A Python library that simplifies the extraction of datasets from XML content.


xmldataset: simple xml parsing 🗃️

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XML Dataset: simple xml parsing


A Python library that simplifies the extraction of datasets from XML content.

XML is a simple markup format. Whilst simple, extracting data of interest is often more complicated than it needs to be.

xmldataset addresses this through an easy to use plaintext declaration that follows the structure of the XML document. The declaration is indented, matching the XML structure, the data we are interested in is tagged against a dataset.


  • Handles missing data from the XML structure, if it’s missing in the XML it is not populated in the dataset
  • Handles both XML Elements and Attributes using the plaintext collection schema (attributes are depicted as a sublevel of an element)
  • Easy to rename XML attributes/elements during processing to meet your requirements
  • Inline manipulation of XML content through the process mechanism
  • Dispatch mechanism, allows datasets to be dispatched for every N instance to allow asynchronous processing
  • A tool for showing the tree structure would be nice.

    A tool for showing the tree structure would be nice.

    As the title said. A tree showing method would be nice, so you can use it to create blank profiles. This would save energy since you don't need to copy/paste the xml string to get a blank profile string ready.

    Could look like that:

    xml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <title>The Boss</title>
            <phone>+1 202-663-9108</phone>
           <title>Admin Assistant</title>
            <phone>+1 347-999-5454</phone>
            <phone>+1 792-123-4109</phone>
    show_tree(xml) =>

    This also could open some possibilities for automation. Imagine you could offer a default profile, if no profile was passed in. Just using this tree and concatenate 'dataset:parent' for every child. Just an idea.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by KleinerNull 9
  • Added a function profile_gen to generate profile formatted output from any given xml. Fixes #5.

    Added a function profile_gen to generate profile formatted output from any given xml. Fixes #5.

    This is fix for the issue #5

    Note: This is a initial version. I also wrote a test function. The code works and the test passes. Following the agile pattern, make it work and make it better. I have made it to work and pass tests. I am sure there is lot of room for improvements or even a total redesign. Open to suggestions and advice.

    λ python -m xmldataset Parse using profile output :

    {'title_and_author': [{'title': "XML Developer's Guide", 'author': 'Gambardella, Matthew'}, {'title': 'Midnight Rain', 'author': 'Ralls, Kim'}, {'title': 'Maeve Ascendant', 'author': 'Corets, Eva'}, {'title': "Oberon's Legacy", 'author': 'Corets, Eva'}, {'title': 'The Sundered Grail', 'author': 'Corets, Eva'}, {'title': 'Lover Birds', 'author': 'Randall, Cynthia'}, {'title': 'Splish Splash', 'author': 'Thurman, Paula'}, {'title': 'Creepy Crawlies', 'author': 'Knorr, Stefan'}, {'title': 'Paradox Lost', 'author': 'Kress, Peter'}, {'title': 'Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible', 'author': "O'Brien, Tim"}, {'title': 'MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide', 'author': "O'Brien, Tim"}, {'title': 'Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide', 'author': 'Galos, Mike'}]}

    Profile Gen output :

    opened by tinkerbotfoo 7
  • Read Value and Attribute

    Read Value and Attribute

    I'm trying to figure out how to read the following xml (abridged):

    xml = """
         <amount currency="USD">123.00</amount>

    I'm trying to get the amount and the currency into the same dataset but I am not successful. This is what I have tried:

    import xmldataset
    profile = """
        amount = dataset:records
            currency = dataset:records
    xmldataset.parse_using_profile(xml, profile)
    >>> {'records': [{'amount': '123.00'}]}

    With the approach above the currency attribute is ignored. I tried working around this as follows:

    profile = """
            currency = dataset:records
        amount = dataset:records
    xmldataset.parse_using_profile(xml, profile)
    >>> {'records': [{'currency': 'USD', 'amount': '123.00'}, {'currency': 'USD', 'amount': '123.00'}]}

    Unfortunately this doesn't work either: Now I get duplicate records. In my actual code the records differ slightly (I have a more complex profile).

    Is there a way get both the attribute of an element and the elements value into a dataset?

    opened by href 4
  • How to get multiple values from external value ?

    How to get multiple values from external value ?

    consider the following profile ., i would need to get both the probe name & probe id from the ancestor level into the data. However only one value (probe id) in this case gets propagated, probe name is ignored. Is it a know limitation or i am not getting the profile syntax correct ?

    profile= """
                        name = external_dataset:probenode,name:probenode_name
                        id = external_dataset:probenode,name:probenode_id
                            name    = dataset:nodes
                            tags    = dataset:nodes
                            host    = dataset:nodes
                            active  = dataset:nodes,name:active_status
                            __EXTERNAL_VALUE__ = probenode:probenode_name:nodes
                            __EXTERNAL_VALUE__ = probenode:probenode_id:nodes
    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by tinkerbotfoo 4
  • Reading output into a pandas dataframe

    Reading output into a pandas dataframe

    With the method from_records one can use pandas. Such an example in the documentation seems useful.

    result = xmldataset.parse_using_profile(xml, profile)
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(result['...'])
    opened by keluc 4
  • Bug or intended?

    Bug or intended?

    I've tested different structured xml tree and I found something unexpected. The code is in this notebook.

    My problem is in cell 5.

    Has that something to do with XML itselfs and the underlying elementtree implementation? So, bug or intended?

    opened by KleinerNull 3
  • Duplicate results

    Duplicate results

    When I try to read XMLs containing text nodes with attributes, the library outputs the same list twice.

    For example, if I slightly modify your sample code like this:

    import xmldataset
    import pprint
    ppsetup = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
    pp = ppsetup.pprint
    xml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <colleague title="The Boss">John Smith</colleague>
        <colleague title="Admin Assistant">Jane Doe</colleague>
        <colleague title="Minion">Anne Other</colleague>

    And I try to parse the content:

    profile = """
            __EXTERNAL_VALUE__ = colleagues:colleague:employees
            title = dataset:employees
        colleague = external_dataset:colleagues
    pp(xmldataset.parse_using_profile(xml, profile))

    The result is

    {   'employees': [   {'colleague': 'John Smith', 'title': 'The Boss'},
                         {'colleague': 'Jane Doe', 'title': 'Admin Assistant'},
                         {'colleague': 'Anne Other', 'title': 'Minion'},
                         {'colleague': 'John Smith', 'title': 'The Boss'},
                         {'colleague': 'Jane Doe', 'title': 'Admin Assistant'},
                         {'colleague': 'Anne Other', 'title': 'Minion'}]}

    As you can see, each colleague is repeated twice. Is it a bug, or am I doing something wrong in the declaration of the profile or in the parsing?

    I'm working on Ubuntu 16.04 using Python 3.5.2.

    opened by basaldella 2
  • Added example 12 to docs to demonstrate using multiple external values. fixes #9

    Added example 12 to docs to demonstrate using multiple external values. fixes #9

    I added this example based on test_external_data_before function so some one reading the docs might understand this functionality. Plz feel free to edit or modify as you see fit.

    opened by tinkerbotfoo 2
  • Identifier for unique datasets

    Identifier for unique datasets

    This would be an interesting idea, I have prepared a demo notebook with a nasty xml response to parse from amazon ;)

    As you can see the dataset fulfillment_order is unique, but still it is saved in a list, just with one element. It would be nice if you can say with an identifier, that that dataset is unique and won't be stored in a list, instead in a normal dictionary.

    UNIQUE_DATASET is my proposal for a name for such a identifier.

    Otherwise, the possibility to flatten all one-element lists in the output would be also interesting.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by KleinerNull 2
  • Needs refactoring

    Needs refactoring

    I was bored and looked into your code. I think it is not a good idea to write the complete code into the __init__.py.

    I'd say one can split the _XMLDataset and the parse_using_profile code into seperate sub modules. So it can be easier to extend and change the code in the future.

    After you'll have commited your actual changes I would refacture it for you, just don't want to mess with the merging problems now.

    opened by KleinerNull 1
  • Generate lists when multiple children for the same parent

    Generate lists when multiple children for the same parent

    For the following XML test script, I would like to have multiple phone numbers for each colleague. How would I go about in getting the phone numbers for each colleague as a list in the extracted python dictionary?

    import xmldataset
    import pprint
    # Setup Pretty Printing
    ppsetup = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
    pp = ppsetup.pprint
    xml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <title>The Boss</title>
                <phone>+1 202-663-9108</phone>
                <phone>+1 202-663-9107</phone>
            <title>Admin Assistant</title>
                <phone>+1 347-999-5454</phone>
                <phone>+1 347-999-5455</phone>
                <phone>+1 792-123-4109</phone>
                <phone>+1 792-123-4110</phone>
    # xmldataset declaration
    profile = """
            title = dataset:colleagues
            email = dataset:colleagues
                phone = dataset:colleagues
    # Print the output
    print(pp(xmldataset.parse_using_profile(xml, profile)))

    current output:

                          {   'email': 'boss@the_company.com',
                              'phone': '+1 202-663-9107',
                              'title': 'Admin Assistant'},
                          {'phone': '+1 347-999-5454'},
                          {   'email': 'admin@the_company.com',
                              'phone': '+1 347-999-5455',
                              'title': 'Minion'},
                          {'phone': '+1 792-123-4109'},
                          {   'email': 'minion@the_company.com',
                              'phone': '+1 792-123-4110'}]}```
    expected output:
    ```{   'colleagues': [   {'title': 'The Boss',
                           'email': 'boss@the_company.com',
                              'phone': ['+1 202-663-9107',  '+1 202-663-9108']},
                          {    'title': 'Admin Assistant',
                               'email': 'admin@the_company.com',
                              'phone': ['+1 347-999-5455', '+1 347-999-5454']}
                          {    'title': 'Minion',
                             'email': 'minion@the_company.com',
                              'phone': ['+1 792-123-4110',  '+1 792-123-4109']}]}```
    opened by nishtala 0
James Spurin
Cloud Engineer / Software Developer | Kubernetes (CKA / CKAD) | Technical Author (Dive Into Ansible) | DevOps | Automation
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