This Program helps you download songs from the Spotify track's link you give in.
It uses yt-dlp to download songs from Youtube.
What it does
- It gets the link from the user
- Scraps the Webpage and gets the song's title from Spotify
- Then the title is used the get the youtube video's link
- Now the link is passed in to yt-dlp and the track will be downloaded to the selected path
- Atlast the downloaded file is converted into mp3 using ffmpeg
- yt-dlp
- beautifulsoup4
- Pillow
- requests
- Tkinter
- ffmpeg (Place the Binary file inside the project's folder)
- It is not a complete project, it is still under development
- It may be buggy at some point
- You can only use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste the link inside the entry box.
- It may stop responding, though it will complete the download without any problem. Wait till then (This is because of running the whole program on the main thread, I am working on it)