BaseCrack is a tool written in Python that can decode all alphanumeric base encoding schemes.



Decoder For Base Encoding Schemes

version GitHub license

BaseCrack is a tool written in Python that can decode all alphanumeric base encoding schemes. This tool can accept single user input, multiple inputs from a file, input from argument, multi-encoded bases, bases in image EXIF data, bases on images with OCR and decode them incredibly fast.

For a basic demo, try the Web Interface that uses BaseCrack's API.

Fun Fact!
I initially made this after being fed up with lame CTF challenges with multi-encoded bases. Now some of them started doing that in Steganography challenges so I automated that too smh!

Table of Contents


  • Decode multi-encoded bases of any pattern.
  • Decode bases in image EXIF data.
  • Decode bases on images with OCR detection.
  • Can decode multiple base encodings from a file.
  • Generate a wordlist/output with the decoded bases.
  • Predicts the type of encoding scheme.

Supported Encoding Schemes

  • Base16
  • Base32
  • Base36
  • Base58
  • Base62
  • Base64
  • Base64Url
  • Base85
  • Ascii85
  • Base91
  • Base92
  • Base100 (#14)


$ git clone
$ cd basecrack
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -h

NOTE: Python3 is recommended to use!


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev


$ brew install tesseract


OCR Detection is implemented with Tesseract and Windows requires installation of the Tesseract executable. Installing the dependencies from requirements.txt which includes pytesseract should install it. If in case it doesn't, here's how you can set it up:

  1. First check whether you have it installed or not in the Program Files/Program Files (x86) under the Tesseract-OCR directory.
  2. If there is, give that path in the config.json and you're all set! If you don't have it, install it from here and set the path in config.json.

Tesseract Docs:

NOTE: I haven't completely tested this tool on Windows so if you stumble upon any issues, please open an issue.


Get a list of all the arguments:

python3 -h

To decode a single base encoding from user input:


To decode a single base encoding from argument (-b/--base):

python3 -b SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh

To decode multiple base encodings from a file (-f/--file):

python3 -f file.txt

Magic Mode: To decode multi-encoded base of any pattern (-m/--magic):

python3 --magic

To input an image for EXIF/OCR detection mode (-i/--image):

python3 -i image.jpg (--exif/--ocr)

EXIF Data: To decode bases in image EXIF data (-e/--exif):

python -i image.jpg --exif

OCR Base Detection: To decode bases on image with OCR detection (-c/--ocr):

python -i image.jpg --ocr

To generate a wordlist/output with the decoded bases (-o/--output):

python -f file.txt -o output-wordlist.txt

Magic Mode

Now you can decode multi-encoded bases of any pattern in a single shot.

Have you ever stumbled upon that one lame CTF challenge that gives you an encoded string which is just encoded over and over with Base64, Base91, Base85 and so on? Just give that to BaseCrack and you're done with it! ;)

Want to test it out? Just give it this input:



and see for yourself! :)

BaseCrack API

BaseCrack can now be used as a library! Just import the BaseCrack() class and call the decode() function.

See API.


Want to use BaseCrack as a library? We got you covered!

Just put basecrack in your project's directory and you're ready to go!


# import the BaseCrack class from
from basecrack import BaseCrack

# calling the api function decode() with the encoded base
result = BaseCrack().decode('c3BhZ2hldHRp')

# printing the output
result is tuple where:
result[0] = DECODED STRING
print('Decoded String: {}'.format(result[0]))
print('Encoding Scheme: {}'.format(result[1]))


Decoded String: spaghetti
Encoding Scheme: Base64


Ways to contribute

  • Suggest a feature
  • Report a bug
  • Fix something and open a pull request
  • Help me document the code
  • Spread the word

Before you open a PR, make sure everything's good by running the tests:

Unit Tests: (Thanks @FavasM)

python3 -m unittest discover -v -s tests


Licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.

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  • base62 decoding not working

    base62 decoding not working


    I think there is a bug in the base62 decoding attempt.

    Should not the line

    base62_decode = base62.encode(int(encoded_base)).decode('utf-8', 'replace')

    read something like

    base62_decode = str(base62.decode(encoded_base))


    For instance, with base-62 from pypi I get

    In [3]: base62.encode(999)
    Out[3]: 'g7'

    With the original

    $ python3 -b 'g7
    [-] Encoded Base: g7
    [>] Decoding as Base91: 
    [>] Decoding as Base92: Â

    With my suggested modification:

    $ python3 -b 'g7
    [-] Encoded Base: g7
    [>] Decoding as Base62: 999
    [>] Decoding as Base91: 
    [>] Decoding as Base92: Â
    [-] The Encoding Scheme Is Base62

    Moreover, I find disagreeing results when I encode a integer with base-62 and with pybase62 (both taken from pypi).

    opened by beuguissime 4
  • Not a valid encoding

    Not a valid encoding

    hi i cannot seem to get it to work ... it keeps saying not valid encoding .

    [>] Enter Encoded Base: b6e6e5056e045a83e2828de658ccd5c1 [!] Not a valid encoding.

    opened by jepunband 4
  • 对一些有特殊字符的base编码无法解码


    使用中发现,如果编码中存在特殊字符(#!@"":)时,即使是base85编码也无法解码。 比如: 1cI9M2)-sF1h8IP1bppJ1cR<H1G^jE2)-q!1h/?t1cI7%2.8@!1hJRU1bppI1h8F'1GUdG1h&:Q1G^jC1cI9L1GgsG1hJU1gr7!1h8I$1GUdD1hJRU1gr6s1cI7%2!KM1h&=&1gr7"1cI9H1GUgE2)@("2.8@#1cI9L1GgsG1h8IP1bppG1cI9L1G^mI1c$t"1gr7M1cI9L1GUdD1c[ER1gr7#1h8F#1GUdG1h&:Q2)I-F1cI9H1GgsG1hJU1gr7"1h8F#1G^jH1c[C(1bpps1cI7%2!NN1h&:R1gr7"1cI3I1GUgE2)@(#1G^jC1cI9I2)@H1c[C(2.8@"1h8I$1G^jH1c$t"1gr7M1cI:#2)@'G1h&:Q1gr7$1cR<H1GUdG1c[C(1bppK1cI7%2!KM1cI:#1bgds

    opened by tysmlq 3
  • Not detecting base32 encoded string

    Not detecting base32 encoded string

    I pulled the following string from a CTF:


    decoding from base32 and then running the magic flag on it works, but doesn't with the first base32 later. base32 -d doesn't work with it either, but cyberchef does. I assume its because of some issue with the specifics of identifying a base32 string, but not sure.

    opened by Adamkadaban 3
  • hi,I encountered

    hi,I encountered "!" when decoding base85

    If there is a "!" in the "shell" you will get this error image And to avoid this mistake is to give "!" with "", but then it will not be decoded properly image

    opened by Joackk 2
  • No module named 'colorama'

    No module named 'colorama'

      File "/data/data/_(Hidden)_/files/home/basecrack/", line 16, in <module>
        from colorama import init
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colorama'
    opened by RedFurrFox 1



    opened by jhonnydip 1
  • python


    C:\python3.8\basecrack\basecrack>python Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 18, in import base36 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'base36 ------------------------------------------------------------------翻译 最近一次调用(回溯):





    opened by N0o01 1
  • Add Dockerfile

    Add Dockerfile

    ❯ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data basecrack
    ██████╗  █████╗ ███████╗███████╗ ██████╗██████╗  █████╗  ██████╗██╗  ██╗
    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝
    ██████╔╝███████║███████╗█████╗  ██║     ██████╔╝███████║██║     █████╔╝
    ██╔══██╗██╔══██║╚════██║██╔══╝  ██║     ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██║     ██╔═██╗
    ██████╔╝██║  ██║███████║███████╗╚██████╗██║  ██║██║  ██║╚██████╗██║  ██╗
    ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ v3.0
    		python -h [FOR HELP]
    [>] Enter Encoded Base: Cn8eVZg
    [>] Decoding as Base58: hello
    [>] Decoding as Base92: `2%i
    [-] The Encoding Scheme Is Base58
    [-] The Encoding Scheme Is Base92
    opened by mgp25 0
  • Fix base62 error and add Ascii85

    Fix base62 error and add Ascii85

    This fixes by replacing base-62 with pybase62. Uninstalling the old dependency before installing the new dependency is required.

    It also adds support for Ascii85 encoding.

    opened by klassiker 0
  • not a valid encoding

    not a valid encoding

    that message i got when try decode that


    opened by a-gamer 0
  • the big base.......

    the big base.......


    I have a TXT document,It's about 13mb,There are various base encrypted contents

    when i use the basecrack decode the txt,It stops halfway through the operation

    How can I send the document to you.......

    opened by kisspanda 2
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