🕵 Artificial Intelligence for social control of public administration


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Operação Serenata de Amor

  1. Non-tech crash course into Operação Serenata de Amor
  2. Tech crash course into Operação Serenata de Amor
  3. Contributing with code and tech skills
  4. Supporting
  5. Acknowledgments

Non-tech crash course into Operação Serenata de Amor


Serenata de Amor is an open project using artificial intelligence for social control of public administration.


We are a group of people who believes in power to the people motto. We are also part of the Data Science for Civic Innovation Programme from Open Knowledge Brasil.

Among founders and long-term members, we can list a group of eight people – plus numerous contributors from the open source and open knowledge communities: Tatiana Balachova, Felipe Cabral, Eduardo Cuducos, Irio Musskopf, Bruno Pazzim, Ana Schwendler, Jessica Temporal, Yasodara Córdova and Pedro Vilanova.


Similar to organizations like Google, Facebook, and Netflix, we use technology to track government spendings and make open data accessible for everyone. We started looking into data from the Chamber of Deputies (Brazilian lower house) but we expanded to the Federal Senate (Brazilian upper house) and to municipalities.


Irio had the main ideas for the project in early 2016. For a few months, he experimented and gathered people around the project. September, 2016 marks the launching of our first crowd funding. Since then, we have been creating open source technological products and tools, as well as high quality content on civic tech on our Facebook and Medium.


We have no non-virtual headquarters, but we work remotely everyday. Most of our ideas are crafted to work in any country that offers open data, but our main implementations focus in Brazil.


Empowering citizens with data is important: people talk about smart cities, surveillance and privacy. We prefer to focus on smart citizens, accountability and open knowledge.

Tech crash course into Operação Serenata de Amor


Serenata de Amor develops open source tools to make it easy for people to use open data. The focus is to gather relevant insights and share them in an accessible interface. Through this interface, we invite citizens to dialogue with politicians, state and government about public spendings.


Serenata's main role is played by Rosie: she is an artificial intelligence who analyzes Brazilian congresspeople expenses while they are in office. Rosie can find suspicious spendings and engage citizens in the discussion about these findings. She's on Twitter.

To allow people to visualize and make sense of data Rosie generates, we have created Jarbas. On this website, users can browse congresspeople expenses and get details about each of the suspicions. It is the starting point to validate a suspicion.


We have two main repositories on GitHub. This is the main repo and hosts Rosie and Jarbas. In addition, we have the toolbox - a pip installable package. Yet there are experimental notebooks maintained by the community and our static webpage.


Despite all these players acting together, the core part of the job is ran manually from time to time. The only part that is always online is Jarbas – freely serving a wide range of information about public expenditure 24/7.

Roughly once a month, we manually run Rosie and update Jarbas. A few times per year, we upload versioned datasets accessible via the toolbox – but we encourage you to use the toolbox to generate fresh datasets whenever you need.


Jarbas is running in Digital Ocean droplets, and deployed using the Docker Cloud architecture.


The answer to most technical why questions is because that is what we had in the past and enabled us to deliver fast. We acknowledge that this is not the best stack ever, but it has brought us here.

Contributing with code and tech skills

Make sure you have read the Tech crash course on this page. Next, check out our contributing guide.



Open Knowledge Brasil Digital Ocean

  • Looking for corruption on the Federal Budget

    Looking for corruption on the Federal Budget

    The Brazilian Constitution allows each parliamentary allocate a portion of the federal budget for a specific purpose. But there is a problem because the law also allowed the parliamentary indicate the institution (NGO, Association, Foundation, public agency) that will receive the money. This creates a major risk of embezzlement, if the money is intended to entities controlled by the Parliament itself.

    The federal government publishes the list of entities that received funds in this way. This list indicates which entity received the money, what she should do and what was the congressman who was the author of the amendment. address http://portal.convenios.gov.br/images/docs/CGSIS/csv/siconv_emenda.csv.zip

    We could build a tool to check the reputation of such entities. This information would indicate higher risk of corruption.

    We can get the information about the reputation from various sources: protests because of debts for this CNPJ, jundiciais actions against authority (sites of the courts, JusBrasil), criminal actions against the leaders (courts sites), leaders of donations to campaign parliamentary (TSE) and others.


    A constituição brasileira permite que cada parlamentar destine uma parte do orçamento federal para um objetivo específico. Mas existe um problema porque a Lei também permite que o parlamentar indique a instituição (ONG, Associação, Fundação, órgão público) que irá receber esse dinheiro. Isso gera um grande risco de desvio de dinheiro, se o dinheiro for destinado a entidades controladas pelo próprio parlamentar.

    O governo federal divulga a lista de entidades que receberam verbas dessa forma. Essa lista indica para qual entidade recebeu o dinheiro, o que ela deveria fazer e quem foi o parlamentar que foi autor da emenda. Endereço: http://portal.convenios.gov.br/images/docs/CGSIS/csv/siconv_emenda.csv.zip

    Nós poderíamos construir uma ferramenta que verifique a reputação dessas entidades. Essa informação indicaria emendas com alto risco de corrupção.

    Podemos obter as informações sobre a reputação a partir de várias fontes: protestos em razão de dívidas cíveis (buscar pelo CNPJ em sites como http://www.ieptb.com.br/), ações judiciais contra entidade (sites dos tribunais, jusbrasil), ações civis e criminais contra os dirigentes (sites de tribunais), doações de dirigentes a campanha do parlamentar ou do partido (TSE) e outras.

    data collection 
    opened by franklinbaldo 33
  • Por que não em português?

    Por que não em português?

    • O projeto nasceu por conta da corrupção no Brasil
    • Acredito eu que maior parte dos participantes do grupo no Telegram sejam brasileiros
    • Regularmente, as pessoas escrevem uma palavra em português entre aspas ou por não saber traduzir-la ou porque não tem tradução.
    • muitas vezes saem frases em inglês incorretas, por falta de domínio/uso diário da língua por muitos

    Então porque não conversarmos simplesmente em português? Ou em vez disso, criar um grupo do Telegram para discussões em português? Ou realmente, mudar de plataforma para conversação, como proposto em #81 #46 ? Eu realmente acho que é importante facilitarmos a comunicação entre nós, e acho que isso é melhor alcançado ao usarmos nossa língua nativa para tal.

    opened by oxydron 32
  • New dataset: OCR for meal expenses since 2015 using google's cloud vision API

    New dataset: OCR for meal expenses since 2015 using google's cloud vision API

    Some stats:

    • Dataset is made of about 56k receipts
    • The whole process took around 8 hours to finish in a Droplet with 8CPUs and 16Gb Ram
    • https://gist.github.com/fgrehm/d4f489404e7e8a4184cd97cc7268ee82 - execution logs of generating 5.1Gb worth of PDFs
    • https://gist.github.com/fgrehm/8b840b4d07f2cab198bf393a936523df - converting the PDFs to 30Gb images
    • https://gist.github.com/fgrehm/b7bd2e51dc08fcf2bbedc8ec61c29ba2 - sent images to google, result is 1.1Gb of cloud vision JSON api responses
    • I've zipped that final 1.1Gb directory into a 100Mb file and uploaded to wetransfer https://we.tl/i1C2z6sBJX
    • Here's an example of a few responses: https://gist.github.com/fgrehm/f7f5b24947e169c3249542caf958f8cd

    /cc @Irio @anaschwendler

    data collection 
    opened by fgrehm 29
  • Data collection: campaign donors

    Data collection: campaign donors

    I would like to ask to take a look on this code to see if there are things I should do to follow any given coding standard.

    This is a work in progress, but it is almost done. What is left:

    • Delete folders from the extractions of the zip files.
    • Save in an appropriate data folder.
    data collection 
    opened by lacerdamarcelo 23
  • Find or create a database of all politicians

    Find or create a database of all politicians

    As mentioned in articles, although Serenata de Amor is currently focused in the Chamber of Deputies, the same models could be adapted for other Brazilian quotas, like Senate, Legislative Chambers, City Halls... Having a database of whole Politicians life - which is public information - can be very useful for exploration and Supervised Machine Learning. Related hypotheses are many: is a suspicious expense made in a place where the politician has a lot of influence? Is the politician in the first term or we could infer a significant influence in the Congress?


    | Name | Full Name | Position | Place | Inauguration | Ending | |------|-----------|----------|-------|-------|-----| | Fernando Collor | Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello | Mayor | Maceió - AL | 1979-01-01 | 1983-01-01 | | Fernando Collor | Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello | Federal Deputy | AL | 1983-02-01 | 1987-02-01 | | Fernando Collor | Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello | State Governor | AL | 1987-03-15 | 1989-05-14 | | Fernando Collor | Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello | President | Brazil | 1990-03-15 | 1992-12-29 | | Fernando Collor | Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello | Senator | AL | 2007-02-01 | |

    May be appealing to scrape Wikipedia for that, but I wish we could use TSE or other governmental sources. Candidacies is also a very important dataset to be collected next.

    help wanted data collection 
    opened by Irio 22
  • Add dockerfile

    Add dockerfile

    This PR adds a Dockerfile to the project and update the documentation explaining how to use it.

    The docker-compose was already created in version 2 syntax (as suggested by @gwmoura)

    And I also fixed some typos in documentation.

    p.s.: There is a problem when reading csv in the current notebooks. But I think it is an issue for another pull request. I'm working on that.

    opened by dsakuma 21
  • Why Telegram instead of Gitter or irc?

    Why Telegram instead of Gitter or irc?

    Telegram is a proprietary thing that require people to install stuff in their phones. Who knows what sort of tracking they have and they share with governments. This project should use something more open IMO.

    opened by joaomilho 21
  • created fetch_tse_data

    created fetch_tse_data

    Hello guys. This is the script that fetches data from TSE website in order to create a list of brazilian politicians. I have also a small example notebook that uses this data. As the script will be code reviewed, I thought the notebook version would be appreciated. So this is a direct export from a notebook. Is it ok?

    data collection 
    opened by rafonseca 20
  • Collecting restaurant menu prices

    Collecting restaurant menu prices

    One of the hypothesis that we are planning to work on the next two months is about collecting and evaluating restaurant menu prices. We don't know where is the best place to collect these data, but we're thinking about collecting from Google Maps, Yelp or Foursquare.

    Ideally we will use those data to return the probability of the hypothesis that a given expense is a suspcious outlier in its group.

    data collection hacktoberfest 
    opened by anaschwendler 19
  • Data visualization

    Data visualization

    Hi guys, how about data visualization, do you already chat about? It could be a good way to show to people who haven't any technical skills or are from different field how the project would save a lot of money. I started develop some charts using D3. I'm curious to know about the kind of features you think is relevant to show (?). At this time I'm trying the money by person, by state and by subquota, what do u think about it?

    opened by pmargreff 18
  • Help to analise transportation graph

    Help to analise transportation graph

    Hi guys, I am working in local transportation subquotas ('Taxi, toll and parking', 'Automotive vehicle renting or charter' and 'Fuels and lubricants'). When I sum all the expenses per month I found the graph below. ps4 fig 1 Anyone know to explain why the expenses increase after 2014?

    The second question was about the expenses of each congressman. In the follows graphs, I plot a bar with the median (center dot), quantile 95% and 5% (upper and down limit of each bar). The first graph is with all congressman, the other two I divided by mean greater and less than R$5,000 per month for a better visualization. ps4 fig 3 ps4 fig 4 ps4 fig 5 My question is why a lot of monthly expenses (not all) was limited in R$4,500? There is some rule limited in this value?

    question analysis 
    opened by fabiocorreacordeiro 16
  • Revisão do readme.md

    Revisão do readme.md

    Esta edição faz parte do processo de revisão da Laboratoria Code Squads novembro 2020 da iniciativa Code for Development de @EL-BID

    Problema de revisão de documentação - readme.md:

    Tendo contrastado as informações apresentadas no repositório oficial com os campos solicitados no modelo de readme.md encontraram os seguintes pontos para melhorar:

    • [x] Adicione o logotipo para identificar o projeto.
    • [ ] Adicione uma imagem ou gif do projeto para identificar sua principal funcionalidade.
    • [ ] Incluir badges com o estado de desenvolvimento, licença, versão, cobertura, social ou outros. Esta ferramenta pode ser útil: https://shields.io/ (tutorial recomendado: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIh5MQoQLPs)
    • [x] Forneça uma tabela com links para cada seção para funcionar como um índice.
    • [x] Especifique os pré-requisitos necessários para executar o projeto (ambiente, bibliotecas, dependências, entre outros), e forneça comandos de instalação para eles.
    • [x] Especifique se as variáveis de ambiente são necessárias e em qual parte da arquitetura elas são colocadas.
    • [x] Adicione uma lista de etapas que permitam a instalação e utilização do projeto localmente.
    • [x] Adicione o comando de execução para testes de unidade.
    • [x] Mencione as tecnologias utilizadas e adicione links referentes à documentação de cada uma.
    • [x] Se necessário, adicione trechos de código com exemplos de uso.
    • [ ] Adicionar seção de autores.
    • [x] Adicione uma seção com o processo detalhado para contribuir com o projeto.
    • [x] Adicione uma seção especificando a licença de código aberto que está sendo usada redirecionando para o arquivo LICENSE.md.
    opened by silotto 0
  • Creating a Telegram Bot for the project - Criar um bot de telegram para o projeto

    Creating a Telegram Bot for the project - Criar um bot de telegram para o projeto


    • Uma das possíveis razões para o sucesso da Operação foi a facilidade de difusão dos achados pelo Twitter. Para além dele, existem outras redes que podem ser utilizadas para difundir achados, como o Telegram, Whatsapp e outras.
    • One of the possible reasons for the Operation success was the seamless distribution of findings through/by Twitter. Beyond it, there are other social medias that could be used, such as Telegram, Whatsapp, etc.


    • Criar um bot de telegram que publique os achados e permita a difusão na rede.
    • Create a telegram bot that publishes the findings on Telegram and allows for easier spread of information on this media.


    • A ideia veio deste vídeo
    • The idea came from the video above.
    opened by jedibruno 1
  • Scheduled monthly dependency update for July

    Scheduled monthly dependency update for July

    Update ipdb from 0.11 to 0.13.9.



    - Fix again when `pyproject.toml` does not contain `tool` section.


    - Fix when `pyproject.toml` does not contain `tool` section.
    - Add the convenience function ``iex()``.


    - Do not instantiate IPython on import


    - Fix broken parsing of pyproject.toml


    - Add support for pyproject.toml as configuration file
    - For users using python 3.4, install 6.0.0 <= IPython < 7.0.0,
    for users using python 3.5, install 7.0.0 <= IPython < 7.10.0,
    for users using python 3.6, install 7.10.0 <= IPython < 7.17.0,
    for users using python>3.6, install IPython >= 7.17.0.


    - Add '-m' option


    - Allow runcall, runeval to also use set context value
    - Add condition argument to set_trace


    - Remove leftover debug code


    - Fix when no configuration file


    - Add option to set context via environment variable or configuration file


    - Fix version in usage


    - Avoid emitting term-title bytes


    - Fix --help 


    - Drop support for Python 3.3.x
    - Stop deprecation warnings from being raised when IPython >= 5.1 is used.
    Support for IPython < 5.1 has been dropped.
    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/ipdb
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/ipdb/
    • Repo: https://github.com/gotcha/ipdb

    Update mixer from 6.1.3 to 7.2.2.

    The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mixer
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/mixer/
    • Repo: https://github.com/klen/mixer
    • Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/mixer/

    Update Django from 2.1.7 to 4.0.5.



    *June 1, 2022*
    Django 4.0.5 fixes several bugs in 4.0.4.
    * Fixed a bug in Django 4.0 where not all :setting:`OPTIONS <CACHES-OPTIONS>`
    were passed to a Redis client (:ticket:`33681`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 4.0 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.filter()`` on
    ``IsNull()`` expressions (:ticket:`33705`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 4.0 where a hidden quick filter toolbar in the admin's
    navigation sidebar was focusable (:ticket:`33725`).


    *April 11, 2022*
    Django 4.0.4 fixes two security issues with severity "high" and two bugs in
    CVE-2022-28346: Potential SQL injection in ``QuerySet.annotate()``, ``aggregate()``, and ``extra()``
    :meth:`.QuerySet.annotate`, :meth:`~.QuerySet.aggregate`, and
    :meth:`~.QuerySet.extra` methods were subject to SQL injection in column
    aliases, using a suitably crafted dictionary, with dictionary expansion, as the
    ``**kwargs`` passed to these methods.
    CVE-2022-28347: Potential SQL injection via ``QuerySet.explain(**options)`` on PostgreSQL
    :meth:`.QuerySet.explain` method was subject to SQL injection in option names,
    using a suitably crafted dictionary, with dictionary expansion, as the
    ``**options`` argument.
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused ignoring multiple
    ``FilteredRelation()`` relationships to the same field (:ticket:`33598`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2.4 that caused the auto-reloader to no longer
    detect changes when the ``DIRS`` option of the ``TEMPLATES`` setting
    contained an empty string (:ticket:`33628`).


    *March 1, 2022*
    Django 4.0.3 fixes several bugs in 4.0.2. Also, all Python code in Django is
    reformatted with `black`_.
    .. _black: https://pypi.org/project/black/
    * Prevented, following a regression in Django 4.0.1, :djadmin:`makemigrations`
    from generating infinite migrations for a model with ``ManyToManyField`` to
    a lowercased swappable model such as ``'auth.user'`` (:ticket:`33515`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused a crash when rendering invalid
    inlines with :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.readonly_fields` in the
    admin (:ticket:`33547`).


    *February 1, 2022*
    Django 4.0.2 fixes two security issues with severity "medium" and several bugs
    in 4.0.1. Also, the latest string translations from Transifex are incorporated,
    with a special mention for Bulgarian (fully translated).
    CVE-2022-22818: Possible XSS via ``{% debug %}`` template tag
    The ``{% debug %}`` template tag didn't properly encode the current context,
    posing an XSS attack vector.
    In order to avoid this vulnerability, ``{% debug %}`` no longer outputs
    information when the ``DEBUG`` setting is ``False``, and it ensures all context
    variables are correctly escaped when the ``DEBUG`` setting is ``True``.
    CVE-2022-23833: Denial-of-service possibility in file uploads
    Passing certain inputs to multipart forms could result in an infinite loop when
    parsing files.
    * Fixed a bug in Django 4.0 where ``TestCase.captureOnCommitCallbacks()`` could
    execute callbacks multiple times (:ticket:`33410`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 where ``help_text`` was HTML-escaped in
    automatically-generated forms (:ticket:`33419`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused displaying an incorrect name for
    class-based views on the technical 404 debug page (:ticket:`33425`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused an incorrect ``repr`` of
    ``ResolverMatch`` for class-based views (:ticket:`33426`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused a crash of ``makemigrations`` on
    models without ``Meta.order_with_respect_to`` but with a field named
    ``_order`` (:ticket:`33449`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused incorrect
    :attr:`.ModelAdmin.radio_fields` layout in the admin (:ticket:`33407`).
    * Fixed a duplicate operation regression in Django 4.0 that caused a migration
    crash when altering a primary key type for a concrete parent model referenced
    by a foreign key (:ticket:`33462`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 4.0 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.aggregate()``
    after ``annotate()`` on an aggregate function with a
    :ref:`default <aggregate-default>` (:ticket:`33468`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused a crash of ``makemigrations``
    when renaming a field of a renamed model (:ticket:`33480`).


    *January 4, 2022*
    Django 4.0.1 fixes one security issue with severity "medium", two security
    issues with severity "low", and several bugs in 4.0.
    CVE-2021-45115: Denial-of-service possibility in ``UserAttributeSimilarityValidator``
    :class:`.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator` incurred significant overhead
    evaluating submitted password that were artificially large in relative to the
    comparison values. On the assumption that access to user registration was
    unrestricted this provided a potential vector for a denial-of-service attack.
    In order to mitigate this issue, relatively long values are now ignored by
    This issue has severity "medium" according to the :ref:`Django security policy
    CVE-2021-45116: Potential information disclosure in ``dictsort`` template filter
    Due to leveraging the Django Template Language's variable resolution logic, the
    :tfilter:`dictsort` template filter was potentially vulnerable to information
    disclosure or unintended method calls, if passed a suitably crafted key.
    In order to avoid this possibility, ``dictsort`` now works with a restricted
    resolution logic, that will not call methods, nor allow indexing on
    As a reminder, all untrusted user input should be validated before use.
    This issue has severity "low" according to the :ref:`Django security policy
    CVE-2021-45452: Potential directory-traversal via ``Storage.save()``
    ``Storage.save()`` allowed directory-traversal if directly passed suitably
    crafted file names.
    This issue has severity "low" according to the :ref:`Django security policy
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused a crash of
    :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertFormsetError` on a formset named
    ``form`` (:ticket:`33346`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 4.0 that caused a crash on booleans with the
    ``RedisCache`` backend (:ticket:`33361`).
    * Relaxed the check added in Django 4.0 to reallow use of a duck-typed
    ``HttpRequest`` in ``django.views.decorators.cache.cache_control()`` and
    ``never_cache()`` decorators (:ticket:`33350`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 4.0 that caused creating bogus migrations for
    models that reference swappable models such as ``auth.User``
    * Fixed a long standing bug in :ref:`geos-geometry-collections` and
    :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.Polygon` that caused a crash on some
    platforms (reported on macOS based on the ``ARM64`` architecture)


    *December 7, 2021*
    Welcome to Django 4.0!
    These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-4.0>`, as well as
    some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-4.0>` you'll
    want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 3.2 or earlier. We've
    :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features
    See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing
    Python compatibility
    Django 4.0 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. We **highly recommend** and only
    officially support the latest release of each series.
    The Django 3.2.x series is the last to support Python 3.6 and 3.7.
    .. _whats-new-4.0:
    What's new in Django 4.0
    ``zoneinfo`` default timezone implementation
    The Python standard library's :mod:`zoneinfo` is now the default timezone
    implementation in Django.
    This is the next step in the migration from using ``pytz`` to using
    :mod:`zoneinfo`. Django 3.2 allowed the use of non-``pytz`` time zones. Django
    4.0 makes ``zoneinfo`` the default implementation. Support for ``pytz`` is now
    deprecated and will be removed in Django 5.0.
    :mod:`zoneinfo` is part of the Python standard library from Python 3.9. The
    ``backports.zoneinfo`` package is automatically installed alongside Django if
    you are using Python 3.8.
    The move to ``zoneinfo`` should be largely transparent. Selection of the
    current timezone, conversion of datetime instances to the current timezone in
    forms and templates, as well as operations on aware datetimes in UTC are
    However, if you are working with non-UTC time zones, and using the ``pytz``
    ``normalize()`` and ``localize()`` APIs, possibly with the :setting:`TIME_ZONE
    <DATABASE-TIME_ZONE>` setting, you will need to audit your code, since ``pytz``
    and ``zoneinfo`` are not entirely equivalent.
    To give time for such an audit, the transitional :setting:`USE_DEPRECATED_PYTZ`
    setting allows continued use of ``pytz`` during the 4.x release cycle. This
    setting will be removed in Django 5.0.
    In addition, a `pytz_deprecation_shim`_ package, created by the ``zoneinfo``
    author, can be used to assist with the migration from ``pytz``. This package
    provides shims to help you safely remove ``pytz``, and has a detailed
    `migration guide`_ showing how to move to the new ``zoneinfo`` APIs.
    Using `pytz_deprecation_shim`_ and the :setting:`USE_DEPRECATED_PYTZ`
    transitional setting is recommended if you need a gradual update path.
    .. _pytz_deprecation_shim: https://pytz-deprecation-shim.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
    .. _migration guide: https://pytz-deprecation-shim.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migration.html
    Functional unique constraints
    The new :attr:`*expressions <django.db.models.UniqueConstraint.expressions>`
    positional argument of
    :class:`UniqueConstraint() <django.db.models.UniqueConstraint>` enables
    creating functional unique constraints on expressions and database functions.
    For example::
     from django.db import models
     from django.db.models import UniqueConstraint
     from django.db.models.functions import Lower
     class MyModel(models.Model):
         first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
         last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
         class Meta:
             constraints = [
    Functional unique constraints are added to models using the
    :attr:`Meta.constraints <django.db.models.Options.constraints>` option.
    ``scrypt`` password hasher
    The new :ref:`scrypt password hasher <scrypt-usage>` is more secure and
    recommended over PBKDF2. However, it's not the default as it requires OpenSSL
    1.1+ and more memory.
    Redis cache backend
    The new ``django.core.cache.backends.redis.RedisCache`` cache backend provides
    built-in support for caching with Redis. `redis-py`_ 3.0.0 or higher is
    required. For more details, see the :ref:`documentation on caching with Redis
    in Django <redis>`.
    .. _`redis-py`: https://pypi.org/project/redis/
    Template based form rendering
    :class:`Forms <django.forms.Form>`, :doc:`Formsets </topics/forms/formsets>`,
    and :class:`~django.forms.ErrorList` are now rendered using the template engine
    to enhance customization. See the new :meth:`~django.forms.Form.render`,
    :meth:`~django.forms.Form.get_context`, and
    :attr:`~django.forms.Form.template_name` for ``Form`` and
    :ref:`formset rendering <formset-rendering>` for ``Formset``.
    Minor features
    * The ``admin/base.html`` template now has a new block ``header`` which
    contains the admin site header.
    * The new :meth:`.ModelAdmin.get_formset_kwargs` method allows customizing the
    keyword arguments passed to the constructor of a formset.
    * The navigation sidebar now has a quick filter toolbar.
    * The new context variable ``model`` which contains the model class for each
    model is added to the :meth:`.AdminSite.each_context` method.
    * The new :attr:`.ModelAdmin.search_help_text` attribute allows specifying a
    descriptive text for the search box.
    * The :attr:`.InlineModelAdmin.verbose_name_plural` attribute now fallbacks to
    the :attr:`.InlineModelAdmin.verbose_name` + ``'s'``.
    * jQuery is upgraded from version 3.5.1 to 3.6.0.
    * The admindocs now allows esoteric setups where :setting:`ROOT_URLCONF` is not
    a string.
    * The model section of the ``admindocs`` now shows cached properties.
    * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
    260,000 to 320,000.
    * The new
    :attr:`LoginView.next_page <django.contrib.auth.views.LoginView.next_page>`
    attribute and
    :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.views.LoginView.get_default_redirect_url` method
    allow customizing the redirect after login.
    * Added support for SpatiaLite 5.
    * :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALRaster` now allows creating rasters in
    any GDAL virtual filesystem.
    * The new :class:`~django.contrib.gis.admin.GISModelAdmin` class allows
    customizing the widget used for ``GeometryField``. This is encouraged instead
    of deprecated ``GeoModelAdmin`` and ``OSMGeoAdmin``.
    * The PostgreSQL backend now supports connecting by a service name. See
    :ref:`postgresql-connection-settings` for more details.
    * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.operations.AddConstraintNotValid`
    operation allows creating check constraints on PostgreSQL without verifying
    that all existing rows satisfy the new constraint.
    * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.operations.ValidateConstraint`
    operation allows validating check constraints which were created using
    :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.operations.AddConstraintNotValid` on
    * The new
    :class:`ArraySubquery() <django.contrib.postgres.expressions.ArraySubquery>`
    expression allows using subqueries to construct lists of values on
    * The new :lookup:`trigram_word_similar` lookup, and the
    <django.contrib.postgres.search.TrigramWordDistance>` and
    <django.contrib.postgres.search.TrigramWordSimilarity>` expressions allow
    using trigram word similarity.
    * :class:`~django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.ManifestStaticFilesStorage` now
    replaces paths to JavaScript source map references with their hashed
    * The new ``manifest_storage`` argument of
    :class:`~django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.ManifestFilesMixin` and
    allows customizing the manifest file storage.
    * The new async API for ``django.core.cache.backends.base.BaseCache`` begins
    the process of making cache backends async-compatible. The new async methods
    all have ``a`` prefixed names, e.g. ``aadd()``, ``aget()``, ``aset()``,
    ``aget_or_set()``, or ``adelete_many()``.
    Going forward, the ``a`` prefix will be used for async variants of methods
    * CSRF protection now consults the ``Origin`` header, if present. To facilitate
    this, :ref:`some changes <csrf-trusted-origins-changes-4.0>` to the
    :setting:`CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS` setting are required.
    * :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceField` now includes the provided value in
    the ``params`` argument of a raised
    :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.ValidationError` for the ``invalid_choice``
    error message. This allows custom error messages to use the ``%(value)s``
    * :class:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet` now renders non-form errors with
    an additional class of ``nonform`` to help distinguish them from
    form-specific errors.
    * :class:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet` now allows customizing the widget
    used when deleting forms via
    :attr:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet.can_delete` by setting the
    :attr:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet.deletion_widget` attribute or
    overriding :meth:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet.get_deletion_widget`
    * Added support and translations for the Malay language.
    Generic Views
    * :class:`~django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView` now uses
    :class:`~django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin`, allowing you to provide a
    :class:`~django.forms.Form` subclass, with a checkbox for example, to confirm
    deletion. In addition, this allows ``DeleteView`` to function with
    In accordance with ``FormMixin``, object deletion for POST requests is
    handled in ``form_valid()``. Custom delete logic in ``delete()`` handlers
    should be moved to ``form_valid()``, or a shared helper method, as needed.
    * The alias of the database used in an SQL call is now passed as extra context
    along with each message to the :ref:`django-db-logger` logger.
    Management Commands
    * The :djadmin:`runserver` management command now supports the
    :option:`--skip-checks` option.
    * On PostgreSQL, :djadmin:`dbshell` now supports specifying a password file.
    * The :djadmin:`shell` command now respects :py:data:`sys.__interactivehook__`
    at startup. This allows loading shell history between interactive sessions.
    As a consequence, ``readline`` is no longer loaded if running in *isolated*
    * The new :attr:`BaseCommand.suppressed_base_arguments
    <django.core.management.BaseCommand.suppressed_base_arguments>` attribute
    allows suppressing unsupported default command options in the help output.
    * The new :option:`startapp --exclude` and :option:`startproject --exclude`
    options allow excluding directories from the template.
    * New :meth:`QuerySet.contains(obj) <.QuerySet.contains>` method returns
    whether the queryset contains the given object. This tries to perform the
    query in the simplest and fastest way possible.
    * The new ``precision`` argument of the
    :class:`Round() <django.db.models.functions.Round>` database function allows
    specifying the number of decimal places after rounding.
    * :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_create` now sets the primary key on objects when using
    SQLite 3.35+.
    * :class:`~django.db.models.DurationField` now supports multiplying and
    dividing by scalar values on SQLite.
    * :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_update` now returns the number of objects updated.
    * The new :attr:`.Expression.empty_result_set_value` attribute allows
    specifying a value to return when the function is used over an empty result
    * The ``skip_locked`` argument of :meth:`.QuerySet.select_for_update()` is now
    allowed on MariaDB 10.6+.
    * :class:`~django.db.models.Lookup` expressions may now be used in ``QuerySet``
    annotations, aggregations, and directly in filters.
    * The new :ref:`default <aggregate-default>` argument for built-in aggregates
    allows specifying a value to be returned when the queryset (or grouping)
    contains no entries, rather than ``None``.
    Requests and Responses
    * The :class:`~django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware` now adds the
    :ref:`Cross-Origin Opener Policy <cross-origin-opener-policy>` header with a
    value of ``'same-origin'`` to prevent cross-origin popups from sharing the
    same browsing context. You can prevent this header from being added by
    setting the :setting:`SECURE_CROSS_ORIGIN_OPENER_POLICY` setting to ``None``.
    * The new ``stdout`` argument for :func:`~django.db.models.signals.pre_migrate`
    and :func:`~django.db.models.signals.post_migrate` signals allows redirecting
    output to a stream-like object. It should be preferred over
    :py:data:`sys.stdout` and :py:func:`print` when emitting verbose output in
    order to allow proper capture when testing.
    * :tfilter:`floatformat` template filter now allows using the ``u`` suffix to
    force disabling localization.
    * The new ``serialized_aliases`` argument of
    :func:`django.test.utils.setup_databases` determines which
    :setting:`DATABASES` aliases test databases should have their state
    serialized to allow usage of the
    :ref:`serialized_rollback <test-case-serialized-rollback>` feature.
    * Django test runner now supports a :option:`--buffer <test --buffer>` option
    with parallel tests.
    * The new ``logger`` argument to :class:`~django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner`
    allows a Python :py:ref:`logger <logger>` to be used for logging.
    * The new :meth:`.DiscoverRunner.log` method provides a way to log messages
    that uses the ``DiscoverRunner.logger``, or prints to the console if not set.
    * Django test runner now supports a :option:`--shuffle <test --shuffle>` option
    to execute tests in a random order.
    * The :option:`test --parallel` option now supports the value ``auto`` to run
    one test process for each processor core.
    * :meth:`.TestCase.captureOnCommitCallbacks` now captures new callbacks added
    while executing :func:`.transaction.on_commit` callbacks.
    .. _backwards-incompatible-4.0:
    Backwards incompatible changes in 4.0
    Database backend API
    This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database
    * ``DatabaseOperations.year_lookup_bounds_for_date_field()`` and
    ``year_lookup_bounds_for_datetime_field()`` methods now take the optional
    ``iso_year`` argument in order to support bounds for ISO-8601 week-numbering
    * The second argument of ``DatabaseSchemaEditor._unique_sql()`` and
    ``_create_unique_sql()`` methods is now ``fields`` instead of ``columns``.
    * Support for PostGIS 2.3 is removed.
    * Support for GDAL 2.0 and GEOS 3.5 is removed.
    Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.6
    Upstream support for PostgreSQL 9.6 ends in November 2021. Django 4.0 supports
    PostgreSQL 10 and higher.
    Also, the minimum supported version of ``psycopg2`` is increased from 2.5.4 to
    2.8.4, as ``psycopg2`` 2.8.4 is the first release to support Python 3.8.
    Dropped support for Oracle 12.2 and 18c
    Upstream support for Oracle 12.2 ends in March 2022 and for Oracle 18c it ends
    in June 2021. Django 3.2 will be supported until April 2024. Django 4.0
    officially supports Oracle 19c.
    .. _csrf-trusted-origins-changes-4.0:
    ``CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS`` changes
    Format change
    Values in the :setting:`CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS` setting must include the scheme
    (e.g. ``'http://'`` or ``'https://'``) instead of only the hostname.
    Also, values that started with a dot, must now also include an asterisk before
    the dot. For example, change ``'.example.com'`` to ``'https://*.example.com'``.
    A system check detects any required changes.
    Configuring it may now be required
    As CSRF protection now consults the ``Origin`` header, you may need to set
    :setting:`CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS`, particularly if you allow requests from
    subdomains by setting :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN` (or
    :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN` if :setting:`CSRF_USE_SESSIONS` is enabled) to
    a value starting with a dot.
    ``SecurityMiddleware`` no longer sets the ``X-XSS-Protection`` header
    The :class:`~django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware` no longer sets the
    ``X-XSS-Protection`` header if the ``SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER`` setting is
    ``True``. The setting is removed.
    Most modern browsers don't honor the ``X-XSS-Protection`` HTTP header. You can
    use Content-Security-Policy_ without allowing ``'unsafe-inline'`` scripts
    If you want to support legacy browsers and set the header, use this line in a
    custom middleware::
     response.headers.setdefault('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block')
    .. _Content-Security-Policy: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy
    Migrations autodetector changes
    The migrations autodetector now uses model states instead of model classes.
    Also, migration operations for ``ForeignKey`` and ``ManyToManyField`` fields no
    longer specify attributes which were not passed to the fields during
    As a side-effect, running ``makemigrations`` might generate no-op
    ``AlterField`` operations for ``ManyToManyField`` and ``ForeignKey`` fields in
    some cases.
    ``DeleteView`` changes
    :class:`~django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView` now uses
    :class:`~django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin` to handle POST requests. As a
    consequence, any custom deletion logic in ``delete()`` handlers should be
    moved to ``form_valid()``, or a shared helper method, if required.
    Table and column naming scheme changes on Oracle
    Django 4.0 inadvertently changed the table and column naming scheme on Oracle.
    This causes errors for models and fields with names longer than 30 characters.
    Unfortunately, renaming some Oracle tables and columns is required. Use the
    upgrade script in :ticket:`33789 <33789comment:15>` to generate ``RENAME``
    statements to change naming scheme.
    * Support for ``cx_Oracle`` < 7.0 is removed.
    * To allow serving a Django site on a subpath without changing the value of
    :setting:`STATIC_URL`, the leading slash is removed from that setting (now
    ``'static/'``) in the default :djadmin:`startproject` template.
    * The :class:`~django.contrib.admin.AdminSite` method for the admin ``index``
    view is no longer decorated with ``never_cache`` when accessed directly,
    rather than via the recommended ``AdminSite.urls`` property, or
    ``AdminSite.get_urls()`` method.
    * Unsupported operations on a sliced queryset now raise ``TypeError`` instead
    of ``AssertionError``.
    * The undocumented ``django.test.runner.reorder_suite()`` function is renamed
    to ``reorder_tests()``. It now accepts an iterable of tests rather than a
    test suite, and returns an iterator of tests.
    * Calling ``FileSystemStorage.delete()`` with an empty ``name`` now raises
    ``ValueError`` instead of ``AssertionError``.
    * Calling ``EmailMultiAlternatives.attach_alternative()`` or
    ``EmailMessage.attach()`` with an invalid ``content`` or ``mimetype``
    arguments now raise ``ValueError`` instead of ``AssertionError``.
    * :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertHTMLEqual` no longer considers a
    non-boolean attribute without a value equal to an attribute with the same
    name and value.
    * Tests that fail to load, for example due to syntax errors, now always match
    when using :option:`test --tag`.
    * The undocumented ``django.contrib.admin.utils.lookup_needs_distinct()``
    function is renamed to ``lookup_spawns_duplicates()``.
    * The undocumented ``HttpRequest.get_raw_uri()`` method is removed. The
    :meth:`.HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri` method may be a suitable alternative.
    * The ``object`` argument of undocumented ``ModelAdmin.log_addition()``,
    ``log_change()``, and ``log_deletion()`` methods is renamed to ``obj``.
    * :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.RssFeed`,
    :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.Atom1Feed`, and their subclasses now emit
    elements with no content as self-closing tags.
    * ``NodeList.render()`` no longer casts the output of ``render()`` method for
    individual nodes to a string. ``Node.render()`` should always return a string
    as documented.
    * The ``where_class`` property of ``django.db.models.sql.query.Query`` and the
    ``where_class`` argument to the private ``get_extra_restriction()`` method of
    ``ForeignObject`` and ``ForeignObjectRel`` are removed. If needed, initialize
    ``django.db.models.sql.where.WhereNode`` instead.
    * The ``filter_clause`` argument of the undocumented ``Query.add_filter()``
    method is replaced by two positional arguments ``filter_lhs`` and
    * :class:`~django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware` now uses
    ``request.META['CSRF_COOKIE_NEEDS_UPDATE']`` in place of
    ``request.META['CSRF_COOKIE_USED']``, ``request.csrf_cookie_needs_reset``,
    and ``response.csrf_cookie_set`` to track whether the CSRF cookie should be
    sent. This is an undocumented, private API.
    * The undocumented ``TRANSLATOR_COMMENT_MARK`` constant is moved from
    ``django.template.base`` to ``django.utils.translation.template``.
    * The ``real_apps`` argument of the undocumented
    ``django.db.migrations.state.ProjectState.__init__()`` method must now be a
    set if provided.
    * :class:`~django.forms.RadioSelect` and
    :class:`~django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple` widgets are now rendered in
    ``<div>`` tags so they are announced more concisely by screen readers. If you
    need the previous behavior, :ref:`override the widget template
    <overriding-built-in-widget-templates>` with the appropriate template from
    Django 3.2.
    * The :tfilter:`floatformat` template filter no longer depends on the
    ``USE_L10N`` setting and always returns localized output. Use the ``u``
    suffix to disable localization.
    * The default value of the ``USE_L10N`` setting is changed to ``True``. See the
    :ref:`Localization section <use_l10n_deprecation>` above for more details.
    * As part of the :ref:`move to zoneinfo <whats-new-4.0>`,
    :attr:`django.utils.timezone.utc` is changed to alias
    * The minimum supported version of ``asgiref`` is increased from 3.3.2 to
    .. _deprecated-features-4.0:
    Features deprecated in 4.0
    Use of ``pytz`` time zones
    As part of the :ref:`move to zoneinfo <whats-new-4.0>`, use of ``pytz`` time
    zones is deprecated.
    Accordingly, the ``is_dst`` arguments to the following are also deprecated:
    * :meth:`django.db.models.query.QuerySet.datetimes`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.Trunc`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncSecond`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncMinute`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncHour`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncDay`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncWeek`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncMonth`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncQuarter`
    * :func:`django.db.models.functions.TruncYear`
    * :func:`django.utils.timezone.make_aware`
    Support for use of ``pytz`` will be removed in Django 5.0.
    Time zone support
    In order to follow good practice, the default value of the :setting:`USE_TZ`
    setting will change from ``False`` to ``True``, and time zone support will be
    enabled by default, in Django 5.0.
    Note that the default :file:`settings.py` file created by
    :djadmin:`django-admin startproject <startproject>` includes
    :setting:`USE_TZ = True <USE_TZ>` since Django 1.4.
    You can set ``USE_TZ`` to ``False`` in your project settings before then to
    .. _use_l10n_deprecation:
    In order to follow good practice, the default value of the ``USE_L10N`` setting
    is changed from ``False`` to ``True``.
    Moreover ``USE_L10N`` is deprecated as of this release. Starting with Django
    5.0, by default, any date or number displayed by Django will be localized.
    The :ttag:`{% localize %} <localize>` tag and the :tfilter:`localize`/
    :tfilter:`unlocalize` filters will still be honored by Django.
    * ``SERIALIZE`` test setting is deprecated as it can be inferred from the
    :attr:`~django.test.TestCase.databases` with the
    :ref:`serialized_rollback <test-case-serialized-rollback>` option enabled.
    * The undocumented ``django.utils.baseconv`` module is deprecated.
    * The undocumented ``django.utils.datetime_safe`` module is deprecated.
    * The default sitemap protocol for sitemaps built outside the context of a
    request will change from ``'http'`` to ``'https'`` in Django 5.0.
    * The ``extra_tests`` argument for :meth:`.DiscoverRunner.build_suite` and
    :meth:`.DiscoverRunner.run_tests` is deprecated.
    * The :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg`,
    :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.JSONBAgg`, and
    :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` aggregates will return
    ``None`` when there are no rows instead of ``[]``, ``[]``, and ``''``
    respectively in Django 5.0. If you need the previous behavior, explicitly set
    ``default`` to ``Value([])``, ``Value('[]')``, or ``Value('')``.
    * The ``django.contrib.gis.admin.GeoModelAdmin`` and ``OSMGeoAdmin`` classes
    are deprecated. Use :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` and
    :class:`~django.contrib.gis.admin.GISModelAdmin` instead.
    * Since form rendering now uses the template engine, the undocumented
    ``BaseForm._html_output()`` helper method is deprecated.
    * The ability to return a ``str`` from ``ErrorList`` and ``ErrorDict`` is
    deprecated. It is expected these methods return a ``SafeString``.
    Features removed in 4.0
    These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and are removed
    in Django 4.0.
    See :ref:`deprecated-features-3.0` for details on these changes, including how
    to remove usage of these features.
    * ``django.utils.http.urlquote()``, ``urlquote_plus()``, ``urlunquote()``, and
    ``urlunquote_plus()`` are removed.
    * ``django.utils.encoding.force_text()`` and ``smart_text()`` are removed.
    * ``django.utils.translation.ugettext()``, ``ugettext_lazy()``,
    ``ugettext_noop()``, ``ungettext()``, and ``ungettext_lazy()`` are removed.
    * ``django.views.i18n.set_language()`` doesn't set the user language in
    ``request.session`` (key ``_language``).
    * ``alias=None`` is required in the signature of
    ``django.db.models.Expression.get_group_by_cols()`` subclasses.
    * ``django.utils.text.unescape_entities()`` is removed.
    * ``django.utils.http.is_safe_url()`` is removed.
    See :ref:`deprecated-features-3.1` for details on these changes, including how
    to remove usage of these features.
    * The ``PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT_DAYS`` setting is removed.
    * The :lookup:`isnull` lookup no longer allows using non-boolean values as the
    right-hand side.
    * The ``django.db.models.query_utils.InvalidQuery`` exception class is removed.
    * The ``django-admin.py`` entry point is removed.
    * The ``HttpRequest.is_ajax()`` method is removed.
    * Support for the pre-Django 3.1 encoding format of cookies values used by
    ``django.contrib.messages.storage.cookie.CookieStorage`` is removed.
    * Support for the pre-Django 3.1 password reset tokens in the admin site (that
    use the SHA-1 hashing algorithm) is removed.
    * Support for the pre-Django 3.1 encoding format of sessions is removed.
    * Support for the pre-Django 3.1 ``django.core.signing.Signer`` signatures
    (encoded with the SHA-1 algorithm) is removed.
    * Support for the pre-Django 3.1 ``django.core.signing.dumps()`` signatures
    (encoded with the SHA-1 algorithm) in ``django.core.signing.loads()`` is
    * Support for the pre-Django 3.1 user sessions (that use the SHA-1 algorithm)
    is removed.
    * The ``get_response`` argument for
    ``django.utils.deprecation.MiddlewareMixin.__init__()`` is required and
    doesn't accept ``None``.
    * The ``providing_args`` argument for ``django.dispatch.Signal`` is removed.
    * The ``length`` argument for ``django.utils.crypto.get_random_string()`` is
    * The ``list`` message for ``ModelMultipleChoiceField`` is removed.
    * Support for passing raw column aliases to ``QuerySet.order_by()`` is removed.
    * The ``NullBooleanField`` model field is removed, except for support in
    historical migrations.
    * ``django.conf.urls.url()`` is removed.
    * The ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField`` model field is removed,
    except for support in historical migrations.
    * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.KeyTransform`` and
    ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.KeyTextTransform`` are removed.
    * ``django.contrib.postgres.forms.JSONField`` is removed.
    * The ``{% ifequal %}`` and ``{% ifnotequal %}`` template tags are removed.
    * The ``DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM`` transitional setting is removed.


    *April 11, 2022*
    Django 3.2.13 fixes two security issues with severity "high" in
    3.2.12 and a regression in 3.2.4.
    CVE-2022-28346: Potential SQL injection in ``QuerySet.annotate()``, ``aggregate()``, and ``extra()``
    :meth:`.QuerySet.annotate`, :meth:`~.QuerySet.aggregate`, and
    :meth:`~.QuerySet.extra` methods were subject to SQL injection in column
    aliases, using a suitably crafted dictionary, with dictionary expansion, as the
    ``**kwargs`` passed to these methods.
    CVE-2022-28347: Potential SQL injection via ``QuerySet.explain(**options)`` on PostgreSQL
    :meth:`.QuerySet.explain` method was subject to SQL injection in option names,
    using a suitably crafted dictionary, with dictionary expansion, as the
    ``**options`` argument.
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2.4 that caused the auto-reloader to no longer
    detect changes when the ``DIRS`` option of the ``TEMPLATES`` setting
    contained an empty string (:ticket:`33628`).


    *February 1, 2022*
    Django 3.2.12 fixes two security issues with severity "medium" in 3.2.11.
    CVE-2022-22818: Possible XSS via ``{% debug %}`` template tag
    The ``{% debug %}`` template tag didn't properly encode the current context,
    posing an XSS attack vector.
    In order to avoid this vulnerability, ``{% debug %}`` no longer outputs
    information when the ``DEBUG`` setting is ``False``, and it ensures all context
    variables are correctly escaped when the ``DEBUG`` setting is ``True``.
    CVE-2022-23833: Denial-of-service possibility in file uploads
    Passing certain inputs to multipart forms could result in an infinite loop when
    parsing files.


    *January 4, 2022*
    Django 3.2.11 fixes one security issue with severity "medium" and two security
    issues with severity "low" in 3.2.10.
    CVE-2021-45115: Denial-of-service possibility in ``UserAttributeSimilarityValidator``
    :class:`.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator` incurred significant overhead
    evaluating submitted password that were artificially large in relative to the
    comparison values. On the assumption that access to user registration was
    unrestricted this provided a potential vector for a denial-of-service attack.
    In order to mitigate this issue, relatively long values are now ignored by
    This issue has severity "medium" according to the :ref:`Django security policy
    CVE-2021-45116: Potential information disclosure in ``dictsort`` template filter
    Due to leveraging the Django Template Language's variable resolution logic, the
    :tfilter:`dictsort` template filter was potentially vulnerable to information
    disclosure or unintended method calls, if passed a suitably crafted key.
    In order to avoid this possibility, ``dictsort`` now works with a restricted
    resolution logic, that will not call methods, nor allow indexing on
    As a reminder, all untrusted user input should be validated before use.
    This issue has severity "low" according to the :ref:`Django security policy
    CVE-2021-45452: Potential directory-traversal via ``Storage.save()``
    ``Storage.save()`` allowed directory-traversal if directly passed suitably
    crafted file names.
    This issue has severity "low" according to the :ref:`Django security policy


    *December 7, 2021*
    Django 3.2.10 fixes a security issue with severity "low" and a bug in 3.2.9.
    CVE-2021-44420: Potential bypass of an upstream access control based on URL paths
    HTTP requests for URLs with trailing newlines could bypass an upstream access
    control based on URL paths.
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of ``setUpTestData()``
    with ``BinaryField`` on PostgreSQL, which is ``memoryview``-backed


    *November 1, 2021*
    Django 3.2.9 fixes a bug in 3.2.8 and adds compatibility with Python 3.10.
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 that caused a migration crash on SQLite when
    altering a field with a functional index (:ticket:`33194`).


    *October 5, 2021*
    Django 3.2.8 fixes two bugs in 3.2.7.
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 that caused incorrect links on read-only fields in
    the admin (:ticket:`33077`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused incorrect selection of items
    across all pages when actions were placed both on the top and bottom of the
    admin change-list view (:ticket:`33083`).


    *September 1, 2021*
    Django 3.2.7 fixes a bug in 3.2.6.
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused the incorrect offset extraction
    from fixed offset timezones (:ticket:`32992`).


    *August 2, 2021*
    Django 3.2.6 fixes several bugs in 3.2.5.
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash validating ``"NaN"``
    input with a ``forms.DecimalField`` when additional constraints, e.g.
    ``max_value``, were specified (:ticket:`32949`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a system check would crash on a model with a
    reverse many-to-many relation inherited from a parent class


    *July 1, 2021*
    Django 3.2.5 fixes a security issue with severity "high" and several bugs in
    3.2.4. Also, the latest string translations from Transifex are incorporated.
    CVE-2021-35042: Potential SQL injection via unsanitized ``QuerySet.order_by()`` input
    Unsanitized user input passed to ``QuerySet.order_by()`` could bypass intended
    column reference validation in path marked for deprecation resulting in a
    potential SQL injection even if a deprecation warning is emitted.
    As a mitigation the strict column reference validation was restored for the
    duration of the deprecation period. This regression appeared in 3.1 as a side
    effect of fixing :ticket:`31426`.
    The issue is not present in the main branch as the deprecated path has been
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of
    ``QuerySet.values_list(…, named=True)`` after ``prefetch_related()``
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 that caused a migration crash on MySQL 8.0.13+ when
    altering ``BinaryField``, ``JSONField``, or ``TextField`` to non-nullable
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a migration crash on MySQL
    8.0.13+ when adding nullable ``BinaryField``, ``JSONField``, or ``TextField``
    with a default value (:ticket:`32832`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a system check would crash on a model with an
    invalid ``app_label`` (:ticket:`32863`).


    *June 2, 2021*
    Django 3.2.4 fixes two security issues and several bugs in 3.2.3.
    CVE-2021-33203: Potential directory traversal via ``admindocs``
    Staff members could use the :mod:`~django.contrib.admindocs`
    ``TemplateDetailView`` view to check the existence of arbitrary files.
    Additionally, if (and only if) the default admindocs templates have been
    customized by the developers to also expose the file contents, then not only
    the existence but also the file contents would have been exposed.
    As a mitigation, path sanitation is now applied and only files within the
    template root directories can be loaded.
    CVE-2021-33571: Possible indeterminate SSRF, RFI, and LFI attacks since validators accepted leading zeros in IPv4 addresses
    :func:`~django.core.validators.validate_ipv4_address`, and
    :func:`~django.core.validators.validate_ipv46_address` didn't prohibit leading
    zeros in octal literals. If you used such values you could suffer from
    indeterminate SSRF, RFI, and LFI attacks.
    :func:`~django.core.validators.validate_ipv4_address` and
    :func:`~django.core.validators.validate_ipv46_address` validators were not
    affected on Python 3.9.5+.
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a final catch-all view in the admin didn't
    respect the server-provided value of ``SCRIPT_NAME`` when redirecting
    unauthenticated users to the login page (:ticket:`32754`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a system check would crash on an abstract
    model (:ticket:`32733`).
    * Prevented unnecessary initialization of unused caches following a regression
    in Django 3.2 (:ticket:`32747`).
    * Fixed a crash in Django 3.2 that could occur when running ``mod_wsgi`` with
    the recommended settings while the Windows ``colorama`` library was installed
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 that would trigger the auto-reloader for template
    changes when directory paths were specified with strings (:ticket:`32744`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of auto-reloader with
    ``AttributeError``, e.g. inside a ``Conda`` environment (:ticket:`32783`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a loss of precision for
    operations with ``DecimalField`` on MySQL (:ticket:`32793`).


    *May 13, 2021*
    Django 3.2.3 fixes several bugs in 3.2.2.
    * Prepared for ``mysqlclient`` > 2.0.3 support (:ticket:`32732`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused the incorrect filtering of
    querysets combined with the ``|`` operator (:ticket:`32717`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2.1 where saving ``FileField`` would raise a
    ``SuspiciousFileOperation`` even when a custom
    :attr:`~django.db.models.FileField.upload_to` returns a valid file path


    *May 6, 2021*
    Django 3.2.2 fixes a security issue and a bug in 3.2.1.
    CVE-2021-32052: Header injection possibility since ``URLValidator`` accepted newlines in input on Python 3.9.5+
    On Python 3.9.5+, :class:`~django.core.validators.URLValidator` didn't prohibit
    newlines and tabs. If you used values with newlines in HTTP response, you could
    suffer from header injection attacks. Django itself wasn't vulnerable because
    :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` prohibits newlines in HTTP headers.
    Moreover, the ``URLField`` form field which uses ``URLValidator`` silently
    removes newlines and tabs on Python 3.9.5+, so the possibility of newlines
    entering your data only existed if you are using this validator outside of the
    form fields.
    This issue was introduced by the :bpo:`43882` fix.
    * Prevented, following a regression in Django 3.2.1, :djadmin:`makemigrations`
    from generating infinite migrations for a model with ``Meta.ordering``
    contained ``OrderBy`` expressions (:ticket:`32714`).


    *May 4, 2021*
    Django 3.2.1 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.2.
    CVE-2021-31542: Potential directory-traversal via uploaded files
    ``MultiPartParser``, ``UploadedFile``, and ``FieldFile`` allowed
    directory-traversal via uploaded files with suitably crafted file names.
    In order to mitigate this risk, stricter basename and path sanitation is now
    * Corrected detection of GDAL 3.2 on Windows (:ticket:`32544`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where subclasses of ``BigAutoField`` and
    ``SmallAutoField`` were not allowed for the :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`
    setting (:ticket:`32620`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of
    ``QuerySet.values()/values_list()`` after ``QuerySet.union()``,
    ``intersection()``, and ``difference()`` when it was ordered by an
    unannotated field (:ticket:`32627`).
    * Restored, following a regression in Django 3.2, displaying an exception
    message on the technical 404 debug page (:ticket:`32637`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a system check would crash on a reverse
    one-to-one relationships in ``CheckConstraint.check`` or
    ``UniqueConstraint.condition`` (:ticket:`32635`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of
    :attr:`.ModelAdmin.search_fields` when searching against phrases with
    unbalanced quotes (:ticket:`32649`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where variable lookup errors were logged rendering
    the sitemap template if alternates were not defined (:ticket:`32648`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash when combining ``Q()``
    objects which contains boolean expressions (:ticket:`32548`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.update()``
    on a queryset ordered by inherited or joined fields on MySQL and MariaDB
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash when decoding a cookie
    value, used by ``django.contrib.messages.storage.cookie.CookieStorage``, in
    the pre-Django 3.2 format (:ticket:`32643`).
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that stopped the shift-key modifier
    selecting multiple rows in the admin changelist (:ticket:`32647`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a system check would crash on the
    :setting:`STATICFILES_DIRS` setting with a list of 2-tuples of
    ``(prefix, path)`` (:ticket:`32665`).
    * Fixed a long standing bug involving queryset bitwise combination when used
    with subqueries that began manifesting in Django 3.2, due to a separate fix
    using ``Exists`` to ``exclude()`` multi-valued relationships
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where variable lookup errors were logged when
    rendering some admin templates (:ticket:`32681`).
    * Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where an admin changelist would crash when deleting
    objects filtered against multi-valued relationships (:ticket:`32682`). The
    admin changelist now uses ``Exists()`` instead ``QuerySet.distinct()``
    because calling ``delete()`` after ``distinct()`` is not allowed in Django
    3.2 to address a data loss possibility.
    * Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 where the calling process environment would
    not be passed to the ``dbshell`` command on PostgreSQL (:ticket:`32687`).
    * Fixed a performance regression in Django 3.2 when building complex filters
    with subqueries (:ticket:`32632`). As a side-effect the private API to check
    ``django.db.sql.query.Query`` equality is removed.


    *April 6, 2021*
    Welcome to Django 3.2!
    These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-3.2>`, as well as
    some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-3.2>` you'll
    want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 3.1 or earlier. We've
    :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features
    See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing
    Django 3.2 is designated as a :term:`long-term support release
    <Long-term support release>`. It will receive security updates for at least
    three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 2.2, will
    end in April 2022.
    Python compatibility
    Django 3.2 supports Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 (as of 3.2.9). We
    **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each
    .. _whats-new-3.2:
    What's new in Django 3.2
    Automatic :class:`~django.apps.AppConfig` discovery
    Most pluggable applications define an :class:`~django.apps.AppConfig` subclass
    in an ``apps.py`` submodule. Many define a ``default_app_config`` variable
    pointing to this class in their ``__init__.py``.
    When the ``apps.py`` submodule exists and defines a single
    :class:`~django.apps.AppConfig` subclass, Django now uses that configuration
    automatically, so you can remove ``default_app_config``.
    ``default_app_config`` made it possible to declare only the application's path
    in :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` (e.g. ``'django.contrib.admin'``) rather than the
    app config's path (e.g. ``'django.contrib.admin.apps.AdminConfig'``). It was
    introduced for backwards-compatibility with the former style, with the intent
    to switch the ecosystem to the latter, but the switch didn't happen.
    With automatic ``AppConfig`` discovery, ``default_app_config`` is no longer
    needed. As a consequence, it's deprecated.
    See :ref:`configuring-applications-ref` for full details.
    Customizing type of auto-created primary keys
    When defining a model, if no field in a model is defined with
    :attr:`primary_key=True <django.db.models.Field.primary_key>` an implicit
    primary key is added. The type of this implicit primary key can now be
    controlled via the :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` setting and
    :attr:`AppConfig.default_auto_field <django.apps.AppConfig.default_auto_field>`
    attribute. No more needing to override primary keys in all models.
    Maintaining the historical behavior, the default value for
    :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` is :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField`. Starting
    with 3.2 new projects are generated with :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` set to
    :class:`~django.db.models.BigAutoField`. Also, new apps are generated with
    :attr:`AppConfig.default_auto_field <django.apps.AppConfig.default_auto_field>`
    set to :class:`~django.db.models.BigAutoField`. In a future Django release the
    default value of :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` will be changed to
    To avoid unwanted migrations in the future, either explicitly set
    :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` to :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField`::
     DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
    or configure it on a per-app basis::
     from django.apps import AppConfig
     class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
         default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
         name = 'my_app'
    or on a per-model basis::
     from django.db import models
     class MyModel(models.Model):
         id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    In anticipation of the changing default, a system check will provide a warning
    if you do not have an explicit setting for :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`.
    When changing the value of :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`, migrations for the
    primary key of existing auto-created through tables cannot be generated
    currently. See the :setting:`DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` docs for details on migrating
    such tables.
    .. _new_functional_indexes:
    Functional indexes
    The new :attr:`*expressions <django.db.models.Index.expressions>` positional
    argument of :class:`Index() <django.db.models.Index>` enables creating
    functional indexes on expressions and database functions. For example::
     from django.db import models
     from django.db.models import F, Index, Value
     from django.db.models.functions import Lower, Upper
     class MyModel(models.Model):
         first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
         last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
         height = models.IntegerField()
         weight = models.IntegerField()
         class Meta:
             indexes = [
                     F('height') / (F('weight') + Value(5)),
    Functional indexes are added to models using the
    :attr:`Meta.indexes <django.db.models.Options.indexes>` option.
    ``pymemcache`` support
    The new ``django.core.cache.backends.memcached.PyMemcacheCache`` cache backend
    allows using the pymemcache_ library for memcached. ``pymemcache`` 3.4.0 or
    higher is required. For more details, see the :doc:`documentation on caching in
    Django </topics/cache>`.
    .. _pymemcache: https://pypi.org/project/pymemcache/
    New decorators for the admin site
    The new :func:`~django.contrib.admin.display` decorator allows for easily
    adding options to custom display functions that can be used with
    :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.list_display` or
    Likewise, the new :func:`~django.contrib.admin.action` decorator allows for
    easily adding options to action functions that can be used with
    Using the ``display`` decorator has the advantage that it is now
    possible to use the ``property`` decorator when needing to specify attributes
    on the custom method. Prior to this it was necessary to use the ``property()``
    function instead after assigning the required attributes to the method.
    Using decorators has the advantage that these options are more discoverable as
    they can be suggested by completion utilities in code editors. They are merely
    a convenience and still set the same attributes on the functions under the
    Minor features
    * :attr:`.ModelAdmin.search_fields` now allows searching against quoted phrases
    with spaces.
    * Read-only related fields are now rendered as navigable links if target models
    are registered in the admin.
    * The admin now supports theming, and includes a dark theme that is enabled
    according to browser settings. See :ref:`admin-theming` for more details.
    * :attr:`.ModelAdmin.autocomplete_fields` now respects
    :attr:`ForeignKey.to_field <django.db.models.ForeignKey.to_field>` and
    <django.db.models.ForeignKey.limit_choices_to>` when searching a related
    * The admin now installs a final catch-all view that redirects unauthenticated
    users to the login page, regardless of whether the URL is otherwise valid.
    This protects against a potential model enumeration privacy issue.
    Although not recommended, you may set the new
    :attr:`.AdminSite.final_catch_all_view` to ``False`` to disable the
    catch-all view.
    * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
    216,000 to 260,000.
    * The def
    opened by pyup-bot 0
  • The trello link is 404

    The trello link is 404

    This template is here to help you to write your issue ;)

    What is the problem? The link for trello in contributing documentation is not found

    How can this be addressed? New contributors

    Who could help with this issue? The main colaborators

    opened by engFelipeMonteiro 0
  • pep8 aaaaaaall the way

    pep8 aaaaaaall the way

    What is the purpose of this Pull Request? Fix #546

    What was done to achieve this purpose? Run isort for all files (this makes files comply with PEP8)

    How to test if it really works? Just run the regular unit tests of the repo and see that nothing is broken

    Who can help reviewing it? Anyone who understands the repo

    TODO none

    P.S.: I know this is a damn long PR. Please, let me know if you'd like me to break it and how I should partition it (:

    opened by juliatessler 3
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