Let's Git - Version Control & Open Source Homework


Let's Git - Version Control & Open Source Homework

Welcome to this homework for our MOOC: Let's Git! We hope you will learn a lot and have fun working on it.

In this homework, you will create a website about your favorite character from a movie or a book. Here are two examples: Example 1 and Example 2. This exercise will practice you in using the Github Flow but you will see this when doing the individual tasks.

To start the task, simply follow these steps:

  • Use this repository as a template for a new repository by clicking "Use this template" to create the same repository in your repositories. When creating the repository, name it like this: " .github.io". For example, if your user name was sanjsp, the repository should be called sanjsp.github.io. Other than that the repository should be public. Nothing else needs to be changed. Click on "Create repository from template" to create the repository.
  • Give the newly created repository a star. If you're not able to give a star, check if you have verified your email address in your GitHub profile settings.
  • Clone your repository to your computer. To do this, go to "Clone or download" directly above the code files and copy the link of the repository. Then open Git Bash or your terminal, run the command git clone (URL of the repository) . My command would look like this git clone https://github.com/SanJSp/sanjsp.github.io.git
  • Open the website generated from the contents of the repository by visiting .github.io in your browser. For me this would be sanjsp.github.io. There you will currently find an error 404. This will resolve itself after a few minutes ( up to 20). Therefore you should see changes after you have finished your first exercise!
  • New issues will appear in your repository over time. A bot programmed by us will create the issues and also tests your work. All in all there will be 5 issues created. If you solve an issue correctly, the bot will post a comment in your Pull Request with a passphrase for the openHPI quiz. Work on them and follow the steps indicated in the issues. Sometimes it can take a while (max. 5 minutes) to create the issues.

The website changes every time a new commit has been made to master. So it will only show the version of the website on the master branch, changes on other branches will not be visible on the website. If you want to see the changes you have made to your feature branch, look on GitHub at the index.md file in your repository on your feature branch (switch branches in the top left corner). The markdown is automatically generated there and you can see what did not work like you wanted it to.

Have fun and good luck with this exercise!

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  • Add title to the website

    Add title to the website


    When visitors come to your website, they currently don't know what it's about, because nothing is being displayed yet. You should add a title so that visitors can understand what movie/book character the website is about.


    If you don't know how to create a title, take a look at this cheat sheet at Headers. You should use an H1 header. When using a Markdown symbol, you need to place a space behind it so that it will be rendered. https://guides.github.com/pdfs/markdown-cheatsheet-online.pdf


    Perform the following steps:

    • [ ] Navigate to your repository in Git Bash/your terminal. This should work with the command cd \<your GitHub name\>.github.io.
    • [ ] Because we want to practice the Github Flow you should create a new branch named feature1_new_title. To do this you should enter the command git branch feature1_new_title. Keep an eye on the spelling of the branch name, we can only test your work if the name is exactly as specified.
    • [ ] Switch to the created branch with the command git checkout feature1_new_title
    • [ ] Now we want to open the repository in your file explorer(or any other program that can display folders). Just navigate to the folder where your repository was cloned to. As a help you can also try our shortcuts: To do this, enter the command explorer.exe . in the Git Bash on Windows. On Linux, enter the command nautilus .. If you are a Mac user, you can use the command open .
    • [ ] Now you should add the title to the website. Open the index.md file with an editor. Delete everything that has already been added to the file and use Github flavoured Markdown (the one used in the cheat sheet) to add a title to the website. If you don't know how to do this, check out the cheat sheet.
    • [ ] After you have added the title, you need to save the index.md file. Then add the index.md file to the staging area in the Git Bash. You do this with the command git add index.md. Next, you need to commit the changes. Make a commit with the command git commit -m "Added Title". Then push the changes with the git push command. This may cause an error, which is why you might see an error message. Just copy the command from the error message and execute it.
    • [ ] On GitHub, create a pull request to merge your feature branch into the master branch. You do this by switching to the Pull Requests Tab and then clicking the button "Compare & Pull Request". Choose a title to explain in a few words what happened in this pull request. In the body of the pull request, you describe the problem you solved. What was the problem? How did you solve it? Which files are affected?
    • [ ] Now tests written by the teaching team will check your changes. If all tests (2 exist) have been passed, you can merge your changes into the Master Branch. If the tests fail, look into the comments of the pull request to find out what the problem was. Fix the bugs so that the tests pass. A good idea is to repeat the steps of the issue and see if everything is written correctly. You can also take a look at the Index.md file on Github (on your branch) and check the correct formatting. If you have tried it for 15 minutes without success, you can seek help in the course forum.
    • [ ] Enter the passphrase commented in the Pull Request by the bot in die openHPI quiz.
    • [ ] Delete your Feature Branch after merging the pull request. This needs to be done online on Github and in your local repository. Here on github you can delete the branch at the bottom of the Pull Request you created. To delete the branch on your own machine switch to the master branch in your bash/terminal and run the command git branch -d feature1_new_title. Additionally you must update your local repository with the command git pull.
    • [ ] Close this issue.
    • [ ] Check your website and see if anything has changed. You may have to update the page a few times.

    If you have any questions, you can take a look at the course forum.

    good first issue 
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