Python sandbox runners for executing code in isolation aka snekbox.


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Python sandbox runners for executing code in isolation aka snekbox.

A client sends Python code to a snekbox, the snekbox executes the code, and finally the results of the execution are returned to the client.

          +-------------+           +-----------+
 input -> |             |---------->|           | >----------+
          |  HTTP POST  |           |  SNEKBOX  |  execution |
result <- |             |<----------|           | <----------+
          +-------------+           +-----------+
             ^                         ^
             |                         |- Executes python code
             |                         |- Returns result
             |                         +-----------------------
             |- HTTP POST Endpoint receives request and returns result

The code is executed in a Python process that is launched through NsJail, which is responsible for sandboxing the Python process.

The output returned by snekbox is truncated at around 1 MB.


Communication with snekbox is done over a HTTP REST API. The framework for the HTTP REST API is Falcon and the WSGI being used is Gunicorn. By default, the server is hosted on with two workers.

See and resources for API documentation.

Running snekbox

A Docker image is available in the GitHub Container Registry. A container can be started with the following command, which will also pull the image if it doesn't currently exist locally:

docker run --ipc=none --privileged -p 8060:8060

To run it in the background, use the -d option. See the documentation on docker run for more information.

The above command will make the API accessible on the host via http://localhost:8060/. Currently, there's only one endpoint: http://localhost:8060/eval.


Configuration files can be edited directly. However, this requires rebuilding the image. Alternatively, a Docker volume or bind mounts can be used to override the configuration files at their default locations.


The main features of the default configuration are:

  • Time limit
  • Memory limit
  • Process count limit
  • No networking
  • Restricted, read-only filesystem

NsJail is configured through snekbox.cfg. It contains the exact values for the items listed above. The configuration format is defined by a protobuf file which can be referred to for documentation. The command-line options of NsJail can also serve as documentation since they closely follow the config file format.


Gunicorn settings can be found in In the default configuration, the worker count and the bind address are likely the only things of any interest. Since it uses the default synchronous workers, the worker count effectively determines how many concurrent code evaluations can be performed.

Environment Variables

All environment variables have defaults and are therefore not required to be set.

Name Description
DEBUG Enable debug logging if set to a non-empty value.
GIT_SHA Sentry release identifier. Set in CI.
NSJAIL_CFG Path to the NsJail configuration file.
NSJAIL_PATH Path to the NsJail binary.
SNEKBOX_SENTRY_DSN Data Source Name for Sentry. Sentry is disabled if left unset.

Note: relative paths are relative to the root of the repository.

Third-party Packages

By default, the Python interpreter has no access to any packages besides the standard library. Even snekbox's own dependencies like Falcon and Gunicorn are not exposed.

To expose third-party Python packages during evaluation, install them to a custom user site:

docker exec snekbox /bin/sh -c 'PYTHONUSERBASE=/snekbox/user_base pip install numpy'

In the above command, snekbox is the name of the running container. The name may be different and can be checked with docker ps.

The packages will be installed to the user site within /snekbox/user_base. To persist the installed packages, a volume for the directory can be created with Docker. For an example, see docker-compose.yml.

If pip, setuptools, or wheel are dependencies or need to be exposed, then use the --ignore-installed option with pip. However, note that this will also re-install packages present in the custom user site, effectively making caching it futile. Current limitations of pip don't allow it to ignore packages extant outside the installation destination.

Development Environment


  • Non-core library module support

    Non-core library module support

    I'm not sure what's involved to allow for this, but it would be nice to be able to whitelist some of the more common community packages (e.g. numpy, pandas, etc.) for use inside of the snekbox.


    @MarkKoz's edit:

    If you have suggestions for package you can write them in this issue or just open a PR to add them in. All you need to do is add them like you would any other dependency to pipenv. Just make sure you pin the version and that the lock file gets updated. A short justification for your suggestions would be appreciated.

    type: feature area: dependencies 
    opened by sco1 23
  • Add pep8-naming and more pre-commit hooks

    Add pep8-naming and more pre-commit hooks

    Relevant Issues

    Resolves #63 python-discord/organisation#138


    New hooks were added for pre-commit and they will run in CI too. The pipenv run lint script will now run all the new hooks, including flake8.

    Hooks added

    A couple of these hooks automatically apply fixes. However, they still report failure and leave any changes they make uncommitted. Therefore, the user has to commit the automatic fixes.

    • check-merge-conflict - Check for files that contain merge conflict strings.
    • check-toml - Attempts to load all toml files to verify syntax.
    • check-yaml - Attempts to load all yaml files to verify syntax.
    • end-of-file-fixer - Makes sure files end in a newline and only a newline.
    • mixed-line-ending - Replaces mixed line endings with LF.
    • trailing-whitespace - Trims trailing whitespace.
    • python-check-blanket-noqa - Enforce that noqa annotations always occur with specific codes


    • Dev dependencies were updated and re-pinned because why not? They were getting old enough. I'm just following along with the other repos.
    • No cache used for pre-commit because it runs in a Docker container. I suppose it could be copied to the container from the cache on the host, but that doesn't seem worthwhile.
    type: feature area: dependencies area: CI priority: 2 - normal needs 1 approval 
    opened by MarkKoz 7
  • Support for running unix commands

    Support for running unix commands


    This is a patchset to utilise snekbox to run Unix commands (namely GNU/Linux Debian stable).


    It implements a new API endpoint /unixcmd, the usage of which is analogue to the already existing /eval endpoint - but instead of evaluating the input parameter value as Python code, it is executed in a real Linux environment in a bash shell. As with /eval, it returns output with the combined output of stdout and stderr and whatever return code bash returned, which is usually the return code of the last command executed.

    Currently, this is implemented using a Debian root filesystem. When building the venv Docker image, unless the variable NO_LINUXFS is set, debootstrap is used to bootstrap a Debian stable image into /snekbox/linuxfs. When /unixcmd is called, snekbox instructs NsJail to bind this directory as / (as read-only) and run its /bin/bash.

    It should be noted this environment is technically and practically different than the one snekbox evaluates Python code in. The main differences are that the maximum PID (process) count is increased to 10, which is a design requirement (bash would be unable to run anything otherwise), and that this environment has a full filesystem hierarchy as opposed to just the files that snekbox needs to run Python. As such, I feel comfortable only letting a higher rank such as Helpers+ run this command, but that is a bot interface implementation detail rather than snekbox's.


    I've noticed that there are a lot of times in the #unix channel when someone asks for help with something which could easily be demonstrated on a "real" Unix system, but harder to explain as a concept. This feature would be useful in such cases.

    Example usage


    POST /unixcmd HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:8060
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 24
    {"input":"id; uname -a"}


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: gunicorn/19.10.0
    Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 16:01:11 GMT
    Connection: close
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 185
    {"stdout": "uid=65534(nobody) gid=65534(nogroup) groups=65534(nogroup)\nLinux snekbox 5.5.11-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun, 22 Mar 2020 16:33:15 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n", "returncode": 0}


    • [x] fix broken test test_subprocess_resource_unavailable (do not pass PID count as nsjail argument)
    • [x] write tests for new code
    • [ ] Bash prints "Resource temporarily unavailable" three times before exiting when NsJail limits are hit (time limit, pid limit). Need to find a way to display this in a user-friendly manner
    • [x] write logic for when /unixcmd is called when no linuxfs is set up. Currently, NsJail returns blank output and return code -1 (255)
    • [ ] create PR for bot interface implementation
    • [ ] UnixCmdResource and EvalResource are the same apart from the nsjail function being called. Find a way to remove duplication
    • [x] fix logparser logic
    • [ ] update documentation

    Comments, ideas, criticism, etc all very welcome.

    type: feature status: WIP area: API area: nsjail priority: 2 - normal 
    opened by nnsee 6
  • Bump To 3.11

    Bump To 3.11

    This PR bumps the snekbox version to the latest stable python version. Closes #152, closes #149

    • [x] Bump version in dockerfile
    • [x] Bump version in documentation
    • [x] Relock dependency versions
    • [x] ~~Possibly look into bumping dependency versions?~~
    • [x] Upgrade and test runtime packages

    I'll upgrade where possible to avoid the image having to compile a bunch of packages itself, to speed up builds, however we might have to revisit in the future as I imagine a lot of packages don't have wheels yet.

    area: dependencies area: packaging 
    opened by HassanAbouelela 5
  •  Use PYTHONIOENCODING to enable utf-8 stdout for the nsjail pipe, and handle the potential case where this is bypassable

    Use PYTHONIOENCODING to enable utf-8 stdout for the nsjail pipe, and handle the potential case where this is bypassable

    Since snekbox does not run with a tty, stdout is technically raw bytes, and thus incomplete surrogate pairs can be printed without the client application erroring, and instead fail within _consume_stdout when we attempt to decode it to a str.

    This commit sets the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable to inform python to open the pipe in utf-8 mode.

    However, clever use of execl and os.unsetenv() can unset this environment variable, so we add a safety check to _consume_stdout to fail out of parsing output if it contains invalid unicode. This should only happen in deliberate cases, or significant bugs in python or a c library where output is printed to stdout ignoring the python stdout encoding.

    type: bug status: needs review area: backend priority: 3 - low 
    opened by bast0006 5
  • Fix NsJail Tests

    Fix NsJail Tests

    #88 left tests in a broken state. This wasn't noticed since CI had a bug that prevented the step from failing despite tests failing. This PR fixes both of these issues.

    type: bug area: CI area: tests 
    opened by MarkKoz 5
  • Don't run in host mode

    Don't run in host mode

    Network mode is currently set to "host". That's considered pretty insecure; instead, we should just connect port 8060 to the host. I tried that way and it worked for me, is there a different reason we should be using host mode?

    type: feature good first issue area: dev env 
    opened by stevenpitts 5
  • Improve non-developer access

    Improve non-developer access

    At the moment, the only way to use snekbox is to follow the instructions in the README. It would be nice if there were also instructions on how to quickly get a working container up and running, even if it's just a script, although it'd be better if there were instructions on how to use the image on the Docker hub.

    type: feature good first issue area: docs 
    opened by stevenpitts 5
  • Session mode

    Session mode

    This is further to the discussions in #meta and the 2019 Hacktoberfest channel, and

    It would be excellent if Snekbox supported a kind of "session mode". Such a mode would allow one to run a persistent Python process in order to serve up a Python REPL or other long-running interactive application. There are some hang-ups to this approach, however..

    Shared Processes

    Having Python processes that are shared between multiple sessions is probably not possible for a code-based REPL, as it's pretty easy to escape the code session and mess with the process or other sessions running in the process.

    This means that running a process per-REPL with some kind of time limit or max process limit or something is probably the best approach, but this could get heavy on resources if we're not careful

    lemon suggested looking at PEP 0554 on Discord, which could be very useful for an eventual implementation when it comes to shared processes.

    Worker Routing

    The current design of Snekbox makes routing to specific workers impossible, and they don't have a mechanism of communicating with each other in order to route to the correct Python process. Additionally, Gunicorn does not have any way to route requests to specific workers - it's a fundamental part of how Gunicorn works that prevents us from doing this.

    That said, there are a few approaches I think we could take.

    1. A separate daemon could be run that supports asynchronous access and dispatches to persistent processes running under nsjail as required
    2. Falcon could be dropped and replaced with something that is designed with asynchronous programming in mind and is intended to be run as a single worker
    3. REPL scope could be serialised and stored in the database somehow, and reloaded on each request - but this could make operations very slow indeed

    I'm entirely unsure what the best approach to this would be, however. The nature of webapps means that you usually distribute load between workers in order to keep things fast, but doing that means you lose a way to route to the same worker for any set of requests.

    Does anyone have any comments on this?

    type: feature status: stalled status: planning 
    opened by gdude2002 5
  • Testing Provisions

    Testing Provisions

    As you may know, NsJail complicates things when testing locally because it requires root to run. The simplest approach is to basically offer nothing, but I don't think people are too keen on installing NsJail themselves and running as root.

    I was thinking of running tests in a Docker container. Currently, getting files from the container is only needed for working with There are two options to getting the outputs of coverage:

    1. Mount the local snekbox repository into the container using a bind mount.
    2. No bind mount or volumes. Just use docker cp to copy files

    Either way, the files will be owned by root. However, this can easily be fixed with chown. I already had a lot of stuff figured out for testing in containers it works quite well. Though file permissions seem easy to fix, the issue made me start reconsidering the entire container approach.

    type: question area: dev env 
    opened by MarkKoz 5
  • Cgroup PermissionError

    Cgroup PermissionError

    I'm not particularly sure if this is the proper place to ask but I'm having issues running snekbox. It works fine on my local PC (Windows) but when I try and run it on my VPS (Linux, Debian) I get a PermissionError while trying to run code. It seems to have something to do with cgroup but I'm not particularly experienced with that so I can't figure out how to fix it. Traceback that happens each time I try and run code on it:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/snekbox/snekbox/api/resources/", line 87, in on_post
        result = self.nsjail.python3(code, py_args=args)
      File "/snekbox/snekbox/", line 190, in python3
        cgroup = self._create_dynamic_cgroups()
      File "/snekbox/snekbox/", line 96, in _create_dynamic_cgroups
        (mem / "memory.limit_in_bytes").write_text(mem_max, encoding="utf-8")
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 1275, in write_text
        with'w', encoding=encoding, errors=errors) as f:
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 1242, in open
        return, mode, buffering, encoding, errors, newline,
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 1110, in _opener
        return, flags, mode)
    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/snekbox-6a523f3a-3eaf-4da0-8e8f-dcfd0e0f425b/memory.limit_in_bytes'

    Initially /sys/fs/cgroup/memory didn't exist, after searching around to no avail I just made the folder with mkdir, after which it got populated with various other stuff but not any folders under snekbox.

    If I could get any help on this from people with more experience than me, it'd be greatly appreciated. And in the case that it's just a distro issue (which I don't think it is), I'm more than happy to just swap distros on my server.

    type: question 
    opened by blankdvth 4
  • File system and Binary file sending

    File system and Binary file sending

    Closes #114, #103

    Implementing a memory-based file system, running written python files, and sending binary files from snekbox to requester.

    Permission specifications

    1. We will create a container directory at /snekbox/memfs, which will be mounted as a tmpfs memory directory. The memfs folder is execute-only for user code with no read/write permissions.
    2. Each snekbox run instance will have a new mounted tmpfs on the docker system created with a unique ID, a subfolder of this (/home) is then mounted as R/W folders onto the NSJail instance.
    3. No instance should be able to read other instance filesystem mounts as they are not mounted to NSJail.
    # Docker host
    |- /memfs/ab043b4e-5955-4734-b8e2-998c0f6c7131/home/
    # Visible to instance user
    |- /home/
    1. This UUID directory is read/execute only for the user code
    2. There is also a home folder, which has read/write permission for nsjail, and is mounted into nsjail as a R/W folder at /home
    3. The $HOME env var has also been set to point to this mounted folder in the nsjail. (Required for libraries like matplotlib to work)


    The user has a cwd in /home which they can read/write in. In this directory there will be a output folder. Any files written within this folder will be uploaded.

    The file system per instance is default to be limited at 48MiB, can be changed in the cfg file.

    Current plan

    File system

    • [x] 1. Implement a unique tempdir generator backed by dev/shm
    • [x] 2. Change runtime config to mount an unique tempdir to each snekbox execution
    • [x] 3. Make this the working directory for the python file
    • [x] 4. Use a written python file for better compatibility with file usage (__file__) and other usages such as inspect.getsource

    Sending binary files via API

    • [x] 1. Scan for created files after snekbox execution completes
    • [x] 2. Serialize binary file into JSON, with data and name (possible base64 encoding and / or compression)
    • [x] 3. Add API route
    • [x] 4. Add a user-code side method for files to be marked sent, or some standard (like naming the file "out.*")
    • [x] 5. Formalize API route specifications and docs

    API Request changes

    Backwards-compatible usage of input is retained. If input is supplied, args defaults to -c. Either one of input or args must be supplied.

    Compatible mode with input

        "input": "[i for i in range(1000)]",
        "args": ["-m", "timeit"]

    New args without input

        "args": ["-m", "timeit", "[i for i in range(1000)]"]

    Sending files to be run

        "args": [""],
        "files": [
                "name": "",
                "content": "print(1)"

    API response additions


    	"stdout": "Hello\n",
    	"returncode": 0

    (New) New dictionary key files of type list[dict], holding dictionaries representing attachments Sub-dictionaries will have type dict[str, str | int] Attachment dict keys:

    • "name" (str)
    • "size" (int) Content size in bytes (before compression)
    • "content" (str) Base64 encoded bytes
    	"stdout": "Hello\n",
    	"returncode": 0,
    	"files": [
    			"name": "output.png",
    			"size": 57344,
    			"content": "SGVsbG8...=",

    Demo Images

    image image

    image image
    opened by ionite34 6
  • Allow Evaluation Using Multiple Python Versions

    Allow Evaluation Using Multiple Python Versions


    Install multiple python versions within the container, and add an option in the API to select between them.


    Currently, the bot supports evaluation of both 3.10 and 3.11 code, something I think should be kept and expanded in the future (to include major/important python versions). This is achieved by using the latest 3.10 image published here. This is fine for now, but it makes it harder to provide feature parity and avoid issues when users switch between modes, and it makes it difficult to patch and fix security issues.


    The way I see us doing this is by building all the versions of python we want to support directly into the image, then aiming the jail at the right executable. This would simplify implementation by having one server, with one codebase, while allowing us to evaluate user code on any version.


    Some more specific implementation details that can be up for debate:

    1. The docker image will simply install whatever versions of python you pass to it in the build arg, to well defined locations
    2. We'll build two images in CI, one with all versions we want supported, and one lightweight for dev
    3. We can expose an endpoint to get all supported versions
    4. We should investigate the best way to install all the versions to the docker image. I imagine the best solution is to just start from an image with all the required build-tools, install all the python versions, and use that as the base for the image. I found this docker image which has all the versions from 2.3-3.9 installed, and it comes out to a whooping... 600 MBs! I don't think this specific project would work for us since it hasn't been updated since 3.9, but it does make the idea seem feasiable.
    5. Are the exposed packages going to be an issue, or can we simply install all the same versions to all python interpreters.
    type: feature status: planning area: backend 
    opened by HassanAbouelela 1
  • API Documentation

    API Documentation

    I'm not happy with the current state of documentation for the API, as it requires looking through docstrings in the source code. I've been considering using an OpenAPI specification and generating a website with documentation using SwaggerUI or ReDoc.

    Because snekbox is intended to be hosted by the users, I believe users would find the documentation more convenient and accessible if hosted on GitHub pages. The alternative would be to add a route to Falcon, but this would require users to be able to access their own snekbox instance during development, or temporarily create one.

    There are three main approaches to this:

    1. Manually write an OpenAPI spec and manually ensure the Falcon implementation is compliant.
    2. Generate an OpenAPI spec from the code.
    3. Generate Falcon code from an OpenAPI spec.

    I'm not commited to using OpenAPI. If there's an alternative for generating nice REST API documentation, I'm open to suggestions.

    Approach 1

    The upside is that there are no additional dependencies and no code changes requires in snekbox. The downside is that there are 2 things to maintain instead of one. I don't mind that too much though. The bigger concern is making sure they are in-sync. Since the code and spec are in separate files, it seems more easy for them to go out of sync. If there is a tool that can automatically verify an implementation is compliant with a spec, I would be more inclined to go for this option.

    Approach 2

    The main concern is how to access the OpenAPI spec from the GH Pages repo. The spec could either live on this repo or on the GH pages repo; not sure which makes more sense. CI could generate the spec and then create a commit if it detects a change, but that feels hacky. Alternatively, it could just check if a spec needs to be regenerated without actually doing it, but it would be a bit tedious for the PR author to have to generate it.

    The other concern is that it feels backwards to generate a spec from code. Usually it's the other way around: code is written based on a specification. However, I think the OpenAPI spec is more of a means to an end to get some nice documentation. I don't think there is value in the spec itself e.g. for someone to implement the same API in another language.


    It's designed with the intent of documentation being added as a route to the existing API. However, it is possible to avoid adding the route and instead exporting the spec for use elsewhere. It is heavier on dependencies since it mandates the use of pydantic, though it would replace jsonschema since spectree supports validation too. Maybe it evens out.


    Its intent is to directly generate the spec. It is lighter on dependencies, but I don't like its approach of relying on YAML in docstring.

    It doesn't support Falcon 3 and seems unmaintained, but there is a PR that supposedly fixes this. Snekbox technically doesn't need any features of Falcon 3.0, but I don't want to downgrade to an unmaintained version. Furthermore, I don't want to use a library that's unmaintained.

    Approach 3

    This avoids the problem of generating a spec, since it will be manually written. However, generating code from the spec does feel a bit hacky, and I'm not sure how robust falcon-openapi is. It doesn't seem maintained. Unclear if Falcon 3 is supported (if it is, it probably uses things that are deprecated). This statement from the library also doesn't instil confidence:

    I am unsure if operationId will make it into the final version. I may change this to only check for the x-falcon property. I plan on doing more research to determine if this an appropriate way to use the operationId property.

    type: feature status: planning area: docs priority: 2 - normal 
    opened by MarkKoz 6
  • Feature request: Add informational endpoint about snekbox

    Feature request: Add informational endpoint about snekbox

    For those of us running our own snekbox instances, an informational endpoint would be useful. This could list the api version, the current version of snekbox, and perhaps the installed packages.

    opened by onerandomusername 2
  • Support File I/O

    Support File I/O

    Several users have expressed a desire to interact with files with their executed code. I believe such feature is in scope and that it would be a great feature. Supporting it would require a way to mount an isolated, size-capped r/w directory for each NsJail instance. Implementation details need to be investigated to determine the feasability of this feature.

    type: feature status: planning area: nsjail priority: 2 - normal 
    opened by MarkKoz 6
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Enox 47 Nov 9, 2022
Phoenix Framework is an environment for writing, testing and using exploit code.

Phoenix Framework is an environment for writing, testing and using exploit code. ?? Screenshots ?? Community PwnWiki Forums ?? Licen

null 42 Aug 9, 2022
Strapi Framework Vulnerable to Remote Code Execution

CVE-2019-19609 Strapi Framework Vulnerable to Remote Code Execution well, I didnt found any exploit for CVE-2019-19609 so I wrote one. :/ Usage pytho

Dasith Vidanage 7 Mar 8, 2022
CVE-2021-26084 Remote Code Execution on Confluence Servers

CVE-2021-26084 CVE-2021-26084 Remote Code Execution on Confluence Servers. Dork Fofa: app="ATLASSIAN-Confluence" Usage Show help information. python P

FQ Hsu 63 Dec 30, 2022