Python lightweight dependency injection library



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pythondi is a lightweight dependency injection library for python

Support both sync and async functions


pip3 install pythondi


First, you have to binding classes to provider.

There is three different ways to binding.

  • Binding one by one
from pythondi import Provider

provider = Provider()
provider.bind(Repo, SQLRepo)
provider.bind(Usecase, CreateUsecase)
  • Binding at initialization
from pythondi import Provider

provider = Provider(cls=Repo, new_cls=SQLRepo)
  • Binding at initialization with dictionary
from pythondi import Provider

provider = Provider(classes={Repo: SQLRepo, Usecase: CreateUsecase})

After binding, you need to configure it to container

from pythondi import configure, configure_after_clear

# Inject with configure

# Or if you want to fresh inject, use `configure_after_clear`

Import inject

from pythondi import inject

Add type annotations that you want to inject dependencies

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

Add decorator

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

Initialize class with no arguments

usecase = Usecase()

Or, you can also inject manually through decorator arguments

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo):
        self.repo = repo

In this case, do not have to configure providers and type annotation.

For test

In case of test codes, you probably want to use mock objects.

In that case, you must use keyword arguments.

class MockRepo:

def test(repo: Repo):
    return repo






At the moment of inject, class is automatically initialized.

So you don't have to initialize your class inside of code.


def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
    self.repo = repo


def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
    self.repo = repo()

General example

import abc

from pythondi import Provider, configure, configure_after_clear, inject

class Repo:
    """Interface class"""
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def get(self):

class SQLRepo(Repo):
    """Impl class"""
    def get(self):

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Init provider
    provider = Provider()

    # Bind `Impl` class to `Interface` class
    provider.bind(Repo, SQLRepo)

    # Inject with configure

    # Or if you want to fresh injection, use `configure_after_clear`

    # Init class without arguments
    u = Usecase()

FastAPI example

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter

from pythondi import Provider, configure, inject
import abc

router = APIRouter()

class Repo:
    """Interface class"""
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def get(self):

class SQLRepo(Repo):
    """Impl class"""
    def __init__(self):

    def get(self):

def home():
    usecase = Usecase()
    return {'hello': 'world'}

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

def create_app():
    provider = Provider()
    provider.bind(Repo, SQLRepo)
    app = FastAPI()
    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = create_app()

Flask example

from flask import Flask, Blueprint, jsonify

from pythondi import Provider, configure, inject
import abc

bp = Blueprint('home', __name__)

class Repo:
    """Interface class"""
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def get(self):

class SQLRepo(Repo):
    """Impl class"""
    def __init__(self):

    def get(self):

def home():
    usecase = Usecase()
    return jsonify({'hello': 'world'})

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

def create_app():
    provider = Provider()
    provider.bind(Repo, SQLRepo)
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = create_app()

Sanic example

import abc

from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint
from sanic.response import json

from pythondi import Provider, configure, inject

class Repo:
    """Interface class"""
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def get(self):

class SQLRepo(Repo):
    """Impl class"""
    def __init__(self):

    def get(self):

bp = Blueprint('home', url_prefix='/')

async def home(request):
    usecase = Usecase()
    return json({'hello': 'world'})

class Usecase:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

def create_app():
    provider = Provider()
    provider.bind(Repo, SQLRepo)
    app = Sanic(__name__)
    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = create_app()

Django example

In case of django, just put the initializing code inside of django startup

You can use project folder's or
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  • Clean a polluted state to fix a flaky test.

    Clean a polluted state to fix a flaky test.

    What is the purpose of the change

    This PR is to fix a flaky test tests/, which can fail after running tests/

    Reproduce the test failure

    Run the following command:

    python -m pytest tests/ tests/

    Expected Result

    tests/ pass after running tests/

    Actual Result

    provider = <pythondi.Provider object at 0x7fa83b0b46d0>
        def configure(provider: Provider) -> Optional[NoReturn]:
            """Configure provider to container"""
            with _LOCK:
                if Container.get():
    >               raise InjectException(msg="Already injected")
    E               pythondi.InjectException: Already injected
    pythondi/ InjectException

    Why it fails

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    Clear the container at the beginning of tests/

    opened by sturmianseq 1
  • Reset `Container` to a clean state

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    The PR aims to improve the reliability of the test test_configure by resetting Container to a clean state by calling methodclear.

    The test can fail in the following way if Container is not in a clean state:

    >               raise InjectException(msg="Already injected")
    E               pythondi.InjectException: Already injected
    opened by sturmianseq 1
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