Run CodeServer on Google Colab using Inlets in less than 60 secs using your own domain.


Inlets Colab

Run CodeServer on Colab using Inlets in less than 60 secs using your own domain.

Open In Colab


  • Optimized for Inlets/InletsPro
  • Use your own Custom Domain i.e.
  • Quick Deployment
  • Password Protection (Optional)
  • Notebook/CLI Support
  • GDrive Integration
  • Cloud Storage Integration (gcs, s3, minio, etc.)

Currently Tested Storage Backends

  • GCP Cloud Storage
  • AWS S3
  • Minio


# From pypi
pip install --upgrade inlets-colab

# From source
pip install --upgrade git+


Usage in Colab Notebook

import os
os.environ['INLETS_LICENSE'] = ... # Inlets Pro License
os.environ['INLETS_TOKEN'] = ... # Inlets Token
os.environ['INLETS_TUNNEL_HOST'] = "" # Inlets Tunnel Host (ControlPlane)
os.environ['INLETS_SERVER_HOST'] = "" # Inlets Tunnel Host (DataPlane)
os.environ['INLETS_CLIENT_HOST'] = "" # The Local Server IP
os.environ['INLETS_CLIENT_PORT'] = "7070" # The Local Server IP
os.environ['GENERATE_AUTH'] = "true" # Will generate password if not provided
os.environ['MOUNT_GS'] = "true" # Bool to mount GCS Bucket
os.environ['GS_BUCKET'] = "gs_bucket" # Name of GCS Bucket to Mount
os.environ['GS_PROJECT'] = "gcs_project" # Project Name within GCP
os.environ['GS_AUTH'] = ... # Base64 Encoded String of your ServiceAccount.json

from inletscolab.client import InletsColab


Usage in Colab Notebook + Terminal

## Write your env config to envfile.yaml

%%writefile /content/envfile.yaml

MOUNT_GS: 'true'
GS_BUCKET: gs_bucket
GS_PROJECT: gcs_project
GS_AUTH: ...
## Now use the CLI to launch targeting the envfile.yaml

inletscolab start --envfile /content/envfile.yaml

Currently Tested Inlets Server

  • Inlets in VM
  • Inlets in Kubernetes Cluster
    • External:
      • ExternalDNS
      • CertManager
    • Repo:
    • Chart: inlets-pro/inlets-pro
    • Helm Values:
      • ingress.domain: $INLETS_TUNNEL_HOST
      • dataPlane.ports[0].port: $INLETS_CLIENT_PORT
      • dataPlane.ports[0].targetPort: $INLETS_CLIENT_PORT
    • Provider: aws-eks
    • Ingress:
      • Type: loadbalancer from nginx-controller
      • Class: nginx
      • Service: ...-inlets-pro-data-plane
      • Path: /
      • PathType: Prefix

Currently Tested Inlets Cloud Providers

  • GCP ComputeEngine
  • AWS EC2
  • DigitalOcean Droplet
  • DigitalOcean Kubernetes
  • Linode
  • Azure
  • Oracle

Code Server

Default Version: 3.12.0

Default Plugins:

Environment Variables

Below are the Environment Variables that are used to build the Config

class InletsConfig:
    license: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_LICENSE', '')
    token: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_TOKEN', '')
    tunnel_host: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_TUNNEL_HOST', '')
    server_host: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_SERVER_HOST', '')
    server_port: int = Env.to_int('INLETS_SERVER_PORT', 8123)
    client_host: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_CLIENT_HOST', '')
    client_port: int = Env.to_int('INLETS_CLIENT_PORT', 7070)
    domain_name: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_DOMAIN', 'localhost')
    is_cluster: bool = Env.to_bool('INLETS_CLUSTER', 'true')
    client_type: str = Env.to_str('INLETS_CLIENT_TYPE', 'tcp')
    use_sudo: bool = Env.to_bool('INLETS_USE_SUDO', 'true')

class ServerConfig:
    extensions: List[str] = Env.to_list('CODESERVER_EXTENSIONS', DefaultCodeServerExtensions)
    version: str = Env.to_str('CODESERVER_VERSION', DefaultCodeServerVersion)
    authtoken: str = Env.to_str('SERVER_AUTHTOKEN', '')
    password: str = Env.to_str('SERVER_PASSWORD', '')
    code: bool = Env.to_bool('RUN_CODE', 'true')
    lab: bool = Env.to_bool('RUN_LAB')
    generate_auth: bool = Env.to_bool('GENERATE_AUTH', 'true')

class StorageConfig:
    ## Bool to mount/not mount
    ## should be 'true'/'false'

    mount_drive: bool = Env.to_bool('MOUNT_DRIVE')
    mount_s3: bool = Env.to_bool('MOUNT_S3')
    mount_gs: bool = Env.to_bool('MOUNT_GS')
    mount_minio: bool = Env.to_bool('MOUNT_MINIO')

    ## Paths to Bucket(s)
    ## All bucket should exclude their prefixes
    ## i.e. gs://gsbucket -> gsbucket
    ##      s3://s3bucket -> s3bucket 

    s3_bucket: str = Env.to_str('S3_BUCKET')
    gs_bucket: str = Env.to_str('GS_BUCKET')
    minio_bucket: str = Env.to_str('MINIO_BUCKET')

    ## Paths to Mount Bucket(s)
    ## along with the defaults

    s3_mount_path: str = Env.to_str('S3_MOUNT_PATH', '/content/s3')
    gs_mount_path: str = Env.to_str('GS_MOUNT_PATH', '/content/gs')
    minio_mount_path: str = Env.to_str('MINIO_MOUNT_PATH', '/content/minio')

    ## GCP Cloud Auth
    ## GS_AUTH should be a base64 encoded string of the serviceaccount.json
    ## To create it, run `base64 -i /path/to/serviceaccount.json`
    ## It will likely be _very_ long
    ## If it exists, it will be decoded and saved as proper json to /authz/adc.json

    gauth: PathLike = Env.to_json_b64('GS_AUTH', 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS', '/authz/adc.json')
    gproject: str = Env.to_str('GS_PROJECT')
    ## AWS Cloud Auth
    ## Note: as Colab Locations are Randomly selected globally
    ## you may incur increased ingress/egress charges with large files
    ## in your S3 if regions are far apart. Use with Caution

    s3_key_id: str = Env.to_str_env('AWS_KEYID', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '')
    s3_secret: str = Env.to_str_env('AWS_SECRET', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '')
    s3_region: str = Env.to_str('AWS_REGION', 'us-east-1')
    ## Minio Cloud Auth
    ## Currently Untested
    ## MINIO_ENDPOINT should be the full http/https along with port
    ## i.e.

    minio_endpoint: str = Env.to_str('MINIO_ENDPOINT')
    minio_key_id: str = Env.to_str('MINIO_KEYID')
    minio_secret: str = Env.to_str('MINIO_SECRET')

Libraries & Dependencies

Python Dependencies

Runtime Dependencies

Helpful Links

Below are some helpful links in setting up Inlets if you do not already have one set up.



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