Long Expressive Memory (LEM)


Long Expressive Memory for Sequence Modeling

This repository contains the implementation to reproduce the numerical experiments of the paper Long Expressive Memory for Sequence Modeling


To setup the environment, install the requirements using python 3.7.10 with

pip install -r requirements.txt


This repository contains the codes to reproduce the results of the following experiments for the proposed LEM:

  • Adding Task
  • EigenWorms
  • FitzHugh-Nagumo
  • Google12 (V2)
  • Heart rate prediction
  • noisy CIFAR-10
  • Permuted Sequential MNIST
  • PennTree Bank (word- and char-level)
  • Sequential MNIST

All datasets get either synthetically generated or downloaded automatically, providing a full data pipline for each experiment.
Note that the PTB experiments are based on the open-source tensorflow project LAnguage Modelling Benchmarks (lamb) for tuning and testing Tensorflow language models. In order to reproduce these experiments, please follow the steps explained in the README of the PTB directory.


The results of LEM for each of the experiments are:

Experiment Result
EigenWorms 92.3% mean test accuracy
FitzHugh-Nagumo 0.002 test L^2 loss
Google12 (V2) 95.7% test accuracy
Heart rate prediction 0.85 test L^2 loss
noisy CIFAR-10 60.5% test accuracy
Permuted Sequential MNIST 96.6% test accuracy
PennTree Bank char-level (single layer) 1.25 test bits-per-character
PennTree Bank word-level (single layer) 72.8 test perplexity
Sequential MNIST 99.5% test accuracy
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