Answer a series of contextually-dependent questions like they may occur in natural human-to-human conversations.



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Answer a series of contextually-dependent questions like they may occur in natural human-to-human conversations.

  • Submission deadline: September 8, 2021 Extended: September 15, 2021
  • Results announcement: September 30, 2021
  • Workshop presentations: October 8, 2021


[Zenodo] [original]

File names here refer to the respective files hosted on [Zenodo].

The passage collection ( is 27.5GB with 54M passages!

The input format for the task (scai-qrecc21-[toy,training,test]-questions[,-rewritten].json) is a JSON file:

, "Turn_no": X, "Question": " " }, ... ]">
    "Turn_no": X,
    "Question": "
  }, ...


With X being the number of the question in the conversation. Questions with the same Conversation_no are from the same conversation.

The questions-rewritten.json-files contain human rewritten questions that can be used by systems that do not want to participate in question rewriting.


Register for the task using this form. We will then send you your TIRA login once it is ready.

The challenge is hosted on TIRA. Participants are encouraged to upload their code and run the evaluation on the VMs provided by the platform to ensure reproducibility of the results. It is also possible to upload the submission as a single JSON file.

The submission format for the task is a JSON file similar to the input (all Model_xxx-fields are optional and you can omit them from the submission, e.g. provide only Conversation_no, Turn_no and Model_answer to get the EM and F1 scores for the generated answers):

, "Turn_no": X, "Model_rewrite": " ", "Model_passages": { " ": , ... }, "Model_answer": " " }, ... ]">
    "Turn_no": X,
    "Model_rewrite": "
    "Model_passages": { 
           , ...
    "Model_answer": "
            " }, ... ] 


You can use the code of our simple baseline to get started.

Software Submission

We recommend participants to upload (through SSH or RDP) their software/system to their dedicated TIRA virtual machine (assigned after registration), so that their runs can be reproduced and so that they can be easily applied to different data (of same format) in the future. The mail send to you after registration gives you the credentials to access the TIRA web interface and your VM. If you cannot connect to your VM, ensure it is powered on in the TIRA web interface.

Your software is expected to accept two arguments:

  • An input directory (named $inputDataset in TIRA) that contains the questions.json input file and passages-index-anserini directory. The latter contains a full Anserini index of the passage collection. Note that you need to install openjdk-11-jdk-headless to use it. We may be able to add more of such indices on request.
  • An output directory (named $outputDir in TIRA) into which your software needs to place the submission as run.json.

Install your software to your VM. Then go to the TIRA web interface and click "Add software". Specify the command to run your software (see the image for the simple baseline).

IMPORTANT: To ensure reproducibility, create a "Software" in the TIRA web interface for each parameter setting that you consider a submission to the challenge.

Click on "Run" to execute your software for the selected input dataset. Your VM will not be accessible while your system is running, be detached from the internet (to ensure your software is fully installed in your virtual machine), and afterwards restored to the state before the run. Since the test set is rather large (the simple baseline takes nearly 11 hours to complete), we highly recommend you first test your software on the scai-qrecc21-toy-dataset-2021-07-20 input dataset. This dataset contains the first conversation (6 turns/questions) only. For the test-dataset, send us a mail at [email protected] so that we unblind your results.

TIRA Interface: VM status and submission

Then go to the "Runs" section below and click on the blue (i)-icon of the software run to check the software output. You can also download the run from there.

NOTE: By submitting your software you retain full copyrights. You agree to grant us usage rights for evaluation of the corresponding data generated by your software. We agree not to share your software with a third party or use it for any purpose other than research.

Run Submission

You can upload a JSON file as a submission at

TIRA Interface: VM status and submission

Please specify the name and a description of your run in the form. After a successful upload, the page will redirect you to the overview of all your submissions where you should evaluate your run to verify that your run is valid. At the "Runs" section, you can click on the blue (i)-icon to double-check your upload. You can also download the run from there.



Once you run your software or uploaded your run, "Run" the evaluator on that run through the TIRA web interface (below the software; works out-of-the-box).

TIRA Interface: Evaluation

Then go to the "Runs" section below and click on the blue (i)-icon of the evaluator run to see your scores.

Ground truth

We use the QReCC paper annotations in the initial phase, and will update them with alternative answer spans and passages by pooling and crowdsourcing the relevance judgements over the results submitted by the challenge participants (similar to the TREC evaluation setup).


We use the same metrics as the QReCC paper, but may add more for the final evaluation: ROUGE1-R for question rewriting, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) for passage retrieval, and F1 and Exact Match for question answering.


We provide the following baselines for comparison:

  • scai-qrecc21-simple-baseline: BM25 baseline for passage retrieval using original conversational questions without rewriting. We recommend to use this code as a boilerplate to kickstart your own submission using the VM.
  • scai-qrecc21-naacl-baseline: results for the end-to-end approach using supervised question rewriting and QA models reported in the QReCC paper (accepted at NAACL'21). This sample run is available on Zenodo as

Note that the baseline results differ from the ones reported in the paper since we made several corrections to the evaluation script and the ground truth annotations:

  • We excluded the samples for which the ground truth is missing from the evaluation (i.e., no relevant passages or no answer text or no rewrite provided by the human annotators)

  • We removed 5,251 passages judgements annotated by the heuristic as relevant for the short answers with lengths <= 5 since these matches are often trivial and unrelated, e.g., the same noun phrase appearing in different contexts.


Some useful links to get you started on a new conversational open-domain QA system:

Conversational Passage Retrieval

Answer Generation

Passage Retrieval

Conversational Question Reformulation

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