[DEPRECATED] YUM package manager


This project is deprecated. Please use DNF, the successor of YUM.


Yum is an automatic updater and installer for rpm-based systems.

Included programs:

/usr/bin/yum		Main program


Yum is run with one of the following options:

  • update [package list]

    If run without any packages, Yum will automatically upgrade every currently installed package. If one or more packages are specified, Yum will only update the packages listed.

  • install <package list>

    Yum will install the latest version of the specified package (don't specify version information).

  • remove <package list>

    Yum will remove the specified packages from the system.

  • list [package list]

    List available packages.

See the man page for more information (man yum). Also see:

3.2.X Branch - yum-3_2_X
      Starting commit is roughly: a3c91d7f6a15f31a42d020127b2da2877dfc137d
         E.g. git diff a3c91d7f6a15f31a42d020127b2da2877dfc137d


You can build an RPM package by running:

$ make rpm

Note: Make sure you have mock and lynx installed.


You can run Yum from the current checkout in a container as follows (make sure you have the podman package installed):

$ make shell

This will first build a CentOS 7 image (if not built already) and then run a container with a shell where you can directly execute Yum:

[root@bf03d3a43cbf /] yum

When you edit the code on your host, the changes you make will be immediately reflected inside the container since the checkout is bind-mounted.

Warning: There's a (probably) bug in podman at the moment which makes it not see symlinks in a freshly created container, which, in turn, makes Yum not see the /etc/yum.conf symlink when it runs for the first time. The workaround is to touch /etc/yum.conf or simply re-run Yum.

Note: When you exit the container, it is not deleted but just stopped. To re-attach to it, use (replace the ID appropriately):

$ podman start bf03d3a43cbf
$ podman attach bf03d3a43cbf
  • Don't crash on invalid repoid from yumdb

    Don't crash on invalid repoid from yumdb

    Ensure the ui_from_repo property always returns ascii-only strings.

    Previously, if the yumdb had been tampered with and a repoid was corrupted for some reason so that it contained non-ascii chars, we could end up reading it and then crash on an implicit conversion to unicode, e.g. in output.fmtColumns().

    We could also explicitly convert the data passed to fmtColumns() but that may not fix this completely as we couldn't guarantee that, with the same corrupted repoid, such an implicit conversion wouldn't happen elsewhere. Likewise, doing the conversion in ui_from_repo and returning a unicode string may cause an implicit conversion elsewhere.

    opened by dmnks 15
  • install command will return error code 1 if package is already installed

    install command will return error code 1 if package is already installed

    A lot of installation scripts rely on exit code of commands, and it will exit if any of subcommands has non-zero exit code. Yum may return error code (1) in case package is already installed (imho it is not an error)


    Step 1 (first install):

    yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm; echo $?
      epel-release.noarch 0:7-11                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Step 2 (install the same package):

    yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm; echo $?
    /var/tmp/yum-root-dE0FBq/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package.
    Error: Nothing to do

    Step3 (wrong path):

    yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch__BUG__.rpm; echo $?
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Cannot open: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch__BUG__.rpm. Skipping.
    Error: Nothing to do


    A) return 0 exit code (no_error) in _already_installed_case or B) use different error exit code

    Alt solutions I found:

    1. use localinstall:

    will return 0, but it also will return 0 in wrong cases,
    yum -y localinstall https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch_BUG.rpm || echo $?
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, versionlock
    Cannot open: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch_BUG.rpm. Skipping.
    Nothing to do

    2. use reinstall:

    works fine, but it will REINSTALL it every time (trade off: at least time)



    opened by 0x7162 13
  • depsolve: penalize conflicting provider. BZ 1480065

    depsolve: penalize conflicting provider. BZ 1480065

    When there are multiple providers available for a requirement, yum would happily pick the one that the requiring package also has a "Conflicts:" on (via another virtual provide), failing to resolve the transaction.


    • foo requires bar and conflicts my-bar
    • bax provides bar
    • bay provides bar, my-bar

    Yum might decide to pick bay, only to fail due to the conflict with foo later in the process.

    This commit fixes that by penalizing such a provider so that it's unlikely for it to be selected during depsolving.

    opened by dmnks 9
  • Yum history always shows user as System <unset> in AIX

    Yum history always shows user as System in AIX

    yum history

    ID | Command line | Date and time | Action(s) | Altered

    272 | erase -y bison | 2017-06-09 03:24 | Erase | 1 EE 271 | install -y bison | 2017-06-09 03:24 | Install | 1 EE 270 | erase -y git | 2017-06-09 02:22 | Erase | 1 269 | install -y git | 2017-06-09 02:22 | Install | 1 268 | erase -y git | 2017-06-08 21:55 | Erase | 1 267 | install make | 2017-06-07 09:54 | Install | 1 EE 266 | install subversion | 2017-06-07 09:49 | Install | 1 265 | install httpd | 2017-06-07 09:48 | Install | 2 EE 264 | install tla | 2017-06-07 09:44 | Install | 3 EE 263 | install bash curl expat | 2017-06-07 09:44 | Update | 2 EE 262 | install coreutils curl-d | 2017-06-07 09:43 | Install | 1 261 | erase grep-3.0-1.ppc | 2017-06-07 06:41 | Erase | 1 260 | erase -y pcre | 2017-06-07 03:00 | Erase | 1 259 | install -y pcre | 2017-06-07 03:00 | Install | 1 258 | install grep | 2017-06-07 02:09 | Install | 1 257 | erase -y pcre | 2017-06-07 01:38 | Erase | 3 EE 256 | erase -y vim | 2017-06-07 01:10 | Erase | 1 255 | install -y vim | 2017-06-07 01:09 | I, U | 2 254 | erase -y vim | 2017-06-07 00:37 | Erase | 1 253 | install -y vim | 2017-06-07 00:37 | Install | 1 history list

    (0) root @ aixoss-automation-2: /opt/freeware/etc/yum/repos.d

    yum history info 263

    Transaction ID : 263 Begin time : Wed Jun 7 09:44:04 2017 Begin rpmdb : 107:4862ad7227bc760f3d3f5f0c4cf3c4410c7ff593 End time : 09:44:15 2017 (11 seconds) End rpmdb : 107:a3665a21e5b27567f29a034aa57fe2870fed5222 User : System Return-Code : Success Command Line : install bash curl expat gettext less perl python rsync zlib Transaction performed with: Installed yum-3.4.3-4.noarch installed Packages Altered: Updated bash-4.3.30-1.ppc @?AIX_Toolbox_local Update 4.4-1.ppc @AIX_Toolbox_local Updated less-481-1.ppc @?AIX_Toolbox_local Update 487-1.ppc @AIX_Toolbox_local

    opened by ayappanec 8
  • Print a disk usage summary on

    Print a disk usage summary on "yum clean all". BZ 1481220

    Replace the confusing "rm -rf" hint with actual info on how much data is still left behind in the cache.

    This commit also removes the "Cleaning up everything" message since "everything" was often understood by users as "everything ever cached".

    opened by dmnks 7
  • skipbroken: don't remove old pkg on dep problems

    skipbroken: don't remove old pkg on dep problems

    This fixes a typo in f8c15289427c24130a7cdf5bf2f9eb524fc3fa19 that caused the patch to be ineffective. The problem was that we were storing a txmbr in TransactionMember.depends_on later in the function, while we expect package objects there.

    opened by dmnks 7
  • yum-cron: reintroduce days_of_week parameter

    yum-cron: reintroduce days_of_week parameter

    In previous versions of yum_cron we had available to us the days_of_week parameter. This patch reintroduces that behavior, and adds the default days_of_week setting in the sample configuration files.

    opened by whereismyjetpack 6
  • Support on python3

    Support on python3

    Hi, python2 is going to be deprecated in the upcoming year. I have widely used the yum sdk for my own development. I would like to ask for the publish on python3 for this yum sdk. Thank you!

    opened by RyanSiu1995 4
  • Fix for 'history package-list'

    Fix for 'history package-list'

    The 'yum history package-list package-name' fails to work when transactions for that package are greater than 128(PATTERNS_INDEXED_MAX). This fixes the SQL query.

    opened by upadhyeammit 4
  • yum-cron emits messages even with debuglevel=-4

    yum-cron emits messages even with debuglevel=-4

    I have enabled yum-cron to make some servers self-maintain as much as possible. But in case they don't, it's not the end of the world (regular manually initiated yum updates will take care of things, in case automation has failed).

    Therefore, I don't want to get error mails from yum like this:

    Could not get metalink https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=epel-7&arch=x86_64 error was
    14: HTTPS Error 503 - Service Unavailable

    I only ever want to hear from yum-cron, if it runs into rpm database corruption, or something of that severity.

    Consequently, I've adjusted /etc/yum/yum-cron-hourly.conf and /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf, so that emit_via = debuglevel = -4

    Still, I get error mails like the above quoted once in a while. I'm seeing this on some CentOS 7.2 servers. I have seen something similar on RHEL servers (but on the RHEL servers, I've simply stopped using yum-cron, in order to cut down on mail-noise).

    I believe it's due to the _getMetalink method in yum/yumRepo.py. It prints an error message without considering debuglevel. I don't know it is best fixed, though.

    A way to reproduce the error: Adjuste /etc/yum/yum-cron-hourly.conf, asking yum-cron to download updates, but keep silient (see above) with a temporary iptables rule which drops packets to port 443/tcp. Run /etc/cron.hourly/0yum-hourly.cron (For the sake of testing, it's also nice to have random_sleep=0, so that calling /etc/cron.hourly/0yum-hourly.cron doesn't start by sleeping for a while.)

    opened by troelsarvin 4
  • save_ts: fix string concat bottleneck. BZ 1600383

    save_ts: fix string concat bottleneck. BZ 1600383

    Previously, the way we built the transaction dump was quite inefficient (appending to a string in a number of for-loops). This caused a major delay in Anaconda during the depsolve phase when a large transaction was selected (~80 seconds for a "Server with GUI" selection including all Add-Ons in a RHEL-7.6 VM).

    This commit uses a more efficient method [1] in those for-loops that involves appending to a list instead. This cuts down the depsolve time quite a bit (to ~20 seconds according to my tests).

    [1] https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips#String_Concatenation

    opened by dmnks 3
  • ImportError: cannot import name exception2msg

    ImportError: cannot import name exception2msg

    hi, I encountered this error while installing yum. Could you help me ?

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/yum", line 28, in import yummain File "/usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py", line 32, in from yum.i18n import utf8_width, exception2msg ImportError: cannot import name exception2msg

    opened by bultiful 0
  • yum gets deadlocked/hung up (indefinitely) waiting for urlgrabber-ext-down

    yum gets deadlocked/hung up (indefinitely) waiting for urlgrabber-ext-down

    While I can appreciate that YUM is now deprecated, it's still the main package manager for EL7, which is where I am running into an issue with it just hanging indefinitely, until it is killed.

    The process tree looks like this:

     8702 ?        S      0:05  |       \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/yum -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=repo.dc.hpdd.intel.com_repository_*,build.hpdd.intel.com_job_daos-stack* install --exclude openmpi daos- daos-client- daos-tests- daos-server- openmpi3 hwloc ndctl fio patchutils ior-hpc-daos-0 romio-tests-cart-4-daos-0 testmpio-cart-4-daos-0 mpi4py-tests-cart-4-daos-0 hdf5-mpich2-tests-daos-0 hdf5-openmpi3-tests-daos-0 hdf5-vol-daos-mpich2-tests-daos-0 hdf5-vol-daos-openmpi3-tests-daos-0 MACSio-mpich2-daos-0 MACSio-openmpi3-daos-0 mpifileutils-mpich-daos-0
     8705 ?        S      0:00  |           \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/libexec/urlgrabber-ext-down
     8711 ?        S      0:00  |           \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/libexec/urlgrabber-ext-down
     8712 ?        S      0:00  |           \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/libexec/urlgrabber-ext-down

    The status of the processes are:

    # /tmp/strace -f -p 8702
    /tmp/strace: Process 8702 attached
    wait4(8711, ^C/tmp/strace: Process 8702 detached
     <detached ...>
    # /tmp/strace -f -p 8705
    /tmp/strace: Process 8705 attached
    read(0, ^C/tmp/strace: Process 8705 detached
     <detached ...>
    # /tmp/strace -f -p 8711
    /tmp/strace: Process 8711 attached
    futex(0x1444c90, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL^C/tmp/strace: Process 8711 detached
     <detached ...>
    # /tmp/strace -f -p 8712
    /tmp/strace: Process 8712 attached
    futex(0x2174c90, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL^C/tmp/strace: Process 8712 detached
     <detached ...>

    which to me looks like 8702, 8711 and 8705 are deadlocked all waiting/blocked on each other.

    opened by brianjmurrell 6
  • Sender email address does not appear to be treated the same way for the envelope level as it is for email headers

    Sender email address does not appear to be treated the same way for the envelope level as it is for email headers

    Let's assume that the system is named cheetah.

    It appears that the logic used to replace root@localhost with root@cheetah works as intended for the email headers, but does not apply to the address used as the sender address (the envelope) when sending the email message.

    This code:


    appears to replace root@localhost with root@cheetah and store the result in domain. The domain variable is then used here:

    https://github.com/rpm-software-management/yum/blob/f8616a2d6e22705371fe6ba47597238d3d1dc2f1/yum-cron/yum-cron.py#L247 to form msg['From'].

    We can see here:


    that the msg type is converted to a string to form the complete email headers/body (I may be butchering this description) as the last argument to the s.sendmail() call.

    The first part of the s.sendmail() call appears to use the email_from value as-is without any conversion, so if the configuration has root@localhost, then this is used as-is for the first argument in the s.sendmail() function call.

    Is this intentional?

    Looking here:


    and here:


    I don't see this behavior documented as intentional.

    Is this a documentation problem or is the s.sendmail() function call intended to be called this way:

                s.sendmail(msg['From'], self.opts.email_to, msg.as_string())
    opened by atc0005 0
  • Avoiding compatibility errors with python 3

    Avoiding compatibility errors with python 3

    I know that yum will be deprecated, so no python 3 support is expected. The best thing to do would be to change all scripts from #!/usr/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/python2.7 This would give people freedom to choose default version of python without errors

    opened by LorenzoSacchi 3
  • yum-builddep not abiding by BuildRequires: package range

    yum-builddep not abiding by BuildRequires: package range

    A packaging fubar was made and a package was made with a pre-release tag in it without using the ~ indicator. So now my repo has foo-2.0.0a1 in it. That fubar was fixed and foo-2.0.0~a1 is now also in the repository.

    But now I want to update another package to use the proper foo package. So I've added to it's spec BuildRequires: foo < 2.0.0a1 and that works and selects foo-2.0.0~a1 with yum-builddep.

    $ sudo yum-builddep bar.spec 
    Getting requirements for bar.spec
     --> foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package foo-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libfoo.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libfoo_hl.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libfoo_util.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libna.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package foo.x86_64 0:2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Dependencies Resolved
     Package                           Arch                       Version                                          Repository                   Size
     foo-devel                         x86_64                     2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7                       my_repo                      58 k
    Installing for dependencies:
     foo                               x86_64                     2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7                       my_repo                     103 k
    Transaction Summary
    Install  1 Package (+1 Dependent package)
    Total download size: 161 k
    Installed size: 597 k
    Is this ok [y/d/N]: 

    However there are also older versions of foo and I want to ensure that at least a minimum of my new foo-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 package is installed, so I add a BuildRequires: foo-devel >= 2.0.0~a1 to bar.spec. But yum-builddep seems unable to handle that:

    $ sudo yum-builddep bar.spec 
    Getting requirements for bar.spec
     --> foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
     --> foo-devel-2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package foo-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libfoo.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libfoo_hl.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libfoo_util.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: libna.so.2()(64bit) for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    ---> Package foo-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7 for package: foo-devel-2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package foo.x86_64 0:2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7 for package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64
    ---> Package foo.x86_64 0:2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7 will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: Package: foo-devel-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64 (foo)
               Requires: foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7
               Available: foo-1.0.1-13.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 1.0.1-13.el7
               Available: foo-1.0.1-17.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 1.0.1-17.el7
               Available: foo-1.0.1-21.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 1.0.1-21.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7.x86_64 (my_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0~a1-1.git.4871023.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0a1-0.2.git.c2c2628.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.2.git.c2c2628.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0a1-0.3.git.c2c2628.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.3.git.c2c2628.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0a1-0.4.git.5d0cd77.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.4.git.5d0cd77.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0a1-0.5.git.ad5a3b3.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.5.git.ad5a3b3.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0a1-0.6.git.299b06d.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.6.git.299b06d.el7
               Available: foo-2.0.0a1-0.7.git.41caa14.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.7.git.41caa14.el7
               Installing: foo-2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7.x86_64 (my_other_repo)
                   foo(x86-64) = 2.0.0a1-0.8.git.4871023.el7
               Available: foo-1.0.1-9.el7.src (my_other_repo)
                   Not found
               Available: foo-1.0.1-12.el7.src (my_other_repo)
                   Not found
     You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
     You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

    Is my understanding of being able to use:

    BuildRequires: foo-devel < 2.0.0a1
    BuildRequires: foo-devel >= 2.0.0~a1

    to enforce a version range not correct? I am sure I have seen this done and done this myself in the past.

    I even tried:

    BuildRequires: foo-devel < 2.0.0a1
    BuildRequires: foo-devel > 1.9

    to ensure it was not a problem with the pre-release version with the ~ in it.

    opened by brianjmurrell 3
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The Python package installer

pip - The Python Package Installer pip is the package installer for Python. You can use pip to install packages from the Python Package Index and othe

Python Packaging Authority 8.4k Dec 30, 2022
A Poetry plugin for dynamically extracting the package version.

Poetry Version Plugin A Poetry plugin for dynamically extracting the package version. It can read the version from a file __init__.py with: # __init__

Sebastián Ramírez 264 Dec 22, 2022
PokerFace is a Python package for various poker tools.

PokerFace is a Python package for various poker tools. The following features are present in PokerFace... Types for cards and their componen

Juho Kim 21 Dec 29, 2022
Example for how to package a Python library based on Cython.

Cython sample module This project is an example of a module that can be built using Cython. It is an upgrade from a similar model developed by Arin Kh

Juan José García Ripoll 4 Aug 28, 2022
Package manager based on libdnf and libsolv. Replaces YUM.

Dandified YUM Dandified YUM (DNF) is the next upcoming major version of YUM. It does package management using RPM, libsolv and hawkey libraries. For m

null 1.1k Dec 26, 2022
Installer, package manager, build wrapper and version manager for Piccolo

Piccl Installer, package manager, build wrapper and version manager for Piccolo

null 1 Dec 19, 2021
🔥 Pyflame: A Ptracing Profiler For Python. This project is deprecated and not maintained.

Pyflame: A Ptracing Profiler For Python (This project is deprecated and not maintained.) Pyflame is a high performance profiling tool that generates f

Uber Archive 3k Jan 7, 2023
DEPRECATED - Official Python Client for the Discogs API

⚠️ DEPRECATED This repository is no longer maintained. You can still use a REST client like Requests or other third-party Python library to access the

Discogs 483 Dec 31, 2022