Visual Python is a GUI-based Python code generator, developed on the Jupyter Notebook environment as an extension.


Visual Python

PyPI version License: GPL v3 Code of Conduct: Contributor Covenant


Visual Python is a GUI-based Python code generator, developed on the Jupyter Notebook environment as an extension.

  1. Key Features
  • Automatically generates Python code based on a graphic user interface
  • Creates code blocks by tasks (such as data processing, visualization)
  • You can save the analysis process and share it (as .vp file) with others
  1. Who and What is it for?
    Visual Python is a data analytics solution for both Programmers & Non-programmers.

Programmers can use the tool :

  • to save & reuse user-defined (or repeatedly used) code
  • to find Python packages and functions from the list

Non-programmers will be able to :

  • learn the Python language more easily
  • manage big data with minimal coding skills

Getting Started

1. Requirements

Visual Python is developed as an extension on Jupyter Notebook.
We recommend installing Anaconda (virtual environment).

  • Python version 3.x
  • Jupyter notebook or Anaconda env

2. How to Install

1) Open Anaconda prompt

  • Windows : Click Start > Search or Select 'Anaconda Prompt'
  • Mac : Open Launchpad > Select 'Terminal'

2) Install package from

pip install visualpython

Depending on your virtual environment settings, you may need to install Jupyter Extensions.
To install Jupyter Extension, use commands either:

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions


conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

3) Enable the package

visualpy install

4) Activate Visual Python on Jupyter Notebook

Click orange square button on the right side of the Jupyter Notebook menu.

3. Package Control Info

  • Usage: visualpy [option]
  • Optional arguments:
help       - show help menu
uninstall  - uninstall packages
upgrade    - version upgrade
version    - version check

Mission & Vision

To support technology and education so that anyone can leverage big data analytics to create a variety of social values.

To create an environment where everyone can learn and use big data analytics skills easily.


If you are interested in contributing to the Visual Python, please see
All skills from programmers, non-programmers, designers are welcomed.


GNU GPLv3 (See LICENSE file).

  • [BUG] visualpy command hard-wired to pip

    [BUG] visualpy command hard-wired to pip

    Installing and running on a Mac or other environment with multiple Pyhton environments where pip refers to a Pyhton 2.7 environment and pip3 is used to reference the Python 3 environment, running the visualpy install command fails due to hard-wired dependence on pip:

    ############ cat /usr/local/bin/visualpy ###############
    # Filename : visualpy
    # function : control visualpython for Mac/Linux
    # Creator  : BlackLogic  - LJ
    # version  : 2.1
    # License  :
    # Date     : 2020 07.27
    # Mdate    : 2020 12.29
    v_path1=`pip show visualpython | grep Location | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'`
    v_str1='jupyter nbextension'
    v_unst='pip uninstall '${v_prod}
    v_upgr='pip install '${v_prod}' --upgrade'
    #v_srch='pip search '${v_prod}
    v_str3='pip list -o '
    v_str4='pip show '${v_prod}
    opened by psychemedia 6
  • [BUG] Unable to install

    [BUG] Unable to install

    Describe the bug Files not found while visualpy install. Showing:

    Not a conda env.
    source : ~10\visualpython\
    File not found - visualpython
    0 File(s) copied
    target : C:\Users\eurekazheng\AppData\Roaming\jupyter\nbextensions\visualpython\
    Enabling notebook extension visualpython/src/main...
          - Validating: problems found:
            - require?  X visualpython/src/main

    Jupyter notebook shows no buttons for visualpython.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. conda activate data
    2. pip install visualpython
    3. pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions (optional)
    4. visualpy install

    Expected behavior Successfully installed and displays the visualpython button.

    Screenshots Not needed.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 11 1000.22000.132.0
    • Browser Chrome

    VisualPython Information (please complete the following information):

    • Version 1.1.7

    Additional context Not needed.

    opened by eurekazheng 2
  • [BUG]


    Describe the bug Visual Python workspace blank

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'Jupyter'
    2. Click on 'Orange Square'
    3. Scroll down to 'Side Space Show'
    4. See error 'blank'

    Expected behavior what you expected to happen

    Screenshots add screenshots to help explain your problem 微信图片_20210811124818

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. Windows 10]
    • Browser [Edge]

    VisualPython Information (please complete the following information):

    • Version [e.g. 1.1.6]

    Additional context any other context about the problem here.

    opened by MilesLi2006 2
  • Details from the POV of a newcomer

    Details from the POV of a newcomer

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Not really a problem, but some things that, I thought, could be different, or maybe could be helpful to mention as the experience of a newcomer.

    • Too many sections without anything inside. I suppose you show it to say "VP is going to have all this", but for a newcomer is too much, and is discouraging thinking "Ohh DL code... empty... nvm it has Data analysis WOW... empty... okay, I'm leaving...". I think it would be better for titles to have some mark like WIP, not dhow the empty sections, or maybe a number to show how many operations it has inside, like Boolean operation (9), Linear algebra (6).
      • Don't use the same color for different things. Correct me if I'm not right but in the Apps section the gray color means disable, while in the Logic section the gray color doesn't mean that, since continue, break and pass are gray, but I can use them. It confuses me.
    • Not be able to move the interface. I like to have the menus at the left, but not sure if this is possible. And also the left panel, the one with the Apps and Logic doesn't let me rescale it, but some titles are too long, so I can't see them. An example is "Comparison operations", and yes, I can see it on the tooltip, but I think it would be better to let ppl rescale this panel too.
    • Careful with New note. I was searching for a way to copy the code that generates VP, and when I clicked the hamburger menu I almost clicked the button of New note, then I tried it and I "lost" all the progress that I made until that moment. Maybe there is a way to recover the last document? Didn't see it, but maybe the solution would be to have tabs instead of replacing old note, or have a message if the previous note has not been saved before.
    • A way to only copy the code. A preview of all code would be handy too. I wanted to see what code VP generated, not run it, only see how the components were interacting between them. But I didn't find it, at the end I had to use the function to run it with created many cells which then I had to delete, it would have been better to copy all in a cell, and then I would have been able to get the code I wanted, since I was replicating some code that I already have plus adding some section which I didn't know how to program the logic.

    Sorry if I was too direct, or I mentioned dumb stuff, I did it intending to help.

    opened by set92 2
  • Add autocomplete template to Snippets

    Add autocomplete template to Snippets

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I wish there was an autocomplete markdown version.

    Describe the solution you'd like Put markdown.json consisting of keys of snippets

    Describe alternatives you've considered It will be easy and convenient to write code.

    Additional context image

    // markdown.json
             // Example:
             "Print to console": {
                "prefix": "log",
                "body": [
                "description": "Log output to console"
    opened by gani0325 1
  • [BUG] Cannot access local filesystem under WSL 2

    [BUG] Cannot access local filesystem under WSL 2

    Cannot access any local files when using Visual Python within a WSL 2 environment

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install Visual Python per the instructions within a Windows 11 WSL 2 Ubuntu LTS environment; then
    2. Attempt to load a CSV or XLSX, no files are available and the filesystem cannot be traversed.

    Expected behavior To be able to directly load CSV files within a functioning WSL 2 Jupyter environment.

    VisualPython Information (please complete the following information):

    • Visual Python 1.1.13
    opened by pablogranolabar 1
  • Translate Korean to English

    Translate Korean to English

    VisualPython is developed by Korean developers, so it needs to be translated to English for enhancing global network.

    Target : All comments / labels / text data Branch : document (you can create new branch for this issue)

    documentation help wanted good first issue 
    opened by minjk-bl 1
  • Hotfixes


    fixed : visualpy controller issue & deploy Visual Python 1.1.1

    The visualpy.bat file is corrupted. Do not modify this visualpy.bat file in any environment other than Windows.

    opened by wonjae24 1
  • to update python code for clean code

    to update python code for clean code

    to update python code for clean code

    • remove unnecessary variable
    • remove unnecessary conditions
    • convert to list comprehension
    • add 'return' to indicate the end of method
    • etc
    opened by Minku-Koo 0
  • Add 'tsv' file on File.js options

    Add 'tsv' file on File.js options

    Update File.js

    1. delimiter parameter is important for read_csv method.

    2. when user select 'csv' option, VP can load not only csv but also tsv dsv ssv. add extension 'File Read' and 'File Write'

    opened by Minku-Koo 0
  • Suggests a help button for the description of the app

    Suggests a help button for the description of the app

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Users may not know how to use the app.

    Describe the solution you'd like Create a button to display an app's help description.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    1. Write the help description you want to add in data/help_data.json. image

    2. Apps that don't need help description don't create buttons by boolean. image

    3. Made with markdown version, not codemirror of python code version. image

    • In addition, create helpconfig to read the above. image
    1. Hide other buttons so that only one popup appears (not overlapping) when a button is clicked. image

    2. Result image image

    opened by gani0325 0
  • Suggestions for Data Analysis > File App > Read File/Write File

    Suggestions for Data Analysis > File App > Read File/Write File



    I would like to suggest adding a function that users often use to the File App of Data Analysis.



    Feature Request

    1. I would appreciate it if you could also support me to select a text file (.txt) for File Type in Read File and Write File.


    • Currently, we have selected File Type as csv and modified the path, filename, and extension to resolve the issue.

    2. In Read File, it would be nice to add the rows option to Additional Options (the option to import only a specified number of rows).


    3. If you selected File Type as excel in Read File, it would be nice to add index_col option to Additional Options.

    If File Type is selected as csv


    If File Type is selected as excel


    • Currently, the index_col option is supported only when File Type is set to csv.
    opened by jinu0137 0
  • Usability of apps

    Usability of apps

    1. Logic > comment

    • [ ] I hope '#' is automatically generated when I press enter to write the next comment



    2. File > File Path

    • [ ] I want to select a box, not a letter when I choose a file.


    opened by lee-yu-kyung 1
  • 4 Suggestions for using VP notes

    4 Suggestions for using VP notes


    • [ ] When deleting a block in VP Note, it would be convenient to delete it by pressing the 'del' key while clicking on the block.


    • [ ] It is inconvenient to go up to the top as if the VP Note is refreshed if you delete a block, move the order, or 'RUN' VP Note. I hope it does not move from the position of the modified block. cap1 cap2


    • [ ] It would be nice to have a shortcut key that can be executed without pressing the RUN button during execution. Or, it would be nice to be able to set the shortcut keys yourself. In addition, if user hover his/her mouse over the RUN button, I want the shortcut to be guided like the 'Notion' app.

    The example of 'Notion' is as follows: image


    • [x] It would be nice to add the ability to run an entire block of VP Note at once.
    opened by strlla4536 1
  • [BUG] Unable to read file/To file in Library

    [BUG] Unable to read file/To file in Library

    Describe the bug

    Read file/To file cannot be performed because Additional Options is not displayed.

    To Reproduce

    1. Library > Pandas > Input/Output > Read file/To file


    2. See error : Unable to select data.


    Expected behavior:

    Output the same results as Data Analysis > File > Read File/To File.


    • OS: Windows10/11, Mac
    • Browser: Chrome

    VisualPython Information:

    • Version 2.2.12 / 2.2.8
    opened by jinu0137 0
  • 2.2.12(Aug 8, 2022)

    Released on 8 August, 2022

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    • Fixed: an error returning an invalid path in File app.
    • Fixed: a syntax error caused by double brackets in Frame app, Add & Replace menu.
    • Removed default variable selection in Frame app.
    • Added auto-scroll function to recently clicked menu.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.8(Jul 3, 2022)

    Released on 1 July, 2022

    Bug Fixes

    Profiling App

    The ipywidgets installation code generating during package installation is removed, due to version compatibility issues with MarkupSafe.

    Seaborn App

    Edited to show the sorting option only if conditions are satisfied.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.7(Jun 30, 2022)

    Released on 30 June, 2022


    • Removed the auto-import function in Seaborn, Plotly and WordCloud apps.
    • Moved the Show values option from Data to Info tab. visualpython_showvalues

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed: an error generating the same code twice in the Import app.
    • Fixed: an error that occurred when installing and importing WordCloud packages.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.5(Jun 25, 2022)

    Released on 23 June, 2022

    What's New

    Sort values by option in Seaborn & Plotly apps

    • Change the order of values in chart using 'sort values by' option; barplot and countplot.

    Package Auto-checking

    • Automatically detects imported packages so that it does not repeatedly load them again and again.



    • To reduce code errors, we now check if all required fields are filled before generating code.

    Machine Learning

    • Added top rank count option for sorting on Model Info app.


    • Data Selector component is applied in Pandas Plot app.
    • Display values with decimal places.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed: Live preview error in Markdown app.
    • Fixed: Key Error: 0 bugs on Frame app.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.4(Jun 19, 2022)

    Please visit the link below to refer to the screenshot images. Release Note: Visual Python 2.2.4

    Released on 17 June, 2022

    What's New

    Seaborn App

    • Bins, KDE, Stat options are added for histogram(histplot).
    • Data values can be displayed on charts; barplot, countplot, and hisplot.

    Pandas Plot App

    • Pandas plot is now accessible from the visualization menu as an app.

    Frame App

    • Convert categorical data into numerical data using Label Encoding in Frame app by right-clicking the column.

    Visual Python Inner Function List

    • Visual Python inner functions are accessible from the top-right dot menu.



    • To check which apps were used to generate code, refer to comments in each cell. For example: # Visual Python: Category > App
    • Data Selector component is applied in Seaborn & Machine Learning apps.
    • When selecting data, an index of a DataFrame can also be selected.

    Data Analysis > Subset

    • Improved data loading performance in Subset app.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed: 'Key Error: 0' in Frame app.
    • Fixed: Inner pop-up ESC key focus error.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.2(May 24, 2022)

    Released on May 24, 2022

    What's New

    WordCloud App on Visualization

    The new visualization app using WordCloud library is added. Now you can make wordcloud more easily. image

    Data Selector

    You can use minimized version of Subset App by clicking filter icon. This new component has added on Seaborn and WordCloud App. image image

    Bug Fixes & Improvements


    Seaborn App loads and saves its values more clearly. Countplot is added on Seaborn App. Fixed some spell mistakes on Seaborn App.

    New operators for adding conditions on Subset

    You can use 'contains', 'not contains', 'startswith', 'endswith' on Subset App.

    # contains
    df1.loc[(df['manufacturer'].str.contains('aud')), :]
    # not contains
    df1.loc[(~df['manufacturer'].str.contains('aud')), :]
    # startswith
    df1.loc[(df['manufacturer'].str.startswith('aud')), :]
    # endswith
    df1.loc[(~df['manufacturer'].str.endswith('aud')), :]
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.1(May 6, 2022)

    Released on May 6, 2022

    What's New

    Query on Subset App

    The new method 'Query' is added on Subset App. Now you can use query method using Subset App.

    df.query("(ZN > 10)&(INDUS <= 8.05)")[['CRIM','ZN','INDUS']]

    Bug Fixes & Improvements


    Seaborn preview image automatically changes its size on resizing popup. Some style options are added.

    Machine Learning

    ROC Curve and AUC Options in Evaluation app have been moved to Model Info App. You can select these options on using classifier.

    File Navigation

    File navigation on write page got wrong path. Fixed to generate the right path.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.0(Apr 26, 2022)

    Released on April 26, 2022

    What's New

    Visualization Apps

    The new visualization app using Seaborn library is added. Now you can effectively track your visualization process with the preview function before run the code. Tutorials will also be updated soon with the documentation.

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    Machine Learning

    Options in model selection have been extracted as individual apps: Fit/Predict & Model Info. Model creation function remains in each of Regressor/Classifier/Clustering apps.

    Evaluation App

    Python code and UI has been improved

    Popup Window Maximizing

    When you need more space to work, maximize popup window by clicking the square icon in the upper-right corner!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.3(Apr 11, 2022)

    Released on April 10, 2022

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    Common Features

    1. UI change for installing and importing packages.

    Data Analysis

    1. Groupby, Reshape & Bind
    • Changed to click on the input box instead of the multi-selection (Edit) button.
    1. Subset
    • Fixed: displaying categorical values of selected column.

    Machine Learning

    1. Regressor
    • New options are added for SVR, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet.
    1. Classifier
    • New options are added for SVC.
    1. Evaluation
    • Added model selection in AUC & ROC_Curve.
    • Fixed: Python code bugs for AUC & ROC_Curve
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Mar 15, 2022)

    Released on March 14, 2022

    What's New

    Machine Learning Apps

    Visual Python now offers machine learning functions: from loading data to evaluation. The UI needs more improvements, but it basically has all the necessary functions. Tutorials on how to use machine learning apps will also be provided shortly.

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    • Alert to save changes before clearing the VP Note.
    • Fixed: Import app pop-up error

    What's Next

    We are currently working on upgrading the Chart app to provide more easy and useful visualization functions. Chart drawing options will be organized a little more, and a chart preview feature will be added.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.2(Feb 8, 2022)

    Released on February 4, 2022

    What's New

    Checking for a new version

    From the main dots menu, you can check & update your Visual Python when a new version is available.

    Overview and export VP Note code

    From the VP Note menu, you can overview and export the entire code that you created on the VP Note to a Python script(*.py).

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    • Adjusted 'Frame' pop-up size.
    • Python & Numpy libraries that were missing are added back.
    • Added 'else' to While block.
    • Fixed: Bugs in 'Chart' app.

    Enjoy visual coding, with Visual Python !

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Jan 13, 2022)

    Released on January 12, 2022


    VP Note

    We brought back the working board (VP Note) to the front for creating 'class', 'if', 'for', 'while' statements. All the menu is now in a block form so that it can be dragged and dropped to the board and save the process. If you click the menu, options will always appear in pop-up windows.

    Code Refactoring

    We went through the code refactoring to manage it more efficiently. Improved the internal code structure, and also all Korean annotations are now translated into English.

    Enjoy visual coding, with Visual Python !

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.1(Nov 16, 2021)

    Released on November 16, 2021

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    1. [App] File

    • Encoding options are added for read_csv.

    2. [App] Frame

    • Fixed column height.
    • Show hours for datetime type columns.

    3. [App] Variable

    • Variable list is now scrollable.

    4. [App] Markdown

    • Insert image using path.

    5. [App] Groupby

    • Method 'None' is added.
    • 'To frame' option is added.

    6. [App] Bind

    • Fixed: Merge 'on' option run error.

    7. [App] Subset

    • Select/Unselect all columns button is added.

    8. General

    • Fixed: File navigation path bug.
    • Fixed: Frame resizing bug.
    • Blocked input suggestions.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.14(Oct 27, 2021)

    Released on October 25, 2021

    What's New

    1. [App] Bind

    • Pandas .concat() and .merge() functions are available.
    • Combine multiple data into a single dataframe using Bind app.

    2. [App] Reshape

    • Pandas pivot() and melt() functions are available.
    • Transform a dataframe from a wide to long format (and vice versa) using Reshape app.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed: Window resizing error.
    • Fixed: Changed file navigation path format from relative to absolute.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.13(Oct 13, 2021)

    Released on October 12, 2021

    What's New

    1. [App] Group by

    • Pandas dataframe.groupby() and following features (ex. grouper, aggregate, etc.) are available.
    • To apply more than one aggregation, use advanced feature with the multi-column selector.

    2. [App] PyMuPDF

    • Extract text from PDF files using PyMuPDF (Fitz) library.
    • Pre-defined function 'vp_pdf_get_sentence' will return file names and sentences in DataFrame format.

    Work in Progress

    1. [App] Merge & Reshape

    • Working on Merge & Reshape apps for version 1.1.14.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.9(Aug 30, 2021)

    Released on August 30, 2021

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    1. Bach file / Shell script

    Added visualpy command option for users with multiple versions of Python. To specify the pip version as 3, use the following command:

    visualpy install --pip3

    2. Small bugs are fixed.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.7(Aug 24, 2021)

    Released on August 23, 2021


    1. Option setting: Saving & Recalling (#75)

    Every time any app runs, the option settings will be saved in the block and can be recalled to edit. Check out the 'Board' tab to see the record.

    2. Profiling

    The list will show all the generated reports. Select a report from the list to 'Show again' or to 'Export' it to an html file.

    3. Preview Buttons

    Now there are two preview buttons at the bottom of the pop-ups.

    • Code View: will display the code to be ran according to the option settings.
    • Data View: will display the modified data according to the option settings.

    4. Use ESCAPE key to close pop-ups.

    5. Allocate to new variables

    Modified data using Subset & Frame Editor can be allocated to new variables.

    6. Design changes (#76)

    There were small design changes here and there. It's all in the details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.6(Jul 22, 2021)

    Released on July 20, 2021

    NOTE : Upgrading to Version 1.1.6

    If you already installed the previous version (before 1.1.6), visualpy upgrade command won't work because of the modification. In the case, please uninstall and reinstall the package. If the problem still occurs, please contact for help and share the error message.


    1. Layout Change

    • Previous versions of the Visual Python made the Jupyter Notebook screen too small, so we merged Menu and Board into one section.
    • Switch between menus from the tab bar.

    2. Code Generating Buttons & Process Change

    • Replaced 'Apply' button with 'Run' button.
    • Created 'Add' button to add code to Jupyter Notebook without running.
    • When press 'Run' or 'Add', blocks will automatically be added on the board.

    3. Apps > Profiling

    • The Pandas-Profiling library is now available as an app.
    • The Pandas-Profiling is a great tool for quick EDA ! (Visit for more information)

    4. Installation Command Improvement

    • Modified 'visualpy' command to allow users with multiple Python versions (2.x & 3.x) to install Visual Python.
    • NOTE: Visual Python supports Python version 3.x only.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.5(Jun 22, 2021)

    Released on June 18, 2021

    What's New


    • Now there are apps that let you generate code directly into the Jupyter cell without creating blocks.
    • Each app provides one feature, for example, Import packages, Read File, Create subset, etc.
    • A full pop-up screen appears when an app is selected.
    • Pressing the 'Apply' button will automatically add blocks and run code directly into the Jupyter cell.

    Apps > Frame

    • A new feature to transform DataFrame from pandas based on graphical UI.

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    Apps > Snippets

    • Moved 'User Snippets' block to app.
    • Added import and export features to share snippets as (*.sn) files.

    **This version solved issues #24, #35, #36, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46 on GitHub: Visual Python. Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(May 18, 2021)

    Released on May 17, 2021

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    General & System

    1. Block Menu Display
    • Display Library > Pandas blocks as extended.
    1. Apply Function
    • Always activate the Apply button.

    • Move focus (Scroll up and down) to the block when changes are applied.

    • A Self-disappearing message box appears when changes are applied.

    Blocks & Option

    1. Logic - class / def / return
    • Improved UI design.
    1. Library - Instance
    • Selecting Data Type & Variable switches to the Attribute & Method selection page.

    • New variable(column) can be directly added from the Variable input box: Type the variable name and press the '+' icon.

    • Subset Editor only works with DataFrame or Series.

    1. Library - Subset
    • Fixed : Invisible preview bug

    **This version solved issues #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #22 on GitHub: Visual Python. Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(May 6, 2021)

    Released on May 5, 2021

    Bug Fixes & Improvements

    1. Removed 'Node' blocks.

    2. Logic Menu Improvements

    • Deleted 'Import' block. (The same block is on Library > Common)
    • Fixed : bugs found in def & class blocks
    1. UI Updates
    • To Add blocks : a) Click any block you want to create. After setting the options, press the 'Apply' button. b) Drag any block directly to the board.

    • To Check and Apply changes : a) If any changes are made, an orange dot will show at the top of the option window. b) Save changes with activated(orange) 'Apply' button.

    • To Run / Duplicate / Delete blocks : Use Right-click menu

    1. Keyboard shortcuts for Message Boxes
    • Enter : Press the default button (Black outlined button).
    • ESC : Cancels out of message boxes.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Visual Python
Visual Python is a GUI-based Python code generator
Visual Python
IPython/Jupyter notebook module for Vega and Vega-Lite

IPython Vega IPython/Jupyter notebook module for Vega 5, and Vega-Lite 4. Notebooks with embedded visualizations can be viewed on GitHub and nbviewer.

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Drag’n’drop Pivot Tables and Charts for Jupyter/IPython Notebook, care of PivotTable.js

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IPython/Jupyter notebook module for Vega and Vega-Lite

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Drag’n’drop Pivot Tables and Charts for Jupyter/IPython Notebook, care of PivotTable.js

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Render Jupyter notebook in the terminal

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ipyvizzu - Jupyter notebook integration of Vizzu

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Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript Required.

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Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript Required.

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Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript Required.

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Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter notebooks

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Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter notebooks

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A Jupyter - Three.js bridge

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Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter notebooks

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A Jupyter - Three.js bridge

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A Jupyter - Leaflet.js bridge

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Draw datasets from within Jupyter.

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High performance, editable, stylable datagrids in jupyter and jupyterlab

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A Python-based non-fungible token (NFT) generator built using Samilla and Matplotlib

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A Python Binder that merge 2 files with any extension by creating a new python file and compiling it to exe which runs both payloads.

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