🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks


Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
Website docker image

Installation    |    Usage    |    Docker Notes    |    Contributing


# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock.git

# change the working directory to sherlock
$ cd sherlock

# install the requirements
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Open in Cloud Shell Run on Repl.it


$ python3 sherlock --help
usage: sherlock [-h] [--version] [--verbose] [--folderoutput FOLDEROUTPUT]
                [--output OUTPUT] [--tor] [--unique-tor] [--csv]
                [--site SITE_NAME] [--proxy PROXY_URL] [--json JSON_FILE]
                [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--print-all] [--print-found] [--no-color]
                [--browse] [--local]
                USERNAMES [USERNAMES ...]

Sherlock: Find Usernames Across Social Networks (Version 0.14.0)

positional arguments:
  USERNAMES             One or more usernames to check with social networks.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Display version information and dependencies.
  --verbose, -v, -d, --debug
                        Display extra debugging information and metrics.
                        If using multiple usernames, the output of the results
                        will be saved to this folder.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        If using single username, the output of the result
                        will be saved to this file.
  --tor, -t             Make requests over Tor; increases runtime; requires
                        Tor to be installed and in system path.
  --unique-tor, -u      Make requests over Tor with new Tor circuit after each
                        request; increases runtime; requires Tor to be
                        installed and in system path.
  --csv                 Create Comma-Separated Values (CSV) File.
  --site SITE_NAME      Limit analysis to just the listed sites. Add multiple
                        options to specify more than one site.
  --proxy PROXY_URL, -p PROXY_URL
                        Make requests over a proxy. e.g.
  --json JSON_FILE, -j JSON_FILE
                        Load data from a JSON file or an online, valid, JSON
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Time (in seconds) to wait for response to requests.
                        Default timeout is infinity. A longer timeout will be
                        more likely to get results from slow sites. On the
                        other hand, this may cause a long delay to gather all
  --print-all           Output sites where the username was not found.
  --print-found         Output sites where the username was found.
  --no-color            Don't color terminal output
  --browse, -b          Browse to all results on default browser.
  --local, -l           Force the use of the local data.json file.

To search for only one user:

python3 sherlock user123

To search for more than one user:

python3 sherlock user1 user2 user3

Accounts found will be stored in an individual text file with the corresponding username (e.g user123.txt).

Anaconda (Windows) Notes

If you are using Anaconda in Windows, using 'python3' might not work. Use 'python' instead.

Docker Notes

If docker is installed you can build an image and run this as a container.

docker build -t mysherlock-image .

Once the image is built, sherlock can be invoked by running the following:

docker run --rm -t mysherlock-image user123

The optional --rm flag removes the container filesystem on completion to prevent cruft build-up. See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#clean-up---rm

The optional -t flag allocates a pseudo-TTY which allows colored output. See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#foreground

Use the following command to access the saved results:

docker run --rm -t -v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results" mysherlock-image -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt user123

The -v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results" options tell docker to create (or use) the folder results in the present working directory and to mount it at /opt/sherlock/results on the docker container. The -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt option tells sherlock to output the result.

Or you can use "Docker Hub" to run sherlock:

docker run theyahya/sherlock user123

Using docker-compose

You can use the docker-compose.yml file from the repository and use this command:

docker-compose run sherlock -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt user123


We would love to have you help us with the development of Sherlock. Each and every contribution is greatly valued!

Here are some things we would appreciate your help on:

[1] Please look at the Wiki entry on adding new sites to understand the issues.


Thank you for contributing to Sherlock!

Before creating a pull request with new development, please run the tests to ensure that everything is working great. It would also be a good idea to run the tests before starting development to distinguish problems between your environment and the Sherlock software.

The following is an example of the command line to run all the tests for Sherlock. This invocation hides the progress text that Sherlock normally outputs, and instead shows the verbose output of the tests.

$ cd sherlock/sherlock
$ python3 -m unittest tests.all --verbose

Note that we do currently have 100% test coverage. Unfortunately, some of the sites that Sherlock checks are not always reliable, so it is common to get response problems. Any problems in connection will show up as warnings in the tests instead of true errors.

If some sites are failing due to connection problems (site is down, in maintenance, etc) you can exclude them from tests by creating a tests/.excluded_sites file with a list of sites to ignore (one site name per line).

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


MIT © Sherlock Project
Original Creator - Siddharth Dushantha

  • False positives

    False positives

    False positives for any username

    Here's an example output for a "random" username:

    Total Websites Username Detected On : 5

    GPSies moved its website. CapFriendly is especially weird. It seems to generate random details for nonexistent users. The other ones say that the user doesn't exist.

    False positives for usernames with .


    False positives for usernames with _


    Hostnames can't contain underscores, by the way. Aptoide redirects to the homepage.

    False positives for usernames with -



    Yandex sometimes redirects to a captcha, originating a false positive.

    false positive 
    opened by dd-pardal 31
  • Modulenotfound


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "sherlock.py", line 24, in from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests_futures'

    opened by nitroxnoob 25
  • File from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests_futures'">

    File "sherlock.py", line 24, in from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests_futures'

    File "sherlock.py", line 24, in from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests_futures'

    opened by jzr54732 22
  • SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    SyntaxError: invalid syntax


    I get this error when running Sherlock:

    python3 sherlock.py neilbreen -r --print-found
      File "sherlock.py", line 78
        Fore.GREEN + f"] {title}" +
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    This applies to Python2, Python3, with/without arguments and sudo

    opened by D3faIt 21
  • Adding a bunch of new websites.

    Adding a bunch of new websites.

    	"YouTube (Username)": {
    		"url": "https://www.youtube.com/user/{}",
    		"errorType": "status_code"
    	"YouTube (Custom-URL)": {
    		"url": "https://www.youtube.com/c/{}",
    		"errorType": "status_code"

    The current format supports just the youtube username format and not the custom-url

    site support request 
    opened by 4dfe-9dac 17
  • PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

    Is anyone able to help me figure out why my username searches do not write a .txt file? In my sherlock directory, there is another sherlock folder where sherlock.py is. I am new to Linux so I don't know if I have to give execute permissions to the new folder, or if i should just uninstall/reinstall. Please let me know if anyone can help, thanks!

    question environment 
    opened by jimbokali 15
  • Add Cent

    Add Cent

    Cent is a new type of social network.

    This may break in the future with the site's code changes as expected with this type of algo. The status code based algo isn't working for some reason even tho the site returns 302 for unclaimed username but Sherlock is unable to pick that and considers as claimed. But for now, it works fine.

    opened by irazasyed 14
  • created a script for easier site adding

    created a script for easier site adding

    Very simple bash script, where you enter the info about the site you want to add and it outputs a nice chunk of code that you can just insert in data.json. I'm still trying to work out how to make the script add sites to data.json automatically, but first I need to learn how sed works. Right now, the script is working standalone. I hope this script will speed up the process of adding sites both for unexperienced and experienced users. I made it as much user friendly and fail proof as possible, but I still want to work on it, so the user doesn't even have to copy the code. As a proof of concept, I've also added two sites generated with my script and just simply pasted into the data.json.

    opened by Czechball 14
  • Cannot run commands to make sherlock work

    Cannot run commands to make sherlock work


    • [x] I'm reporting a bug in Sherlock's functionality
    • [ ] The bug I'm reporting is not a false positive or a false negative
    • [x] I've verified that I'm running the latest version of Sherlock
    • [x] I've checked for similar bug reports including closed ones
    • [ ] I've checked for pull requests that attempt to fix this bug



    I have just recently installed sherlock, and I cannot get it to run properly. I have installed the latest version, and also have Python and Pip. Here is how I went about my installation process: 1.) Installed Sherlock Zip folder on desktop 2.) Extracted all and made a new folder on desktop 3.) Installed Python 3.10.2 windows installer and have completed the install process. 4.) Typed in this command into cmd running as admin: cd C:\Users\19706\Desktop\sherlock-master 5.) Ran the command: pip3 install –r requirements.txt. Then get and error that says; "ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt'

    Please help with this. I've been trying to find videos and articles on this, but there has been 0 help as of now.

    I have also tried to clone the repo, but I get this message: git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.







    opened by Joe-Swanson000 13
  • Should we add adult websites?

    Should we add adult websites?

    Hey guys!

    Recently I found out that Sherlock has been used by TraceLabs CTF participators. This means that Sherlock is being used to find missing people, which is awesome!!

    This got me thinking, should we add support for adult websites? Because thinking from an investigator's point of view, I would want to know if my subject who committed an offense, has accounts on adult websites. Why? So that I could know if they might have left some traces there.

    My plan is to create another repo, similar to sherlock-data, but specifically for adult websites. The reason why I want to separate the adult websites from the main list of sites is because the last thing I want to happen to you is that you are at work and you use the --browse option and a bunch of adult websites open up on your work computer.

    I do not want to maintain the adult website list because I do not feel comfortable in doing so. So after I create the repo, if any of you guys want to maintain it, feel free to shoot me an email and I will give your write access to the repo which is dedicated to the adult websites.

    Let me know what you guys think, I am open to ideas! :)

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by sdushantha 13
  • Modulation of Sherlock

    Modulation of Sherlock

    Hello, I came across your project and was interested to get started helping out.

    Here I submitted a pull request from my fork of sherlock to segregate the application into small modules and make it a little more modular, I noticed it's a huge steer, however I think it would be a great idea.

    If you do accept my pull request, may I suggest appending this commit into a separate branch.


    • Creation of a sherlock folder
    • SherlockData class
    • SherlockLog class
    • SherlockService class

    SherlockData class:

    Creating an instance of this class loads the data.json or any other json files as a configuration for the SherlockService class.

    SherlockLog class:

    Initializing Logging activities and keeping track of activities. The class committed only contain error, log and info methods for printing to the stdout using the color package.

    SherlockService class:

    A unique SherlockService which performs asynchronous requests to HTTP and HTTPS web server using requests and grequests.

    Thank you :+1:

    opened by knijam 12
  • Add support for Monkeytype

    Add support for Monkeytype

    Added support for https://monkeytype.com/.

    Monkeytype is a famous website for typing tests to improve typing skills, competing in leaderboards, etc. with a clean minimalistic interface.

    Please let me know if any additional information/changes are required.

    opened by a-r-r-o-w 0
  • Support for removed site: Codeforces

    Support for removed site: Codeforces

    I do not think this issue fits under the criteria for Issue Template "Site Support Request" and so have opened a blank issue.

    The support for Codeforces was removed in this commit due to false positives. I would like to request the support again with a proposed fix to the false positive issue.

    There have been a few PRs in the past (#1602, #1394, #903) that add/fix support for Codeforces. I believe #1602 might work but I cannot tell for sure. An alternative, and arguably more correct, way to support the site would be to use the Codeforces API that returns status 200 for valid users and status 400 for invalid users.

    I've tested adding the following to data.json and can verify that it works without any false positives (none that I know of):

    "Codeforces": {
      "errorType": "status_code",
      "url": "https://codeforces.com/api/user.info?handles={}",
      "urlMain": "https://codeforces.com/",
      "username_claimed": "tourist",
      "username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"

    I would like to open a PR for the same if the proposed solution can be reviewed/tested.

    opened by a-r-r-o-w 0
  • Träwelling



    • [ x] I'm requesting support for a new site
    • [ x] I've checked for similar site support requests including closed ones
    • [ x] I've checked that the site I am requesting has not been removed in the past and is not documented in removed_sites.md
    • [ x] The site I am requesting support for is not a pornographic website
    • [ x] I'm only requesting support of one website (create a separate issue for each site)


    URL: https://traewelling.de/

    site support request 
    opened by Phyroks 0
  • Mask/Regex search feature

    Mask/Regex search feature


    • [x] I'm reporting a feature request
    • [x] I've checked for similar feature requests including closed ones


    Is there a way to create masks/regex and search through all the possibilities? For example, .{0,2}[jJ]ames\.[Bb]ond.{0,2}" would generate a list of possible names and test each of them, matching JamesBond, jamesBond, __jamesbond, etc. Wild card with unlimited repetition would definitely be a problem, so we'd have to consider that.

    Have a good day!

    opened by leana8959 1
  • no support for

    no support for "legal usernames"


    • [x] I'm reporting a bug in Sherlock's functionality
    • [x] The bug I'm reporting is not a false positive or a false negative
    • [x] I've verified that I'm running the latest version of Sherlock
    • [x] I've checked for similar bug reports including closed ones
    • [x] I've checked for pull requests that attempt to fix this bug


    WRITE DESCRIPTION HERE I am a supernoob so pardon my lack of correct code terms or usage etc. I just wanted to point out a high amount of usernames begin with a "@" these days. When inputting certain sites, it comes back with illegal formatted username - i realized those sites are the ones that require the @username123 to be input in this format. when adding the @ the username turns green(not sure what that means lol) and comes back as an error. Thoughts? is there a way to add the @ without it turning green and tossing the error?

    opened by ronbonmon 1
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