Python virtual filesystem for SQLite to read from and write to S3


sqlite-s3vfs CircleCI Test Coverage

Python virtual filesystem for SQLite to read from and write to S3.

No locking is performed, so client code must ensure that writes do not overlap with other writes or reads. If multiple writes happen at the same time, the database will probably become corrupt and data be lost.

Inspired by phiresky's sql.js-httpvfs, dacort's Stack Overflow answer, and sqlite-s3-query.

How does it work?

sqlite-s3vfs stores the SQLite database in fixed-sized blocks, and each is stored as a separate object in S3. SQLite stores its data in fixed-size pages, and always writes exactly a page at a time. This virtual filesystem translates page reads and writes to block reads and writes. In the case of SQLite pages being the same size as blocks, which is the case by default, each page write results in exactly one block write.

Separate objects are required since S3 does not support the partial replace of an object; to change even 1 byte, it must be re-uploaded in full.


sqlite-s3vfs depends on APSW, which is not officially available on PyPI, but can be installed directly from GitHub.

pip install sqlite-s3vfs
pip install --global-option=fetch --global-option=--version --global-option=3.36.0 --global-option=--sqlite --global-option=build --global-option=--enable-all-extensions


sqlite-s3vfs is an APSW virtual filesystem that requires boto3 for its communication with S3.

import apsw
import boto3
import sqlite_s3vfs

# A boto3 bucket resource
bucket = boto3.Session().resource('s3').Bucket('my-bucket')

# An S3VFS for that bucket
s3vfs = sqlite_s3vfs.S3VFS(bucket=bucket)

# sqlite-s3vfs stores many objects under this prefix
# Note that it's not typical to start a key prefix with '/'
key_prefix = 'my/path/cool.sqlite'

# Connect, insert data, and query
with apsw.Connection(key_prefix, as db:
    cursor = db.cursor()
        CREATE TABLE foo(x,y);
        INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1,2);
    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM foo;')

See the APSW documentation for more examples.

Serializing (getting a regular SQLite file out of the VFS)

The bytes corresponding to a regular SQLite file can be extracted with the serialize_iter function, which returns an iterable,

for chunk in s3vfs.serialize_iter(key_prefix=key_prefix):

or with serialize_fileobj, which returns a non-seekable file-like object. This can be passed to Boto3's upload_fileobj method to upload a regular SQLite file to S3.

target_obj = boto3.Session().resource('s3').Bucket('my-target-bucket').Object('target/cool.sqlite')

Deserializing (getting a regular SQLite file into the VFS)

# Any iterable that yields bytes can be used. In this example, bytes come from
# a regular SQLite file already in S3
source_obj = boto3.Session().resource('s3').Bucket('my-source-bucket').Object('source/cool.sqlite')
bytes_iter = source_obj.get()['Body'].iter_chunks()

s3vfs.deserialize_iter(key_prefix='my/path/cool.sqlite', bytes_iter=bytes_iter)


The tests require the dev dependencies and APSW to installed, and MinIO started

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install --global-option=fetch --global-option=--version --global-option=3.36.0 --global-option=--all --global-option=build --global-option=--enable-all-extensions

can be run with pytest


and finally Minio stopped

  • Advertise correct permissions in xAccess

    Advertise correct permissions in xAccess

    xAccess is meant to advise SQLite whether it can read or write to a file depending on the permissions it asks for. At the moment it is only capable of telling it whether the file already exists.

    xAccess should hook into the AWS ACL stuff and work out whether files are readable or writable as well.

    opened by simonwo 5
  • Consider decoupling the file size from the page size

    Consider decoupling the file size from the page size

    This may be a documentation issue, or implementation may be needed

    From the docs:

    Block size and page size
    SQLite writes data in pages, which are 4096 bytes by default. sqlite-s3vfs stores data in blocks, which are also 4096 bytes by default. If you change one you should change the other to match for performance reasons.

    4096 is a good number locally, it matches the default memory page size on Linux and Windows and the block size on ext3/4 filesystems.

    On s3 or http generally 4096 seems small as the overhead of each request will be a large % of the time, and less http requests is probably optimal.

    Q: Are block size and page size really coupled, or can block size be a multiple of page size and still be performant ?

    If it's fine as a multiple, can the docs be updated to mention this ?


    Consider recommending a larger block size (may need testing to find an optimal size, but the 65536 from the docs doesn't seem like a bad start).

    It may be worth using uktrade/tamato to run these tests as it is a user of sqlite-s3vfs.

    opened by stuaxo 4
  • Pypi page doesn't point at this source repo

    Pypi page doesn't point at this source repo

    It would be good if the pypi page pointed at this source repository, the homepage should be set there too, possibly to a readthedocs repository for sqlite-s3vfs

    opened by stuaxo 2
  • Return correct file sizes from xFileSize

    Return correct file sizes from xFileSize

    The File size stuff could probably be better – I had an idea that you could make the last block actually be the correct size instead of just requiring all blocks be 64kb, and then you can easily work out the file size by just summing the file sizes of all the blocks from an AWS HEAD call, but I didn't implement that.

    This probably won't cause many problems but it would be confusing if SQLite was to xTruncate a file to a certain size and then subsequently read back the size and it be different to expected.

    opened by simonwo 1
  • build(deps): bump pytest to remove dependency on py

    build(deps): bump pytest to remove dependency on py

    Unfortunately exceptiongroup that pytest now depends on isn't supported on Python 3.6 and so testing isn't possible, at least not without more time spent. Opting to remove support for Python 3.6. If we can figure out how to test on Python 3.6, can always bring it back.


    opened by michalc 0
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