ReText: Simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText


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ReText is a simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText markup languages. One can also add support for custom markups using Python modules.

ReText on Plasma 5 desktop

To install ReText, make sure that you have Python (3.6 or later) installed, and run pip3 install ReText. By default it installs system wide, pass --user for installing into the user’s home directory. You can also manually download the tarball from PyPI.

ReText requires the following Python modules to run (pip will install them automatically):

We also recommend having these packages installed:

  • Markdown — for Markdown support
  • docutils — for reStructuredText support
  • pyenchant — for spell checking support
  • PyQtWebEngine — a more powerful preview engine with JavaScript support

Translation files are already compiled for release tarballs and will be automatically loaded. For development snapshots, compile translations using lrelease locale/*.ts command (on Debian-based systems, lrelease is available in qttools5-dev-tools package). Translation files can also be loaded from /usr/share/retext/ directory.

You can translate ReText into your language on Transifex.

ReText is Copyright 2011–2021 Dmitry Shachnev, 2011–2017 Maurice van der Pot, and is licensed under GNU GPL (v2+) license, the current version is available in LICENSE_GPL file.

ReText icon is based on accessories-text-editor icon from the Faenza theme.

You can read more about ReText in the wiki.

  • toolbar icons are missing on MacOS

    toolbar icons are missing on MacOS

    My dirty fix to

    icon_path = 'icons/'
    if sys.platform == "darwin":
            icon_path = join('/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ReText', 'icons/')
            for dir in datadirs:
                    if exists(join(dir, 'icons')):
                            icon_path = join(dir, 'icons/')

    I have icons in the icons directory. I think I downloaded them previously.

    opened by jeremy886 23
  • Color schemes should be configurable

    Color schemes should be configurable

    Light colours are tiring, but a system-wide dark colour scheme (like Solarized Dark) doesn't play well with some apps and in some situations. So ability to change the bacrground and font colours in config would be a fine convenient.

    Reported by: tablethater

    Original Ticket: retext/tickets/62

    opened by mitya57 22
  • Icons missing for Ubuntu 19.10

    Icons missing for Ubuntu 19.10

    Not sure if it should be raised here or with Ubuntu, but the instruction to pick one of the themes in /usr/share/icons does not work with Ubuntu, at the least not with Ubuntu 19.10. It seems retext is looking for icon names such as document-save.png, etc. in some way (which I don't understand), but not all themes have these icons. In fact, in Ubuntu 19.10, only Humanity and HighContrast have the needed icons. So, perhaps there should be some instruction how to add icons in other themes or, at the least, mention that not all themes have the required icons. I had a nice result after setting Edit->Preferences->Icon theme name to Humanity.

    opened by Dominic-Mayers 21
  • Auto-scroll live preview

    Auto-scroll live preview

    When I am using live preview (Ctrl + L) while editing long document, every time preview refreshes, it scrolls automatically to the top. This means when I am in the middle or at the end of the document (typical use-case), I keep seeing preview of the beginning of the document, while I would like to see the preview of what I am currently typing.

    ReText should scroll preview pane to the same place where cursor is in the edit pane.

    Reported by: nurkiewicz

    Original Ticket: retext/tickets/52

    opened by mitya57 19
  • Syntax Highlighting

    Syntax Highlighting

    ReText should have syntax highlighting for Markdown and ReStructured Text... somewhat like Mou.

    Reported by: stephenmac7

    Original Ticket: retext/tickets/37

    opened by mitya57 17
  • Preview error, missing module

    Preview error, missing module

    Could not parse file contents, check if you have the necessary module installed!

    Receiving the above error while attempting to use Preview in ReText 4.1, on a fresh install of Linux Mint 16 RC.

    Reported by: tenkabuto

    Original Ticket: retext/tickets/104

    opened by mitya57 16
  • No math formaula rendered after enabled webkit-rendering

    No math formaula rendered after enabled webkit-rendering

    Hi, thank you for your work. I installed retext on manjaro via pip3, and installed mathjax in the right directory. But I still can't get any formula rendering output in the live preview window. I thought It might be some wrong config or conflict about qtwebengine, here is some qt package install on my system

    extra/qt5-wayland 5.15.2+kde+r46-2 (qt qt5) [installed]
    extra/qt5-webchannel 5.15.2+kde+r5-2 (qt qt5) [installed]
    extra/qt5-webengine 5.15.8-7 (qt qt5) [installed]
    extra/qt5-webkit 5.212.0alpha4-11 [installed]
    extra/qt5-x11extras 5.15.2-2 (qt qt5) [installed]

    could you give me some suggestions.? thanks in advance!

    More info I read the html code of md file. it said "