A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips


Python 3.7

Deep Learning Models

A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips for TensorFlow and PyTorch in Jupyter Notebooks.

Traditional Machine Learning

Multilayer Perceptrons

Convolutional Neural Networks



  • Replacing Fully-Connnected by Equivalent Convolutional Layers
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]



  • DenseNet-121 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • DenseNet-121 Image Classifier Trained on CIFAR-10
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Fully Convolutional

  • Fully Convolutional Neural Network
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]



Network in Network

  • Network in Network CIFAR-10 Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]



  • ResNet and Residual Blocks
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-18 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-18 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-34 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-34 Object Classifier Trained on QuickDraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-34 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-50 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-50 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-101 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-101 Trained on CIFAR-10
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • ResNet-152 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Normalization Layers

  • BatchNorm before and after Activation for Network-in-Network CIFAR-10 Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Filter Response Normalization for Network-in-Network CIFAR-10 Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Metric Learning

  • Siamese Network with Multilayer Perceptrons
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]


Fully-connected Autoencoders

Convolutional Autoencoders

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Deconvolutions / Transposed Convolutions
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Deconvolutions and Continuous Jaccard Distance
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Deconvolutions (without pooling operations)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Nearest-neighbor Interpolation
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Nearest-neighbor Interpolation -- Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Nearest-neighbor Interpolation -- Trained on Quickdraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Variational Autoencoders

Conditional Variational Autoencoders

  • Conditional Variational Autoencoder (with labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Conditional Variational Autoencoder (without labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Conditional Variational Autoencoder (with labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Convolutional Conditional Variational Autoencoder (without labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

  • Most Basic Graph Neural Network with Gaussian Filter on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Basic Graph Neural Network with Edge Prediction on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Basic Graph Neural Network with Spectral Graph Convolution on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Many-to-one: Sentiment Analysis / Classification

  • A simple single-layer RNN (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • A simple single-layer RNN with packed sequences to ignore padding characters (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • RNN with LSTM cells (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • RNN with LSTM cells (IMDB) and pre-trained GloVe word vectors
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • RNN with LSTM cells and Own Dataset in CSV Format (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • RNN with GRU cells (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Multilayer bi-directional RNN (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Bidirectional Multi-layer RNN with LSTM with Own Dataset in CSV Format (AG News)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Many-to-Many / Sequence-to-Sequence

  • A simple character RNN to generate new text (Charles Dickens)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Ordinal Regression

  • Ordinal Regression CNN -- CORAL w. ResNet34 on AFAD-Lite
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Ordinal Regression CNN -- Niu et al. 2016 w. ResNet34 on AFAD-Lite
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Ordinal Regression CNN -- Beckham and Pal 2016 w. ResNet34 on AFAD-Lite
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Tips and Tricks

  • Cyclical Learning Rate
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Annealing with Increasing the Batch Size (w. CIFAR-10 & AlexNet)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Gradient Clipping (w. MLP on MNIST)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Transfer Learning

  • Transfer Learning Example (VGG16 pre-trained on ImageNet for Cifar-10)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Visualization and Interpretation

  • Vanilla Loss Gradient (wrt Inputs) Visualization (Based on a VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network for Kaggle's Cats and Dogs Images)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Guided Backpropagation (Based on a VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network for Kaggle's Cats and Dogs Images)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

PyTorch Workflows and Mechanics

Custom Datasets

  • Custom Data Loader Example for PNG Files
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- CSV files converted to HDF5
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Face Images from CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Drawings from Quickdraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Drawings from the Street View House Number (SVHN) Dataset
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Asian Face Dataset (AFAD)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Dating Historical Color Images
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Fashion MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Training and Preprocessing

Improving Memory Efficiency

  • Gradient Checkpointing Demo (Network-in-Network trained on CIFAR-10)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Parallel Computing

  • Using Multiple GPUs with DataParallel -- VGG-16 Gender Classifier on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Distribute a Model Across Multiple GPUs with Pipeline Parallelism (VGG-16 Example)    [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • PyTorch with and without Deterministic Behavior -- Runtime Benchmark
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Sequential API and hooks
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Weight Sharing Within a Layer
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Plotting Live Training Performance in Jupyter Notebooks with just Matplotlib
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • Getting Gradients of an Intermediate Variable in PyTorch
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

TensorFlow Workflows and Mechanics

Custom Datasets

  • Chunking an Image Dataset for Minibatch Training using NumPy NPZ Archives
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Storing an Image Dataset for Minibatch Training using HDF5
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using Input Pipelines to Read Data from TFRecords Files
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using Queue Runners to Feed Images Directly from Disk
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Using TensorFlow's Dataset API
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Training and Preprocessing

  • Saving and Loading Trained Models -- from TensorFlow Checkpoint Files and NumPy NPZ Archives
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
  • Imbalanced Classes

    Imbalanced Classes

    Hi, Does this implementation solves any class imbalanced datasets ? Since of the features of Celeba dataset has high class imbalance, does your solution addresses this issue ?

    opened by SURABHI-GUPTA 11
  • In cnn-vgg16.ipynb, its acc has remained unchanged at 10%!

    In cnn-vgg16.ipynb, its acc has remained unchanged at 10%!

    The results are as follows.

    # Epoch: 001/010 | Train: 10.000% | Loss: 2.520%
    # Time elapsed: 2.24 min
    # Epoch: 010/010 | Train: 10.000% | Loss: 2.303%
    # Time elapsed: 22.42 min
    # Total Training Time: 22.42 min
    # Test accuracy: 10.00%

    I have tried to increase the learning rate by adding Dropout and nn.Adaptive eavgpool2d, but acc has remained unchanged! Thanks!

    opened by Totoro-wen 6
  • how to choose the parameter num_epochs

    how to choose the parameter num_epochs

    first, thanks for your excellent project. It's very friendly for beginner. I have noticed that on dog-vs-cats dataset the hyper parameter of num_epochs is 100 which is bigger than that on CIFAR dataset. CIFAR dataset has more data and more classes. So why we need to train out net more on this dataset?How can I choose a proper hyper parameter of num_epochs. Looking forward for your response.

    opened by annyWangAn 3
  • Questions about the book

    Questions about the book

    Dear author, thank you for offering the code.

    But I can't open the ebook link https://leanpub.com/ann-and-deeplearning

    Could you please send me the pdf of the book? My email address is mtli@stu.ecnu.edu.cn

    Thank you very much!

    opened by limt15 3
  • Question about conditional autoencoder

    Question about conditional autoencoder

    Hi sebastian, I have some questions about CVAE,hope you can help me understand So,rather than training CVAE on images,I am trying to train it on a list of numpy arrays,each array contains 45 parameters. As for my condition variable it consists of 33 parameters . in all the training X's total size is 1500x43 and the condition variable's size is 33x3 Any ideas on what modifications I can do to run CVAE on my example.Basically I am trying to generate new values for each of the 45 parameters given the values in the condition variable. Also,will a CVAE be a suitable choice for my case.

    opened by sparshgarg23 2
  • Imbalanced Classes

    Imbalanced Classes


    For handling imbalance, I tried to duplicate the rows of minority class in train.csv file itself. But I am getting an error while joining the paths:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/surabhi/celeba-dataset/classify_bl_aug.py", line 302, in model_conv = train_model(model_conv, optimizer_conv, exp_lr_scheduler, num_epochs=10) File "/home/surabhi/celeba-dataset/classify_bl_aug.py", line 207, in train_model for inputs, labels in dataloaders[phase]: File "/home/dataset/packages/pytorch/1.0.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 637, in next return self._process_next_batch(batch) File "/home/dataset/packages/pytorch/1.0.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 658, in _process_next_batch raise batch.exc_type(batch.exc_msg) TypeError: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dataset/packages/pytorch/1.0.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 138, in _worker_loop samples = collate_fn([dataset[i] for i in batch_indices]) File "/home/dataset/packages/pytorch/1.0.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 138, in samples = collate_fn([dataset[i] for i in batch_indices]) File "/home/surabhi/celeba-dataset/classify_bl_aug.py", line 69, in getitem img = Image.open(os.path.join(self.img_dir, self.img_names[index])) File "/home/dataset/packages/python/3.7/lib/python3.7/posixpath.py", line 94, in join genericpath._check_arg_types('join', a, *p) File "/home/dataset/packages/python/3.7/lib/python3.7/genericpath.py", line 149, in _check_arg_types (funcname, s.class.name)) from None TypeError: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'int64'

    opened by SURABHI-GUPTA 2
  • test_dataset with train=True in cnn-densenet121-mnist.ipynb

    test_dataset with train=True in cnn-densenet121-mnist.ipynb

    test_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='data', 

    Validation ACC: 98.50% Test ACC: 99.91%


    opened by ypwhs 2
  • The out channel number in cnn_basic pytorch

    The out channel number in cnn_basic pytorch

    28x28x1 => 28x28x4

        self.conv_1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,

    The out_channels = 8 shouldn't it become 28x28x8

    opened by elliotcoupe 2
  • Update README.md

    Update README.md

    Changed "all-convolutional" to "fully convolutional". I think that the second name is more common in the literature. Thanks for your work!

    opened by javierlorenzod 2
  • multi label

    multi label


    I appreciate your work... I would like to upgrade it from binary labels to multi labels.

    class CelebaDataset(Dataset):
        """Custom Dataset for loading CelebA face images"""
        def __init__(self, csv_path, img_dir, transform=None):
            df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, index_col=0)
            self.img_dir = img_dir
            self.csv_path = csv_path
            self.img_names = df.index.values
            self.y = df['Male'].values # <-- this needs to be changed  with other labels...
            self.transform = transform

    What to do if I want to change it to several classes?

    opened by jS5t3r 1
  • Bidirectional Multi-layer RNN with LSTM with Own Dataset in CSV Format (AG News)

    Bidirectional Multi-layer RNN with LSTM with Own Dataset in CSV Format (AG News)

    In this notebook, while defining the model you didn't apply self.fc2() So the shape of the returned tensor is (128, 64) instead of (128, 4). But the interesting part is that it still achieves great accuracy. Now I'm just wondering why it is working. Also, model(text, text_lengths) returns a tensor of size (128, 64), so why are we calling .squeeze(1) on that tensor? Since the second dimension is not 1, the tensor shape remains the same. Is there any edge case we are dealing with?

    opened by taufique74 1
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • Questions on notebook wgan-1.ipynb

    Questions on notebook wgan-1.ipynb


    I am going through the notebook wgan-1.ipynb and upon running the script as is I encounter the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "3_wgan.py", line 162, in <module>
        real_loss = wasserstein_loss(valid, disc_pred_real)
      File "3_wgan.py", line 76, in wasserstein_loss
        return torch.mean(y_true * y_pred)
    RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (128) must match the size of tensor b (100352) at non-singleton dimension 0

    As a result, I updated the line in the discriminator training part to:

    real_loss = wasserstein_loss(valid, disc_pred_real[:128])

    so that the dimensions match.

    However, with the last 96 img, and labels and the dimensions are again unmatched. I am wondering if there could be a better way to approach this?

    Thank you

    opened by SalvishGoomanee 0
  • question about features = (features - 0.5)*2 in GAN model

    question about features = (features - 0.5)*2 in GAN model

    Hi. I have noticed the operation here ( features = (features - 0.5)*2) in Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). I don't understand why we need to do this here. The mean and variance of MINIST dataset are 0.1307 and 0.3081. Can you please explain the meaning of doing so? Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by annyWangAn 3
  • HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable

    HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable


    Downloading http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz to data/MNIST/raw/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
    0it [00:00, ?it/s]
    HTTPError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-4-38058be550e3> in <module>
          5 # Note transforms.ToTensor() scales input images
          6 # to 0-1 range
    ----> 7 train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='data', 
          8                                train=True,
          9                                transform=transforms.ToTensor(),

    MNIST download not working...

    opened by jS5t3r 1
  • Feature Request: FCN with Vgg 16 and Resnet Backbones

    Feature Request: FCN with Vgg 16 and Resnet Backbones

    Hello, Sebastian, can you please also include, FCN with Vgg16 and Resnet backbones sometime in near future. Currently I could only find pytorch implementations with Vgg16 backbones but not Resnet. Also many repos don't explain the appropriate cropping and pixel alignment with vgg16 backbone.

    opened by Gunnvant 0
Sebastian Raschka
Machine Learning researcher & passionate open source contributor. Author of the "Python Machine Learning" book.
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Deep Learning (with PyTorch)

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