A Star Trek Online build tool in Python

Related tags

Build Tools SETS

SETS - STO Equipment and Trait Selector

A Star Trek Online build tool in Python


Pre-alpha version of build tool for STO

Getting Started


  • Pillow
  • requests-html


pip install -r requirements.txt

Executing program

python main.py


Producer - Mara "Sizer" Morrigan - [email protected], Discord: Sizer#3498


This project is under The Unlicense

  • Missing / Duplicate / Superfluous Content Wrapper

    Missing / Duplicate / Superfluous Content Wrapper

    Comment below which Items / Abilities / Ships or Traits are missing / duplicate or superfluous. This is here to give an overview about which wiki pages don't correctly interact with SETS.

    Import Wrapper 
    opened by Shinga13 3
  • Create Export to pre-formatted Markdown Text Box for Copy/Paste into Reddit

    Create Export to pre-formatted Markdown Text Box for Copy/Paste into Reddit

    To help with exporting onto forums like /r/stobuilds, we should add an export function into text that the user can copy and paste directly into Reddit. Pre-formatted with Markdown to make it look pretty would likely be beneficial.

    enhancement Feature 
    opened by serioustable 3
  • Infobox performance # 2

    Infobox performance # 2

    First displayed infobox on ground and space has a massive delay. Infoboxes for Equipment still load too slow. Sometimes they come up almost instantly, but that is not the rule. I believe that this is because of the additional code handling sub-line formatting, but I don't know how to improve it further.

    enhancement UI Mechanic 
    opened by Shinga13 2
  • saving window size and position

    saving window size and position

    feature does not save maximizen window state, meaning if I save it while the window is maxmized, it will place it in the top left corner of the screen, having the width of the screen but not the correnct height (and the window is still not in maximize mode)

    bug UI 
    opened by Shinga13 2
  • Infobox performance

    Infobox performance

    • [ ] Hovering too fast over too many items lets the Infobox including buttons flicker gray as well as the ship image glitch around (Fix could be a tooltip delay like ingame)
    • [x] On some items (With a large infobox I believe) the infobox and import / export button flicker grey
    bug UI Mechanic 
    opened by Shinga13 2
  • Subsystem - Build Tags

    Subsystem - Build Tags

    Used to help with sorting in the community library and serve as a quick visual reference on the loadout screen, build tags should include, but not be limited to (cmon a girl is allowed to miss something)


    Exotic/Kinetic/DEW/Mine (prefix Hybrid is selectable + any of the others)


    Single Target/AoE



    enhancement Feature 
    opened by MaraMorrigan 2
  • Keep template when clearing ships - T5U console

    Keep template when clearing ships - T5U console

    Not breaking anything, just throwing the following error: On changing ships away from a T5U to a ship lacking T5U console slot with having "Keep template when clearing ship" setting enabled

      File "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_3.9.3312.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1892, in __call__
        return self.func(*args)
      File "D:\Desktop\python\SETS\main.py", line 2114, in shipPickButtonCallback
      File "D:\Desktop\python\SETS\main.py", line 2980, in setupCurrentBuildFrames
      File "D:\Desktop\python\SETS\main.py", line 3652, in setupSpaceBuildFrames
      File "D:\Desktop\python\SETS\main.py", line 3167, in setupShipGearFrame
        t5console = ship["t5uconsole"]
    KeyError: 't5uconsole'```
    bug Mechanic 
    opened by Shinga13 1
  • Keep Build when changing ships

    Keep Build when changing ships

    • [x] The setting does nothing; build is always kept when ship is changed
    • [x] if you change ships and the ship you change to has less slots of a type the items from that slot type are not deleted internally (switching from a science ship with equipped secDef to a cruiser which lacks the secDef, the secDef is not cleared from self.build)
    bug Mechanic 
    opened by Shinga13 1
  • Mac, Linux: Infobox Link

    Mac, Linux: Infobox Link

    Clicking on the "Stats & other info" button should open a browser with the according wiki page. If this works on Mac and Linux has to be tested. If it does not work, the method openURL() has to be adapted.

    opened by Shinga13 1
  • auto-saving


    Auto-saves need to be implemented: goal here is that SETS may be closed at any given time and re-starting it should bring it to the exact same state as it was on close. Ideally there is a setting controlling whether this feature is enabled.

    Mechanic Feature 
    opened by Shinga13 1
  • Loading: doffs

    Loading: doffs

    Doffs load in correct. If you want to change doff specialization you can, but if you try to change the doff power without changing the specialization first, the dropdown menu will only show EFFECTHOLDER.

    bug Mechanic 
    opened by Shinga13 1
  • Ship Power Levels

    Ship Power Levels

    Would be cool if there was the possibility to select ones individual power levels. Maybe with sliders if that's possible, but I would also like the idea of just typing in the indiviual settings.

    Mechanic Feature 
    opened by Shinga13 0
  • Build Library: Curated tag

    Build Library: Curated tag

    Once we start building the library we should introduce a restricted tag that reflects that this build is "curated" so not trash or troll to prevent less-experienced players from being fooled.

    enhancement Feature Post-Beta-Release 
    opened by Shinga13 0
  • Innate species trait

    Innate species trait

    atm the innate personal space trait is just a black box, but goal is to have the according trait auto-slotted and blocked.

    • [ ] auto-slot the correct personal trait
    • [ ] enable / disable extra trait slot for aliens
    • [ ] filter out innate traits from the personal traits selection window
    • [ ] filter out un-available traits like gamma and Delta recruit
    • [x] Elite Captain adds an additonal personal trait slot
    opened by Shinga13 0
  • Scaling


    • Low Scaling Values:
    • [ ] frame thickness around the infobox does not scale
    • [ ] gray space below and above the export / import button
    • [ ] doff picker grids scale, but height and width of the grey box around them do not, also doffs are not centered horizontally
    • [ ] checkboxes do not scale (don't know if that's even possible)
    • [ ] images scale a little more than surrounding boxes showing grey frames
    • High Scaling Values:
    • [ ] starfleet logo takes way too much space vertically
    • [ ] settings header cut off
    • [ ] that awesome golden shimmer on activated skill nodes slides a bit to the right hiding the level number (on very high values)

    To be absolutely clear, those issues only occur on values close to the maximum and minimum settings; Settings in range 0.7 to 1.4 are fine and won't cause these issues

    UI Post-Beta-Release 
    opened by Shinga13 0
  • Skill Tree

    Skill Tree


    • [x] clear all skills button (un-link it from the general clear button)
    • [x] implement restrictions: a) cannot select rank II before rank I; b) LtCom skills available after spending 5 points ... c) max number of available skill points
    • [x] bottom skill bars including Ultimate abilities
    • [x] Ground skill Tree
    • [ ] skills-only save / open with setting (whether keep the current skill tree on loading or loading the one inside the build)
    enhancement UI Mechanic 
    opened by Shinga13 0
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