a reimplementation of Optical Flow Estimation using a Spatial Pyramid Network in PyTorch



This is a personal reimplementation of SPyNet [1] using PyTorch. Should you be making use of this work, please cite the paper accordingly. Also, make sure to adhere to the licensing terms of the authors. Should you be making use of this particular implementation, please acknowledge it appropriately [2].


For the original Torch version of this work, please see: https://github.com/anuragranj/spynet
Other optical flow implementations from me: pytorch-pwc, pytorch-unflow, pytorch-liteflownet


To run it on your own pair of images, use the following command. You can choose between various models, please make sure to see their paper / the code for more details.

python run.py --model sintel-final --first ./images/first.png --second ./images/second.png --out ./out.flo

I am afraid that I cannot guarantee that this reimplementation is correct. However, it produced results identical to the implementation of the original authors in the examples that I tried. Please feel free to contribute to this repository by submitting issues and pull requests.




As stated in the licensing terms of the authors of the paper, the models are free for non-commercial and scientific research purpose. Please make sure to further consult their licensing terms.


[1]  @inproceedings{Ranjan_CVPR_2017,
         author = {Ranjan, Anurag and Black, Michael J.},
         title = {Optical Flow Estimation Using a Spatial Pyramid Network},
         booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
         year = {2017}
[2]  @misc{pytorch-spynet,
         author = {Simon Niklaus},
         title = {A Reimplementation of {SPyNet} Using {PyTorch}},
         year = {2018},
         howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/sniklaus/pytorch-spynet}}
  • Error when running the command

    Error when running the command

    I tried to run the command for a test with the 2 pictures provided (I installed pytorch on Anaconda) and I got the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "run.py", line 166, in <module>
        moduleNetwork = Network().cuda()
      File "run.py", line 133, in __init__
        self.moduleBasic = torch.nn.ModuleList([ Basic(intLevel) for intLevel in range(6) ])
      File "run.py", line 133, in <listcomp>
        self.moduleBasic = torch.nn.ModuleList([ Basic(intLevel) for intLevel in range(6) ])
      File "run.py", line 100, in __init__
        self.moduleBasic[intConv * 2].weight.data.copy_(torch.utils.serialization.load_lua('./models/modelL' + str(intLevel + 1) + '_' + arguments_strModel  + '-' + str(intConv + 1) + '-weight.t7'))
    RuntimeError: The expanded size of the tensor (7) must match the existing size (0) at non-singleton dimension 3

    Do you know what could be the reason for this ? thank you !!

    opened by Wazaki-Ou 10
  • TypeError: grid_sample() got an unexpected keyword argument 'align_corners'

    TypeError: grid_sample() got an unexpected keyword argument 'align_corners'

    It was triggered when running to

    tensorFlow = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input=moduleNetwork(tensorPreprocessedFirst, tensorPreprocessedSecond), size=(intHeight, intWidth), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)

    How can l solve this problem? Is that a cause of low pytorch version? Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by ShaofengZou 4
  • backwarping for multiple GPUs

    backwarping for multiple GPUs

    Hi, this is an amazing work and saved me from alot of work. I just want to ask that why you have writtenbackwarping outside the Network class while you are also defining preprocess and basic inside the class. is there any theoretical background which I am missing right now?

    Note. Actually I am trying to use your code to run on multiple GPUS and this function is creating a problem.


    return torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(input=tensorInput, grid=(Backward_tensorGrid[str(tensorFlow.size())] + tensorFlow).permute(0, 2, 3, 1),\
    RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cuda:1!
    opened by ahmadmughees 3


    Hi! I meet this problem when run run.py. my environment: CUDA 8 + cudnn 7.1+python 3.7. Thank you~ Details as following: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/media/data2/xly/net_code/pytorch-liteflownet-master/run.py", line 377, in tensorOutput = estimate(tensorFirst, tensorSecond) File "/media/data2/xly/net_code/pytorch-liteflownet-master/run.py", line 363, in estimate tensorFlow = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input=moduleNetwork(tensorPreprocessedFirst, tensorPreprocessedSecond), size=(intHeight, intWidth), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) File "/home/xly/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 489, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/media/data2/xly/net_code/pytorch-liteflownet-master/run.py", line 332, in forward tensorFlow = self.moduleSubpixel[intLevel](tensorFirst[intLevel], tensorSecond[intLevel], tensorFeaturesFirst[intLevel], tensorFeaturesSecond[intLevel], tensorFlow) File "/home/xly/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 489, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/media/data2/xly/net_code/pytorch-liteflownet-master/run.py", line 226, in forward tensorFeaturesSecond = Backward(tensorInput=tensorFeaturesSecond, tensorFlow=tensorFlow * self.dblBackward) File "/media/data2/xly/net_code/pytorch-liteflownet-master/run.py", line 61, in Backward return torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(input=tensorInput, grid=(Backward_tensorGrid[str(tensorFlow.size())] + tensorFlow).permute(0, 2, 3, 1), mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros') File "/home/xly/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py", line 2597, in grid_sample return torch.grid_sampler(input, grid, mode_enum, padding_mode_enum) RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED

    opened by xuleyoung 3
  • pre_trained model

    pre_trained model

    wget --timestamping http://content.sniklaus.com/github/pytorch-spynet/network-chairs-clean.pytorch wget --timestamping http://content.sniklaus.com/github/pytorch-spynet/network-chairs-final.pytorch

    What is the difference between the pre_train models ?

    opened by SaltwaterLHL 3
  • Invalid arguments in run.py in line 151.

    Invalid arguments in run.py in line 151.

    I'm getting the following error when I run: python run.py --model sintel-final --first ./images/first.png --second ./images/second.png --out ./out.flo

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "run.py", line 210, in tensorOutput = estimate(tensorInputFirst, tensorInputSecond) File "run.py", line 192, in estimate tensorOutput.resize_(2, intHeight, intWidth).copy_(moduleNetwork(variableInputFirst, variableInputSecond).data[0]) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 357, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "run.py", line 151, in forward variableFlow = torch.autograd.Variable(data=torch.zeros(variableFirst[0].size(0), 2, math.floor(variableFirst[0].size(2) / 2.0), math.floor(variableFirst[0].size(3) / 2.0)).cuda(), volatile=not self.training) TypeError: torch.zeros received an invalid combination of arguments - got (int, int, float, float), but expected one of:

    • (int ... size) didn't match because some of the arguments have invalid types: (int, int, float, float)
    • (torch.Size size)

    I was able to fix it by casting both math.floor calls to int.

    opened by fkdosilovic 2
  • error in demo

    error in demo

    Hello! I tried your demo but got this error. line 151, in forward

    variableFlow=torch.autograd.Variable(data=torch.zeros(variableFirst[0].size(0),2,math.floor(variableFirst[0].size(2) / 2.0), math.floor(variableFirst[0].size(3) / 2.0)).cuda(), volatile=not self.training)

    TypeError: torch.zeros received an invalid combination of arguments - got (int, int, float, float), but expected one of:

    • (int ... size)

    I changed to "data=torch.zeros(variableFirst[0].size(0)/2,math.floor....)" but still not work. It seems there's something wrong with the ''size''. I'm new to deep learning, can you give some suggestion?


    opened by zgcsrwh 2
  • Question about code

    Question about code

    Thank you for sharing your code. I have a question with this.

    What the list ([ 80, 73, 69, 72 ]) mean? https://github.com/sniklaus/pytorch-liteflownet/blob/dae3b132452b05d4258d1da75eaa1021c5b2d720/run.py#L381

    Thanks in advance

    opened by puhuk 1
  • backwarp function

    backwarp function

    I was comparing the backwarp function between pytorch-spynet and pytorch-pwc and they are different. Does it matter which one is used? Furthermore, in the model I am developing, I am going to need to warp the image according to the optical flow, do we just use either one of the 2 backwarp functions used in the 2 models. So for example if I used pytorch-spynet then I would use the backwarp of pytorch-spynet, and vice versa for pytorch-pwc?

    opened by mcsuy1998 1
  • Reimplementation in Tensorflow

    Reimplementation in Tensorflow

    Thank you for the wonderful work. Relying on this, our team has also pulled out similar work in tensorflow. The architecture is available at: https://github.com/tukilabs/Video-Compression-Net/blob/master/utils/network.py (class SpyNetwork) and the pre-trained model is available at: https://github.com/tukilabs/Video-Compression-Net/blob/master/checkpoints/spymodel.pkl .


    opened by prasangadhungel 1
  • From first image to the second

    From first image to the second

    Hi, this code is really helpful. I'm wondering how can I predict the second image from the first one + flow.

    I tried

    second_image_pred = backwarp(first_image, flow). But the result has strange color shift and the motion is not modeled well.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

    opened by yitong91 1
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