Implementation of the ALPHAMEPOL algorithm, presented in Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Multiple Environments.



This repository contains the implementation of the ALPHAMEPOL algorithm, presented in Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Multiple Environments.


In order to use this codebase you need to work with a Python version >= 3.6. Moreover, you need to have a working setup of Mujoco with a valid Mujco license. To setup Mujoco, have a look here. To avoid any conflict with your existing Python setup, and to keep this project self-contained, it is suggested to work in a virtual environment with virtualenv. To install virtualenv:

pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Create a virtual environment, activate it and install the requirements:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Unsupervised Pre-Training

To reproduce the Unsupervised Pre-Training experiments in the paper, run:

./scripts/exploration/[ | | |]

Supervised Fine-Tuning

To reproduce the Supervised Fine-Tuning experiments, run:

./scripts/goal_rl/[ | | |]

By default, this will launch TRPO with ALPHAMEPOL initialization. To launch TRPO with a random initialization, simply omit the policy_init argument in the scripts.

Moreover, note that the scripts for the GridWorld with Slope and MultiGrid experiments have the argument num_goals = 50, meaning that the training will be performed with one goal at a time. If you want to speed up the process, you can use several processes (ideally one for each goal), by passing as argument num_goals = 1 and changing incrementally the seed. As regards the Ant and MiniGrid experiments, since the goals are predefined, you can also set the goal_index argument to specify a goal (from 0 to 7 and from 0 to 12 respectively).

Results Visualization

Once launched, each experiment will log statistics in the results folder. You can visualize everything by launching tensorboard targeting that directory:

python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=./results --port 8080

and visiting the board at http://localhost:8080.

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