Neural Dynamic Policies for End-to-End Sensorimotor Learning


Neural Dynamic Policies for End-to-End Sensorimotor Learning

In NeurIPS 2020 (Spotlight) [Project Website] [Project Video]

Shikhar Bahl, Mustafa Mukadam, Abhinav Gupta, Deepak Pathak
Carnegie Mellon University & Facebook AI Research

This is a PyTorch based implementation for our NeurIPS 2020 paper on Neural Dynamic Policies for end-to-end sensorimotor learning. In this work, we begin to close this gap and embed dynamics structure into deep neural network-based policies by reparameterizing action spaces with differential equations. We propose Neural Dynamic Policies (NDPs) that make predictions in trajectory distribution space as opposed to prior policy learning methods where action represents the raw control space. The embedded structure allow us to perform end-to-end policy learning under both reinforcement and imitation learning setups. If you find this work useful in your research, please cite:

    Author = { Bahl, Shikhar and Mukadam, Mustafa and
    Gupta, Abhinav and Pathak, Deepak},
    Title = {Neural Dynamic Policies for End-to-End Sensorimotor Learning},
    Booktitle = {NeurIPS},
    Year = {2020}

1) Installation and Usage

  1. This code is based on PyTorch. This code needs MuJoCo 1.5 to run. To install and setup the code, run the following commands:
#create directory for data and add dependencies
cd neural-dynamic-polices; mkdir data/
git clone
git clone

#create virtual env
conda create --name ndp python=3.5
source activate ndp

#install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
#OR try
conda env create -f ndp.yaml
  1. Training imitation learning
cd neural-dynamic-polices
# name of the experiment
python --name NAME
  1. Training RL: run the script ENV_NAME is the environment (could be throw, pick, push, soccer, faucet). ALGO-TYPE is the algorithm (dmp for NDPs, ppo for PPO [Schulman et al., 2017] and ppo-multi for the multistep actor-critic architecture we present in our paper).
  1. In order to visualize trained models/policies, use the same exact arguments as used for training but call

2) Other helpful pointers

3) Acknowledgements

We use the PPO infrastructure from: We use environment code from:,, We use pytorch and RL utility functions from: We use the DMP skeleton code from, We also use and

  • can not get the good result in paper

    can not get the good result in paper

    I run the code in RL,but I find there maybe some error.and I can not get the good result in paper,could you help me? My success rate always is 0.0,and I always get the error is mujoco_py.builder.MujocoException: Got MuJoCo Warning: Nan, Inf or huge value in QPOS at DOF 0. The simulation is unstable. Time = 2321.0500.

    opened by csufangyu 7
  • How can I verify your algorithm performance?

    How can I verify your algorithm performance?

    Hello, I have some questions while running your NDP algorithm.

    I finished environment settings and run code about 8hrs with $ sh faucet dmp 2 1

    however it seems not working as well. 스크린샷, 2021-05-24 04-03-02

    My questions are

    1. How much time to train ppo and ndp algorithm for example environment?
    2. How can I know or visualize result plot?
    3. I am wondering about code line 45 to line 72
    for j in range(num_updates):
            if args.use_linear_lr_decay:
                    agent.optimizer, j, num_updates,
           if args.algo == "acktr" else
            for step in range(args.num_steps):
                if step % args.T == 0:
                    with torch.no_grad():
                        values, actions, action_log_probs_list, recurrent_hidden_states_lst = actor_critic.act(
                            rollouts.obs[step], rollouts.recurrent_hidden_states[step],
                    action = actions[step % args.T]
                    action_log_probs = action_log_probs_list[step % args.T]
                    recurrent_hidden_states = recurrent_hidden_states_lst[0]
                    value = values[:, step % args.T].view(-1, 1)
                obs, reward, done, infos = envs.step(action)
                masks = torch.FloatTensor(
                    [[0.0] if done_ else [1.0] for done_ in done])
                bad_masks = torch.FloatTensor(
                    [[0.0] if 'bad_transition' in info.keys() else [1.0]
                     for info in infos])
                rollouts.insert(obs, recurrent_hidden_states, action,
                                action_log_probs, value, reward, masks, bad_masks)

    in this code, you input same action for step Ts to T(s+1)-1 (T = args.T), but i think that for each step, it is right to set action to actions[step%args.N] since dmp actor outputs N steps(N=args.N) actions. could you explain more detail about this part?

    Thank you!

    opened by OhJeongwoo 2
  • Can not load the file './dmp/data/40x40-smnist.mat'

    Can not load the file './dmp/data/40x40-smnist.mat'

    Hi, I am doing this project as my final master project, but when I run the command as your guide, the code can not run due to not found a file '40x40-smnist.mat'. Could you help me solve this problem?

    opened by linksdl 2
  • About the './dmp/data/' file

    About the './dmp/data/' file

    Hi, @shikharbahl, I am struggling with a problem in ''. Is this parameter pt='./dmp/data/ your trained model (ndp_cnn) ? If yes, could you upload this file, please?

    opened by linksdl 1
  • Is some error in '' file?

    Is some error in '' file?


    @shikharbahl Hi, Could you please confirm ''? 1, is this a '.mat' file type? 2, 'for image in data[image_key][0,0][0]'? 3, 'DMP_data = data[dmp_params_key][0, 0][0]'?

    opened by linksdl 1
  • Run

    Run "" costs much time, is it right?

    Hello, I am learning about your work and want to run your code. When i run the "", it costs much time for a epoch, and I just obtain the result of Epoch 0 as follows: 1649686079 I want to know that common time spent on this, and is there any mistake that I made for this? I'd appreciate it if you could help me, thank you.

    opened by Tiantiansayhi 0
  • Environment dependency outdated

    Environment dependency outdated


    I am a student from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and I would like to have a deeper look of your work and experiment.

    I followed the readme and create a conda env but I got stuck in the pip packages installation. It looks like few pip dependencies are not available any more. Could you please update those dependencies?

    I will appreciate any suggestion from yours, thx!

    Best, Ge Li

    opened by BruceGeLi 0
Shikhar Bahl
AI Researcher at CMU (PhD, Robotics Institute) interested in deep RL, machine learning, robotics and optimization
Shikhar Bahl
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