Learning What and Where to Draw


###Learning What and Where to Draw Scott Reed, Zeynep Akata, Santosh Mohan, Samuel Tenka, Bernt Schiele, Honglak Lee

This is the code for our NIPS 2016 paper on text- and location-controllable image synthesis using conditional GANs. Much of the code is adapted from reedscot/icml2016 and dcgan.torch.

####Setup Instructions

You will need to install Torch, CuDNN, stnbhwd and the display package.

####How to train a text to image model:

  1. Download the data including captions, location annotations and pretrained models.
  2. Download the birds and humans image data.
  3. Modify the CONFIG file to point to your data.
  4. Run one of the training scripts, e.g. ./scripts/train_cub_keypoints.sh

####How to generate samples:

  • ./scripts/run_all_demos.sh.
  • html files will be generated with results like the following:

Moving the bird's position via bounding box:

Moving the bird's position via keypoints:

Birds text to image with ground-truth keypoints:

Birds text to image with generated keypoints:

Humans text to image with ground-truth keypoints:

Humans text to image with generated keypoints:


If you find this useful, please cite our work as follows:

  title={Learning What and Where to Draw},
  author={Scott Reed and Zeynep Akata and Santosh Mohan and Samuel Tenka and Bernt Schiele and Honglak Lee},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  • Only Cuda supported duh!

    Only Cuda supported duh!

    rzai@rzai00:~/prj/nips2016$ bash scripts/train_cub_keypoints.sh { img_dir : "/media/rzai/ai_data/www.vision.caltech.edu-visipedia-CUB-200-2011/CUB_200_2011/CUB_200_2011/images" name : "cub_kp_nh1_z0_kd16_bs16_ngf128_ndf128" txtSize : 1024 niter : 600 batchSize : 16 ndf : 128 nz : 100 numCaption : 4 gpu : 0 filenames : "" decay_every : 100 cls_weight : 0.5 noise : "normal" ntrain : inf keypoint_dim : 16 num_holdout : 1 beta1 : 0.5 nThreads : 8 lr_decay : 0.5 init_g : "" fineSize : 128 use_cudnn : 1 loadSize : 150 checkpoint_dir : "checkpoints" init_d : "" ngf : 128 nt : 128 dbg : 0 zero_kp : 0 print_every : 10 lr : 0.0002 num_elt : 15 data_root : "../../_reedscot/de_nips2016_data.tar.gz/nips2016_data/cub_keypoints" save_every : 100 port : 8000 doc_length : 201 dataset : "cub_keypoint_and_image" display_id : 7240 display : 1 } Random Seed: 2400 Starting donkey with id: 2 seed: 2402 Starting donkey with id: 7 seed: 2407 Starting donkey with id: 5 seed: 2405 Starting donkey with id: 8 seed: 2408 Starting donkey with id: 4 seed: 2404 Starting donkey with id: 6 seed: 2406 Starting donkey with id: 3 seed: 2403 Starting donkey with id: 1 seed: 2401 Dataset: cub_keypoint_and_image Size: 11788 /home/rzai/torch/install/bin/luajit: /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:67: In 1 module of nn.Sequential: In 1 module of nn.ConcatTable: In 1 module of nn.Sequential: In 1 module of nn.ConcatTable: In 1 module of nn.Sequential: In 1 module of nn.ConcatTable: In 1 module of nn.Sequential: In 1 module of nn.ConcatTable: In 2 module of nn.Sequential: ...torch/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialConvolution.lua:32: Only Cuda supported duh! stack traceback: [C]: in function 'assert' ...torch/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialConvolution.lua:32: in function 'resetWeightDescriptors' ...torch/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialConvolution.lua:96: in function 'checkInputChanged' ...torch/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialConvolution.lua:120: in function 'createIODescriptors' ...torch/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialConvolution.lua:187: in function <...torch/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialConvolution.lua:185> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function </home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:41> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' ... /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/ConcatTable.lua:11: in function </home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/ConcatTable.lua:9> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function 'forward' main_cub_keypoints.lua:375: in function 'opfunc' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/optim/adam.lua:37: in function 'adam' main_cub_keypoints.lua:448: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...rzai/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:145: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00406670

    WARNING: If you see a stack trace below, it doesn't point to the place where this error occurred. Please use only the one above. stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:67: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function 'forward' main_cub_keypoints.lua:375: in function 'opfunc' /home/rzai/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/optim/adam.lua:37: in function 'adam' main_cub_keypoints.lua:448: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...rzai/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:145: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00406670 rzai@rzai00:~/prj/nips2016$

    opened by loveJasmine 4
  • URL to the paper seems to be broken

    URL to the paper seems to be broken

    Hey, thanks for sharing this project!

    Just thought I should let you know that the URL linked in the header (http://umich.edu/~reedscot/nips2016.pdf) gives me this: 2016-10-09-182713_713x366_scrot

    I ended up downloading it from here instead.

    opened by liviu- 1
  • I cant find the captions

    I cant find the captions

    Hi there! I downloaded the dataset using the following link, but could not find the captions for CUB and MHP datasets. There are separate directories for the keypoints, bounding boxes and captions. I also checked these directories but seem to not exist.

    Are they in a separate repository?

    opened by kilickaya 0
  • generated pictures

    generated pictures

    Dear Scott Ellison Reed : Hello, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm a new student in text generation,I spent three months trying to reproduce the code in your paper<> and <>.But for reasons like the version of the server,I can't implement the code in your GitHub。 Now, I have an unkind invitation。Could you please provide me with all the generated images (flowers,cub ,COCO and humans) of these two papers? I want to learn further on it。 This is very important for my next study, thank you very much for your help. One of your foreign student readers Thanks

    opened by ke-s 0
  • lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialFullConvolution.lua:31: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'groups' (a nil value)

    lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialFullConvolution.lua:31: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'groups' (a nil value)

    Has anyone encountered the following problem? If you can solve it, please teach me. Thank you very much.

    /home/snail/torch/install/bin/luajit: /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:67: In 1 module of nn.Sequential: In 1 module of nn.ConcatTable: In 3 module of nn.Sequential: ...h/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialFullConvolution.lua:31: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'groups' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...h/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialFullConvolution.lua:31: in function 'resetWeightDescriptors' ...h/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialFullConvolution.lua:105: in function <...h/install/share/lua/5.1/cudnn/SpatialFullConvolution.lua:103> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function </home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:41> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/ConcatTable.lua:11: in function </home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/ConcatTable.lua:9> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function 'forward' demo_cub_move_bbox.lua:165: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...nail/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00405d50

    WARNING: If you see a stack trace below, it doesn't point to the place where this error occurred. Please use only the one above. stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:67: in function 'rethrowErrors' /home/snail/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function 'forward' demo_cub_move_bbox.lua:165: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...nail/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00405d50

    opened by ZhiqiangZ 0
  • There is error in run_all_demos.sh

    There is error in run_all_demos.sh

    I ran the code as instructed and got following error

    /home/jun/torch/install/bin/luajit: data/donkey_folder_cub_keypoint.lua:42: argument 1: '/mnt/brain3/datasets/txt2img/cub_ex_part' not a directory stack traceback:

    Perhaps there is a dataset for this but not mentioned in repo.

    Can you help in this? Where can I get the missing files?

    opened by ShuangjunLiu 1
Scott Ellison Reed
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