Octodns-cloudflare - Cloudflare DNS provider for octoDNS


CloudflareProvider provider for octoDNS

An octoDNS provider that targets Cloudflare.


Command line

pip install octodns_cloudflare


Pinning specific versions or SHAs is recommended to avoid unplanned upgrades.

# Start with the latest versions and don't just copy what's here
# Start with the latest/specific versions and don't just copy what's here
-e git+https://[email protected]/octodns/octodns.git@9da19749e28f68407a1c246dfdf65663cdc1c422#egg=octodns
-e git+https://[email protected]/octodns/octodns_cloudflare.git@ec9661f8b335241ae4746eea467a8509205e6a30#egg=octodns_powerdns


    class: octodns_cloudflare.CloudflareProvider
    # The api key (required)
    # Your Cloudflare account email address (required, optional if using token)
    email: env/CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL
    token: env/CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN
    # Import CDN enabled records as CNAME to {}.cdn.cloudflare.net. Records
    # ending at .cdn.cloudflare.net. will be ignored when this provider is
    # not used as the source and the cdn option is enabled.
    # See: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000830351
    #cdn: false
    # Optional. Default: 4. Number of times to retry if a 429 response
    # is received.
    #retry_count: 4
    # Optional. Default: 300. Number of seconds to wait before retrying.
    #retry_period: 300
    # Optional. Default: 50. Number of zones per page.
    #zones_per_page: 50
    # Optional. Default: 100. Number of dns records per page.
    #records_per_page: 100

Note: The "proxied" flag of "A", "AAAA" and "CNAME" records can be managed via the YAML provider like so:

            proxied: true
    ttl: 120
    type: A

Support Information


CloudflareProvider supports A, AAAA, ALIAS, CAA, CNAME, LOC, MX, NS, PTR, SPF, SRV, TXT, and URLFWD. There are restrictions on CAA tag support.


CloudflareProvider does not support dynamic records.


See the /script/ directory for some tools to help with the development process. They generally follow the Script to rule them all pattern. Most useful is ./script/bootstrap which will create a venv and install both the runtime and development related requirements. It will also hook up a pre-commit hook that covers most of what's run by CI.

  • Unable to update CloudFlare records

    Unable to update CloudFlare records


    I dumped zone, fixed TTL (detected TTL is 1, so I set 7200). Then I got the following error messages:

    $ octodns-sync --config-file=./env/production.yaml zajezyk.pl. --doit
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager __init__: config_file=./env/production.yaml
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=1
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=False
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager sync: eligible_zones=['zajezyk.pl.'], eligible_targets=[], dry_run=False, force=False
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager sync:   zone=zajezyk.pl.
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager sync:   sources=['config'] -> targets=['cloudflare_shared']
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  YamlProvider[config] populate:   found 6 records
    2018-02-18T19:39:31  [140516258113280] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] plan: desired=zajezyk.pl.
    2018-02-18T19:39:32  [140516258113280] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] populate:   found 6 records
    2018-02-18T19:39:32  [140516258113280] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] plan:   Creates=0, Updates=6, Deletes=0, Existing Records=6
    2018-02-18T19:39:32  [140516258113280] INFO  Manager 
    * zajezyk.pl.
    * cloudflare_shared (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, x._domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAomyrwWA5VA6NlUFafVCBKYOanaZesoWMsIxk4QALoSw3bUUwIf8tRMxetOi9gBxqScXwjdqz5mu8+qtZrdGeh1UdvIFCX3r/dC7GYzK7uiNGi2bIRrjsrssLmHzlnNuI3IZ9G2PSrYcYqrkCX4TQhE0rj5hI2zNVW06RoTiJMqRh29GoKS07InYjaQXiND7Nief8MoJD1cGmGky6sHvsO1kwL1KbGfqXbw2bawpm0jUQUVCjBGm/kuteq2GlirooVeKI3OsC8NjW8mOuAKy+ECGajo59HNoI2gM4hNpbegSjm/DS5TnJoarSpk4a66bmWDBayoEmjHFWUFBZsKac9QIDAQAB']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, x._domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAomyrwWA5VA6NlUFafVCBKYOanaZesoWMsIxk4QALoSw3bUUwIf8tRMxetOi9gBxqScXwjdqz5mu8+qtZrdGeh1UdvIFCX3r/dC7GYzK7uiNGi2bIRrjsrssLmHzlnNuI3IZ9G2PSrYcYqrkCX4TQhE0rj5hI2zNVW06RoTiJMqRh29GoKS07InYjaQXiND7Nief8MoJD1cGmGky6sHvsO1kwL1KbGfqXbw2bawpm0jUQUVCjBGm/kuteq2GlirooVeKI3OsC8NjW8mOuAKy+ECGajo59HNoI2gM4hNpbegSjm/DS5TnJoarSpk4a66bmWDBayoEmjHFWUFBZsKac9QIDAQAB']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, _domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['o=~']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, _domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['o=~']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <ARecord A 1, zajezyk.pl., ['']> ->
    *     <ARecord A 7200, zajezyk.pl., ['']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <ARecord A 1, www.zajezyk.pl., ['']> ->
    *     <ARecord A 7200, www.zajezyk.pl., ['']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, zajezyk.pl., ['v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.zenbox.pl -all']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, zajezyk.pl., ['v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.zenbox.pl -all']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, _dmarc.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DMARC1\; p=none\; sp=none\; rua=mailto:[email protected]']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, _dmarc.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DMARC1\; p=none\; sp=none\; rua=mailto:[email protected]']> (config)
    *   Summary: Creates=0, Updates=6, Deletes=0, Existing Records=6
    2018-02-18T19:39:32  [140516258113280] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] apply: making changes
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/bin/octodns-sync", line 11, in <module>
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/cmds/sync.py", line 39, in main
        dry_run=not args.doit, force=args.force)
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/manager.py", line 313, in sync
        total_changes += target.apply(plan)
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/provider/base.py", line 157, in apply
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 285, in _apply
        getattr(self, '_apply_{}'.format(class_name))(change)
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 252, in _apply_Update
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 248, in _apply_Create
        self._request('POST', path, data=content)
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 68, in _request
      File "/home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 935, in raise_for_status
        raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
    requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/e63fd9e266f8b6ba6f227901ee7294fc/dns_records

    For debug purpuses I added

            if resp.status_code != 200:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    in cloudflare.py in 68-69 lines.

    Next to I got following result:

    $ octodns-sync --config-file=./env/production.yaml zajezyk.pl. --doit
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager __init__: config_file=./env/production.yaml
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=1
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=False
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager sync: eligible_zones=['zajezyk.pl.'], eligible_targets=[], dry_run=False, force=False
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager sync:   zone=zajezyk.pl.
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager sync:   sources=['config'] -> targets=['cloudflare_shared']
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  YamlProvider[config] populate:   found 6 records
    2018-02-18T19:41:06  [140449092114176] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] plan: desired=zajezyk.pl.
    2018-02-18T19:41:08  [140449092114176] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] populate:   found 6 records
    2018-02-18T19:41:08  [140449092114176] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] plan:   Creates=0, Updates=6, Deletes=0, Existing Records=6
    2018-02-18T19:41:08  [140449092114176] INFO  Manager 
    * zajezyk.pl.
    * cloudflare_shared (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, x._domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAomyrwWA5VA6NlUFafVCBKYOanaZesoWMsIxk4QALoSw3bUUwIf8tRMxetOi9gBxqScXwjdqz5mu8+qtZrdGeh1UdvIFCX3r/dC7GYzK7uiNGi2bIRrjsrssLmHzlnNuI3IZ9G2PSrYcYqrkCX4TQhE0rj5hI2zNVW06RoTiJMqRh29GoKS07InYjaQXiND7Nief8MoJD1cGmGky6sHvsO1kwL1KbGfqXbw2bawpm0jUQUVCjBGm/kuteq2GlirooVeKI3OsC8NjW8mOuAKy+ECGajo59HNoI2gM4hNpbegSjm/DS5TnJoarSpk4a66bmWDBayoEmjHFWUFBZsKac9QIDAQAB']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, x._domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAomyrwWA5VA6NlUFafVCBKYOanaZesoWMsIxk4QALoSw3bUUwIf8tRMxetOi9gBxqScXwjdqz5mu8+qtZrdGeh1UdvIFCX3r/dC7GYzK7uiNGi2bIRrjsrssLmHzlnNuI3IZ9G2PSrYcYqrkCX4TQhE0rj5hI2zNVW06RoTiJMqRh29GoKS07InYjaQXiND7Nief8MoJD1cGmGky6sHvsO1kwL1KbGfqXbw2bawpm0jUQUVCjBGm/kuteq2GlirooVeKI3OsC8NjW8mOuAKy+ECGajo59HNoI2gM4hNpbegSjm/DS5TnJoarSpk4a66bmWDBayoEmjHFWUFBZsKac9QIDAQAB']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, _domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['o=~']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, _domainkey.zajezyk.pl., ['o=~']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <ARecord A 1, zajezyk.pl., ['']> ->
    *     <ARecord A 7200, zajezyk.pl., ['']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <ARecord A 1, www.zajezyk.pl., ['']> ->
    *     <ARecord A 7200, www.zajezyk.pl., ['']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, zajezyk.pl., ['v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.zenbox.pl -all']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, zajezyk.pl., ['v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.zenbox.pl -all']> (config)
    *   Update
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 1, _dmarc.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DMARC1\; p=none\; sp=none\; rua=mailto:[email protected]']> ->
    *     <TxtRecord TXT 7200, _dmarc.zajezyk.pl., ['v=DMARC1\; p=none\; sp=none\; rua=mailto:[email protected]']> (config)
    *   Summary: Creates=0, Updates=6, Deletes=0, Existing Records=6
    2018-02-18T19:41:08  [140449092114176] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare_shared] apply: making changes
    > /home/adas/.virtualenvs/infra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py(70)_request()
    -> resp.raise_for_status()
    (Pdb) print(resp)
    <Response [400]>
    (Pdb) resp.status_code
    (Pdb) resp.json()
    {u'errors': [{u'message': u'The record already exists.', u'code': 81057}], u'messages': [], u'result': None, u'success': False}
    opened by ad-m 10
  • Cloudflare ALIAS continually recreated

    Cloudflare ALIAS continually recreated

    Hello, I have run into a situation where I have a non-root alias recorded in Cloudflare. During creation, the record is correctly changed to a CNAME and added to Cloudflare. However, the record is continually replaced on future runs of Octodns since Ocotdns believes that it should still be an ALIAS.

    Example zone config

      ttl: 300
      type: A
      value: SOME_IP
          proxied: true
        lenient: true
      ttl: 300
      type: ALIAS
      value: test.example.com.

    Example output

    octodns % octodns-sync --config-file config/example.com.yaml
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  Manager __init__: config_file=config/example.com.yaml
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=1
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  Manager __init__:   include_meta=False
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  Manager sync: eligible_zones=[], eligible_targets=[], dry_run=True, force=False, plan_output_fh=<stdout>
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  Manager sync:   zone=example.com.
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  Manager sync:   sources=['data'] -> targets=['cloudflare']
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] WARNING Record Invalid record ztest.test.example.com.
      - non-root ALIAS not allowed
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  YamlProvider[data] populate:   found 2 records, exists=False
    2021-10-13T10:06:29  [4376120832] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] plan: desired=example.com.
    2021-10-13T10:06:30  [4376120832] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] populate:   found 2 records, exists=True
    2021-10-13T10:06:30  [4376120832] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] plan:   Creates=1, Updates=0, Deletes=1, Existing Records=2
    2021-10-13T10:06:30  [4376120832] INFO  Manager 
    * example.com.
    * cloudflare (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Create <AliasRecord ALIAS 300, ztest.test.example.com., test.example.com.> (data)
    *   Delete <CnameRecord CNAME 300, ztest.test.example.com., test.example.com.>
    *   Summary: Creates=1, Updates=0, Deletes=1, Existing Records=2

    I am using version 0.9.14 I expect there to be no change shown during sync.

    opened by awellock 7
  • octodns-dump does not print cloud flare proxy flag

    octodns-dump does not print cloud flare proxy flag


    This is a follow-up to https://github.com/github/octodns/pull/264 by @begincalendar.

    My dns records can be found at parkr/dns. In that repo, I have a script called script/dump which I use to dump new zones when I create them. I upgraded to octodns 0.9.3 and re-ran script/dump hoping to see the new proxied field in my config files. Alas, my YAML output was unchanged.

    Is it possible to add this provider-specific flag to octodns-dump?

    Here's my incantation:

    for zone in "${ZONES[@]}"; do
        echo "Processing zone $zone."
        ./vendor/bin/octodns-dump \
          --config-file config/production.yaml \
          --output-dir config \
          "$zone." cloudflare \

    (Also, I tried doing octodns-dump --version, and it would have no part of it. Think we could add a global --version flag to make checking versions easier?)

    opened by parkr 6
  • PR suggestion - add ignore_proxied setting to avoid overwriting CF setting

    PR suggestion - add ignore_proxied setting to avoid overwriting CF setting

    In my scenario, the source does not support the proxied setting, so when syncing to a CF target it always sets the proxied boolean as false.

    If we manually set the proxied setting on the CF website for some specific records then octodns-sync will set them to false again.

    We did a little change to include an ignore_proxied setting so if set to true, the proxied setting will not be included in the sync.

    Are you open to include this if I do a PR? these are the changes so far:


    def __init__(self, id, email=None, token=None, cdn=False, retry_count=4,
                     retry_period=300, zones_per_page=50, records_per_page=100,ignore_proxied=False,
                     *args, **kwargs):


    self.ignore_proxied = ignore_proxied


    if _type in _PROXIABLE_RECORD_TYPES:
                if not self.ignore_proxied:
                    if( records[0].get('proxied', False)):
                        record._octodns['cloudflare'] = {
                            'proxied': records[0].get('proxied', False)
    opened by mrbarletta 5
  • Support TLSA Record

    Support TLSA Record

    Source of support (type also available in dashboard): https://blog.cloudflare.com/additional-record-types-available-with-cloudflare-dns/. Mostly used for DANE support in mail servers.


    • usage
    • selector
    • matching_type

    Currently my workflow fails because of

    AttributeError: 'CloudflareProvider' object has no attribute '_data_for_TLSA'. Did you mean: '_data_for_A'?

    There is nothing configured in octodns for TLSA just a manual dns record using the dashboard.

    opened by felixoi 4
  • Does Cloudflare changed his API ? Proxied record issue

    Does Cloudflare changed his API ? Proxied record issue

    Hello all,

    since ~1 month i'm not able to update CloudFlare records using OctoDNS. The config file i've used before was the same and suddenly it stopped to work. After tests (fortunately i run it using GitLab pipelines), like forcing OctoDNS to run an older version, issue is still here. So i guess CloudFlare did an update to his API regarding proxied records. For information, i usually run the latest OctoDNS from the Git repository here on master branch, and the issue is still there.

    All my records works if i put them manually in CloudFlare web gui, and i can proxy them. OctoDNS in dry mode does not detect any error with my record config file.

    Here the error i get: octodns.provider.cloudflare.CloudflareError: This kind of record cannot be proxied

    My record config file is quite big, but i can share it if you think it's relevant or are not able to reproduce my issue.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    -- o_be_one

    opened by o-be-one 4
  • feat: add ignore_proxied config support

    feat: add ignore_proxied config support

    Adding this change will stop the proxied setting to be forcefully set for any _PROXIABLE_RECORD_TYPES record.

    Currently, if the source DNS doesn't support proxied setting, instead of ignoring the proxied flag, it will always be set to false overriding a change in the Cloudflare's DNS interface.

    IMHO, if the proxied flag is not set for a given record, it should not be set to false but ignored.

    opened by mrbarletta 3
  • Cloudflare: Alias record type on Apex always shows up as changing when proxied: true

    Cloudflare: Alias record type on Apex always shows up as changing when proxied: true

    Alias records on the Apex always show up as changing when proxied is set to true. Removing the proxied: true shows no records changing and doesn't undo the proxy through cloudflare config. Is any of this expected behavior? I would expect removing proxied: true, or setting proxied: false to actually change this apex record.

    ? ''
    : - octodns:
            proxied: true
        ttl: 1
        type: ALIAS
        value: 123.kewlzone.net.
    (env)  ~/git/octodns   amurphy/kewlzone-net ●  octodns-sync --config-file=./config.yml kewlzone.net.     
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager __init__: config_file=./config.yml
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=1
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=False
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager sync: eligible_zones=['kewlzone.net.'], eligible_targets=[], dry_run=True, force=False
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager sync:   zone=kewlzone.net.
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager sync:   sources=['config'] -> targets=['cloudflare']
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  YamlProvider[config] populate:   found 6 records, exists=False
    2018-11-27T09:53:20  [140136761390272] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] plan: desired=kewlzone.net.
    2018-11-27T09:53:21  [140136761390272] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] populate:   found 6 records, exists=True
    2018-11-27T09:53:21  [140136761390272] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] plan:   filtered out 1 changes
    2018-11-27T09:53:21  [140136761390272] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] plan:   extra changes
        <AliasRecord ALIAS 1, kewlzone.net., 123.kewlzone.net.> ->
        <AliasRecord ALIAS 1, kewlzone.net., 123.kewlzone.net.> (config)
    2018-11-27T09:53:21  [140136761390272] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] plan:   Creates=0, Updates=1, Deletes=0, Existing Records=6
    2018-11-27T09:53:21  [140136761390272] INFO  Manager 
    * kewlzone.net.
    * cloudflare (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Update
    *     <AliasRecord ALIAS 1, kewlzone.net., 123.kewlzone.net.> ->
    *     <AliasRecord ALIAS 1, kewlzone.net., 123.kewlzone.net.> (config)
    *   Summary: Creates=0, Updates=1, Deletes=0, Existing Records=6
    opened by Moumoutaru 3
  • Unable to convert CNAME record to A record on Cloudflare

    Unable to convert CNAME record to A record on Cloudflare

    I'm unable to change CNAME record to A.

    octodns version: 0.9.10

    * cloudflare (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Create <ARecord A 3600, foo.example.com., ['']> (yaml_example)
    *   Delete <CnameRecord CNAME 3600, foo.example.com., bar01.example.net.>
    *   Summary: Creates=1, Updates=0, Deletes=1, Existing Records=42
    2021-01-28T17:26:04  [140277747840832] INFO  CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] apply: making changes
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./venv/bin/octodns-sync", line 8, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/octodns/cmds/sync.py", line 38, in main
        manager.sync(eligible_zones=args.zone, eligible_targets=args.target,
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/octodns/manager.py", line 344, in sync
        total_changes += target.apply(plan)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/octodns/provider/base.py", line 95, in apply
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 576, in _apply
        getattr(self, '_apply_{}'.format(class_name))(change)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 433, in _apply_Create
        self._request('POST', path, data=content)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py", line 101, in _request
        raise CloudflareError(resp.json())
    octodns.provider.cloudflare.CloudflareError: A CNAME record with that host already exists.

    Similar issue octodns/octodns#507 but for Route53 provider.

    opened by deric 3
  • Cloudflare provider assumes a zone does not exist when it has no records

    Cloudflare provider assumes a zone does not exist when it has no records

    We ran into an issue when using the Cloudflare provider for a new, existing zone with no DNS records. It will try to create the zone, even though it already exists:

    * domain.com.
    * cloudflare (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Create Zone<domain.com.>
    *   Create <CnameRecord CNAME 1, record.domain.com., record.domain2.com.> (config)
    *   Summary: Creates=1, Updates=0, Deletes=0, Existing Records=0

    After creating a single test record test.domain.com manually via the Cloudflare interface, this is the result:

    * domain.com.
    * cloudflare (CloudflareProvider)
    *   Create <CnameRecord CNAME 1, record.domain.com., record.domain2.com.> (config)
    *   Delete <ARecord A 1, test.domain.com., ['']>
    *   Summary: Creates=1, Updates=0, Deletes=1, Existing Records=1

    As you can see it no longer tries to create the zone. I suspect it has something to do with the code around this line: https://github.com/octodns/octodns/blob/master/octodns/provider/cloudflare.py#L338.

    opened by LukasdeBoer 3
  • issues dumping records from Cloudflare

    issues dumping records from Cloudflare


    Having some issues trying to dump existing records in CF.


      max_workers: 2
        class: octodns.provider.yaml.YamlProvider
        directory: ../config
        default_ttl: 3600
        enforce_order: True
        class: octodns_cloudflare.CloudflareProvider
        # The api key (required)
        # Your Cloudflare account email address (required, optional if using token)
        email: env/CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL
        token: env/CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN
    source .source
    (octodnsenv) ➜  config cat .source
    export CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL='myemail'
    export CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN='mytoken'

    Running dump:

    (octodnsenv) ➜  config octodns-dump --config-file=prod.yaml --output-dir=tmp/ mydomain.tld. cloudflare --debug
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] INFO  Manager __init__: config_file=prod.yaml
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] INFO  Manager __init__:   max_workers=2
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] INFO  Manager __init__:   include_meta=False
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] DEBUG Manager __init__:   configuring providers
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] DEBUG YamlProvider[config] __init__: id=config, directory=../config, default_ttl=3600, enforce_order=1, populate_should_replace=0
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] DEBUG YamlProvider[config] __init__: id=config, apply_disabled=False, update_pcent_threshold=0.30, delete_pcent_threshold=0.30
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] DEBUG CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] __init__: id=cloudflare, email=myemail, token=***, cdn=False
    2022-02-28T00:16:22  [4371137920] DEBUG CloudflareProvider[cloudflare] __init__: id=cloudflare, apply_disabled=False, update_pcent_threshold=0.30, delete_pcent_threshold=0.30
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/blk/git/octodns/octodnsenv/bin/octodns-dump", line 8, in <module>
      File "/Users/blk/git/octodns/octodnsenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octodns/cmds/dump.py", line 33, in main
        manager = Manager(args.config_file)
      File "/Users/blk/git/octodns/octodnsenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octodns/manager.py", line 145, in __init__
        for name in sorted(self.config['zones'].keys(), key=lambda s: s[::-1]):
    KeyError: 'zones'
    (octodnsenv) ➜  config pip list | grep octodns
    octodns            0.9.15
    octodns-cloudflare 0.0.1

    Dir structure:

    (octodnsenv) ➜  octodns tree config
    └── prod.yaml

    mydomain.tld redacted, along with email and token Confirming that env shows my email and token. Cloudflare token generate from READ all template and tried granting permissions to single account / all accounts.

    (octodnsenv) ➜  octodns python -V
    Python 3.9.8


    opened by mihaiturcu 2
  • SPF records can no longer be created

    SPF records can no longer be created

    TXT records should be used instead. See https://github.com/octodns/octodns-cloudflare/issues/28 for more details.

    /cc Fixes https://github.com/octodns/octodns-cloudflare/issues/28 /cc @felixoi

    opened by ross 0
  • Cloudflare no longer supports SPF records

    Cloudflare no longer supports SPF records

    This provider states to support SPF records. As my syncs started failing after adding a SPF record, I debugged this a bit.

    I did not find any official changelog but Cloudflare no longer supports SPF records. It answers with: "DNS Validation Error (Code: 1004) The SPF record type was deprecated in RFC 7208 and is no longer supported. Use a TXT record instead". IMO this provider should also stop advertising the support for this type of record.

    opened by felixoi 8
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