Unofficial Implementation of MLP-Mixer in TensorFlow



Unofficial Implementation of MLP-Mixer [abs, pdf] in TensorFlow.

Note: This project may have some bugs in it. I'm still learning how to implement papers from scratch. Any help appreciated :D

Installation and Usage

The package uses purely TensorFlow. Make sure you have version 2.X:

pip install tensorflow
git clone
cd mlp-mixer-tf

The unofficial wrapper style is inspired by Phil Wang's work on Transformers and Attention (big fan!).

import tensorflow as tf
from mlp_mixer_tf import MLPMixer

model = MLPMixer(

img = tf.random.uniform([1, 256, 256])
pred = model(img) # [1, 1000]

You can even access specific blocks like MLP and MixerLayer from the mlp_mixer_tf package.


If there's a huge bug (highly likely), please do feel free to raise a PR or Issue. Any help with this project would be awesome!



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