Research code for the paper "Fine-tuning wav2vec2 for speaker recognition"


Fine-tuning wav2vec2 for speaker recognition

This is the code used to run the experiments in Detailed logs of each training run can be found here:

Installing dependencies

If poetry is not installed, see We also expect at least python 3.8 on the system. If this is not the case, look into for an easy tool to install a specific python version on your system.

The python dependencies can be installed (in a project-specific virtual environment) by:

$ poetry shell  # enter project-specific virtual environment

From now on, every command which should be run under the virtual environment (which looks like (wav2vec-speaker-identification- -py ) $ ) which is shortened to (xxx) $ .

Then install all required python packages:

(xxx) $ pip install -U pip
(xxx) $ poetry update # install dependencies 

Because PyTorch is currently serving the packages on PiPY incorrectly, we need to use pip to install the specific PyTorch versions we need.

(xxx) $ pip install -r requirements/requirements_cuda101.txt # if CUDA 10.1
(xxx) $ pip install -r requirements/requirements_cuda110.txt # if CUDA 11.0

Make sure to modify/create a requirements file for your operating system and CUDA version.

Finally, install the local package in the virtual environment by running

(xxx) $ poetry install

Setting up the environment

Copy the example environment variables:

$ cp .env.example .env 

You can then fill in .env accordingly.

Downloading and using voxceleb1 and 2

I've experienced that the download links for voxceleb1/2 can be unstable. I recommend manually downloading the dataset from the google drive link displayed on

You should end up 4 zip files, which should be placed in $DATA_FOLDER/voxceleb_archives.


You should also download the meta files of voxceleb. You can use preparation_scripts/ to download them to the expected location $DATA_FOLDER/voxceleb_meta.

Converting voxceleb2 data from .m4a to .wav

This requires ffmpeg to be installed on the machine. Check with ffmpeg -version. Assuming the voxceleb2 data is placed at $DATA_FOLDER/voxceleb_archives/ and $DATA_FOLDER/voxceleb_archives/, run the following commands, starting from the root project directory.

source .env

PDIR=$PWD # folder where this README is located
D=$DATA_FOLDER # location of data - should be set in .env file 
WORKERS=$(nproc --all) # number of CPUs available 

# extract voxceleb 2 data
cd $D
mkdir -p convert_tmp/train convert_tmp/test

unzip voxceleb_archives/ -d convert_tmp/train
unzip voxceleb_archives/ -d convert_tmp/test

# run the conversion script
cd $PDIR
poetry run python preparation_scripts/ $D/convert_tmp --num_workers $WORKERS

# rezip the converted data
cd $D/convert_tmp/train
zip $D/voxceleb_archives/ wav -r

cd $D/convert_tmp/test
zip $D/voxceleb_archives/ wav -r

# delete the unzipped .m4a files
cd $D
rm -r convert_tmp

Note that this process can take a few hours on a fast machine and day(s) on a single (slow) cpu. Make sure to save the and files somewhere secure, so you don't have redo this process :).

Downloading pre-trained models.

You can run ./preparation_scripts/ to download the pre-trained models of wav2vec2 to the required $DATA_DIRECTORY/pretrained_models directory.

Running the experiments

Below we show all the commands for training the specified network. They should reproduce the results in the paper. Note that we used a SLURM GPU cluster and each command therefore includes hydra/launcher=slurm. If you want to reproduce these locally these lines need to be removed.



python +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_ce \
tune_model=True data/module=voxceleb1 \
trainer.auto_lr_find=auto_lr_find tune_iterations=5000

5k iters, visually around 1e-4

grid search

grid = 1e-5, 5e-5, 9e-5, 1e-4, 2e-4, 5e-4, 1e-3

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_ce \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \,5e-5,9e-5,1e-4,2e-4,5e-4,1e-3 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=7

best performance n=3

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_ce \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=26160,79927,90537 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3

best pooling n=3

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_ce \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=168621,597558,440108 \
network.stat_pooling_type=mean,mean+std,attentive,quantile,first,first+cls,last,middle,random,max \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=4


aam with m=0.2 and s=30


python +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_ce \
tune_model=True data/module=voxceleb1 \
trainer.auto_lr_find=auto_lr_find tune_iterations=5000 \

grid search

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \,5e-5,9e-5,1e-4,2e-4,5e-4,1e-3 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=7

same grid

best performance n=3

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=29587,14352,70814 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3

best pooling n=3

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=392401,39265,62634  \
network.stat_pooling_type=mean,mean+std,attentive,quantile,first,first+cls,last,middle,random,max \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=4



python +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_pairs \
tune_model=True data/module=voxceleb1_pairs \
trainer.auto_lr_find=auto_lr_find tune_iterations=5000

grid search


python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_pairs \,7e-6,9e-6,1e-5,2e-5,3e-5,4e-5,1e-4 \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=32 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=8

best performance n=4

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_pairs \ data.dataloader.train_batch_size=32 \
seed=154233,979426,971817,931201 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=4 



python +experiment=speaker_xvector \
tune_model=True data/module=voxceleb1 \
trainer.auto_lr_find=auto_lr_find tune_iterations=5000

grid search


python -m +experiment=speaker_xvector \,6e-5,1e-4,2e-4,3e-4,4e-4,8e-4,1e-3 \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn105 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=8

best performance n=3

python -m +experiment=speaker_xvector \ trainer.max_steps=100_000 \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=82713,479728,979292 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn105 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=6 \



python +experiment=speaker_ecapa_tdnn \
tune_model=True data/module=voxceleb1 \
trainer.auto_lr_find=auto_lr_find tune_iterations=5000

grid search


python -m +experiment=speaker_ecapa_tdnn \,1e-5,5e-4,1e-4,5e-3,7e-4,9e-4,1e-3 \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn105 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=8

best performance n=3

python -m +experiment=speaker_ecapa_tdnn \ trainer.max_steps=100_000 \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=494671,196126,492116 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.exclude=cn105 hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=6



python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=392401,39265,62634 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3

unfrozen feature extractor

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=914305,386390,865459 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
network.completely_freeze_feature_extractor=False tag=no_freeze \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104

no pre-trained weights

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=517646,414321,137524 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
network.completely_freeze_feature_extractor=False network.reset_weights=True tag=no_pretrain \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104

no layerdrop

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=15249,728106,821754 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
network.layerdrop=0.0 tag=no_layer \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3

no dropout

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=627687,883727,154405 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
network.layerdrop=0.0 network.attention_dropout=0 \ 
network.feat_proj_dropout=0 network.hidden_dropout=0 tag=no_drop \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 

no time masking

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=602400,553540,419322 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
network.layerdrop=0.0 network.attention_dropout=0 network.feat_proj_dropout=0 \
network.hidden_dropout=0 network.mask_time_prob=0 tag=no_mask \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 

batch size 32

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=32 trainer.max_steps=200_000 \ network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
tag=bs_32 seed=308966,753370,519822 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 

batch size 128

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=128 trainer.max_steps=50_000 \ seed=54375,585956,637400 \
network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls tag=bs_128 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 hydra.launcher.exclude=cn104

constant lr=3e-6

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=549686,190215,637679 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
optim/schedule=constant tag=lr_low \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3 

constant lr=5e-5

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=419703,980724,124995 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
optim/schedule=constant tag=lr_same \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3  


python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 \
seed=856797,952324,89841 network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls \
optim/schedule=tri_stage tag=lr_3stage \
optim.schedule.scheduler.lr_lambda.initial_lr=1e-7 optim.schedule.scheduler.lr_lambda.final_lr=1e-7 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3

exp decay

python -m +experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_aam \
data.dataloader.train_batch_size=66 seed=962764,682423,707761 \
network.stat_pooling_type=first+cls optim/schedule=exp_decay tag=lr_exp_decay \
optim.schedule.scheduler.lr_lambda.final_lr=1e-7 \
hydra/launcher=slurm hydra.launcher.array_parallelism=3  
  • details about other python library

    details about other python library

    Thanks for your code. I'm just getting started with python. There are always some errors when I configure the environment. Can you list the versions of the pytorch-lightning, torchmetric, and etc. python libraries you use?

    opened by eric246 2
  • Max retries exceeded with url

    Max retries exceeded with url

    When I run the code, I met error as followed: requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7faae2481d60>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=10.0)')) I wonder if you have suggestions about that, thank you sooo much. It almost drove me insane. : (

    opened by evelynlee999 0
  • Using Wav2Vec2 model

    Using Wav2Vec2 model

    Thanks for your code,it helped me a lot,but I tried to use Wav2Vec2 model and got error as following: RuntimeError: Expected 2D (unbatched) or 3D (batched) input to conv1d, but got input of size: [32, 1, 301, 40] It showed the error at output. `def wav2vec2_embed_raw_audio(input_tensor: t.Tensor, model: Wav2Vec2Model) -> t.Tensor:

    output: Wav2Vec2BaseModelOutput = model(input_tensor)
    features = output.last_hidden_state
    features = features.transpose(1, 2)
    return features`

    Should I transform t.Tensor into the path of voxceleb or it should be t.tensor.

    And I have another problem, downloaded some .pt files,but it seemed to be useless,and I don't know where to use them.

    opened by evelynlee999 0
  • Can I use the code by windows os? Or just linux can run?

    Can I use the code by windows os? Or just linux can run?

    hello, i find that this project is using in linux os, and when i try to use it by windows os, there throw a problem shows like below. image UserWarning: torchaudio C++ extension is not available. warnings.warn('torchaudio C++ extension is not available.') Error executing job with overrides: ['+experiment=speaker_wav2vec2_ce', 'tune_model=True', 'data/module=voxceleb1', 'trainer.auto_lr_find=auto_lr_find', 'tune_iterations=5000', 'optim/loss=aam_softmax']

    So, i want to ask you a question that can I use this project by windows os?

    opened by angryman123 1
  • readme中的一个小错误


    作者您好,在阅读readme中关于下载meta数据的描述,文中是否应该修改成使用,即 You should also download the meta files of voxceleb. You can use preparation_scripts/ to download them to the expected location $DATA_FOLDER/voxceleb_meta

    opened by angryman123 0
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