Hi, I am using the same approach as ani-cli for my own anime app and I just found out that the VIDCDN server is missing. The link to VIDCDN is the same as STREAMING. Without it, I don't think the parser will work correctly. I hope this is temporary or we need to find a new way to get the link from STREAMING.
Currently, by calling https://gogoplay1.com/encrypt-ajax.php
with correct parameters can retrieve links of all MP4s and m3u8. However, there are two mystery parameters.
id: vARxWkDYfMiDYr9wKaW+3A==
token: oDLn1jQZangygjNwuGNPgw
expires: 1640403841
refer: none
ch: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e <- this one
time: 79539398412775062675 <- this one
However, if ch and time can be figured out, this will be returned. MP4 links will work on itself without any headers so VLC or MPV player will be no longer needed because it can be played in a browser.
"source": [
"file": "https://lb.loadfast1.com/cdn25/4ba61e475191e2f1c8759fd07e9f5e49/EP.13.v0.360p.mp4?mac=0UoKIFTrSMgVz21Ib4haHIm7wkFXVDA9ID1wjGVug4Q%3D&expiry=1640397714234",
"label": "360 P",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://lb.loadfast1.com/cdn25/4ba61e475191e2f1c8759fd07e9f5e49/EP.13.v0.480p.mp4?mac=YYvOOYy5LlR9sT4xkv4ZyTtjJ1s858gTD9sP3gJgvIQ%3D&expiry=1640397714295",
"label": "480 P",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://lb.loadfast1.com/cdn25/4ba61e475191e2f1c8759fd07e9f5e49/EP.13.v0.720p.mp4?mac=kNoCFLxBy2TTTXlqKWjZfdJuTzgCTkSBcEakwSyz2pQ%3D&expiry=1640397714362",
"label": "720 P",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://lb.loadfast1.com/cdn25/4ba61e475191e2f1c8759fd07e9f5e49/EP.13.v0.1080p.mp4?mac=gr5VoKnc%2F%2BIjruCnJdHtSoPcUqA23zdjJknEnoELnGw%3D&expiry=1640397714417",
"label": "1080 P",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://lb.loadfast1.com/cdn25/4ba61e475191e2f1c8759fd07e9f5e49/EP.13.v0.720p.mp4?mac=kNoCFLxBy2TTTXlqKWjZfdJuTzgCTkSBcEakwSyz2pQ%3D&expiry=1640397714362",
"label": "Auto",
"default": "true",
"type": "mp4"
"source_bk": [
"file": "https://www15.anicdn.stream/videos/hls/zAgexKdh4SZFCn5jL12PQg/1640405145/176814/2daec4b1aa1b9266c3e7b90eef6e38e9/ep.13.1640357729.m3u8",
"label": "hls P",
"type": "hls"
"track": [],
"advertising": [],
"linkiframe": "https://sbplay2.com/e/b5mc9i9p3v1v"
This might be also related to #216, #215, #212, #207, #202 and #192. I hope the link can be added back soon.
type: bug category: url priority 1: high