Trustme: #1 quality TLS certs while you wait


trustme: #1 quality TLS certs while you wait

You wrote a cool network client or server. It encrypts connections using TLS. Your test suite needs to make TLS connections to itself.

Uh oh. Your test suite probably doesn't have a valid TLS certificate. Now what?

trustme is a tiny Python package that does one thing: it gives you a fake certificate authority (CA) that you can use to generate fake TLS certs to use in your tests. Well, technically they're real certs, they're just signed by your CA, which nobody trusts. But you can trust it. Trust me.

Vital statistics

Install: pip install -U trustme


Bug tracker and source code:

Tested on: Python 3.6+, CPython and PyPy

License: MIT or Apache 2, your choice.

Code of conduct: Contributors are requested to follow our code of conduct in all project spaces.

Cheat sheet

Programmatic usage:

import trustme

# ----- Creating certs -----

# Look, you just created your certificate authority!
ca = trustme.CA()

# And now you issued a cert signed by this fake CA
server_cert = ca.issue_cert(u"")

# That's it!

# ----- Using your shiny new certs -----

# You can configure SSL context objects to trust this CA:
# Or configure them to present the server certificate
# You can use standard library or PyOpenSSL context objects here,
# trustme is happy either way.

# ----- or -----

# Save the PEM-encoded data to a file to use in non-Python test
# suites:

# ----- or -----

# Put the PEM-encoded data in a temporary file, for libraries that
# insist on that:
with ca.cert_pem.tempfile() as ca_temp_path:
    requests.get("https://...", verify=ca_temp_path)

Command line usage:

$ # Certs may be generated from anywhere. Here's where we are:
$ pwd
$ # ----- Creating certs -----
$ python -m trustme
Generated a certificate for 'localhost', '', '::1'
Configure your server to use the following files:
Configure your client to use the following files:
$ # ----- Using certs -----
$ gunicorn --keyfile server.key --certfile server.pem app:app
$ curl --cacert client.pem https://localhost:8000/
Hello, world!


Should I use these certs for anything real? Certainly not.

Why not just use self-signed certificates? These are more realistic. You don't have to disable your certificate validation code in your test suite, which is good because you want to test what you run in production, and you would never disable your certificate validation code in production, right? Plus, they're just as easy to work with. Actually easier, in many cases.

What if I want to test how my code handles some bizarre TLS configuration? We think trustme hits a sweet spot of ease-of-use and generality as it is. The defaults are carefully chosen to work on all major operating systems and be as fast as possible. We don't want to turn trustme into a second-rate re-export of everything in cryptography. If you have more complex needs, consider using them directly, possibly starting from the trustme code.

Will you automate installing CA cert into system trust store? No. mkcert already does this well, and we would not have anything to add.

  • Issue client cert

    Issue client cert


    It'd be nice to have a public API for creating client certificates as well. Just like issue_server_cert() but issue_client_cert().

    It's useful when testing client cert TLS auth in frameworks.

    opened by webknjaz 20
  • Support intermediate CAs

    Support intermediate CAs

    I tried to address #3.

    It does not seem to work, though. Test with:

    import trustme
    ca = trustme.CA()
    ca = ca.create_child_ca()
    server_cert = ca.issue_server_cert(u"")

    When commenting the ca = ca.create_child_ca() line, openssl verify -untrusted server.pem server.pem says:

    server.pem: O = "trustme v0.4.0+dev", OU = Testing server cert #XukT8k24PBXQBSqv
    error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

    But with the create_child_ca line, we get:

    server.pem: O = "trustme v0.4.0+dev", OU = Testing CA #D2vixR6eI2g5N2k5
    error 19 at 1 depth lookup:self signed certificate in certificate chain

    I have no idea what I'm doing: what's the problem? I did try to make sure to only self-sign the root CA and not including it in the server.pem file.

    opened by pquentin 12
  • Add expires option

    Add expires option

    This PR adds the option to specify when the issued client certificate should expire (Not After field). It's specified in the style of <number>t, where t can be H (hour), m (month), d (days), etc...

    While adding this feature, I also found that the client and server certs were being written to the wrong paths. An included commit resolves this.

    opened by herbygillot 11
  • Add trustme command line interface

    Add trustme command line interface

    Closes #257, Closes

    This pull request ports trustme-cli to trustme itself.


    • [x] Port of $ trustme-cli command line program, as $ python -m trustme
    • [x] Docs
    • [x] Tests

    Unit tests are lightweight and basically just verify that options are accepted, though they don't actually try to do anything with the generated certs. Let me know if we should be more precise there. :-)

    Sample usage

    $ python -m trustme
    Generated a certificate for 'localhost', '', '::1'
    Configure your server to use the following files:
    Configure your client to use the following files:

    Docs preview

    Screenshot 2020-12-22 at 13 25 15

    FireShot Capture 021 - trustme_ #1 quality TLS certs while you wait — trustme 0 6 0+dev docu_ - localhost

    opened by florimondmanca 10
  • EC keys in trustme.

    EC keys in trustme.

    Added support to specify in EllipticCurve as key_type for the CA or a issues certificate. Basic test case for round trip added.

    It would be useful to have that in trustme for my own testing of my TLS work in the Apache web server. Maybe it is not the most beautiful python, all faults are mine.

    opened by icing 9


    Now instead of having methods to return a ssl.SSLContext object, we have methods that take an ssl.SSLContext object and reconfigure it in place. This is more flexible and probably fits better into existing codebases.

    Plus, it makes it easy to support PyOpenSSL without lots of awkward namespacing!

    I'm still not 100% happy with the phrasing of

    because the subject/object seem backwards.

    Maybe they should be top-level functions? Or have better names? ca.trust_me(ctx), cert.use_me(ctx), ca.trusted_by(ctx), cert.used_by(ctx)?

    opened by njsmith 8
  • Failure on 32 bit Linux

    Failure on 32 bit Linux

    When building aiohttp binary wheels we run tests on built files. On 32 bit Linux it produces the following error:

        def tls_certificate_authority():
    >       return trustme.CA()
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    opt/_internal/cpython-3.5.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/trustme/ in __init__
    opt/_internal/cpython-3.5.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cryptography/x509/ in sign
        return backend.create_x509_certificate(self, private_key, algorithm)
    opt/_internal/cpython-3.5.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ in create_x509_certificate
        self._lib.X509_get_notAfter(x509_cert), builder._not_valid_after
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    self = <cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend.Backend object at 0xf6e759ec>
    asn1_time = <cdata 'struct asn1_string_st *' 0x90f5ab0>
    time = datetime.datetime(3000, 1, 1, 0, 0)
        def _set_asn1_time(self, asn1_time, time):
            timestamp = calendar.timegm(time.timetuple())
    >       res = self._lib.ASN1_TIME_set(asn1_time, timestamp)
    E       OverflowError: integer 32503680000 does not fit '32-bit int'
    opt/_internal/cpython-3.5.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ OverflowError

    @njsmith do you have an idea how to fix it?

    opened by asvetlov 7
  • Set correct KU and EKU extensions

    Set correct KU and EKU extensions

    A CA certificate must not have an EKU extension. KU key_cert_signing is required. crl_sign is recommended for CRLs and digital_signature is recommended for OCSP.

    An end-entity cert must have an EKU. TLS server and TLS client are recommended. KU digital_signature is required for modern perfect forward secrecy handshake. key_encipherment is optional for old non-PFS handshake.

    Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes [email protected]

    opened by tiran 6
  • Publish test results in the AppVeyor UI

    Publish test results in the AppVeyor UI

    This change includes #220 adding one commit on top (see the second commit).

    Here's how the tests show up in the AppVeyor UI:

    opened by webknjaz 6
  • Allow specifying organization and organization unit in CA and issuer certs

    Allow specifying organization and organization unit in CA and issuer certs


    First of all, I'd like to thank you for creating this project that'll prevent me from writing a lot of boilerplate code.

    The only feature I'm missing right now is the ability to customize the organization name and the organization unit name from the CA certificate and from issued certificates. Do you think this is acceptable?

    Thank you again!

    opened by gilbsgilbs 6
  • Add CA.from_pem

    Add CA.from_pem

    Part of my work on The goal is to start using trustme more in urllib3, but by doing it gradually, and only switch to a trustme-generated CA at the end of the process.

    opened by pquentin 6
  • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.2.0

    Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.2.0

    Bumps pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.2.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from pytest's releases.


    pytest 7.2.0 (2022-10-23)


    • #10012: Update pytest.PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning{.interpreted-text role="class"} to a deprecation; it will raise an error in pytest 8.

    • #10396: pytest no longer depends on the py library. pytest provides a vendored copy of py.error and py.path modules but will use the py library if it is installed. If you need other py.* modules, continue to install the deprecated py library separately, otherwise it can usually be removed as a dependency.

    • #4562: Deprecate configuring hook specs/impls using attributes/marks.

      Instead use :pypytest.hookimpl{.interpreted-text role="func"} and :pypytest.hookspec{.interpreted-text role="func"}. For more details, see the docs <legacy-path-hooks-deprecated>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.

    • #9886: The functionality for running tests written for nose has been officially deprecated.

      This includes:

      • Plain setup and teardown functions and methods: this might catch users by surprise, as setup() and teardown() are not pytest idioms, but part of the nose support.
      • Setup/teardown using the @​with_setup decorator.

      For more details, consult the deprecation docs <nose-deprecation>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.


    • #9897: Added shell-style wildcard support to testpaths.


    • #10218: @pytest.mark.parametrize() (and similar functions) now accepts any Sequence[str] for the argument names, instead of just list[str] and tuple[str, ...].

      (Note that str, which is itself a Sequence[str], is still treated as a comma-delimited name list, as before).

    • #10381: The --no-showlocals flag has been added. This can be passed directly to tests to override --showlocals declared through addopts.

    • #3426: Assertion failures with strings in NFC and NFD forms that normalize to the same string now have a dedicated error message detailing the issue, and their utf-8 representation is expresed instead.

    • #7337: A warning is now emitted if a test function returns something other than [None]{.title-ref}. This prevents a common mistake among beginners that expect that returning a [bool]{.title-ref} (for example [return foo(a, b) == result]{.title-ref}) would cause a test to pass or fail, instead of using [assert]{.title-ref}.

    • #8508: Introduce multiline display for warning matching via :pypytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} and enhance match comparison for :py_pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.match{.interpreted-text role="func"} as returned by :pypytest.raises{.interpreted-text role="func"}.

    • #8646: Improve :pypytest.raises{.interpreted-text role="func"}. Previously passing an empty tuple would give a confusing error. We now raise immediately with a more helpful message.

    • #9741: On Python 3.11, use the standard library's tomllib{.interpreted-text role="mod"} to parse TOML.

      tomli{.interpreted-text role="mod"}` is no longer a dependency on Python 3.11.

    • #9742: Display assertion message without escaped newline characters with -vv.

    • #9823: Improved error message that is shown when no collector is found for a given file.

    ... (truncated)

    • 3af3f56 Prepare release version 7.2.0
    • bc2c3b6 Merge pull request #10408 from NateMeyvis/patch-2
    • d84ed48 Merge pull request #10409 from pytest-dev/asottile-patch-1
    • ffe49ac Merge pull request #10396 from pytest-dev/pylib-hax
    • d352098 allow jobs to pass if fails
    • c5c562b Fix typos in CONTRIBUTING.rst
    • d543a45 add deprecation changelog for py library vendoring
    • f341a5c Merge pull request #10407 from NateMeyvis/patch-1
    • 1027dc8 [] auto fixes from hooks
    • 6b905ee Add note on tags to CONTRIBUTING.rst
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

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    Dependabot commands and options

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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • Public API to retrieve cert key and cert chain files written to the fs separately

    Public API to retrieve cert key and cert chain files written to the fs separately

    Usually at high-level web servers expose separate configuration options for a certificate file, a private key file, and a certificate chain file.

    Currently trustme forces users to use one file for both certificate file and its key file (as it and use CA cert for chain option.

    From the API perspective, it looks confusing to any humble human being who isn't proficient in TLS.

    When one looks at such tests they're puzzled: why options named explicitly as key and cert receive the same var? maybe it's a bug? what's going on here? Same for cert chain: why does it look like instead of some mysterious chain file there's a certificate or the CA?



    I think this use case deserves corresponding public APIs in place. What do you think?

    opened by webknjaz 2
  • Add a public API to calculate fingerprints of LeafCert instances

    Add a public API to calculate fingerprints of LeafCert instances

    So I've been finally integrating trustme into aiohttp's test today. Turns out that certificate fingerprint calculation isn't well-documented on the Internet for Python stdlib's ssl module. All examples use pyOpenSSL instead. So after fighting it for a while, I've figured out that one should turn certificate into DER format as opposed to PEM (ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert()), because it's what SSLSocket.getpeercert() returns and what client uses to calculate hash:


    So I think it'd be nice to wrap it into a method bound to LeafCert (and maybe Blob?). The suggested API is:

    # fingerprint calc function wrapped with `lru_cache`
    # @properties:

    Maybe fingerprint would need to be represented by its own Fingerprint class, not just some bytes.

    opened by webknjaz 4
  • Follow CAFB guidelines more closely?

    Follow CAFB guidelines more closely?

    There are a bunch of ways we aren't really following CAFB rules. Not sure how much it matters. But for example: rules for root certificates:

    • SHOULD NOT set path_length
    • MUST include keyUsage
      • MUST be marked critical
      • MUST have keyCertSign and cRLSign set CA certificates:

    • MUST have a common name, organization name, and country name subscriber certificates:

    • MUST have certificatePolicies
    • MUST have extKeyUsage

    We might have some RFC 5280 fails too, I haven't read it carefully.

    opened by njsmith 3
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