Dockernized ZeroTierOne controller with zero-ui web interface.



Dockernized ZeroTierOne controller with zero-ui web interface. 中文讨论

Customize ZeroTierOne's controller planets

Modify patch/planets.json as you needed, then build the docker image. I've put the patch/planet.public and patch/planet.private files in this repo.

  "planets": [
      "Location": "Beijing", // Where this planet located
      "Identity": "a4de2130c2:0:ab5257bb05cd2fb8044fe26483f6d27b57124ca7b350fb3e0f07d405c68c4416094dbc836bf62ed483072501aa3384dff3c74ac50050c1bfbb1dc657001ef6a1", // The planet's public key, ex: identity.public
      "Endpoints": [""] // The list of endpoints in 'ip/port' format. IPv6 is supportted


docker build --force-rm . -t sbilly/zerotier-controller:latest



# Run with default settings
docker run --rm -ti -p 4000:4000 -p 9993:9993 -p 9993:9993/udp sbilly/zerotier-controller:latest

# Run with custom envirments settings
docker run --rm -ti -e ZU_SECURE_HEADERS=false -e ZU_CONTROLLER_ENDPOINT= -e ZU_DEFAULT_USERNAME=admin -e ZU_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=zero-ui -p 4000:4000 -p 3000:3000 -p 9993:9993 -p 9993:9993/udp sbilly/zerotier-controller:latest

# Run with docker volumes
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`/config/identity.public:/app/config/identity.public -v `pwd`/config/identity.secret:/app/config/identity.secret -v `pwd`/config/authtoken.secret:/app/config/authtoken.secret -p 3000:3000 -p 4000:4000 -p 9993:9993 -p 9993:9993/udp sbilly/zerotier-controller:latest


Download planet from controller WEB interface to peer configuration directory. For example, /var/lib/zerotier-one/planet, Then start zerotier-one.

# Download planet
wget http://[IP_OF_CONTROLLER]:[PORT_OF_CONTROLLER]/app/static/planet -O /var/lib/zerotier-one/planet

# Start ZeroTierOne
zerotier-one /var/lib/zerotier-one

Environment Variables

  • The default username/password (admin/zero-ui) is defined by ZU_DEFAULT_USERNAME and ZU_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.
  • The environment variable ZT_PRIMARY_PORT is ZeroTierOne's primaryPort in local.conf.
  • Please check zero-ui for other environment variables.

Files in Docker Image

├── config/
├── backend/
├── frontend/
└── ZeroTierOne/
  • config: The configurations of ZeroTierOne, such as identity.*, authtoken.secret, etc.
  • backend: zero-ui backend.
  • frontend: The static files of zero-ui frontend.
  • ZeroTierOne: The binaries of ZeroTierOne, such as zerotier-*, mkworld.

Change Log

  • 20210904 - Update peer's instructions.
  • 20210902 - First Release.
  • Peer端无法连上Planet服务器


    端口均开启,但是peer端join网络没反应,显示200 join但是网页上看不到。 同时zerotier-cli peers显示 200 peers <ztaddr> <ver> <role> <lat> <link> <lastTX> <lastRX> <path> a4de2130c2 - PLANET -1 RELAY

    opened by gundami 7
  • 构建脚本失败 麻烦作者看看

    构建脚本失败 麻烦作者看看

    构建脚本问题 添加了aliyun repo文件 添加了 xmlto软件宝 我改成如下还是报错 postgre 头文件错误 FROM node:current-alpine as build-stage LABEL Author="sbilly [email protected]" LABEL Maintainer="sbilly [email protected]"

    ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider ENV YARN_VERSION=2.4.0

    RUN echo "" > /etc/apk/repositories RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories RUN apk update &&
    apk add python3 alpine-sdk gcc wget git linux-headers libpq postgresql-dev xmlto bash jq

    WORKDIR /src

    Prepaire Environment

    COPY ./patch /src/patch COPY ./config /src/config

    Downloading and build latest libpqxx

    RUN LIBPQXX_VERSION=curl --silent "" | jq -r ".[0].tag_name" &&
    curl${LIBPQXX_VERSION} --output /tmp/libpqxx.tar.gz &&
    mkdir -p /src &&
    cd /src &&
    tar fxz /tmp/libpqxx.tar.gz &&
    mv /src/libpqxx-* /src/libpqxx &&
    rm -rf /tmp/libpqxx.tar.gz &&
    cd /src/libpqxx &&
    /src/libpqxx/configure &&
    make &&
    make install

    Downloading and build latest version ZeroTierOne

    RUN ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION=curl --silent "" | jq -r ".[0].tag_name" &&
    curl${ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION} --output /tmp/ZeroTierOne.tar.gz &&
    mkdir -p /src &&
    cd /src &&
    tar fxz /tmp/ZeroTierOne.tar.gz &&
    mv /src/ZeroTierOne-* /src/ZeroTierOne &&
    rm -rf /tmp/ZeroTierOne.tar.gz &&
    python3 /src/patch/ &&
    cd /src/ZeroTierOne &&
    make central-controller CPPFLAGS+=-w &&
    cd /src/ZeroTierOne/attic/world &&

    Downloading and build latest tagged zero-ui

    RUN ZERO_UI_VERSION=curl --silent "" | jq -r '.[0].name' &&
    curl${ZERO_UI_VERSION} --output /tmp/zero-ui.tar.gz &&
    mkdir -p /src/ &&
    cd /src &&
    tar fxz /tmp/zero-ui.tar.gz &&
    mv /src/zero-ui-* /src/zero-ui &&
    rm -rf /tmp/zero-ui.tar.gz &&
    cd /src/zero-ui &&
    yarn set version ${YARN_VERSION} &&
    yarn install &&
    yarn installDeps &&
    yarn build

    FROM node:current-alpine

    WORKDIR /app/ZeroTierOne


    COPY --from=build-stage /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ COPY --from=build-stage /usr/local/lib/libpqxx.a /usr/local/lib/libpqxx.a


    COPY --from=build-stage /src/ZeroTierOne/zerotier-one /app/ZeroTierOne/zerotier-one RUN cd /app/ZeroTierOne &&
    ln -s zerotier-one zerotier-cli &&
    ln -s zerotier-one zerotier-idtool

    mkworld @ ZeroTierOne

    COPY --from=build-stage /src/ZeroTierOne/attic/world/mkworld /app/ZeroTierOne/mkworld COPY --from=build-stage /src/ZeroTierOne/attic/world/world.bin /app/config/world.bin COPY --from=build-stage /src/config/world.c /app/config/world.c


    RUN apk update &&
    apk add libpq postgresql-dev postgresql jq curl bash wget &&
    mkdir -p /var/lib/zerotier-one/ &&
    ln -s /app/config/authtoken.secret /var/lib/zerotier-one/authtoken.secret

    Installing s6-overlay

    RUN S6_OVERLAY_VERSION=curl --silent "" | jq -r .tag_name &&
    wget${S6_OVERLAY_VERSION}/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz -O /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz &&
    gunzip -c /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C / &&
    rm -rf /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz

    Frontend @ zero-ui

    COPY --from=build-stage /src/zero-ui/frontend/build /app/frontend/build/

    Backend @ zero-ui

    WORKDIR /app/backend COPY --from=build-stage /src/zero-ui/backend/package*.json /app/backend COPY --from=build-stage /src/zero-ui/backend/yarn.lock /app/backend RUN yarn set version ${YARN_VERSION} &&
    yarn install &&
    ln -s /app/config/world.bin /app/frontend/build/static/planet COPY --from=build-stage /src/zero-ui/backend /app/backend


    COPY ./s6-files/etc /etc/


    COPY ./schema /app/schema/

    EXPOSE 3000 4000 9993 9993/UDP ENV S6_KEEP_ENV=1

    ENTRYPOINT ["/init"] CMD []

    opened by chenxudong2020 2
  • http://server:4000/app/static/planet 404 , but file exist.

    http://server:4000/app/static/planet 404 , but file exist.


    open http://server:4000/app/static/planet : {"error":"404 Not found"}  
    [root@5d2e4707698b backend]# ls /app/frontend/build/static
    css  js  media  planet
    opened by kkkgo 0
  • centos 8 报错

    centos 8 报错

    大佬能不能搞个一键脚本?我用甲骨文的amd X6服务器(centos 8),运行:docker build --force-rm . -t sbilly/zerotier-controller:latest,就报错: unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: lstat /root/Dockerfile: no such file or directory

    opened by itv3 0
  • 无法加入自建的Planet服务器


    无论是用openwrt,手机端的zerotier-fix还是电脑的客户端,都无法加入自建的服务器。 planet文件已经替换,openwrt替换位置为 /etc/config/zero,手机端直接导入,windows电脑是C:\ProgramData\ZeroTier\One。 日志如下 root@OPENWRT 00:49 ~# zerotier-cli status -j { "address": "fc1aae366a", "clock": 1644511794525, "config": { "physical": null, "settings": { "allowTcpFallbackRelay": true, "portMappingEnabled": true, "primaryPort": 9993, "softwareUpdate": "disable", "softwareUpdateChannel": "release" } }, "online": false, "planetWorldId": 149604618, "planetWorldTimestamp": 1639375815023, "publicIdentity": "fc1aae366a:0:0782c85dc7256ba78aa5f13b98906791e412b035e095f29a937f4e5c67e1a43843e5d0824268fe5ed5f6bb96ac1910086411c747764748dff9eeb09afc3b844d", "tcpFallbackActive": false, "version": "1.6.6", "versionBuild": 0, "versionMajor": 1, "versionMinor": 6, "versionRev": 6 } root@OPENWRT 00:49 ~# zerotier-cli listpeers -j [ { "address": "a4de2130c2", "isBonded": false, "latency": -1, "paths": [], "role": "PLANET", "version": "-1.-1.-1", "versionMajor": -1, "versionMinor": -1, "versionRev": -1 } ]

    opened by zkh1992 3
  • Dockerfile say, Zerotier 1.6.6, whereas current is 1.8.4

    Dockerfile say, Zerotier 1.6.6, whereas current is 1.8.4

    Hello Current version of ZeroTier is 1.8.4 Are you continuing to support this?

    OK: Just seen your latest commit, where you identify 1.8.4 breaks controller. I guess there are other things too as I had to add libpq-dev, but still the controller build fails

    Yes: Just looked at PostgreSQL.cpp, and they are very different. Alas, I'm not conversant with C++

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