111, in init size=p["size"][0], backbone_pretrained=p["backbone_pretrained"] File "/data/src/model/", line 295, in init resnet.load_pretrained_model(backbone_pretrained) File "/data/src/model/", line 267, in load_pretrained_model tmp[:, :3, :, :] = parameter_dict["conv1_0.weight"] File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/common/", line 344, in setitem out = tensor_operator_registry.get('setitem')(self, index, value) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/composite/multitype_ops/", line 67, in _tensor_setitem return tensor_setitem_by_tuple(self, index, value) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/composite/multitype_ops/", line 803, in tensor_setitem_by_tuple return tensor_setitem_by_tuple_with_tensor(self, index, value) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/composite/multitype_ops/", line 956, in tensor_setitem_by_tuple_with_tensor tuple_index, value, idx_advanced = remove_expanded_dims(tuple_index, F.shape(data), value) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/composite/multitype_ops/", line 1156, in remove_expanded_dims value = F.reshape(value, value_shape) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/function/", line 857, in reshape return reshape(input_x, input_shape) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/", line 294, in call return _run_op(self,, args) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/common/", line 98, in wrapper results = fn(*arg, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/python-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/", line 748, in _run_op output = real_run_op(obj, op_name, args) RuntimeError: For 'Reshape', the size of 'input_x': {3456} is not equal to the size of the first output: {5760}

    • C++ Call Stack: (For framework developers)

    mindspore/ccsrc/plugin/device/cpu/kernel/ Launch

    opened by lulianLiu 0
  • Run-Time and Memory Measurement

    Run-Time and Memory Measurement

    (Regarding eppmvsnet) Hi, I am trying to measure the runtime and memory usage of a set of methods as your table 3 in the paper shows, but didn't get the same numbers. Could you provide more details regarding how you measure them? Thanks!

    opened by mazeyu 0
  • How to load the model's parameters during prediction after the data and optimizator parallelism at the training time?  【pangu-alpha采用数据并行+优化器并行方式训练,predict时候如何加载参数。】

    How to load the model's parameters during prediction after the data and optimizator parallelism at the training time? 【pangu-alpha采用数据并行+优化器并行方式训练,predict时候如何加载参数。】

    Task Description

    How to load pangu-alpha model's parameters during prediction after the data and optimizator parallelism at the training time?

    Task Goal

    In the MindSpore tutorial and also the course, there are several instructions about how to use the distributed model do to the training and prediction(model loading). but those instructions only include the data parallelism and automatic parallelism. Following those instructions, there is only one generated checkpoint file, and that is straightforward how to load the model during prediction. However, I cannot find out any instruction to introduce how to load the mode if I trained my model with data parallelism and optimizator parallelism. In this case, each card will generate a checkpoint file, and I am not sure which one should be loaded during prediction. For example, I use 64 cards to train my model, and wanna use 1 card or 8 cards to predict. In this case, there are multiple checkpoint files, which one should I select to use?


    opened by xupeng1910 0
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