an implementation of softmax splatting for differentiable forward warping using PyTorch



This is a reference implementation of the softmax splatting operator, which has been proposed in Softmax Splatting for Video Frame Interpolation [1], using PyTorch. Softmax splatting is a well-motivated approach for differentiable forward warping. It uses a translational invariant importance metric to disambiguate cases where multiple source pixels map to the same target pixel. Should you be making use of our work, please cite our paper [1].



The softmax splatting is implemented in CUDA using CuPy, which is why CuPy is a required dependency. It can be installed using pip install cupy or alternatively using one of the provided binary packages as outlined in the CuPy repository.

The provided example script is using OpenCV to load and display images, as well as to read the provided optical flow file. An easy way to install OpenCV for Python is using the pip install opencv-contrib-python package.


We provide a small script to replicate the third figure of our paper [1]. You can simply run python to obtain the comparison between summation splatting, average splatting, linear splatting, and softmax splatting. Please see this exemplatory for additional information on how to use the provided reference implementation of our proposed softmax splatting operator for differentiable forward warping.


In our paper, we propose to use 4K video clips from Xiph to evaluate video frame interpolation on high-resolution footage. Please see the supplementary on how to reproduce the shown metrics.




The provided implementation is strictly for academic purposes only. Should you be interested in using our technology for any commercial use, please feel free to contact us.


[1]  @inproceedings{Niklaus_CVPR_2020,
         author = {Simon Niklaus and Feng Liu},
         title = {Softmax Splatting for Video Frame Interpolation},
         booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
         year = {2020}


The video above uses materials under a Creative Common license as detailed at the end.

  • How to run the code with second GPU device('cuda:1')

    How to run the code with second GPU device('cuda:1')

    The forward warping functions in produce warped output only when the device id is 'cuda:0'. With other GPUs, the forward warped output is the same as the initialized zero tensor. Is there an approach to perform the forward warp in GPU devices other than the one with device id 'cuda:0'?

    opened by ShrisudhanG 24
  • How do such

    How do such "flows" warp the frames back accurately?

    I tried to warp the second image back to the first one based on the ground truth flow, from the MPI-Sintel training split, to visualize the effect of the flow filed. From my understanding, the warped image should be similar to the first one. However, I can see that warped one is a kind of overlapped images of both frame1 and frame2. image image Top left: frame 1; Top right: frame 2; Bottom Left: warped frame

    Indicated by the papers of yours and PWC-Net. It's easy to understand that the overlapped area is caused by those pixels appearing in the first frame but disappearing in the second frame.

    Finally, here is my question: How could you use such an "inaccurate" flow from PWC-net to warp the frames "accurately"? Do those "inaccurate" flow really help you interpolate?? As you know, MPI-Sintel provides the occlusion mask to handle the problem above so that the final loss could be regularized by that mask. However, interpolation datasets don't have such a mask.

    opened by ProNoobLi 11
  • about bilinear kernel

    about bilinear kernel

    Thank you for your nice work! The bilinear kernel in your paper is descriped as followed: As far as I know, bilinear operation is used on four regular two-dimensional points, and how to used it on the an irregular and arbitrary number of warped points? Please explain this problem, thanks.

    opened by 863689877 10
  • CUDA memory access error on multiple GPUs

    CUDA memory access error on multiple GPUs

    Hello, I am using the average forward warp on multiple GPUs, but I encountered one terrible error which is: File "xxx/", line 354, in FunctionSoftsplat tenNormalize[tenNormalize == 0.0] = 1.0 RuntimeError: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered

    I am quite confused that it should be one change value on one tensor but it caused illegal memory access error. Could you please help me with it? it happens after several epochs

    opened by JasonSheng-atp 8
  • Unable to finetune

    Unable to finetune

    Thank you for your insightful work!

    When I train a network (different architecture to your paper) using forward warping, I found that the model crashed when fine-tuning together with PWC-Net (reflected by both the training loss and validation PSNR). The interpolation network is trained before fine-tuning with PWC-Net.

    To check the problem, I tried a very simple model: Given two images x1, x2,

    1. Compute the flow from x1 to x2, and multiply by 0.5.
    2. Forward warp x1 using average splatting (to disregard the effect from the metric).

    In this model, only the PWC-Net is trainable. However, the performance is strictly worse than using the pretrained PWC-Net. I have tried different learning rate and none of them works.

    Do you have any ideas about the problem? Thanks again!

    opened by ckkelvinchan 8
  • Learning rate about the hyperparameter beta

    Learning rate about the hyperparameter beta

    Hello, niklaus:

    When I try to add the beta to the network, after training for a few epoches, it turn out to be None, the learning rate was initially set to 0.001, is it convenient for you to give me some advice of this part?

    Looking forward for your reply~


    opened by wensihan 7
  • Model size

    Model size


    In the paper, it mentions that the model is ~31MB, but the official PWC-Net itself has ~41MB model. Is the model size measured in the paper does not include the PWC-Net?

    opened by mrchizx 6
  • Some questions about the details

    Some questions about the details

    I used the same method as #5 and got a similar result (PSNR:34.95). Therefore, according to your suggestion, I added different weights to each layer in the pyramid. Now the loss function I use is as follows:

    class LaplacianPyramid(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, max_level=5):
            super(LaplacianPyramid, self).__init__()
            self.gaussian_conv = GaussianConv()
            self.max_level = max_level
        def forward(self, X):
            t_pyr = []
            current = X
            for level in range(self.max_level):
                t_guass = self.gaussian_conv(current)
                t_diff = current - t_guass
                current = F.avg_pool2d(t_guass, 2)
            return t_pyr
    class LaplacianLoss(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(LaplacianLoss, self).__init__()
            self.criterion = nn.L1Loss()
            self.lap = LaplacianPyramid()
        def forward(self, x, y):
            x_lap, y_lap = self.lap(x), self.lap(y)
            weights= [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
            return sum(weights[i] * self.criterion(a, b) for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(x_lap, y_lap)))

    But I got a worse result. Could you please tell me how to change my loss function. 2. in Table 1 (Ablation experiments to quantitatively analyze the effect of the different components of our approach) of the paper, is the difference between Ours-CtxSyn-like and Ours-1 feature level only the difference between feature extractors(the feature extractor of Ours-CtxSyn-like is ResNet-18-conv1 and the one of Ours-1 feature level is cond2d->PReLU->cond2d->PReLU)?

    opened by Hsveh 6
  • error



    I face the following error when I run the code:

     input = input.contiguous(); assert(input.is_cuda == True)
    TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
    opened by HadiAmirpour 5
  • A Question on the Gradient in Equation (10)

    A Question on the Gradient in Equation (10)

    Thansk for the great work! However, it seems the gradient for |ux| < 1 in Equation (10) is incorrect?

    We are taking gradient of flow_x_at_q w.r.t. 1 - |u_x|, say \partial{1 - |u_x|} / \partial{F_x}, and u_x = p_x - (q_x + F_x_at_q)

    Then it should be \partial{1 - |u_x|} / \partial{u_x} * \partial{u_x} / \partial{F_x}.

    \partial{1 - |u_x|} / \partial{u_x} = - sgn(u_x) while \partial{u_x} / \partial{F_x} = -1. Thus shouldn't the gradient be +sgn(u_x) rather than -sgn(u_x)? I'm wondering whether this is the factor leading to failure for finetuning.


    opened by SenZHANG-GitHub 5
  • splatting for 3d voxels

    splatting for 3d voxels

    In the neural scene flow fields paper you use 3d splatting to compute time interpolation views. I wonder how exactly it is done, do you splat the 3d points themselves, or do you project them onto the image plane first then splat the 2d pixels?

    It seems that the current implementation only supports 4D tensors (i.e. 2d images splatting).

    opened by kwea123 5
  • Splatting-based Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation

    Splatting-based Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation

    Hello, well done on your new paper, I found it really interesting! Do you plan on releasing the source code of the corrected softmax-splatting operator and the new pipeline?

    opened by DavidePaglieri 16
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