Python implementation of "Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation"

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Deep Learning MIPNet

MIPNet: Multi-Instance Pose Networks


This repository is the official pytorch python implementation of "Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation" in ICCV 2021.

| Project Page |

Code with detailed instructions is coming soon!


If you find the code useful in your research, please consider citing the paper.

  title={Multi-Hypothesis Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation},
  author={Khirodkar, Rawal and Chari, Visesh and Agrawal, Amit and Tyagi, Ambrish},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11223},

We are working on referencing the below version till then please consider citing the above version.

    author    = {Khirodkar, Rawal and Chari, Visesh and Agrawal, Amit and Tyagi, Ambrish},
    title     = {Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {3122-3131}
  • question about the config of crowdpose

    question about the config of crowdpose

    Hello, I am very interested in your work. Thank you for sharing such an excellent article. I have a question about the config of crowdpose. Why ROOT: 'data/coco/', TEST_SET: 'val2017' TRAIN_SET: 'train2017'?

    TRAIN_SET: 'train2017'

    i think 'data/coco/' is 'data/crowdpose/'; TEST_SET: 'crowdpose_val2017' TRAIN_SET: 'crowdpose_train2017' ,Don't know if my understanding is correct

    opened by zouxuelian 3
  • Question about Training

    Question about Training

    Hi, I try to training my coco style dataset by your scripts, I dont know which bash script should be used to train.(Could you please briefly explain the function of each script?) Then I use "scripts/train/lambda/coco/" this one for training. but one error happened.

    cd /data_2/lutianhao/code/MIPNet/ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4,5,6,7, python tools/lambda/
    --cfg experiments/coco/hrnet/w48_384x288_adam_lr1e-3.yaml
    GPUS '(0,1,2,3,)'
    OUTPUT_DIR 'Outputs/outputs/lambda/lambda_coco_real_waffle'
    LOG_DIR 'Outputs/logs/lambda/lambda_coco_real_waffle'
    TEST.MODEL_FILE 'models/pytorch/pose_coco/pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth'
    DATASET.TRAIN_DATASET 'coco_lambda'
    DATASET.TRAIN_SET 'train2017'
    DATASET.TRAIN_IMAGE_DIR '/data_2/lutianhao/datasets/pose/coco2017/train2017'
    DATASET.TRAIN_ANNOTATION_FILE '/data_2/lutianhao/datasets/pose/coco2017/annotations/person_keypoints_train2017.json'
    DATASET.TEST_SET 'val2017'
    DATASET.TEST_IMAGE_DIR '/data_2/lutianhao/datasets/pose/coco2017/val2017'
    DATASET.TEST_ANNOTATION_FILE '/data_2/lutianhao/datasets/pose/coco2017/annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json'
    TRAIN.LR 0.001
    TRAIN.LR_STEP '(70, 100)'
    PRINT_FREQ 100
    MODEL.NAME 'pose_hrnet_se_lambda'
    MODEL.SE_MODULES '[False, False, True, True]'

    And the error is :

    GAMMA1: 0.99 [0/927] GAMMA2: 0.0 LR: 0.001 LR_FACTOR: 0.1 LR_STEP: [70, 100] MOMENTUM: 0.9 NESTEROV: False OPTIMIZER: adam RESUME: False SHUFFLE: True WD: 0.0001 WORKERS: 24 => init weights from normal distribution => loading pretrained model models/pytorch/imagenet/hrnet_w48-8ef0771d.pth

    Total Parameters: 63,746,081

    Total Multiply Adds (For Convolution and Linear Layers only): 46.562052726745605 GFLOPs

    Number of Layers Conv2d : 293 layers BatchNorm2d : 292 layers ReLU : 271 layers Bottleneck : 4 layers BasicBlock : 104 layers Upsample : 28 layers HighResolutionModule : 8 layers AdaptiveAvgPool2d : 5 l ayers Linear : 20 layers Sigmoid : 10 layers BatchNorm1d : 5 layers SELambdaLayer : 5 layers SELambdaModule : 2 layers => loading model from models/pytorch/pose_coco/pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth => loading from latest_state_dict at models/pytorch/pose_coco/pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth loading annotations into memory... Done (t=31.87s) creating index... index created! => classes: ['background', 'person'] => num_images: 118287 loading from cache from cache/coco_lambda/train2017/gt_db.pkl done! => load 149813 samples loading annotations into memory... Done (t=4.04s) creating index... index created! => classes: ['background', 'person'] => num_images: 5000 => load 6352 samples => resuming optimizer from models/pytorch/pose_coco/pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth => updated lr schedule is [70, 100]

    training on lambda Epoch: [0][0/18727] Time 64.338s (64.338s) Speed 0.2 samples/s Data 10.114s (10.114s) Loss 0.00020 (0.00020) Accuracy 0.513 (0.513) model_grad 0.000568 (0.000568) DivLoss -0.00074 (-0.00074) PoseLoss 0.00020 (0.00020) Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/lambda/", line 280, in main() File "tools/lambda/", line 242, in main final_output_dir, tb_log_dir, writer_dict, print_prefix='lambda') File "/data_2/lutianhao/code/MIPNet/tools/lambda/../../lib/core/", line 464, in train_lambda suffix += '_[{}:{}]'.format(count, round(lambda_a[count + B].item(), 2)) IndexError: index 16 is out of bounds for dimension 0 with size 16

    opened by lutianhao 2
  • Question about Train & Test result in the paper

    Question about Train & Test result in the paper

    Amazing work! Thanks for releasing the source code. Here is my question:

    1. Which of the following is MIPNet(hrnet backbone)'s final result on crowdpose test set in the paper? #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [code] lib/core/ def validate_lambda_quantitative(): _print_name_value(name_values, 'l0,1:{}'.format(model_name)) _print_name_value(name_values_mode0, 'l0:{}'.format(model_name)) _print_name_value(name_values_mode1, 'l1:{}'.format(model_name)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. Has MIPNet with hrnet backbone used pretrained model? (about result on crowdpose in the paper)

    By the way, Very looking forward to the detailed README and final checkpoints trained on dataset.

    opened by shawnwey 2
  • Questions regarding the code and application

    Questions regarding the code and application

    Hello,just checked out your paper.Great work! I had the following questions - 1)Is there a approximate deadline for the code with instructions to be released for training and testing the model for our custom use-case? 2)The annotation for the ground truth generation is just the 2d key points of the particular object right,the network will automatically convert it to heatmap or do we have to give it as a heatmap? 3)Can we apply this to a case as follows- A camera is observing 2-3 moving robots in its FOV,and if I retrain the network with the images of the robot,with its corresponding ground-truth keypoints,the network can still predict the 2d keypoints of the moving robot right? 4)For this does the robot have to be at a particular distance from the camera,so that the keypoint estimation is accurate enough?Meaning is the network's accuracy dependent on "the distance the object is from the camera"?

    Any suggestions/replies are greatly appreciated! Thank you

    opened by poornimajd 2
  • Cropping of image

    Cropping of image

    Hi, thank you for your nice work here. In your paper, in section 4.1, it is said that the detection bbox is extended to a fixed aspect ratio of 4:3, then this bbox is cropped from the original full image. I'm having troubles trying to find the part of code where these operations are done. Could you point me to it? Thanks!

    opened by levan92 1
  • The ocpose issues and OChuman dataset

    The ocpose issues and OChuman dataset

    Hello, your work is very good, but when I tested OChuman's dataset, I found that the path in the shell file is ocpose, and what I want to teach is: I changed the ocpose to ochuman according to my ideas, in the training, this problem arose, The train_loader is missing, can you help me to solve my issues. thanks!

    => classes: ['background', 'person'] => num_images: 2231 => load 3819 samples => updated lr schedule is [170, 200] training on lambda Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/lambda/", line 280, in main() File "tools/lambda/", line 241, in main train_lambda(cfg, train_loader, model, criterion_lambda, criterion, optimizer, epoch, File "/Workspace/MIPNet-main/MIPNet-main/tools/lambda/../../lib/core/", line 355, in train_lambda for i, (input, target_a, target_weight_a, meta_a, target_b, target_weight_b, meta_b) in enumerate(train_loader): ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 7, got 4)

    opened by huanghao11 1
  • Possible bug in

    Possible bug in

    Hi, there might be a possible bug in (L249 - L225):

    In each epoch, the perf_indicator is directly set to 0.0. In other words, the new best model is achieved in each epoch and the model in the last epoch will be the final best model. However, this is likely not correct, as the best model may not always be achieved in the last epoch.

    In my opinion, the perf_indicator should be the return value of validate_lambda_quantitative() in L245.

    opened by EckoTan0804 1
  • Question about Training

    Question about Training

    Amazing work and thanks for sharing the code!

    I have a question regarding training: in scripts/train there're two folders named "lambda" and "lambda_general". What is the difference between them? Which one should I use, if I want to train and reproduce the results in the paper?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best Regards

    opened by EckoTan0804 1
Rawal Khirodkar
Ph.D. student in Robotics, CMU. Interested in Computer Vision
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