A pynt of Python build.

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Build Tools pynt

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A pynt of Python build.

Raghunandan Rao


  • Easy to learn.
  • Build tasks are just python funtions.
  • Manages dependencies between tasks.
  • Automatically generates a command line interface.
  • Rake style param passing to tasks
  • Supports python 2.7 and python 3.x


You can install pynt from the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.

Using pip

$ pip install pynt

Using easy_install

$ easy_install pynt


The build script is written in pure Python and pynt takes care of managing any dependencies between tasks and generating a command line interface.

Writing build tasks is really simple, all you need to know is the @task decorator. Tasks are just regular Python functions marked with the @task() decorator. Dependencies are specified with @task() too. Tasks can be ignored with the @task(ignore=True). Disabling a task is an useful feature to have in situations where you have one task that a lot of other tasks depend on and you want to quickly remove it from the dependency chains of all the dependent tasks. Note that any task whose name starts with an underscore(_) will be considered private. Private tasks are not listed in with pynt -l, but they can still be run with pynt _private_task_name



import sys
from pynt import task

def clean():
    '''Clean build directory.'''
    print 'Cleaning build directory...'

def _copy_resources():
    '''Copy resource files. This is a private task. "pynt -l" will not list this'''
    print('Copying resource files')

@task(clean, _copy_resources)
def html(target='.'):
    '''Generate HTML.'''
    print 'Generating HTML in directory "%s"' %  target

@task(clean, _copy_resources, ignore=True)
def images():
    '''Prepare images.'''
    print 'Preparing images...'

def start_server(server='localhost', port = '80'):
    '''Start the server'''
    print 'Starting server at %s:%s' % (server, port)

@task(start_server) #Depends on task with all optional params
def stop_server():
    print 'Stopping server....'

def copy_file(src, dest):
    print 'Copying from %s to %s' % (src, dest)

def echo(*args,**kwargs):
    print args
    print kwargs
# Default task (if specified) is run when no task is specified in the command line
# make sure you define the variable __DEFAULT__ after the task is defined
# A good convention is to define it at the end of the module
# __DEFAULT__ is an optional member


Running pynt tasks

The command line interface and help is automatically generated. Task descriptions are extracted from function docstrings.

$ pynt -h
usage: pynt [-h] [-l] [-v] [-f file] [task [task ...]]

positional arguments:
  task                  perform specified task and all its dependencies

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list-tasks      List the tasks
  -v, --version         Display the version information
  -f file, --file file  Build file to read the tasks from. Default is
$ pynt -l
Tasks in build file ./build.py:
  clean                       Clean build directory.
  html                        Generate HTML.
  images           [Ignored]  Prepare images.
  start_server     [Default]  Start the server

Powered by pynt - A Lightweight Python Build Tool.

pynt takes care of dependencies between tasks. In the following case start_server depends on clean, html and image generation (image task is ignored).

$ pynt #Runs the default task start_server. It does exactly what "pynt start_server" would do.
[ example.py - Starting task "clean" ]
Cleaning build directory...
[ example.py - Completed task "clean" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "html" ]
Generating HTML in directory "."
[ example.py - Completed task "html" ]
[ example.py - Ignoring task "images" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "start_server" ]
Starting server at localhost:80
[ example.py - Completed task "start_server" ]

The first few characters of the task name is enough to execute the task, as long as the partial name is unambigious. You can specify multiple tasks to run in the commandline. Again the dependencies are taken taken care of.

$ pynt cle ht cl
[ example.py - Starting task "clean" ]
Cleaning build directory...
[ example.py - Completed task "clean" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "html" ]
Generating HTML in directory "."
[ example.py - Completed task "html" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "clean" ]
Cleaning build directory...
[ example.py - Completed task "clean" ]

The 'html' task dependency 'clean' is run only once. But clean can be explicitly run again later.

pynt tasks can accept parameters from commandline.

$ pynt "copy_file[/path/to/foo, path_to_bar]"
[ example.py - Starting task "clean" ]
Cleaning build directory...
[ example.py - Completed task "clean" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "copy_file" ]
Copying from /path/to/foo to path_to_bar
[ example.py - Completed task "copy_file" ]

pynt can also accept keyword arguments.

$ pynt start[port=8888]
[ example.py - Starting task "clean" ]
Cleaning build directory...
[ example.py - Completed task "clean" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "html" ]
Generating HTML in directory "."
[ example.py - Completed task "html" ]
[ example.py - Ignoring task "images" ]
[ example.py - Starting task "start_server" ]
Starting server at localhost:8888
[ example.py - Completed task "start_server" ]

$ pynt echo[hello,world,foo=bar,blah=123]
[ example.py - Starting task "echo" ]
('hello', 'world')
{'blah': '123', 'foo': 'bar'}
[ example.py - Completed task "echo" ]

Organizing build scripts

You can break up your build files into modules and simple import them into your main build file.

from deploy_tasks import *
from test_tasks import functional_tests, report_coverage


pynt-contrib contains a set of extra tasks/utilities. The idea is to keep this package simple and bloat-free.


If you want to make changes the repo is at https://github.com/rags/pynt. You will need pytest to run the tests

$ ./b t

It will be great if you can raise a pull request once you are done.

If you find any bugs or need new features please raise a ticket in the issues section of the github repo.


pynt is licensed under a MIT license

  • Ability to hide a task from doc output

    Ability to hide a task from doc output

    I have a complex chain of tasks that I don't want to be all exposed/available when using pynt.

    I can use internal python functions instead, but I really like the simplicity of chaining tasks and having consistent logs etc...

    Adding @task(hide=True) might be a nice addition

    So it looks something like that: @task(hide=True) def build(): '''Build for distribution'''

    @task(hide=True) def upload(): '''Upload build'''

    @task(hide=True) def install(): '''Install new build distribution'''

    @task() def restart_server: ''Restart the server'''

    @task(build, upload, install, restart_server) def deploy_prod(): '''Build & deploy app to production server. Then restart server.''' print("Deployment Complete!")

    At the moment, they are all exposed as tasks, and can appear in pynt output: Tasks in build file build.py: build Build for distribution clean Clean build directory. deploy_prod Build & deploy app to production server. Then restarts server. install Install new build distribution'' restart_server Restart pserve on remote upload Upload the latest build to server

    opened by bachirelkhoury 17
  • Utility functions

    Utility functions

    Would you like any of these functions? If so, I can submit them as a pull request (with tests).


    opened by ivanvenosdel 7
  • [question] How to get the parameters of a task? Is it possible?

    [question] How to get the parameters of a task? Is it possible?

    I would like to use pynt for a Java project. The caller task looks like this:

    def run():
        cmd = "java -cp build/classes/java/main adder.Adder"

    Let's suppose that we can pass command-line arguments to the Java program:

    bash$ java -cp build/classes/java/main adder.Adder 5 6

    and it adds them together. Would it be possible to pass these arguments to a task and then forward them to the Java program? I want a call like this:

    bash$ pynt run 5 6

    At the moment pynt thinks that "5" is another task and drops an error that it doesn't exist.

    opened by jabbalaci 3
  • @task(hide=True) support

    @task(hide=True) support

    If @task(hide=True) is set, the given task won't appear in the auto-generated docs. It's useful if you want to hide sub-tasks and you only want to see the main tasks in the generated list.

    opened by jabbalaci 3
  • add it to a Wikipedia article

    add it to a Wikipedia article

    It would be a good idea to add your build tool to this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_build_automation_software . SCons is there, another build tool written in Python.

    I also want to say thanks for this project! It's perfect for my needs.

    opened by jabbalaci 2
  • Spelling errors for

    Spelling errors for "pynt -h"

    pynt -h produces: C:\Users\Bruce>pynt -h usage: pynt-script.py [-h] [-l] [-f file] [task [task ...]]

    positional arguments: task perform specified task and all it's dependancies ...

    On the last line shown above, the "it's" should be "its" and "dependancies" should be "dependencies"

    opened by BruceEckel 2
  • Documentation


    I can't tell if I'm missing where the documentation is, or if the page (http://rags.github.io/pynt/) is supposed to be the documentation. If the latter, there's a line:

    "Tasks can be ignored with the task(ignore=True)"

    I can't figure out what this means.

    I like the design, BTW. Very clean.

    opened by BruceEckel 2
  • Use of

    Use of "its" vs. "it's"

    Several places in the help you say "it's" which means "it is" when you actually want to use a possessive "its"

    The easiest way to test this is when you see an "it's", say it out loud "it is," and see if that makes sense. If it doesn't, remove the apostrophe.

    opened by BruceEckel 2
  • _taskname means a hidden task

    _taskname means a hidden task

    Instead of @task(hide=True), simply rename your task. If the name of the task starts with an underscore, then it's a hidden task, thus it won't appear in the auto-generated docs.

    opened by jabbalaci 1
  • Using pynt on build server

    Using pynt on build server

    Hi, I really like pynt and would like to use it as a build tool for some of my python projects. My builds are already using docker to allow me to create a container, install my dependencies and then run the tests. To use pynt as a build system I need to install it outside the container on the build server. Do you have any ideas on the easiest way to do that (assuming I can't just pip install things on the build server)?

    opened by barakschiller 1
  • Added ability to enforce strict task name argument matching

    Added ability to enforce strict task name argument matching


    Sometimes the task name matching feature can be a dangerous thing and one might only want to allow exactly matching task names as arguments.

    This merge request introduces the ability to add the statement __TASK_NAME_RESOLVER__ = 'strict' to the build file to tell pynt to only accept fully matching task names.

    Unit tests have been updated.

    Thanks, Torben

    opened by tgiesselmann-ep 0
  • Enhancement:  Markdown output from docstrings

    Enhancement: Markdown output from docstrings

    Is there any interest in the community for a Markdown output from the @task() docstrings? If so, I can submit a PR.

    In my project, I adopted the standard of:

    def start_server(server='localhost', port = '80'):
        """Start the server
        This task starts the HTTP server on localhost:80 (by default)
        - Args:
            - `server` (`str`, optional): The server IP address. Defaults to 'localhost'.
            - `port` (`str`, optional): The port number. Defaults to '80'.
        print('Starting server at %s:%s' % (server, port))
    @task(start_server) #Depends on task with all optional params
    def stop_server():
        """Stop the server
        This task stops the running server
        print('Stopping server....')

    This would create the following output:

    $ pynt -l -m


    ## start_server
    `Start the server`
    This task starts the HTTP server on localhost:80 (by default)
    - Args:
        - `server` (`str`, optional): The server IP address. Defaults to 'localhost'.
        - `port` (`str`, optional): The port number. Defaults to '80'.
    ## stop_server
    `Stop the server`
    This task stops the running server



    Start the server

    This task starts the HTTP server on localhost:80 (by default)

    • Args:
      • server (str, optional): The server IP address. Defaults to 'localhost'.
      • port (str, optional): The port number. Defaults to '80'.


    Stop the server

    This task stops the running server

    opened by drmikecrowe 2
  • Tests fail because names of pytest executable are hardcoded

    Tests fail because names of pytest executable are hardcoded

    It happens because of this:


    In my system, I have both Python 2 and 3 (maybe it's worth dropping Python 2 support already?). Executables are named py.test and py.test3.

    To maintain backwards compatibility, it's probably worth wrapping those subprocess calls and if they fail - try generic names.

    opened by ghost 1
  • Feature request: better logging for nested tasks

    Feature request: better logging for nested tasks

    Use case: I have a main task that performs actions on items of an iterable, so instead of specifying the one-item task as dependency, I call it directly. Here's my code:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from pynt import task
    ITEMS = ["foo", "bar"]
    def item_task(item):
    def main_task():
        for item in ITEMS:
    __DEFAULT__ = main_task

    This is the output I'm getting:

    [ build.py - Starting task "main_task" ]
    [ build.py - Completed task "main_task" ]

    Since item_task() is a task too, I'd prefer the following output:

    [ build.py - Starting task "main_task" ]
    [ build.py - Starting task "item_task" with argument "foo"]
    [ build.py - Completed task "item_task" ]
    [ build.py - Starting task "item_task" with argument "bar"]
    [ build.py - Completed task "item_task" ]
    [ build.py - Completed task "main_task" ]

    Maybe even with nested tasks indented:

    [ build.py - Starting task "main_task" ]
        [ build.py - Starting task "item_task" with argument "foo"]
        [ build.py - Completed task "item_task" ]
        [ build.py - Starting task "item_task" with argument "bar"]
        [ build.py - Completed task "item_task" ]
    [ build.py - Completed task "main_task" ]
    opened by ghost 9
  • Allow moving code out of the build script towards separate python files.

    Allow moving code out of the build script towards separate python files.

    The directory of the build script is not part of Python's import path inside the pynt process, hence it is not possible to import modules which reside beneath the same directory as the module.

    It can be solved by amending the Path with the directory of the build script.

    opened by THeinemann 0
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