Deep Markov Factor Analysis (DMFA)
Codes and experiments for deep Markov factor analysis (DMFA) model accepted for publication at NeurIPS2021:
A. Farnoosh and S. Ostadabbas, “Deep Markov Factor Analysis: Towards concurrent temporal and spatial analysis of fMRI data,” in Thirty-fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021.
Numpy, Scipy, Pytorch, Nibabel, Tqdm, Matplotlib, Sklearn, Json, Pandas
Autism Dataset:
Run the following snippet to restore results from pre-trained checkpoints for Autism dataset in ./fMRI_results
folder. A few instances from each dataset are included to help the code run without errors. You may replace {site}
with Caltec
, Leuven
, MaxMun
, NYU_00
, SBL_00
, Stanfo
, Yale_0
, USM_00
, DSU_0
, UM_1_0
, or set -exp autism
for the full dataset. Here, checkpoint files for Caltec
, SBL_00
, Stanfo
are only included due to storage limitations.
python -t 75 -exp autism_{site} -dir ./data_autism/ -smod ./ckpt_fMRI/ -dpath ./fMRI_results/ -restore
or run the following snippet for training with batch size of 10 (full dataset needs to be downloaded and preprocessed/formatted beforehand):
python -t 75 -exp autism_{site} -dir ./data_autism/ -smod ./ckpt_fMRI/ -dpath ./fMRI_results/ -bs 10
After downloading the full Autism dataset, run the following snippet to preprocess/format data:
python -T 75 -dir ./path_to_data/ -ext /*.gz -spath ./data_autism/
Depression Dataset:
Run the following snippet to restore results from pre-trained checkpoints for Depression dataset in ./fMRI_results
folder. A few instances from the dataset are included to help the code run without errors. You may replace {ID}
with 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
. ID 4
corresponds to the first experiment on Depression dataset in the paper. IDs 2
, 3
correspond to the second experiment on Depression dataset in the paper.
python -exp depression_{ID} -dir ./data_depression/ -smod ./ckpt_fMRI/ -dpath ./fMRI_results/ -restore
or run the following snippet for training with batch size of 10 (full dataset needs to be downloaded and preprocessed/formatted beforehand):
python -exp depression_{ID} -dir ./data_depression/ -smod ./ckpt_fMRI/ -dpath ./fMRI_results/ -bs 10
After downloading the full Depression dataset, run the following snippet to preprocess/format data:
python -T 6 -dir ./path_to_data/ -spath ./data_depression/
Synthetic fMRI data:
Run the following snippet to restore results from the pre-trained checkpoint for the synthetic experiment in ./synthetic_results
folder (synthetic fMRI data is not included due to storage limitations).