A software manager for easy development and distribution of Python code



A software manager for easy development and distribution of Python code.

The main features that Piper adds to Python are:

  • Support for large-scale, multi-package projects
  • Reproducibility (clear, transparent dependency management)
  • Robust development-lifecycle, from blueprinting to distribution

Piper is inspired by what Maven is for Java and uses Pip and Virtual Environments.

Why Piper

Python is great in many things, particularly for scripting. But it is powerful enough to create complex software too. Still, when doing so, it lacks some robustness and quickness.


  • Piper lets you forget about repetitive setup of Python projects, with creation of Virtual Environments, issues with imports, PYTHONPATH, folder structures. It does all of this for you.

  • Piper ensures that when you run a Python script, all its requirements are implicitly installed. Along with reproducibility, this makes room for easy collaboration between developers.

  • Also, while with standard tools it's hard to have multiple packages, one requiring the other, with Piper is a matter of few YAML files. You can split your project in several packages instead of having tons of requirements, code replication and/or single package-monoliths.

All in all, Piper lets you design proper structure and modularity for your code. No worries about imports and low-level stuff.

Example of Piper Project

You can find an example of Piper project here.


With Python >= 3.7, simply run

pip install piper-tools

From now on, you can use piper from command line.

Basic Usage

Once you have defined your structure of Pipes (submodules of your project), for instance like in the example or like this


you can run

piper setup

in the main folder, where the first pipe.yml file is located.

This will:

  • Understand the dependencies
  • Create the Virtual Environments
  • Install the requirements
  • Install the packages themselves in development mode (so that you can import them in their Virtual Environments)

You can also create a distribution package with piper pack [commands], which is the equivalent of python setup.py [commands], for instance:

piper pack sdist

in the folder of the Pipe you want to pack. This will create the distribution in the ./build/package/dist folder.

In any moment, you can run

piper clean

to destroy the Virtual Environments and other build objects.

  • travel setup: faulty handling of whitespaces in filepath

    travel setup: faulty handling of whitespaces in filepath

    Bug affecting travel setup happening when the filepath of the Python installation contains whitespaces.

    C:\Users\a.migotto\Repositories\travel_test\src>travel setup
    ===                       backend                        ===
    Creating the virtual environment for venv-backend...
    'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    opened by amigotto 0
  • Download of new Python versions

    Download of new Python versions

    After experimenting a bit with adding Python versions on Travel, it probably should be tweaked a bit, mainly because it forces you to always have that version of Python in the system, which can be somewhat limiting (e.g., we need a specific image, say in a step of a Bitbucket pipeline, but it doesn't have the right Python version)

    I suggest using python-build, a Pyenv plugin that takes care of the whole installation procedure. As you can see from the README, it does not need Pyenv to be installed, but can operate standalone like this:

    python-build <python-version> <output-directory>

    where <python-version> is the version of Python to install (e.g., 3.7.15) and <output-directory> is where to install it.

    It should be quite easy (maybe with Git submodules?) to go and reference Pyenv's plugin directly, so you can keep it up to date, and at the same time change the Travel command to add Python versions to something like:

    1. ​travel config add python <python-version> [<python-location>]​
    2. If the Python version has already been added, ignore the command (or add a flag to force the override)
    3. Is python-location available?
      • If yes, look for the Python binary from there and:
        • if it is not present, raise a FileNotFoundError
        • if it is present, but the binary does not match <python-version>, raise a ValueError
      • If no, run python-build on that version to download the binary to some known internal path
    4. Add that (version, binary) pair to Travel config.yml

    N.B.: The above flow chart works only on UNIX-like systems. For Windows systems, we should look for an equivalent standalone plugin in Pyenv-win.

    opened by DiTo97 0
  • Support for non-PyPI packages

    Support for non-PyPI packages

    Currently, Travel does not allow requirements not hosted on PyPI (e.g., Git wheels).

    For instance, it is not possible to install the detectron2 package by Meta Research by following the installation instructions, whereas it would be regularly installed with pip using the following command:

    pip install git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git

    It is a bit of a corner case, but it has popped up a few times in my experience. The only workaround is a bit clumsy:

    1. Issue travel setup without any of these packages involved
    2. Install all non-PyPI packages manually with pip in all environments
    3. Issue pip freeze in all environments to the corresponding requirements*.txt file

    N.B.: After step 3. you have to delete the -e hook to the Travel bag from all requirements*.txt files.

    I suspect the issue lies in what kinds of package names are allowed in pip_sanitizer.py, since adding a package like the one above (git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git) to the requirements of a Travel bag leads to:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    which is likely caused by asserter.py

    opened by DiTo97 0
  • Travel tasks only accept `==` modifier

    Travel tasks only accept `==` modifier

    Generally, the definition of a Travel task has the following form:

          - task: <travel-task-package><modifier><version>
            name: <travel-task-name>

    where <travel-task-package> can either be a published package (e.g., on PyPI) or a local bag.

    The problem is that, unless the optional arg python_module is provided, the only accepted <modifier> is ==, whereas all of them should be supported as in the function sanitize_versioned_package.

    At the moment, a Travel task like the following crashes:

          - task: traveltask_google_artifact_registry~=0.0.1
            name: <travel-task-name>

    with the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'traveltask_google_artifact_registry~=0'

    Implementing a fix should be quite easy since the file pip_sanitizers.py already has all the logic to check for different modifiers, and assert that any resulting split is a valid package.

    opened by DiTo97 0
  • spaces in project path problem

    spaces in project path problem

    When running 'travel setup' in a project and its path contains a directory with spaces in the name, an error occurs. Path Example: 'C/users/gianni/My cool project/src/'

    It's a very clear problem with an easy workaround but worth noticing for further development. The quick workaround: do not use spaces in directory names (a good pratice in every code)

    opened by Gogo693 0
  • debug option not working with setup command

    debug option not working with setup command

    Using the --debug option with travel setup seems to have no effect, no further detail about the error is displayed.

    C:\Users\a.migotto\Repositories\travel_test\src>travel setup
    ===                       backend                        ===
    Creating the virtual environment for venv-backend...
    'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    C:\Users\a.migotto\Repositories\travel_test\src>travel --debug setup
    ===                       backend                        ===
    Creating the virtual environment for venv-backend...
    'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    opened by amigotto 0
  • Bug in: travel plan

    Bug in: travel plan

    Using the following travel.yml the travel plan projectName returns the following error:

    C:\Users\g.maccagni\Desktop\Workspace>travel --debug plan projectName
    c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\setuptools\distutils_patch.py:25: UserWarning: Distutils was imported before Setuptools. This usage is discouraged and may exhibit undesirable behaviors or errors. Please use Setuptools' objects directly or at least import Setuptools first.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\travel\__main__.py", line 65, in main
        arguments.action(arguments, remainder)
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\travel\__main__.py", line 28, in <lambda>
        plan.set_defaults(action=lambda args, rest: planner.run(args.context, args.name))
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\travel\cli\planner.py", line 79, in run
        raise e
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\travel\cli\planner.py", line 71, in run
        _generate_breath_first(folder, yml)
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\travel\cli\planner.py", line 50, in _generate_breath_first
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\pathlib.py", line 1304, in touch
        fd = self._raw_open(flags, mode)
      File "c:\users\g.maccagni\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\pathlib.py", line 1116, in _raw_open
        return self._accessor.open(self, flags, mode)
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\g.maccagni\\Desktop\\Workspace\\projectName\\bag.yml'

    The used travel.yml is here:

        plan: https://bitbucket.org/mlreply/project-travelplan.git
        checkout: plan/library
          name: common  # The Bag name, i.e. name of the component/folder
          package_name: common  # Optional and optionally different from 'name' of Bag
          description: "The common module"  # Description of the package
            plan: https://bitbucket.org/mlreply/project-travelplan.git
            checkout: plan/flask
              name: first  # The Bag name, i.e. name of the component/folder
              package_name: firstapi  # Optional and optionally different from 'name' of Bag
              description: "The common module"  # Description of the package
              api_prefix: "/api"  # Prefix after the hostname for the APIs
            plan: https://bitbucket.org/mlreply/project-travelplan.git
            checkout: plan/flask
              name: second  # The Bag name, i.e. name of the component/folder
              package_name: secondapi  # Optional and optionally different from 'name' of Bag
              description: "The common module"  # Description of the package
              api_prefix: "/api"  # Prefix after the hostname for the APIs
    opened by gmaccagnireply 0
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