Resource hub for Obsidian resources.


Obsidian Community Vault

Welcome! This is an experimental vault that is maintained by the Obsidian community.

For best results we recommend downloading this vault locally and opening it in Obsidian or browsing it in our publish site.

This vault was inspired by the awesome-obsidian list.

  • Feature: Add edit on GitHub footer (closes #154)

    Feature: Add edit on GitHub footer (closes #154)

    • [x] Add # This note in GitHub into jinja template.
    • [x] For each MD note: change ![[note]] to ![[note#header]] this.
    • [x] Fix spaces in jinja template.
    • [ ] Add tests for the script.
    • [x] Exclude .github directory.
    • [x] Exclude DO NOT COMMIT directory.
    • [x] HTML-encode file and folder names in links.
    • [x] Provide relative paths in stead of absolute ones for template.
    • [ ] Test that all 3 URLs work.
    • [x] Refactor script (and fix the buggy behaviour).
    • [x] Always overwrite everything below %% comment line.

    File Additions

    • Script: obsidian-hub/.github/scripts/
    • Jinja template: obsidian-hub/.github/templates/

    Script explanation

    • Walks through the filetree to search for markdown files.
    • For each file, checks whether or not a particular comment has been written.
    • If it has the comment: Replace it with the template.
    • If the comment is not present: Add the template.
    • If the entire template is present: Do nothing.
    • Has a LOG boolean that can be set to enable/disable informational logging.
    • Assumes that the script is ran from obsidian-hub directory.

    Template explanation

    • Taken directly from the issue discussion from #154.


    • [x] I have renamed all attached images with descriptive file names (or I did not include any images)
    • [x] Before creating a new note, I searched the vault (or I only edited existing notes) => Did not change notes, only scripts.
    • [x] (Optional) In case I created a new note in the folder 04 - Guides, Workflows, & Courses, I added a link to the new note(s) in one of the for {group X} overviews (listed here).
    opened by dbarenholz 23
  • Compiling list of Plugins with issues seeking help

    Compiling list of Plugins with issues seeking help


    A script that retrieves all issues with the labels documentation, help wanted, and good first issue . As discussed here:

    To test this you can run the script You need a github api key in the apikey parameter, the api key does not need any permissions, just needs to exists to not hit any rate limits.

    The current implementation would hit the rate limit once there are around 1.666 plugins.


    • [ ] Link to this in #273
    • [X] add a GH action that runs every day, and creates a PR if necessary
    • [X] Decide on a good location & name for the output file
    • [ ] Decide on any other labels that might be added
    • [X] Write some introductory text
    • [ ] Do the same thing for themes?
    • [X] Sort the output properly(currently sorted by plugin entry date to the list)


    • [X] before creating a new note, I searched the vault
    • [X] new notes have the .md extension
    • [ ] (if applicable) attached images have descriptive file names
    • [ ] (if applicable) for new notes in the folder "04 - Guides, Workflows, & Courses", I added a link to them in one of the "for {group X}" overviews:
    opened by joethei 20
  • create a usecase summary page for religious uses

    create a usecase summary page for religious uses

    opened by eleanorkonik 16
  • h1 of note isn't dynamic

    h1 of note isn't dynamic

    Actual Behavior

    1. before changing the title image
    2. after changing the title image

    Suggested Behavior

    1. before changing the title image
    2. after changing the title image

    • [ ] Let me know if it should be changed to the suggested behavior.
    opened by konhi 13
  • Add dy-sh's Obsidian Training Course in Russian (Fixes #264)

    Add dy-sh's Obsidian Training Course in Russian (Fixes #264)

    Fix for #264 as mentioned in #262


    • Made some additions to dy-sh's author page, such as their YouTube link and the course playlist
    • Added course to Guides for Beginners with a note that it's specifically for Russian speakers


    A new note for the Obsidian Training Course in Russian, incl. a link to the playlist + the embed of the first part, with the description adapted from what dy-sh added in the renaming PR. I also cross-referenced some of the other guides.


    • [x] before creating a new note, I searched the vault
    • [x] new notes have the .md extension
    • [x] (if applicable) attached images have descriptive file names
    • [x] (if applicable) for new notes in the folder "04 - Guides, Workflows, & Courses", I added a link to them in one of the "for {group X}" overviews:
    opened by lguenth 11
  • '## In The Community' in Roundup post should be at start of the line

    '## In The Community' in Roundup post should be at start of the line

    In the roundup file 2022-11-12: Stable Diffusion, Clean Dashboards and 2022 Workflows, there is a line:

    💎Eleanor got Lasik on Thursday so she's trying to take it easy this weekend. This issue was guest edited by [Curtis McHale]( In The Community

    The text ## In The Community should be on a new line. I have been unable to figure out the cause of the problem.

        I will log an issue for the `## In The Community` not being at the start of a line.

    Originally posted by @claremacrae in

    opened by claremacrae 10
  • Automate (some) scripts with GitHub Actions

    Automate (some) scripts with GitHub Actions

    Candidate tasks:

    • [x] Updating theme download counts
    • [x] Adding new theme, plugin and people pages
    • [x] Generating the MOCs
    • [x] Running the Python tests
    • [x] Turn off progress display on the slower scripts - they make the logs hard to read
    • [x] Make it create a PR
    • [x] Decide which things happen only on main - and adjust the YAML to implement that
    • [x] Or decide what will trigger the job that creates commits - maybe a nightly cron job?
      • update_hub will only run on manual trigger, and only on main branch
      • The other two will run on pushes and PRs
      • So the workflow for updating releases will be:
        • Trigger update_hub
        • 3 minutes later, review and accept PR
        • Pull the changes to your branch
        • Run with --overwrite
        • Review and push edits
      • Over time, we should be eventually able to add the --overwrite step to update_hub.yml
    • [x] Finish addressing comments from code review
    • [x] Remove push and pr triggers on update_hub

    After Merge

    • Moved to #278
      • The steps for updating releases will be much simpler, as most of the steps will now be automated
      • I (Clare) have some shelved notes for this, in my fork
    • [x] Adjust the branch protection to enable "checks must have passed on protected branch" - this will then show any errors nice-and-obviously in PRs
    • Moved to #280

    Defer to later on

    Probably add new issues for these, if they don't exist already

    • Moved to #282
    • Moved to #281
    hub tools & scripts 
    opened by claremacrae 9
  • Docs/reviewer add footer

    Docs/reviewer add footer


    • checklist for reviewers
    • scripting MOC


    • "Adding footers" note


    • [x] before creating a new note, I searched the vault
    • [x] new notes have the .md extension
    • [ ] (if applicable) attached images have descriptive file names
    • [ ] (if applicable) for new notes in the folder "04 - Guides, Workflows, & Courses", I added a link to them in one of the "for {group X}" overviews:
    opened by kometenstaub 8
  • Rename author derwish-pro to dy-sh

    Rename author derwish-pro to dy-sh

    This fixes #261 - see the detail there for more information.


    • Updated the author's 5 plugin pages to use new account name
    • Removed the note for the old account name
    • Manually updated the URL in the note for the new account name

    (For this last point, a better solution would be to put in a PR to whichever of the manifest.json files might have the old account name...)

    opened by claremacrae 8
  • Add descriptions to all the plugin category pages.

    Add descriptions to all the plugin category pages.

    Edited: All the plugin category pages to add plugin descriptions

    This uses descriptions extracted from the plugin pages themselves. This was @claremacrae's excellent idea since it retains any descriptions for plugins that are no longer present in the json feed.

    This is intended as a one-time manual content adjustment. It was scripted to produce, but these areas of the category pages appear to be manually curated by humans, not machine generated, so I hesitate to introduce anything that manipulates them. Because of that the code that generates this is very strict and only manipulates lines that appear to be exactly a link to the target plugin page. There are a few examples where descriptions are not present or where the link line has been edited -- these lines have all been left exactly as they were. For example in the discontinued plugins page

    - [[obsidian-extra-md-commands|Extra Markdown Commands]] (use [[obsidian-smarter-md-hotkeys|Smarter Markdown Hotkeys]] instead.)

    Additionally this PR does not add descriptions to the uncategorized plugins page, as that has been automated in the related PR #551

    This is another step in the overall progression of encouraging descriptions on all the plugin pages as described in #343


    Please forgive that this is not in python. As a throw-away one-time script I did it in the language that I know best. If we end up pursuing some ongoing automation, of course it will be in python. This script is meant to run in the root of the repository.

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    descriptions_hash = {} # key: page_name, value: description
    Dir["02 - Community Expansions/02.05 All Community Expansions/Plugins/*.md"].map do |plugin_page_path|
      contents =
      if contents =~ /Mobile compatible: .*\n\n(.*)\n\n%% -----/
        descriptions_hash[File.basename(plugin_page_path, '.md')] = $1&.strip
    Dir["02 - Community Expansions/02.01 Plugins by Category/*.md"].each do |category_page_path|
      contents = File.readlines(category_page_path)
      in_list = false
      out_list = false
      new_contents = do |line|
        out_list = true if in_list && line =~ /^## /
        in_list = true if line =~ /^## Plugins in this category/
        if in_list && !out_list
          if line =~ /^- \[\[(.*?)(?:\|(.*)){0,1}\]\]\s*\n$/
            page_name, link_alias = $1, $2
            p page_name: page_name, link_alias: link_alias, line: line
            description = descriptions_hash[page_name]
            if !description.nil?
              "- [[#{page_name}|#{link_alias}]]: #{description}\n"
              line # no description, leave it alone.
            line # leave the line alone.
      File.write(category_page_path, new_contents.join)
    opened by andynu 7
  • chore: fixup yaml front matter toward more widely parsable standard

    chore: fixup yaml front matter toward more widely parsable standard


    • Updated YAML from matter in markdown files - the update correctly handles an empty array - quotes special characters in strings - including strings with embedded strings
    • Some incidental whitespace changes like trailing whitespace


    • No new content here


    • [x] before creating a new note, I searched the vault
    • [x] new notes have the .md extension
    • [x] (if applicable) attached images have descriptive file names
    • [x] (if applicable) for new notes in the folder "04 - Guides, Workflows, & Courses", I added a link to them in one of the "for {group X}" overviews:
    opened by philoserf 7
  • Add one link to `for Theme`

    Add one link to `for Theme`


    Added only a link to my guide how to use the new 1.0 variables


    • [x] before creating a new note, I searched the vault
    • [x] new notes have the .md extension
    opened by chrisgrieser 0
  • Stenography Plugin obsidian:// link not working

    Stenography Plugin obsidian:// link not working

    On the plugin page for Stenography, the direct Obsidian link is incorrect.

    It's currently: obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-stenography-plugin

    But should be: obsidian://show-plugin?id=stenography-obsidian

    opened by keatonkeatonkeaton 0
  • Download numbers for plugins are inflated

    Download numbers for plugins are inflated

    I just noticed thanks to this: that the plugin download numbers in the hub are quite inflated.

    This is because the service used to get the badges sums up downloads for all files, from all releases.

    The official script only counts downloads for the manifest.json, since Obsidian downloads these files automatically:

    • manifest.json
    • main.js
    • styles.css (if existing)

    Depending on if styles.css exits your numbers are inflated by 2 or 3 times.

    hub tools & scripts 
    opened by joethei 4
  • Where possible, convert GitHub links in roundup pages to internal Hub links

    Where possible, convert GitHub links in roundup pages to internal Hub links


    When earlier Roundup pages were imported to the hub, someone went through manually converting GitHub links to hub links.

    For example:

    Linking to Hub's plugin or theme note is a bit more useful for users, as those notes are more feature-rich than just going directly to the GitHub page.

    Recently, we have been importing Roundup pages with no curation (which is fine) - so all links are retained, as-is.


    Where a GitHub repo URL in a roundup page matches the URL in a plugin or theme note, we could replace the link so that the roundup page instead links to the corresponding note instead.

    When roundup articles are processed initially, they often refer to plugins or themes being reviewed and not yet officially approved, and therefore not yet having pages in the Hub.

    Therefore this would be more effective if it could be run retrospectively on existing roundup hub pages.

    hub tools & scripts 
    opened by claremacrae 0
  • Try to fill in missing Roundup articles from spring 2022

    Try to fill in missing Roundup articles from spring 2022


    As of late November 2022, we have the following Roundup articles:

    • ...
    • 2022-03-19 Better Citations Workflows & Native Callout
    • [a gap]
    • 2022-05-21 Database Discussions & Improved Search
    • ...

    It would be nice to fill in the dates between those two.


    They have disappeared from the RSS feed, hence the script not picking them up.

    There are HTML versions at:

    Maybe @eleanorkonik could supply us the raw files and we could format them. But she is busy.

    So maybe we just download them from HTML and use the same library for markdown conversion as is used in

    hub tools & scripts 
    opened by claremacrae 0
  • Some images for recent themes are broken,

    Some images for recent themes are broken,

    In 02 - Community Expansions/02.05 All Community Expansions/Themes/Micro - added in #534 - several new Themes have broken images.

    The problem files are:

    • 02 - Community Expansions/02.05 All Community Expansions/Themes/
    • 02 - Community Expansions/02.05 All Community Expansions/Themes/Micro
    • 02 - Community Expansions/02.05 All Community Expansions/Themes/
    • 02 - Community Expansions/02.05 All Community Expansions/Themes/

    It looks to me like the images are being read from master, but the correct branch is main.

    This image does not exist:

    This one does:

    The same applies to several other pages in the same PR.

    Originally posted by @claremacrae in

    hub tools & scripts 
    opened by claremacrae 0
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