Anderson Acceleration for Deep Learning

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Deep Learning AADL

Anderson Accelerated Deep Learning (AADL)

AADL is a Python package that implements the Anderson acceleration to speed-up the training of deep learning (DL) models using the PyTorch library.
AA is an extrapolation technique that can accelerate fixed-point iterations such those arising from the iterative training of DL models. However, large volume of data are typically processed in sequential random batches which introduces stochastic oscillations in the fixed-point iteration that hinders AA acceleration. AADL implements a moving average that reduces the oscillations and results in a smoother sequence of gradient descent updates which enables the use of AA. AADL uses a criterion to automatically decide if the moving average is needed by monitoring if the relative standard deviation between consecutive stochastic gradient updates exceeds a tolerance defined by the user.


Python 3.5 or greater
PyTorch (any version works)


AADL comes with a setuptools install script:

python3 install


import torch
import torch.nn
import torch.optim
import AADL

# Creation of the DL model (neural network)
class model(torch.nn.Module):

# Definition of the stochastic optimizer used to train the model
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, momentum=0.9, nesterov = True)

# Parameters for Anderson acceleration
relaxation = 0.5
wait_iterations = 0
history_depth = 10
store_each_nth = 10
frequency = store_each_nth
reg_acc = 0.0
safeguard = True
average = True

# Over-writing of the torch.optim.step() method 
AADL.accelerate(optimizer_anderson, "anderson", relaxation, wait_iterations, history_depth, store_each_nth, frequency, reg_acc, average)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




"AADL: Anderson Accelerated Deep Learning", Copyright ID#: 81927550

  • Conserve gpu memory by storing history on cpu memory instead

    Conserve gpu memory by storing history on cpu memory instead

    This patch offloads AADL history to the cpu memory instead of using valuable gpu memory.

    This incurs a performance hit of transferring the vectors to and from cpu memory, but allows for training ~~without reducing batch sizes~~ with a smaller reduction in batch size than without the patch and not run out of memory.

    • This can probably be ameliorated by interleaving the memory transfers with the computation.

    This change also fixes a bug with torch.nn.utils.convert_parameters.vector_to_parameters where it does not preserve the memory_format of

    History device offload is configurable by the user so that they can continue to use gpu memory for history if they prefer that for some reason instead (by using accelerate(..., history_device="cuda").

    For reference, I get the following error without cpu memory offload after about like 90 iterations:

    RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.55 GiB (GPU 0; 24.00 GiB total capacity; 16.60 GiB already allocated; 1.82 GiB free; 19.75 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation.  See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF

    With cpu memory offload I'm able to go 300+ iterations (at the same batch size as the failure scenario above).

    opened by henrymai 34
  • Distributed and bug fixes

    Distributed and bug fixes

    This PR is mostly for discussion at this point. Please don't merge now

    • Critical changes:

      • added @torch.no_grad() decorators for accelerated optimization steps in This is absolutely necessary and has been missing
      • fixed size of gamma in This bug caused incorrect broadcasting of vectors in extr = X[:,-2] + DX[:,-1] - (DX[:,:-1]+DR)@gamma
    • Additions:

      • def distributed_accelerated_step in and corresponding modification to def accelerate. def averaged_* have not been changed but must be later
      • new CIFAR10_distributed example inspired by ImageNet1k. Lines to pay attention: 32-40, 120-134, 197-209, 258-267

    To run new example locally: torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=10

    opened by vreshniak 3
  • Typo in ?

    Typo in ?

    File "[...]", line 19, in anderson_qr_factorization
      gamma = torch.linalg.lstsq(DR, R[:, -1]).solution
    NameError: name 'R' is not defined

    For that line, should R be DR instead?

    opened by henrymai 3
  • Remove `__pycache__` and other redudant files

    Remove `__pycache__` and other redudant files

    The changes proposed by the PR can be summarized as follows :-

    • Remove autogenerated and redundant __pycache__ files (which serve no purpose).
    • Remove .DS_Store file which I guess was saved by mistake
    opened by SauravMaheshkar 1
  • [Feature Request] Add `requirements.txt`

    [Feature Request] Add `requirements.txt`

    The repository as of now lacks a requirements.txt. It's not possible to run examples because even they require certain packages like docopt.

    Having a requirements.txt file would make reproducibility and the onboarding process much easier.

    opened by SauravMaheshkar 1
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