Takes output from RedLime's SpeedRunIGT mod (igt_timer.log) to get the top run retime as per the rules in as well as generating a new file which is a copy of igt_timer.log which specifies what type of pause each one was.
It runs on console without a GUI, and will ask you what type of pause each one was. Just type it out using the key it prints (scp for settings change pause, dlp for dimension load pause, etc.) and hit enter.
if you'd like to run the .py directly, you'll need to install python and then the best way to install the easygui dependency is to install pip and running
pip install easygui
If you're on windows, you can run this via the commands
python -m pip install easygui
Depending on the setup you may need to replace 'python' with 'python3'.
The other dependencies are included by installing python.
You can then run it by double clicking on the .py file or going into terminal or command prompt and running it there after changing directories to wherever the .py is on your computer. For windows users on command prompt, just send
py -3
For mac, it should be