Official PyTorch implementation of Segmenter: Transformer for Semantic Segmentation


Segmenter: Transformer for Semantic Segmentation

Figure 1 from paper

Segmenter: Transformer for Semantic Segmentation by Robin Strudel*, Ricardo Garcia*, Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid.

*Equal Contribution


Define os environment variables pointing to your checkpoint and dataset directory, put in your .bashrc:

export DATASET=/path/to/dataset/dir

Install PyTorch 1.9 then pip install . at the root of this repository.

To download ADE20K, use the following command:

python -m segm.scripts.prepare_ade20k $DATASET

Model Zoo

We release models with a Vision Transformer backbone initialized from the improved ViT models.


Segmenter models with ViT backbone:

Name mIoU (SS/MS) # params Resolution FPS Download
Seg-T-Mask/16 38.1 / 38.8 7M 512x512 52.4 model config log
Seg-S-Mask/16 45.3 / 46.9 27M 512x512 34.8 model config log
Seg-B-Mask/16 48.5 / 50.0 106M 512x512 24.1 model config log
Seg-L-Mask/16 51.3 / 53.2 334M 512x512 10.6 model config log
Seg-L-Mask/16 51.8 / 53.6 334M 640x640 - model config log

Segmenter models with DeiT backbone:

Name mIoU (SS/MS) # params Resolution FPS Download
Seg-B/16 47.1 / 48.1 87M 512x512 27.3 model config log
Seg-B-Mask/16 48.7 / 50.1 106M 512x512 24.1 model config log

Pascal Context

Name mIoU (SS/MS) # params Resolution FPS Download
Seg-L-Mask/16 58.1 / 59.0 334M 480x480 - model config log


Download one checkpoint with its configuration in a common folder, for example seg_tiny_mask.

You can generate segmentation maps from your own data with:

python -m segm.inference --model-path seg_tiny_mask/checkpoint.pth -i images/ -o segmaps/ 

To evaluate on ADE20K, run the command:

# single-scale evaluation:
python -m segm.eval.miou seg_tiny_mask/checkpoint.pth ade20k --singlescale
# multi-scale evaluation:
python -m segm.eval.miou seg_tiny_mask/checkpoint.pth ade20k --multiscale


Train Seg-T-Mask/16 on ADE20K on a single GPU:

python -m segm.train --log-dir seg_tiny_mask --dataset ade20k \
  --backbone vit_tiny_patch16_384 --decoder mask_transformer

To train Seg-B-Mask/16, simply set vit_base_patch16_384 as backbone and launch the above command using a minimum of 4 V100 GPUs (~12 minutes per epoch) and up to 8 V100 GPUs (~7 minutes per epoch). The code uses SLURM environment variables.


To plot the logs of your experiments, you can use

python -m segm.utils.logs logs.yml

with logs.yml located in utils/ with the path to your experiments logs:

root: /path/to/checkpoints/
  seg-t: seg_tiny_mask/log.txt
  seg-b: seg_base_mask/log.txt

Video Segmentation

Zero shot video segmentation on DAVIS video dataset with Seg-B-Mask/16 model trained on ADE20K.


  title={Segmenter: Transformer for Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Strudel, Robin and Garcia, Ricardo and Laptev, Ivan and Schmid, Cordelia},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05633},


The Vision Transformer code is based on timm library and the semantic segmentation training and evaluation pipeline is using mmsegmentation.

  • KeyError: ''

    KeyError: ''

    Hello, I run the program in windows. And an error occurred that

    D:\Download\anaconda\anaconda\envs\learn\python.exe E:/Learning/Graduate/segmenter/segmenter-master/segm/
    Starting process with rank 0...
    Process 0 is connected.
    All processes are connected.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "E:\Learning\Graduate\segmenter\segmenter-master\segm\", line 304, in <module>
      File "D:\Download\anaconda\anaconda\envs\learn\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1128, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "D:\Download\anaconda\anaconda\envs\learn\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1053, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "D:\Download\anaconda\anaconda\envs\learn\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1395, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "D:\Download\anaconda\anaconda\envs\learn\lib\site-packages\click\", line 754, in invoke
        return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "E:\Learning\Graduate\segmenter\segmenter-master\segm\", line 76, in main
        model_cfg = cfg["model"][backbone]
    KeyError: ''

    Do you know how to solve it? Thank you!

    opened by SikangSHU 8
  • Ask about the

    Ask about the "Seg-B/8"

    Great work on semantic segmentation!

    I find that the resolution is important for the final performance, e.g., Seg-B/8.

    However, I could not find that ImageNet pre-trained checkpoints with patch-size 8 from the lib timm.

    It would be great if you could help to address my concern!

    opened by PkuRainBow 8
  • Code to compute images/sec

    Code to compute images/sec


    Thank you for the cool work!

    I see that you report images/sec, and mention the following in the paper:

    To compute the images per second, we use a V100 GPU, fix the image resolution to 512 and for each model we maximize the batch size allowed by memory for a fair comparison.

    I'm trying to do the same, however I'm unable to reproduce the numbers you of images/sec in the paper.

    I'm using the code snippet from PyTorch as follows:

        batch = torch.rand(args.batch_size, *input_shape).cuda()
        n_runs = 10
        from torch.utils.benchmark import Timer
        t = Timer(stmt="model.forward(batch)", globals={"model": model, "batch": batch})
        m = t.timeit(n_runs)

    The batch size that fits on V100 for Vit-T backbone is about 140. And the above code shows a timing of 0.62 seconds. So I'm computing the total images/sec = 140/0.62 = 225.8. This is almost half the numbers in Table 3. Can you please help me with what I need to do to get the mentioned result?

    Thank you!

    opened by prabhuteja12 6
  • how to get the attention maps

    how to get the attention maps

    first the folder named images don’t have the file named im0.jpg. image image they release the message
    image if i replace the folder images/validation/ADE_val_0000000.jpg ValueError: Provided image path images/training/ADE_train_00016528 is not a valid image file.

    and what is the output_dir image

    opened by sijiua 6
  • FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/$WORK/tempbs_7o9oj'

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/$WORK/tempbs_7o9oj'

    **I begin to train on my own data, but I get an error when it evals for the first time. The log shows as follow: **

    Epoch: [11] [0/8] eta: 0:00:34 loss: 0.0000 (0.0000) learning_rate: 0.0008 (0.0008) time: 4.2506 data: 2.3495 max mem: 9466 Epoch: [11] [7/8] eta: 0:00:00 loss: 0.0000 (0.0000) learning_rate: 0.0008 (0.0008) time: 0.9943 data: 0.2958 max mem: 9491 Epoch: [11] Total time: 0:00:08 (1.0115 s / it) Epoch: [12] [0/8] eta: 0:00:27 loss: 0.0000 (0.0000) learning_rate: 0.0008 (0.0008) time: 3.4646 data: 2.7603 max mem: 9492 Epoch: [12] [7/8] eta: 0:00:00 loss: 0.0000 (0.0000) learning_rate: 0.0008 (0.0008) time: 0.8330 data: 0.3464 max mem: 9492 Epoch: [12] Total time: 0:00:06 (0.8537 s / it) Eval: [ 0/58] eta: 0:01:40 time: 1.7340 data: 1.3048 max mem: 10891 Eval: [50/58] eta: 0:00:01 time: 0.1124 data: 0.0121 max mem: 16814 Eval: [57/58] eta: 0:00:00 time: 0.1047 data: 0.0120 max mem: 16814 _Eval: Total time: 0:00:08 (0.1505 s / it) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/", line 192, in _run_module_as_main return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "/home/qiuzheng/segmenter/segm/", line 304, in main() File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1128, in call return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1053, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1395, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 754, in invoke return __callback(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/qiuzheng/segmenter/segm/", line 266, in main eval_logger = evaluate( File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 28, in decorate_context return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/qiuzheng/segmenter/segm/", line 104, in evaluate val_seg_pred = gather_data(val_seg_pred) File "/home/qiuzheng/segmenter/segm/", line 60, in gather_data tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=tmpprefix) File "/home/qiuzheng/.conda/envs/Segmenter/lib/python3.8/", line 359, in mkdtemp os.mkdir(file, 0o700) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/$WORK/tempbs_7o9oj'

    opened by shuaikangma 6
  • Mutli-GPUs training

    Mutli-GPUs training

    This is a good paper and very interested idea! There is a training cmd using a single gpu in readme. For multi-gpus training, could you provide the corresponding cmd ?

    opened by qiulesun 4
  • Performance of Seg-B/16 on CityScapes using AugReg initialization

    Performance of Seg-B/16 on CityScapes using AugReg initialization

    Hi, thanks for the excellent work! I notice that in your paper, the Seg-B/16 trained on CityScapes is initialized by DeiT pre-trained model (rather than AugReg). And by my own experiments, Seg-B/16 (and my own model based on ViT-Base) with AugReg initialization performs quite bad on CityScapes (73.2 mIoU), while Seg-S/16 performs well (76.2 mIoU). So I wonder if you guys had also got similar results, and if you can share extra information about your choice on initialization of Seg-B/16 model? Many thanks.

    opened by YiF-Zhang 4
  • Multi-GPU Training Not On SLURM

    Multi-GPU Training Not On SLURM

    Hello, thanks a lot for your contribution of such a excellent work. I noticed that the distributed multi-gpu training is based on the slurm platform, which is not easy to be run on other platforms. Could you or anyone can provide some tips to change the code from the slurm based code to the non-slurm based one, so that the multi-gpu distributed training can also be conducted on other platforms?

    opened by luck528 4
  • Performance better than that in the paper.

    Performance better than that in the paper.

    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for releasing the code and model. I find that your model performs better than what is reported in the paper. For example, on ADE20K validation set, Seg-B-Mask/16 has 45.69 mIoU (SS), but according to the information from this repo, it can actually achieve 48.5. Am I missing something?

    opened by chenyangh 4
  • train on custom dataset

    train on custom dataset

    hello, I would like to ask if I can modify the existing code to train on my dataset because in a previous issue I read that this is not possible yet. If it's possible Any hints about modifications needed ?

    opened by george-kalitsios 3
  • Performance on Pascal Context with Seg-L-Mask/16

    Performance on Pascal Context with Seg-L-Mask/16

    Hi, thanks for the great works and the code! I'm trying to reproduce the baseline base on mmsegmentation. While the baseline could be reproduced well on cityscapes and ADE20k, I could only get 56.9 on single scale on Pascal Context(58.1 reported). Anything I've missed? Below is the config I'm running base on mmsegmentation, anything wrong in the setting? Great thanks for your help!

    _base_ = [
        # "./",
    model = dict(
            img_size=(480, 480),
            out_indices=(5, 11, 17, 23),
            norm_cfg=dict(type="LN", eps=1e-6),
            d_ff=4 * 1024,
        test_cfg=dict(mode="slide", crop_size=(480, 480), stride=(320, 320)),
    optimizer = dict(
                "pos_embed": dict(decay_mult=0.0),
                "cls_token": dict(decay_mult=0.0),
                "norm": dict(decay_mult=0.0),
    lr_config = dict(
    # By default, models are trained on 8 GPUs with 2 images per GPU
    data = dict(samples_per_gpu=2)
    opened by hardyho 3
  • customised data

    customised data


    i wanna try this on my own dataset, i have created similar config files and python files like you did for ade20k.

    I added a class file for my dataset:

    FISH_CONFIG_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "config" / ""
    FISH_CATS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "config" / "fish.yml"
    class FishSegmentation(BaseMMSeg):
        def __init__(self, image_size, crop_size, split, **kwargs):
                image_size, crop_size, split, 
                config_path = FISH_CONFIG_PATH,
            self.names, self.colors = utils.dataset_cat_description(FISH_CATS_PATH)
            self.n_cls = 150
            self.ignore_label = 0
            self.reduce_zero_label = True

    After i registered my data by @DATASETS.register_module, the init founction is kind of conflicted with your BaseMMSeg, is there any way that I can use customised data based on your repo?

    opened by Remosy 1
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • KeyError: 'optimizer'

    KeyError: 'optimizer'

    Thank you for your excellent work, but I have a problem about module checkpoint.pth.When I try to run segm.train module,there is an error "KeyError: 'optimizer'",Hope you to answer me. thanks again!

    opened by Werejoice 5
  • Unexpected keyword `mlp_ratio` running `seg_base_deit_mask`

    Unexpected keyword `mlp_ratio` running `seg_base_deit_mask`

    First of all, excellent repo - thanks very much for the awesome contribution to the ml community!

    When running running eval on seg_base_deit_mask (via python -m segm.eval.miou checkpoints/seg_base_deit_mask/checkpoint.pth ade20k --multiscale), I am getting an error:

    Starting process with rank 0...
    Process 0 is connected.
    All processes are connected.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 194, in _run_module_as_main
        return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 87, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/segm/eval/", line 279, in <module>
      File "/home/.../segmenter/pyenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1128, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/pyenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1053, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/pyenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1395, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/pyenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 754, in invoke
        return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/segm/eval/", line 226, in main
        model, variant = load_model(model_path)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/segm/model/", line 119, in load_model
        model = create_segmenter(net_kwargs)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/segm/model/", line 106, in create_segmenter
        encoder = create_vit(model_cfg)
      File "/home/.../segmenter/segm/model/", line 67, in create_vit
        model = VisionTransformer(**model_cfg)
    TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mlp_ratio'

    This is happening with both single and multi scale. This seems to be stemming from the mlp_ratio key in the located in the yml config.

    As I keep poking around, if I find a solution I'll submit a PR.

    Thanks again for the repo :+1:

    opened by zroach 0
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