CLI utility for updating the EVE Online static data export in a postgres database


EVE SDE Postgres updater

CLI utility for updating the EVE Online static data export postgres database.

This has been tested with the Fuzzwork postgres conversion but might work with other versions as well.

You should use a separate database for the sde and use for example postgres_fdw to use it with your main db.



Environment setup

pipenv install

Easy setup

docker-compose up -d
./ -e .env.local

Custom settings

⚠️ NOTE: the script clears the entire database when restoring from the dump.

Make a copy of .env.template and save it as .env. Change settings as needed and run:



The script keeps track of update history in .update.log and checks the latest entry against the "last-modified" header of the Fuzzwork dumps. The databse is only updated if the dump is newer than your local version.

You can use cron or other scheduling tools to prediodically run this script to keep your database up to date.

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  • Add error handling for when pg_restore fails

    Add error handling for when pg_restore fails

    If pg_restore fails, the .update.log file is still created which then requires removal before running ./ again.

    Example error:

    pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
    pg_restore: error: connection to database "eve-sde" failed: FATAL:  role "eve-sde" does not exist
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