Course Picker
A desktop app to check the unlocked courses bases on previously done courses.
Table of contents
About the Project
It's a simple project I made while doing preadvising. The open credit system can be somewhat hectic at times. Even if you have a course tree, you need to check that manually and find the courses that you have been unlocked. So being a programmer, I thought why not automate the whole thing and be done with it. Of course, that wasn't easy either
It will only work for CSE students of BRACU, but feel free to pull and change up to fit your University.
Built with
- python
- pandas
- tkinter
What it does
By inputting the courses you've done so far, you can get a list of courses you've unlocked and can choose from.
How to use
Completed courses can be inputted using
the checkboxes
- pretty self-explanatory, check the completed courses and click the submit button at the bottom
a .txt file
- list the completed courses in a .txt file, one in a line. Check the completed_courses.txt file in the repo to get an idea.
- click the folder icon next to .txt input box to browse to this file and select
- click the submit button next to it
a .csv file
- copy completed_courses.csv and paste it somewhere.
- edit the copied file and type "YES" in the FINISHED column of the completeed courses.
- click the folder icon next to .csv input box to browse to this file and select
- click the submit button next to it
may show irregularities if in the input, there's a completed course whose prerequisite wasn't done. For example, if CSE221 was checked but CSE220 wasn't checked.
Feel free to let me know if you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions for improvements or additional features.