Listreqs is a simple requirements.txt generator. It's an alternative to pipreqs



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Listreqs is a simple requirements.txt generator. It's an alternative to pipreqs. Where in Pipreqs, it helps you to Generate requirements.txt file for any project based on imports, but in Listreqs you need to create a virtual environment first, and do your required installations there. And when you need to create your requirements.txt use Listreqs.


How to use:

  1. Create your virtual env,

    • pip install virtualenv
    • mkdir TextGenEnv
    • virtualenv TextGenEnv
    • activate the env:
      • TextGenEnv\Scripts\activate
      • (for bash source ./Scripts/activate)
  2. do your required installations there

  3. And when you need to create your requirements.txt do these steps,

    • activate the environment using above command
    • pip list > requirements.txt -> it will put the output of the pip list command inside the requirements.txt
    • python and give the path of the previously created requirements.txt
  4. Boom!!!


  • create a single shell script to get the job done.
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    Addressing the Issue #1

    Added a shell script that converts an requirements.txt file from a list format to a freeze format that can be in a downloadable format for pip.

    Below is a quick demonstration.



    1. Can pass in as a positional(command line) argument:
    bash reqs.txt
    1. Can input the file name from the prompt after running the shell script
    Enter the requirements file name : reqs.txt
    1. Not passing any input will lead to the creation of a default file called requirements.txt.
    Enter the requirements file name : 
    opened by Mr-Destructive 7
  • create a single shell script to replace the python script

    create a single shell script to replace the python script

    There is a simple python script for converting urllib3 1.26.7 to urllib3==1.26.7 but in a loop, and at the first we are doing pip list > requirements.txt for getting the output of pip list inside requirements.txt. After we get the requirements.txt we run the python script for the conversion. But it would be better to use a single shell script to do that.

    So, write a shell script to do the thing.

    good first issue hacktoberfest shell scripting python pip machine learning 
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Soumyadip Sarkar
ML team member @IEDC-IEM lab || Ex- ML intern at IITKgp
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