Transport Mode detection - can detect the mode of transport with the help of features such as acceeration,jerk etc

title emoji colorFrom colorTo sdk app_file pinned


title: string
Display title for the Space

emoji: string
Space emoji (emoji-only character allowed)

colorFrom: string
Color for Thumbnail gradient (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, gray)

colorTo: string
Color for Thumbnail gradient (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, gray)

sdk: string
Can be either gradio or streamlit

sdk_version : string
Only applicable for streamlit SDK.
See doc for more info on supported versions.

app_file: string
Path to your main application file (which contains either gradio or streamlit Python code).
Path is relative to the root of the repository.

pinned: boolean
Whether the Space stays on top of your list.

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